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Agricultural Producers' Motivations and Challenges With Improving Soil Health in Utah, Peggy Petrzelka, Jessica Ulrich-Schad, Matt Yost, Jenae Dean, Tony Richards, and Kristy Davis
Creating Sustainable School and Home Gardens: Organic Pest Management, Ruby Mohr, Kathy Cabe Trundle, and Rita Hagevik
Creating Sustainable School and Home Gardens: Using Drones to Enhance Garden Projects, Douglas Weber, Rita Hagevik, and Kathy Cabe Trundle
Utah Producers and Soil Health: Statewide Survey Results, Peggy Petrzelka, Jessica Ulrich-Schad, Matt Yost, Jenae Dean, Earl Creech, Linda Schott, Tony Richards, and Kristy Davis
50 Common Questions About Field Crops, Matt Yost, Burdette Barker, Cody Zesiger, Jody Gale, Justin Wyatt Clawson, Mark Nelson, Matthew Palmer, Michael Pace, Cheyenne Reid, Steven Price, Earl Creech, Corey Ransom, Grant Cardon, Clara Anderson, and Madelyn Kunzler
Alfalfa Nutrient Management Guide, Megan Baker, Matt Yost, Clara Anderson, Grant Cardon, Jody Gale, Earl Creech, Cody Zesiger, and Kalen Taylor
An Introspective Understanding of Livestock Movement, Ethan Gilliam
Crop Advisor Approaches to Soil Health Advising and Opportunities for Improvement, Peggy Petrzelka, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Matt Yost, Jenae Dean, Earl Creech, Linda Schott, Tony Richards, and Kristy Davis
Deficit Irrigation of Pastures, Matt Yost, Clara Anderson, Niel Allen, Burdette Barker, Melanie Heaton, Justin Wyatt Clawson, and Earl Creech
Intermountain West Florist Local Cut Flower Sourcing Preferences, Kynda R. Curtis, Makaylie Langford, Melanie Stock, Katherine Wagner, Cheyenne Reid, Victoria Xiong, and Cody Zesiger
Intermountain West Florist Market Overview and Outlook, Kynda R. Curtis, Makaylie Langford, Melanie Stock, Katherine Wagner, Cheyenne Reid, Victoria Xiong, and Cody Zesiger
Intermountain West Wholesale Cut Flower Buyer Market Analysis, Kynda R. Curtis, Makaylie Langford, Melanie Stock, Katherine Wagner, Cheyenne Reid, Victoria Xiong, and Cody Zesiger
Livestock Risk Protection Insurance FAQ, Logan B. Haviland and Ryan Feuz
Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: Fed Cattle, Logan B. Haviland and Ryan Feuz
Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: Feeder Cattle, Logan B. Haviland and Ryan Feuz
Livestock Risk Protection Insurance: Swine, Logan B. Haviland and Ryan Feuz
Maintaining and Improving Irrigation Application Uniformity in Sprinkler and Drip Systems, Burdette Barker, Sheridan Stewart, and Mark Nelson
Managing Saline and Sodic Soils and Irrigation Water, Burdette Barker, Grant Cardon, Matt Yost, Melanie Stock, Earl Creech, and Jody Gale
Plum Curculio (Conotrachelus nenuphar), Kate V. Richardson and Marion Murray
Pocket Gophers, Mark Nelson, S. Nicole Frey, Earl Creech, Kalen Taylor, Jacob Hadfield, Linden Greenhalgh, Cory Farnsworth, Jody Gale, Melanie Heaton, Justin Wyatt Clawson, and Steve Price
Suggested Vegetable Planting Dates: Grand and San Juan Counties, Reagan Wytsalucy, Cory Farnsworth, and Dan Drost
Target Consumers for Locally Grown Fruit in Utah, Kynda R. Curtis, Makaylie Langford, and Tammy King
Target Consumers for Organically Grown Fruit in Utah, Kynda R. Curtis, Makaylie Langford, and Tammy King
The Backyard Garden: Garlic Pests, Nick Volesky, Bridger Carey, Amelia Olds, and Marion Murray
The Backyard Garden: Sweet Corn Pests, Nick Volesky, Amelia Olds, Nick Sanchez, and Marion Murray
Water Features for the Garden, Loralie Cox
2022 Costs and Returns for Non-irrigated Flax in Utah, Michael Pace, Jacob Hadfield, and Ryan Feuz
Accurate Irrigation Water Flow Measurement in Pipes, Burdette Barker, Cody Zesiger, and Matt Yost
Agricultural Irrigated Land and Irrigation Water Use in Utah, Burdette Barker, Matt Yost, and Cody Zesiger
Agriculture Water Use and Economic Value in the Great Salt Lake Basin, Cody Zesiger, Burdette Barker, Sarah Null, Earl Creech, Matt Yost, Ryan Larsen, and Joshua Dallin
An Overview of the Cut Flower Industry, Makaylie Langford, Kynda R. Curtis, and Melanie Stock
Balsam Woolly Adelgid, Liz Rideout, Kate V. Richardson, Diane G. Alston, Ryan Davis, Darren McAvoy, Lori R. Spears, Danielle Malesky, Liz Herbertson, and Colleen Keyes
Boxelder Leafroller, Marion Murray and Ryan Davis
Carpenterworm, Dr. Jay B. Karren, Alan H. Roe, and Ryan Davis
Cut Flower Markets and Marketing in the Intermountain West, Makylie Langford, Kynda R. Curtis, and Melanie Stock
Dwarf Bunt in Winter Wheat, Justin Clawson, Claudia Nischwitz, Margaret Krause, and Will Krause
Guide to Pivot Track Management, Matt Yost, Behnaz Molaei, R. Troy Peters, Clara Anderson, Burdette Barker, Jonathan Holt, and Dustin Larsen
Implementing Bos Indicus-Influenced Cattle in Utah for Hybrid Vigor, Reganne K. Briggs and Matthew D. Garcia
Irrigation Water Quality Sampling Guide, Burdette Barker, Matt Yost, Erin N. Rivers, Rhonda Miller, Kalen Taylor, and Tiffany Evans
Locust Borer, Marion Murray and Ryan Davis
Maintaining Pig Temperatures in the Summer and Winter Seasons, Jacob Hadfield, Jessie Hadfield, Joshua Dallin, and Lorie Millward
Managing Soil pH for Crop Production in Calcareous-Alkaline Soil, Cody Zesiger, Jody Gale, Matt Yost, and Grant Cardon
Manure and Wastewater Sampling Guide, Rhonda Miller, Cody Zesiger, Kalen Taylor, and Matt Yost
Maple Tapping in Utah, Nicole King and Darren McAvoy
Parasitoid Wasps of the Invasive Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Utah, Zachary R. Schumm, Kate V. Richardson, Mark Cody Holthouse, Yota Mizuno, Diane G. Alston, and Lori R. Spears
Pasture Pig Basics, Jacob Hadfield, Jessie Hadfield, Joshua Dallin, and Lorie Millward
Poplar Borer, Marion Murray and Ryan Davis
Poplar Bud Gall Mite, Marion Murray and Ryan Davis
Predicting Current and Future Alfalfa Hay Prices in Seven Western States, Dillon M. Feuz and Ryan Larsen
Raising a Bottle-Fed Calf on a Cow/Calf Operation, Reganne K. Briggs, Katelyn Barsnick, Cheyenne Reid, and Ashley Longmore
Red Firebug, Kate V. Richardson and Erin Hodgson
