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Identifying the Types of Collective Engagement Structures That Manifest in Middle Grade Mathematics Classrooms, Tye G. Campbell, Michael A. Lawson, Erin Rich, Sheunghyun Yeo, and W. Boden Robertson; Mathematical Thinking and Learning


Preparing Elementary Preservice Teachers for Inquiry-Based Science and Mathematics Instruction Through a Novel Initiative, Tye Campbell, Diandra Singh, Cathlene Hillier, J-F, and Haleigh Sears; Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education


Teaching a Holistic Framework of Early Care and Education and K–12 Leaders' Working Conditions and Well-Being, Timothy G. Ford, Kyong-Ah Kwon, Alyson L. Lavigne, and Tom McHugh; AERA Open


Unlocking STEM Pathways: Revealing STEM Choices and Science Teachers Empowering Black Queer Students, Arsene Frederic Jr., Madison Fitzgerald-Russell, William Shelton, Mario I. Suárez, and Jason C. Garvey; Education Sciences


Development and Validation of a High School Agricultural Literacy Assessment, Rose Judd-Murray, Brian K. Warnick, Daniel C. Coster, and Max L. Longhurst; Advancements in Agricultural Development


Children's Mathematical Engagement Based on Their Awareness of Coding Toy Design Features, Joseph Kozlowski, Jessica Shumway, Patricia Moyer-Packenham, Jody Clarke-Midura, and Victor Lee; Mathematical Thinking and Learning



School and District Structure Adaptations to the COVID-19 Super-Stressor, S. David Brazer, Scott C. Bauer, and Alyson L. Lavigne; Journal of Educational Administration


The Predictive Validity of the GRE Across Graduate Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis of Trends Over Time, David F. Feldon, Kaylee Litson, Brinleigh Cahoon, Zhang Feng, Andrew Walker, and Colby Tofel-Grehl; The Journal of Higher Education


Does it Matter Who Evaluates Teachers? Principal Versus Teacher-Led Evaluation and Teacher Motivation, Timothy G. Ford and Alyson L. Lavigne; Educational Policy


“I Didn’t Quit. The System Quit Me.” Examining Why Teachers of Color Leave Teaching, Sherry Marx, Alyson Leah Lavigne, Sarah Braden, Andrea Hawkman, Justin Andersen, Sara Gailey, Gordon Geddes, Isaiah Jones, Shouqing Si, and Karen Washburn; International Journal of Leadership in Education


On-Boarding Experienced Teachers in a New School, Emma Mecham, Joseph Kozlowski, Felicia Messervy, Cami Player, Joel Lopez, Laura Reina, and Nathan Justis; Educational Research: Theory and Practice

Community Perceptions of Procedural and Distributive Justice in Engineered Systems: A Case Study of Community-Engaged Vehicular Electrification, Polly Parkinson, Fawn Groves, Emma Mecham, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Ivonne Santiago, and Jennifer Ramos-Chavez


"There is No Room for Me, for a Hawaiian, in Science": Rightful Presence in Community Science, Colby Tofel-Grehl; Journal of Research in Science Teaching

Ecosystem Chess for Modeling Energy in Ecosystems, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Sarah Braden, Candace Penrod, Laura Wheeler, Tyler Hansen, Andrew Jones, and Clayton Chamberlain; Science and Children


Examining Spaces for Integrating Physics and Computing Through Classroom Inquiry, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Kristin Searle, Douglas Ball, and Soojeong Jeong; Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education

Curriculum Integration Using Picturebooks: Combining Language Arts and Social Studies Standards to Address Controversial Issues, Rachel K. Turner, Amanda Deliman, and Marla Robertson; Social Studies & the Young Learner



Pandemics & People: Designing a Virtual Epidemic Event for Immersive, Connected, and Playful Participation in an Infectious Disease Outbreak, Deborah Fields, Amanda Strawhacker, Michael Giang, Yasmin Kafai, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Tyler Hansen, Jen Sun, and Mark Dinan; Educational Designer


Successes, Challenges, and Surprises: Teacher Reflections on Using Children’s Literature to Examine Complex Social Issues in the Elementary Classroom, Andrea M. Hawkman, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Kristin Searle, and Beth L. MacDonald; Teachers and Teaching