Soil Sampling Guide for Crops, Matt Yost, Grant Cardon, Megan Baker, Jody Gale, Earl Creech, Michael Pace, Kalen Taylor, Cody Zesiger, Tiffany Evans, and Rhonda Miller
Speeding Snowmelt to Control Snow Mold, Justin Wyatt Clawson, Michael Pace, Eric Galloway, Matt Yost, and Earl Creech
Sudden Oak Death and Ramorum Blight, Marion Murray and Ann Mull
Surveying and Evaluating Pests and Beneficial Insects in Utah's Vegetable Production, Nick Volesky, Amelia Olds, and Marion Murray
Understanding Cut Flower Consumers, Makaylie Langford, Kynda R. Curtis, and Melanie Stock
Understanding Irrigation Water Optimization, Burdette Barker, Matt Yost, Jody Gale, and Mark Nelson
25 Rules of Thumb for Field Crops, Matt Yost, Niel Allen, Grant Cardon, Earl Creech, Ryan Larsen, Rhonda Miller, Mark Nelson, Claudia Nischwitz, Matthew Palmer, Steven Price, Ricardo Ramirez, Corey Ransom, Benjamin Scow, and Randall Violett
Accepting Uncomfortable Emotions: Learning From Car Dashboards and Manure, Jacob D. Gossner, Elizabeth B. Fauth, and Tasha Howard
Billbugs in Turfgrass (Sphenophorus spp.), Desiree Wickwar and Ricardo Ramirez
County-Level View of Irrigation Trends in Utah and the West, Matt Yost, Britta L. Schumacher, LuRee Johnson, Emily Burchfield, and Burdette Barker
Drought Mitigation for Cow/Calf Producers: Depopulation Strategies, Reganne K. Briggs, Joshua Dallin, Jacob Hadfield, and Matthew D. Garcia
Easy Calibration for Backpack and Canister (Handheld) Sprayers, Cody Zesiger, Kalen Taylor, Corey Ransom, Earl Creech, and Matt Yost
Easy Calibration for Boom Sprayers, Cody Zesiger, Kalen Taylor, Corey Ransom, Earl Creech, and Matt Yost
Extending the Garden Season, Taun Beddes, Michael Caron, Sheriden M. Hansen, and Jaydee Gunnell
Fusarium and Verticillium Wilts of Vegetables, Nick Volesky, Marion Murray, and Claudia Nischwitz
Grape Varieties for Utah, Michael Caron, Taun Beddes, Tiffany Maughan, Michael Pace, and Brent Black
Guide to Drought Tolerance of Utah Field Crops, Matt Yost, Tina Sullivan, Dakota Boren, LuRee Johnson, Melanie Mills, Earl Creech, Boyd Kitchen, and Randall Violett
High Tunnel Construction Cost Calculation Workbook, Shannon Rauter, Melanie Stock, Brent Black, and Dan Drost
Irrigation Water Loss and Recovery in Utah, Bradley S. Crookston, Troy Peters, Matt Yost, and Burdette Barker
On-Farm Research Guide, Matt Yost, Jody Gale, Earl Creech, Megan Baker, Jeffrey Austin, Grant Cardon, and Cody Zesiger
Pests of Hemp in Utah, Marion Murray, Macahl Evans, Claudia Nischwitz, Austin Taylor, and Cody Zesiger
Precision Irrigation Guide for Center Pivots, Elisa Flint, Matt Yost, Troy Peters, Clara Anderson, Burdette Barker, and Neil Hansen
Responding to Financial Stress for Agricultural Producers and Couples, Jacob D. Gossner, Elizabeth B. Fauth, and Tasha Howard
Sorghum-Sudangrass Production Guide, Dakota Boren, Matt Yost, LuRee Johnson, Tina Sullivan, Earl Creech, Grant Cardon, Corey Ransom, Randall Violett, Cheyenne Reid, Cody Zesiger, Kalen Taylor, Jacob Hadfield, Michael Pace, and Jody Gale
Ten Considerations for Solar-Powered Irrigation in Utah, Ngonidzashe Mufute, Matt Yost, Burdette Barker, Kalen Taylor, Mark Nelson, Randall Violett, and Jody Gale
The Backyard Garden - Cole Crops Pests, Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
The Backyard Garden - Leafy Greens Pests, Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
The Backyard Garden - Tomato Pests, Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
Three Options for Mixing and Loading Spray Tanks, Kalen Taylor, Cody Zesiger, Corey Ransom, Earl Creech, and Matt Yost
Utah Farmers Market SNAP Toolkit, Regan Emmons, Bridget Stuchly, and Gina Cornia
Values: Helping Agricultural Producers Find Motivation by Focusing on What Matters, Jacob D. Gossner, Elizabeth Fauth, and Tasha Howard
Vegetable Diseases of Utah, Claudia Nischwitz, Marion Murray, and Nick Volesky
Aphid Natural Enemies and Biological Control, Ron Patterson and Ricardo Ramirez
Bakery Organic Wheat Flour Quality and Quantity Requirements, Tatiana Drugova and Kynda R. Curtis
Barrenador grande del durazno, Marion Murray, Diane G. Alston, and Celina Wille
Blue Orchard Bee (Osmia lignaria): Commercial Pollinator for Orchards, Theresa Pitts-Singer
Chinche de la Semilla del Olmo, Ryan Davis and Celina Wille
Community Agriculture: Concepts, Models, and Impacts, Bayli Hanson, Roslynn Brain McCann, and Sean Damitz
Community Supported Agriculture: Accepting SNAP Payments, Kelsey Hall and Roslynn McCann
Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Edible Produce, Emily Rice and Kynda R. Curtis
Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Grasses, Grains, and Legumes, Emily Rice and Kynda R. Curtis
Drought-Tolerant Options for Southwest Agriculture: Ornamentals, Herbs, and Cosmetics, Emily Rice and Kynda R. Curtis
Economic Impacts of Drought in Utah: Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Tatiana Drugova, Kynda R. Curtis, and Man-Keun Kim
Enfermedad de los mil cancros del nogal, Claudia Nischwitz, Marion Murray, and Celina Wille
Evaluating Alternative Feed Sources During Drought, Matthew D. Garcia, Ruger P. Carter, Ryan Larsen, Eric Thacker, Jacob Hadfield, Reganne K. Briggs, and Justen Smith
Evaluation of Cold-Hardy Grapes on the Wasatch Front, Michael Caron, Taun Beddes, Michael Pace, and Brent Black
Fire Blight in Utah: An Annual Management Guide, Marion Murray
Goatsrue (Galega officinalis) Identification and Management in Pastures and Croplands, Jacob Hadfield, Corey Ransom, Cody Zesiger, and Clark Israelsen
Heat Stress and Reproduction in Beef Cattle, Reganne K. Briggs and Kerry A. Rood
High Tunnel Pest Management - Aphids, Nick Volesky and Zachery R. Schrumm
High Tunnel Pest Management - Caterpillars, Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
Identification and Management of Scotch Thistle (Onopordum acanthium L.) in Pastures, Rangelands, and Non-Crop Settings, Cody Zesiger, Jacob Hadfield, Kalen Taylor, and Corey Ransom
Identifying and Managing Dyer's Woad (Isatis tinctoria) in Pastures, Rangelands, and Non-Crop Settings, Cody Zesiger, Jacob Hadfield, and Corey Ransom
Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in Arizona, Tatiana Drugova, Kynda R. Curtis, and Man-Keun Kim
Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in Nevada, Tatiana Drugova, Kynda R. Curtis, and Man-Keun Kim
Impacts of Drought on Tribal Economies in New Mexico, Tatiana Drugova, Kynda R. Curtis, and Man-Keun Kim
Insectos cara de gato, Diane G. Alston, Marion Murray, and Celina Wille
Irrigation Management in High Tunnels, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Melanie Stock
Mancha Anular Necrótica y Mancha de Verano del Césped, Claudia Nischwitz, Kelly Kopp, Jaydee Gunnell, Kent Evans, Erin Frank, and Celina Wille
Maples in the Landscape, Sheriden M. Hansen, Jaydee Gunnell, and Andra Emmertson
Peony Cut Flower Production Budget, One Field, Northern Utah, 2020, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Ruby Ward, Brent Black, and Dan Drost
Peony Cut Flower Production Budget, One High Tunnel, Northern Utah, 2020, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Ruby Ward, Brent Black, and Dan Drost
Plagas de orugas de vegetales del género Brassica, Marion Murray, Diane G. Alston, and Celina Wille
Podredumbre del cuello de la cebolla por Botrytis, Claudia Nischwitz, Christine Dhiman, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Powdery Mildews on Vegetables, Nick Volesky, Marion Murray, and Claudia Nischwitz
Sap Beetles, Nick Volesky, Zachery R. Schrumm, and Kalen Taylor
Size and Scope of San Juan County Agriculture 2020, Reagan Wytsalucy, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Paige Wray
Size and Scope of Utah County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Dean Miner
Southwest Utah Turfgrass Management Calendar, Kelly Kopp, Candace Schaible, Mark Nelson, and Steven J. Price
Squash Bug Integrated Pest Management, Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
Sycamore Scale (Stomacoccus platani), Marion Murray and Ryan Davis
Utah Fresh Produce Grower Preferred Drought Management Strategies, Kynda R. Curtis, Tatiana Drugova, and Ruby Ward
Utah Hay and Forage Grower Preferred Drought Management Strategies, Kynda R. Curtis, Tatiana Drugova, and Ruby Ward
Utah Livestock Producer Preferred Drought Management Strategies, Kynda R. Curtis, Tatiana Drugova, and Ruby Ward
Wheat Miller and Distributor Organic Wheat Quality and Quantity Requirements, Tatiana Drugova and Kynda R. Curtis
A Financial Analysis of Alternative Levels of Facility Investment Associated with Installing an Automatic Milking System, Dillon M. Feuz, Ryan Feuz, and Allen Young
Aging Horses by Their Teeth, Karl Hoopes, Patricia Evans, and Nancy Jack
Alfalfa Weevil in Utah, Kaitlin Rim, Joseph Clarine, Steven Price, and Ricardo Ramirez
Artichoke in the Garden, Dan Drost
Asparagus in the Garden, Dan Drost
Basil in the Garden, Dan Drost and Lindsay Pearson
Beans in the Garden, Dan Drost
Beets in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Beginning and Small Acreage Farms: Nonmotorized Tool Selection, Sheriden M. Hansen, Melanie Stock, Dan Drost, and Katherine Wagner
Black Salsify in the Garden, Dan Drost and Jodie Moser
Broccoli in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Brussels Sprouts in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Calendula in the Garden, Dan Drost and Liz Braithwaite
Calibrating Your Orchard Sprayer, Brent Black and Earl Seeley
Cankerworms, Marion Murray and Erin W. Hodgson
Cantaloupe (Muskmelon) in the Garden, Rick Hefelbower and Dan Drost
Carrots in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Cauliflower in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Celery in the Garden, Dan Drost and Brandon West
Chemigation Guide, Matt Yost, Grant Cardon, L. Neil Allen, Bryce Sorensen, Kyke Egbert, Earl Creech, Corey Ransom, and Ricardo Ramirez
Chicory in the Garden, Dan Drost and Rachael Gibson
Chives in the Garden, Dan Drost
Codling Moth in Utah Orchards, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Codling Moth Mating Disruption, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Community-wide Grasshopper Control, Marion Murray
Considerations for Crop Rotation from Alfalfa to Corn, Earl Creech, Matt Yost, Grant Cardon, Corey Ransom, and Jason Clark
Controlling Piute Ground Squirrels in Southwest Utah, Mark Nelson and S. Nicole Frey
Cosmos in the Garden, Sheriden Hansen and Dan Drost
Create Better Health Guide to Healthy Snacks for After School programs, Fruits and Vegetables, Kathleen Riggs
Critical Temperatures for Frost Damage on Fruit Trees, Marion Murray
Cucumber in the Garden, Rick Heflebower and Dan Drost
Dill in the Garden, Dan Drost and Adam Oakley
Eggplant in the Garden, Dan Drost
Encouraging SNAP Shopper Participation at Utah Farmers Markets, A Best Practices Guide, Kelsey Hall and Alicia Meiners
English Lavender in the Garden, Dan Drost and Keenan Cummit
Evidence-Based Alternative Pain Management Techniques for Chronic Pain, Alise Williams Condie, Ashley Yaugher, Kira Swensen, and Maren Wright Voss
Fennel in the Garden, Dan Drost and Ken Adams
First Detector Guide to Invasive Insects, Lori R. Spears, Diane G. Alston, Erin Brennan, Cami Cannon, Joey Caputo, Ryan Davis, Liz Herbertson, Colleen Keyes, Danielle Malesky, Darren McAvoy, Ann M. Mull, Ricardo A. Ramirez, Taryn M. Rodman, and Kristopher Watson
Forest Grouse in the Fall, Chuck Carpenter III, Skyler Farnsworth, and David K. Dahlgren
Fostering Community Supported Agriculture in Utah, Kelsey Hall and Roslynn Brain
French Tarragon in the Garden, Dan Drost and Benjamin Hudson
Garden Cress in the Garden, Dan Drost and Bonnie Allen
Garlic in the Garden, Dan Drost
High Tensile Permanent Electric Fence, Electrifying the Fence, Matthew Palmer, Eric Thacker, Shannon Cromwell, Kevin Heaton, and Kohl Carter
High Tensile Permanent Electric Fence, Installation, Matthew Palmer, Eric Thacker, Shannon Cromwell, Kevin Heaton, and Kohl Carter
High Tunnel Pest Management - Thrips, Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
Honeydew and Other Winter Melons in the Garden, Dan Drost
Hops in the Garden, Dan Drost and Clark Owen
Horehound in the Garden, Dan Drost and Becky Barton
Horseradish in the Garden, Dan Drost and Gilbert Young
Kale in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Leeks in the Garden, Dan Drost
Lemon Balm in the Garden, Dan Drost and Hyrum Gillespie
Lemongrass in the Garden, Dan Drost and Terra Linse
Lettuce in the Garden, Dan Drost
Managing Suckers Around Fruit Trees, Samuel Johnson, Teryl Roper, and Xin Dai
Mint in the Garden, Dan Drost and Kristie Buckland
New Zealand Spinach in the Garden, Dan Drost and Jill Samuelsen
Nitrogen Fertilizer Guide for First-Year Small Grains Following Alfalfa, Matt Yost, Collin Pound, Earl Creech, Grant Cardon, Jody Gale, Michael Pace, Boyd Kitchen, Steve Price, Kevin Heaton, Mark Nelson, Trent Wilde, and Katie Russell
Nutrient Management Strategies for Organic Vegetable Production, Emma Jones, Daniela Barrera, Jennifer R. Reeve, and Dan Drost
Onions in the Garden, Dan Drost
Parsnips in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Pasture Management to Improve Dry Matter Intake, Marcus F. Rose, Earl Creech, Blair L. Waldron, S. Clay Isom, Michael Peel, Kara Thornton-Kurth, Jacob Hadfield, and Kerry A. Rood
Peaches, Ann Henderson
Peanuts in the Garden, Dan Drost and Taun Beddes
Peas in the Garden, Dan Drost
Peppers in the Garden, Dan Drost
Plagas Frutales: Albaricoque, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Cereza, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Ciruela, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Durazno y Nectarine, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Manzana, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Pera, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Polilla de la Manzana, Marion Murray, Diane G. Alston, and Michael Reding
Popcorn in the Garden, Dan Drost and Heidi Mitchell
Potatoes in the Garden, Dan Drost
Preparing and Improving Garden Soil, Katie Wagner, Melanie Stock, and Larry A. Sagers
Pumpkins in the Garden, Dan Drost and Rick Hefelbower
Radishes in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Rutabagas and Turnips in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Seed Poppy in the Garden, Dan Drost and Kevin Cope
Selecting Rootstocks for Utah Peach Orchards, Brent Black, Tiffany Maughan, Taun Beddes, and Gregory Reighard
Shrub Management Handbook for Utah Rangelands, Rebecca Mann, Tom Monaco, Kari E. Veblen, Eric Thacker, and Elizabeth A. Burritt
Size and Scope of Carbon County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Steven Price
Size and Scope of Daggett County Agriculture 2020, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Boyd Kitchen
Size and Scope of Grand County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Michael Johnson
Size and Scope of Iron County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Larsen, Ryan Feuz, Mark Nelson, and Chad Reid
Size and Scope of Juab County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Ruger Carter
Size and Scope of Kane County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Larsen, Ryan Feuz, and Kevin Heaton
Size and Scope of Millard County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Mark Nelson
Size and Scope of Piute County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Trent Wilde
Size and Scope of Rich County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Dallen Smith
Size and Scope of Tooele County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Linden Greenhalgh
Size and Scope of Uintah County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Boyd Kitchen
Size and Scope of Utah Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz and Ryan Larsen
Size and Scope of Wasatch County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Allan Sulser
Size and Scope of Washington County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Ben Scow
Size and Scope of Weber County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Larsen, Ryan Feuz, and Cody Zesiger
Soft Scales in Utah, Marion Murray and Erin W. Hodgson
Spinach in the Garden, Dan Drost
Summer and Winter Squash in the Garden, Dan Drost and Rick Heflebower
Sweet Corn in the Garden, Dan Drost
Sweet Peppers, Ann Henderson
Sweet Potatoes in the Garden, Dan Drost and Jeran Farley
Swiss Chard in the Garden, Dan Drost
Ten Reasons Why Alfalfa is Highly Suitable for the West, Matt Yost, Niel Allen, Earl Creech, Dan Putnam, Jody Gale, and Glenn Shewmaker
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Apple, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist –Fruit Pests: Apricot, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Cherry, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Peach and Nectarine, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Pear, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Plum, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Tomatillos in the Garden, Kristiane Pedersen and Dan Drost
Tomatoes in the Garden, Dan Drost
Training and Pruning Tart Cherries, Sheriden M. Hansen, Tiffany Maughan, and Brent Black
Urban Garden Soils: Testing and Management, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, and Paul R. Grossl
Using Degree Days to Time Treatments for Insect Pests, Marion Murray
Utah Visual Farm Guide: What is Healthy Soil?, Amanda Pratt, Katherine Wagner, and Melanie Stock
Utah Visual Farm Guide: Year-round Soil Care, Amanda Pratt, Katherine Wagner, and Melanie Stock
Variable Frequency Drives for Irrigation Pumps, Matt Yost, Tom Young, Niel Allen, Dustin Larson, and Jonathan Holt
Velvet Longhorned Beetle (Trichoferus campestris (Faldermann), Taryn M. Rodman, Lori R. Spears, Diane G. Alston, Cami Cannon, Kristopher Watson, and Joey Caputo
Watercress in the Garden, Dan Drost and Trudy Kendrick
Watermelon in the Garden, Rick Heflebower and Dan Drost
Western Cherry Fruit Fly in Utah Orchards, Diane G. Alston and Marion Murray
What Drives Bull Prices, and How Much Can I Spend on a Bull?, Matthew D. Garcia, Ryan Larsen, and C. K. Chapman
Why Electric Pressure Cookers Are Not Pressure Canners, Cathy Merrill, Karin E. Allen, Susan Haws, Teresa Hunsaker, Patricia Mathis, Paige Wray, and Ellen Serfustini
Wireworms, Ryan Davis, Jay B. Karren, and Alan H. Roe
Zinnia Cut Flower Production in Utah, Tiffany Maughan, Melanie Stock, and Maegen Lewis
2018 Custom Rate Survey, Ryan Larsen, Garrett Nelson, Michael Pace, and Lyle Holmgren
2019 Costs and Returns for Irrigated Safflower, Northern Utah, Michael Pace, Clark Israelsen, and Ryan Larsen
2019 Costs and Returns for Non-Irrigated Safflower, Northern Utah, Michael Pace, Clark Israelsen, Ryan Larsen, and Jacob Hadfield
4-H Career Readiness - Agribusiness, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
4-H Career Readiness- Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences, Animal and Dairy Science Emphasis, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
4-H Career Readiness - Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences, Biotechnology Emphasis, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
4-H Career Readiness - Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences, Bioveterinary Science Emphasis, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
4-H Career Readiness - Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences, Equine and Management Emphasis, Joshua Dallin and Kelsey Romney
4R's of Irrigation Management, Matt Yost, Niel Allen, Grant Cardon, and Earl Creech
Adopting Organic Wheat: Grower Motivations and Concerns, Kynda R. Curtis, Emily Rice, and Donya L. Quarnstrom
A Guide to Municipal Water Conservation Pricing in Utah, Eric C. Edwards and Sara A. Sutherland
Applying Principles of Crossbreeding to Maximize Hybrid Vigor, Matthew D. Garcia, C. Kim Chapman, and Deric Despain
Baby-Led Weaning: An Approach to Introducing Solid Foods to Infants, Lydia Bangerter, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Casey Coombs
Beavers: it's about DAM time!, Eric Thacker and Jamilee Holmstead
Body Condition Scoring for Horses, Karl Hoopes, Eric Thacker, and Linden Greenhalgh
Buying a Home Freeze-Dryer: What to Know Before You Go, Brian Nummer, Chris Jessen, Cathy Merrill, Paige Wray, and Callahan K. Ward
Calabaza de Verano e Invierno en el Huerto, Dan Drost, Rick Heflebower, and Celina Wille
Cattle grazing for invasive Phragmites australis (common reed) management in Northern Utah wetlands, Brittany L. Duncan, Rich Hansen, Chad Cranney, Jennifer Follstad Shaw, Kari Veblen, and Karin M. Kettenring
Characteristics of Organic Wheat Growers, Kynda R. Curtis, Emily Rice, and Donya L. Quarnstrom
Chitalpa tashkentensis, Rick Heflebower
Close but No Cigar: How a Near-miss Wildfire Event Influences the Risk Perceptions and Mitigation Behaviors of Residents Who Experienced a Recent, Nearby Wildfire, Lauren Nicole Dupey and Jordan W. Smith
Collecting Plants on Public Lands for Utah Landscaping, Larry Rupp, Mark Williams, and Candace Schaible
Colostrum: The First Meal, Sara Menchu and Allen Young
Common Stink Bugs of Utah, Mark Cody Holthouse, Zachary R. Schumm, Diane G. Alston, and Lori R. Spears
Crabapples in the Landscape, Sheriden M. Hansen, Jaydee Gunnell, and Stephanie Vaughn
Defense Against Drought, Matt Yost, Bryce Sorensen, Earl Creech, Niel Allen, Ryan Larsen, Ricardo Ramirez, Corey Ransom, Chad Reid, Jody Gale, and Boyd Kitchen
Do Consumers Who Prefer Gluten-Free Also Prefer Organic?, Tatiana Drugova and Kynda R. Curtis
Does Consumer Knowledge of Organic Production Standards Influence Demand for Organic and Non-GMO Labeled Foods?, Tatiana Drugova and Kynda R. Curtis
Downy Mildew of Alfalfa, Claudia Nischwitz
Farm Shops: A Direct-to-Consumer Extended Season Opportunity, Kynda R. Curtis, Emily Rice, Susan L. Slocum, and Karin E. Allen
Fertigation Facts, Kyle Egbert, Matt Yost, Bryce Sorensen, Grant Cardon, Niel Allen, and Ryan Larsen
Fluoride: From Birth to Adolescence, Ben Clark, Lydia Bangerter, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, Casey Coombs, and Carrie Durward
Grazing and Harvest Efficiency of Forage by Cattle on Western Rangelands, Ruger Carter, Eric Thacker, Kevin Heaton, and Beth Burritt
Greater Sage-grouse Translocations: The Science Behind Utah's Conservation Policy, Michel Kohl, Melissa Chelak, and Terry Messmer
High Tensile Permanent Electric Fence, Planning and Design, Matthew Palmer, Eric Thacker, Shannon Cromwell, Kevin Heaton, and Kohl Carter
High Tunnels for Earlier Production of Fall (primocane) Raspberries, Brent Black and Tiffany Maughan
High Tunnel Site Selection, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, and Brent Black
High Tunnel Strawberry Production for Early Spring Harvest, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, and Daniel Rowley
High Tunnel Strawberry Production for Late Fall Harvest, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, and Daniel Rowley
Honeydew y Otros Melones de Invierno en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
How to Choose a Good Trail Horse, Makenna Osborne, Karl Hoopes, and Judy Smith
Intermountain Beef Cow/Calf Management Calendar, C. Kim Chapman, Matthew D. Garcia, Ryan Larsen, and Kerry A. Rood
Jicama in the Garden, Michael Greenland and Dan Drost
Landscaping for Season Long Color, Jaydee Gunnell, Sheriden M. Hansen, Linden Greenhalgh, and Holly Christley
Leadership Keys: Unlocking Doors to Success, Cindy Nelson
Livestock Grazing and Sage-grouse: Science, Policy, and the 7-inch Rule, David K. Dahlgren and Eric Thacker
Market Goat Nutrition - Quick Tips, Joshua Dallin and Cody Zesiger
Market Hog Nutrition - Quick Tips, Joshua Dallin and Cody Zesiger
Market Lamb Nutrition - Quick Tips, Joshua Dallin and Cody Zesiger
Market Steer Nutrition - Quick Tips, Joshua Dallin and Cody Zesiger
Measuring and Building Soil Health, Matt Yost, Grant Cardon, Brad Crookston, Jennifer Reeve, and Earl Creech
Medication Darts Are Gaining in Popularity - Do They Affect Meat Quality? Are There Risks?, David J. Wilson and Kerry A. Rood
Melones (Melon Musk) en el Huerto, Rick Heflebower, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Mindfulness for Chronic Pain Management, Maren Wright Voss, Kandice Atisme, Ashley Yaugher, and Sandra H. Sulzer
Minimizing Regrowth When Removing Russia Olive = Points to Consider, Dennis Worwood, Ron Patterson, and Steve Price
Mobile Drip Irrigation for Pivots and Laterals, Matt Yost, Jonno Holt, Chad Reid, Dean Winward, Niel Allen, and Earl Creech
Odorous House Ants (Tapinoma sessile), Ryan Davis and Austin Taylor
Oystershell (Mussel) Scale (Lepidosaphes ulmi), Jay B. Karren, Alan H. Roe, and Ryan Davis
Pasture, Rangeland, Forage Rainfall Index Insurance: What Is RI-PRF?, Ryan Larsen and Shana Anderson
Peach Twig Borer (Anarsia lineatella), Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Peach Twig Borer Mating Disruption, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Pear Fruit Sawfly [Hoplocampa brevis], Marion Murray and Ryan Davis
Pepinos en el Huerto, Rick Heflebower, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Profile of an E-Commerce Seller, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Profile of a Sales Representative, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Profile of a Social Media Manager, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Profile of a Virtual Assistant, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Profile of a Web Developer, Paul Hill and Laurel Farrer
Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris) Identification and Management for Gardens, Lawn, and Pasture, Cody Zesiger and Corey Ransom
Raising Replacement Ewes for Dairy Sheep Production, Jacob Hadfield and Allen Young
Ruminant Bloat, Austin Sears and Kerry A. Rood
Sandia en el Huerto, Rick Heflebower, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Setting Up Your Hive and Installing Bees, Andree Walker-Bravo, Sheriden M. Hansen, and JayDee Gunnell
Size and Scope of Beaver County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Mark Nelson
Size and Scope of Cache County Agriculture 2018, Ryan Larsen and Dexton Lake
Size and Scope of Davis County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Justen Smith
Size and Scope of Duchesne County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Troy Cooper
Size and Scope of Garfield County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Kevin Heaton
Size and Scope of Morgan County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Cody Zesiger
Size and Scope of Sanpete County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Matthew Palmer
Size and Scope of Sevier County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and C. Kim Chapman
Size and Scope of Wayne County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Trent Wilde
Spotted Lanternfly [Lycorma delicatula (White)], Lori R. Spears and Ann Mull
Strawberry Cultivars for the Intermountain West - Research Report, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, Shengrui Yao, and Robert Flynn
Sustainable Manure and Compost Application: Garden and Micro Farm Guidelines, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, and Rhonda Miller
Sustainable Manure and Compost Application: Manure Application Calculation Excel Workbook, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, and Rhonda Miller
Sweet Pea Cut Flower Production in Utah, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, and Brent Black
Targeting Farmers' Markets in Utah: Understanding Fresh Produce Pricing, Kynda R. Curtis, Karli Salisbury, Ruby Ward, and Carrie Durward
The Dieting Dilemma, Cindy Nelson and Kierstin Harris
The Samurai Wasp Brings New Hope in the Fight Against Brown Marmorated Stink But in Utah, Mark Cody Holthouse, Lori R. Spears, Zachery R. Schrumm, and Diane G. Alston
Thriving Hives, Beekeeping Monthly Calendar, Sheriden M. Hansen, Andree Walker-Bravo, and JayDee Gunnell
Tomato Hornworm, Tobacco Hornworm (Manduca quinquemaculata and Manduca sexta), Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus of Tomato & Pepper, Claudia Nischwitz, Mariah Noorlander, and Mary Ann Hubbell
Transitioning Trees from Traditional to Low-Water Landscapes, Kathryn Johnson and Larry Rupp
Understanding the Basics of Rabbit Care, Nicloe Reed and Amanda Christensen
Understanding the New Dairy Market Coverage Program, Brandon Willis, Ryan Larsen, and Allen Young
User Guide for the 4-H Livestock Weight Calculators, Cody Zesiger, Joshua Dallin, Matthew D. Garcia, and Nicole Reed
Utah's Sage-Grouse Habitat Mitigation Program, Lorien Belton and Tyler Thompson
Utah Water Watch Volunteer Monitoring Manual, Nancy Mesner, Brian Green, Eli Robinson, Ellen Bailey, Cade Andrus, and Jose Pacheco
Utilizing Growing Degree Days for Corn Production, Dexton Lake, Matt Yost, and Clark Israelsen
Vegetable Irrigation: Leafy Greens, Dan Drost and Tiffany Maughan
What Determines Produce Pricing in Utah, Kynda R. Curtis, Karli Salisbury, Veronica Pozo, Ruby Ward, and Carrie Durward
10 Low-Water Ornamental Grasses Ideal for Water-Efficient Landscapes in Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
10 Low-Water Perennials Ideal for Water-Efficient Landscapes in Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
10 Low-Water Shrubs Ideal for Water-Efficient Landscapes in Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
10 Low-Water Trees Ideal for Water-Efficient Landscapes in Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
Alternative Legume Species Can Reduce the Environmental Impacts of Cattle, Elizabeth K. Stewart, Jennifer W. MacAdam, and Juan J. Villalba
An Alternate Method for Setting Codling Moth Biofix, Diane G. Alston, Marion Murray, and Richard Heflebower
Beneficial Predators: Syrphid Flies, Steven Price and Ron Patterson
Benefits of Family Mealtime, Cindy Nelson and Makendra Goff
Blackberry Management in Utah, Tiffany Maughan, Shawn Olsen, and Brent Black
Body Image in Adolescence, Jaqueline Neid-Avila and Brittany Bingeman
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Management for Fruits and Vegetables in Utah, Lori R. Spears, Diane G. Alston, and Marion Murray
Business Sustainability: Moving from Thought to Action, Emily Skill and Roslynn McCann
Business Sustainability: Moving from Thought to Action, Emily Skill and Roslynn McCann
Caring for Horses in Cold Weather, Karl Hoopes
Cattle First Aid, Basic Care, and Common Diseases in Show Cattle, Karah Nay, Matthew D. Garcia, Kerry A. Rood, and Chelsea Walker
Cebollas en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Chiles (Ajies o Pimientos) en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Cilantro/Coriander in the Garden, Dan Drost and Colt Miller
Clover Root Curculio (Sitona hispidulus F.), Kaitlin Rim, Steven Price, and Ricardo Ramirez
Como Plantar un Huerto Para Preparar Salsas, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Constructing Shade Structures: Small Area Vegetable and Fruit Production, Dan Drost and Tiffany Maughan
Cover Crops for Utah, Kristie Buckland, Earl Creech, Jennifer R. Reeve, Grant Cardon, Matt Yost, and Deric Despain
Does Healthy Eating Cost More?, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, Mary Ann Jorgensen, and Carrie Durward
El Ajo en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
El Cilantro en el Huerto, Colt Miller, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Ensuring Adequate Vitamin D Intake Among Infants and Children, Alicia Kunzler, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Carrie Durward
Environmental and Animal Benefits when Beef Cattle Consume Condensed and Hydrolysable Tannins, Elizabeth K. Stewart, Juan J. Villalba, and Kerry A. Rood
Equine West Nile Encephalitis, Karl Hoopes and Karah Nay
Estimating Market Size and Price for Fresh Produce Sales, Kynda R. Curtis and Sierra Allen
European Cherry Fruit Fly Rhagoletis cerasi (Linnaeus), Lori R. Spears and Diane G. Alston
Fabulous Tulips in Springtime, Linden Greenhalgh and Holly Christley
Finding Peace by Staying Present, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Fire Blight of Pears and Apples, Claudia Nischwitz and Mary Ann Hubbel
Fresh Produce Direct Market Sales Considerations, Kynda R. Curtis, Sierra Allen, and Susan Slocum
Gardening Basics, Ronald Patterson, Dennis Worwood, and Celina Wille
Good Ideas for Better Health, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Growing Pears in the Home Orchard, Shawn Olsen and Teryl Roper
Helpful Hints for Parents of Picky Eaters, Chelsea Feller, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Carrie Durward
Hidden Vegetables, Chelsea Feller and Carrie Durward
High Tunnel Blackberry Production For Northern Utah, Reagan Wytsalucy, Brent Black, and Tiffany Maughan
High Tunnel Cut Flower Peonies in Utah, Tiffany Maughan, Larry Rupp, and Maegen Lewis
How to Nourish Mom and Baby Alike: Nutrition During Pregnancy, Marianne Olsen, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, and Carrie Durward
How to Plant a Salsa Garden, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Is Mycoplasma bovis in Sand Bedding Infectious to Dairy Calves?, David J. Wilson and Thomas J. Baldwin
Jr. Livestock Show: "Market Goats", Deric Despain, Karah Nay, and Kevin Heaton
Labeling and Product Characteristic Preferences of Organic Food Buyers, Kynda R. Curtis, Tatiana Drugova, and Haylea Thomason
La Educacion Superior: Como los Padres Pueden Apoyar a sus Hijos, Celina Wille
Landscape Plants for Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
Landscaping in Dry Shade - 15 Great Landscape Plants for Dry Shady Areas, Helen Muntz and Larry Rupp
Late -season Raspberry Production in High Tunnels: Varieties, Tiffany Maughan and Brent Black
Leafminers of Vegetable Crops (Order: Diptera; Family: Agromyzidae), Diane G. Alston and Ann Mull
Learning to Listen to Hunger and Fullness Cues, Brittany Bingeman and Jaqueline Neid-Avila
Market Goat First Aid, Basic Care, and Common Diseases in Show Goats, Flip Book, Karah Nay and Deric Despain
Market Goats: Tips for Beginning a Livestock Project, Deric Despain, Karah Nay, and Kevin Heaton
Nutritional Needs Among High School Athletes, Andy Mitchell, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, Natalie Norris, and Carrie Durward
Operating Your AI Personal Assistant, Paul Hill, Michael Isom, Emy Swadley, and Kenadie Terry
Palm Trees for Southern Utah, Rick Heflebower
Pave It or Plant It, 7th - 12th Grade Curriculum, Nancy Mesner, John Sanders, Tim Beach, Summer Hansen, McKenna Drew, Gade Andrus, Ellen Bailey, Hannah Jacobson, and Cole Patton
Premium Potential for Organic Wheat Products, Kynda R. Curtis, Tatiana Drugova, and Haylea Thomason
Preparacion de Huertos Nivel Basico, Ronald Patterson, Dennis Worwood, and Celina Wille
Proper Care and Management of Common Health Concerns with 4-H Goat Projects, Karah Nay and Deric Despain
Proper Care and Management of Common Health Concerns with 4-H Hogs, Karah Nay, Dennis Worwood, and Kerry A. Rood
Proper Care and Management of Common Health Concerns with 4-H Steers and Heifers, Karah Nay, Matthew D. Garcia, Kerry A. Rood, and Chelsea Walker
Pros and Cons of Online Dating in Later Life, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Putting the Yard and Garden to Bed, Jaydee Gunnell, Michael Caron, Taun Beddes, and Linden Greenhalgh
Rangeland Weed Control and Pasture Rejuvenation, Linden Greenhalgh, Jerry Caldwell, and Burt Staples
Red Mite on Blackberry [Acalitus essigi (Hassan)], Michael Caron, Sheriden M. Hansen, Taun Beddes, Ryan Davis, Ann Mull, Diane G. Alston, and Claudia Nischwitz
Ride Utah! Program Guide, Karl Hoopes, Karson Anderson, and Jared C. Shultz
Rocky Mountain Trefoil Beef, Kailie Leggett, Roslynn McCann, Jennifer W. MacAdam, and Juan J. Villalba
Root Weevils, Ryan Davis
Selecting Blackberry Cultivars for Utah, Brent Black, Thor Lindstrom, Britney Hunter, Shawn Olsen, Sheriden M. Hansen, and Tiffany Maughan
Six Approaches to Becoming More Optimistic Today, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Size and Scope of Box Elder County Agriculture 2018, Michael Pace, Joshua Dallin, and Ryan Larsen
Small Hive Beetle [Aethina tumida (Murray)], Lori R. Spears and Ann M.M. Mull
Smoothies - Helpful or Harmful?, Darla Stoker and Carrie Durward
Strategies for Dealing with Life's Difficulties, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Strategies for Managing Soil Fertility and Health in Organic Orchards - A Fact Sheet, E.O. Thomsen, C.M. Culumber, J.R. Reeve, G. Cardon, D. Alston, B.L. Black, and C.V. Ransom
Stress vs. Anxiety: Understanding the Difference, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Successfully Inter-seeding Legumes into Existing Cool-Season Pastures, Jacob Briscoe, Earl Creech, Michael Peel, Blair Waldron, Grant Cardon, and Kevin Heaton
Suggested Vegetable Planting Dates for Utah, Shawn Olsen
Supporting Others Coping with Infertility, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Swine First Aid, Basic Care, and Common Diseases in Show Hogs, Flip Booklet, Karah Nay, Dennis Worwood, and Kerry A. Rood
Target Market Identification and Data Collection Methods, Kynda R. Curtis and Sierra Allen
Tart Cherries in the Garden, Sheriden M. Hansen, Tiffany Maughan, Brian Barlow, and Brent Black
Tips to Strengthen Relationships Today, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Tomates en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Tomatillos en el Huerto, Kristine Pederson, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Training and Pruning Peach Trees, Sheriden M. Hansen, Tiffany Maughn, and Brent Black
Trichloroethylene Groundwater Contamination in Tooele Valley, Utah, Linden Greenhalgh and Jon Fenske
Using the Convenient Slow Cooker Safely, Susan Haws
Utilizing EPDs as a Selection Tool in Beef Cattle, Matthew D. Garcia, Jim Keyes, and Joshua Dallin
When Are Apples Ripe?, Teryl Roper
Who Are Organic Wheat Consumers?, Kynda R. Curtis, Tatiana Drugova, and Haylea Thomason
Why Stress Management Strategies Work, Jennifer Viveros and David G. Schramm
Wild Horses and Burros: An Overview, S. Nicole Frey and Eric Thacker
4-H Agricultural Economics, Joshua Dallin
4-H Agricultural Systems Technology, Joshua Dallin
Almonds in the Home Garden, Teryl R. Roper and Rick Heflebower
Aphid Pests on Vegetables, Cami Cannon, Bonnie Bunn, Erin Petrizzo, Diane G. Alston, and Marion Murray
Are My Memory Changes Normal?, Maria Norton and Elizabeth B. Fauth
Avian Pox (Fowl Pox), David D. Frame
Avoiding Common (Major and Minor) Canning Mistakes, Kathleen Riggs
Backyard Poultry Biosecurity, Joshua Dallin and Denton Perkins
Beneficial True Bugs: Minute Pirate Bugs, Ronald Patterson and Ricardo Ramirez
Biochar for Forest Restoration in Western States, Kent G. Apostol, Darren McAvoy, Patrick Rappold, and Michael R. Kuhns
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug [Halyomorpha halys (Stal)], Mark Cody Holthouse, Diane G. Alston, Lori R. Spears, and Erin Petrizzo
Caraway in the Garden, Kristiane Pedersen and Dan Drost
Caseous Lymphadenitis Management in Goats, C. Kim Chapman and Matthew J. Kennedy
Collection of Biological Material for Commercial Genomic Testing in Beef, Matthew D. Garcia, Kevin Heaton, and Linden Greenhalgh
Community Supported Agriculture: Crop Planning, Kenna McMurray, Kelsey Hall, and Roslynn Brain
Community Supported Agriculture: Definition, Benefits, Barriers, and Resources for Growers, Kenna McMurray, Kelsey Hall, and Roslynn Brain
Community Supported Agriculture: Legal Concerns, Kenna McMurray, Kelsey Hall, and Roslynn Brain
Community Supported Agriculture: Marketing & Outreach Strategies to Encourage Membership, Kenna McMurray, Kelsey Hall, and Roslynn Brain
Community Supported Agriculture: Participating in a Share, Kenna McMrrray, Kelsey Hall, and Roslynn Brain
Community Supported Agriculture: Pricing, Kenna McMurray, Kelsey Hall, and Roslynn Brain
Community Supported Agriculture: Starting and Managing Your Operation, Kenna McMurray, Kelsey Hall, and Roslynn Brain
Conducting a Market Assessment: Estimating Market Size and Price for Small-Scale Food Tourism Enterprises, Kynda Curtis and Miranda Bradshaw
Davis County Agriculture Profile, Shawn Olsen
Drip Irrigation for Commercial Vegetable and Fruit Production, Tiffany Maughn, Niel Allen, and Dan Drost
Elm Seed Bug, Ryan S. Davis
Equine Infectious Anemia, Karl H. Hoopes
Farm Food Safety Laws: FSMA vs. GAP, Shawn Olsen and Karin Allen
Grape Irrigation, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, L. Niel Allen, Dan Drost, and Grant Cardon
Grape Trellising and Training Basics, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, and Mike Pace
Grape Vine Management, Tiffany Maughan, Mike Pace, and Brent Black
Growing Hummingbird Mint in Utah Gardens, Taun Beddes and Michael Caron
Helping Your Children Love Vegetables, Carrie Durward and Chelsea Feller
Jicama, GaeLynn Peterson and Shannon Cromwell
Leafrollers in Fruit Orchards (Lepidopters: Tortricidae), Diane G. Alston and Marion Murray
Making Lifestyle Choices to Reduce Late-Life Depression Risk, Maria C. Norton, Elizabeth B. Fauth, and Jessica Weyerman
Maximizing the Quality of Life for Persons with Dementia, Elizabeth B. Fauth, Maria C. Norton, and Jessica Weyerman
Measuring Extension Program Impacts: 2. Assessing Participant Knowledge Gain, Mark Larese-Casanova
Measuring Extension Program Impacts: 3. Evaluating Program Success, Mark Larese-Casanova
Measuring Extension Program Impacts: 4. Evaluating Long-Term Impacts, Mark Larese-Casanova
Northern Utah Peach Orchard Costs and Returns Comparisons by Management Strategy, 20 Acres, 2015, Trevor Knudsen, Kynda Curtis, Jennifer Reeve, and Brent Black
Northern Utah Turfgrass Management Calendar, Kelly Kopp, Michael Caron, Helen Muntz, and Jaydee Gunnell
Noxious Weed Field Guide for Utah, Brenda Jarvis Lowry, Corey Ransom, Ralph Whitesides, and Heather Olsen
Preparing Soil for Turfgrass Establishment - Southern Utah, Michael Caron, Candace Schaible, Rick Heflebower, Grant Cardon, Taun Beddes, and Kelly Kopp
Preserving Corn, Heidi LeBlanc, Charlotte Brennand, and Paige Wray
Preserving Figs, Carolyn Washburn and Charlotte P. Brennand
Preserving Venison, Margie P. Memmott, Brian Nummer, and Charlotte Brennand
Pretreatments to Prevent Darkening of Fruits Prior to Canning or Dehydrating, Carolyn Washburn and Christie Jensen
Prostrate and Spotted Spurge Management in Home Landscapes, Taun Beddes, Michael Caron, Kelly Kopp, and Corey Ransom
Quinoa for Utah, Kristine Bunkland, Earl Creech, Jennifer R. Reeve, Grant Cardon, and Michael Pace