Teaching and Learning About Respiratory Infectious Diseases: A Scoping Review of Interventions in K-12 Education, Yasmin B. Kafai, Yue Xin, Deborah Fields, and Colby Tofel-Grehl; Journal of Research in Science Teaching


Cultural Responsivity and Common Conceptualizations of “Good” Teaching in Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Elementary Classrooms in the U.S. and the Netherlands, Alyson L. Lavigne, Lotte Henrichs, Jorge Americo Acosta Feliz, and Shiquan Shao; Teaching and Teacher Education


Theorizing a Culturally and Linguistically Sustaining School Leadership: Exploring the Intersections of Cultural Sustenance and Care, Sandra Leu Bonanno, Jeff Walls, Alyson L. Lavigne, and Karen Washburn; Journal of School Leadership


Rural Teacher Attitudes and Engagement With Computing and Technology, Melissa P. Mendenhall, Colby Tofel-Grehl, and David Feldon; Theory & Practice in Rural Education


Cookie-Jar Alarms: An Analysis of First-Grade Students’ Gendered Conceptions of Engineers Following a Programming Design Task, April Mitchell, Kimberly H. Lott, and Colby Tofel-Grehl; Education Sciences


Connecting Inquiry, Research, and Technology: The Multigenre Digital Inquiry Project, Marla K. Robertson, Amy Piotrowski, and Jennifer M. Smith; Journal of Curriculum and Teaching


Affordances and Limitations of Teachers Instructional Styles When Teaching Computer Science and Computational Thinking, Kristin A. Searle, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Liam Fischback, and Tyler Hansen; Computer Science Education


A Case Study of Whiteness at Work in an Elementary Classroom, Kristin A. Searle, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Andrea M. Hawkman, Mario I. Suárez, and Beth L. MacDonald; Cultural Studies of Science Education


STEM as a Cover: Towards a Framework for Queer Emotions, Battle Fatigue, and STEM Identity, Mario I. Suárez, Andrea M. Hawkman, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Beth L. MacDonald, Kristin Searle, David F. Feldon, Taryn Sommers, and Michael Hernandez; International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education


Differences in Trans Employees’ and Students’ School Experiences, Mario I. Suárez, Mollie T. McQuillan, Harper B. Keenan, and Lee Iskander; Educational Researcher


A Meta-Analysis Examining the Relationship Between Parents’ Sexual Orientation and Children's Developmental Outcomes, Mario I. Suárez, Elizabeth W. Stackhouse, Jeffrey Keese, and Christopher G. Thompson; Journal of Family Studies


Thinking Thru Making: Mapping Computational Thinking PracticesOnto Scientific Reasoning, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Kristin A. Searle, and Douglas Ball; Journal of Science Education and Technology

Analyzing Curriculum Models From the 21st Century: A Focus on Integration, Rachel K. Turner; Curriculum History

Teaching Social Studies with Integration: A Model to Meet Curriculum Goals, Rachel K. Turner; Iowa Journal for the Social Studies



Unpacking the Complexity in Learning to Observe in Field Geology, Lauren A. Barth-Cohen and Sarah K. Braden; Cognition and Instruction


Reasoning with Evidence While Modeling: Successes at the Middle School Level, Lauren A. Barth-Cohen, Sarah K. Braden, Tamara G. Young, and Sara Gailey; Physical Review Physics Education Research

Modeling Magnetism With the Floating Paper Clip Supporting Diverse Learners With Visual and Linguistic Scaffolds, Sarah K. Braden, Lauren A. Barth-Cohen, and Tamara G. Young; Science Scope


Picturebooks and Critical Inquiry: Tools to (Re)Imagine a More Inclusive World, Amanda Deliman; Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature


Subaltern Praxis: A Vygotskian and Freirean Framework in NGO Education, Shireen Keyl; International Journal of Multicultural Education


Novice Teacher Vertical Professional Development? Exploring Teachers’ and Coaches’ Beliefs Throughout a Two-Year Induction Program, Andrew Kwok, Jeffrey Keese, Mario I. Suárez, Douglas Mitchell, and Debbee Huston; Learning Environments Research


Match Games: Exploring the Match Between Novice Teachers and Induction Coaches, Andrew Kwok, Ambyr Ruth Rios, Jeffrey Keese, Mario I. Suárez, Cristina Worley, Megan Patterson, Douglas Mitchell, and Debbee Huston; Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice


Using Dyadic Observation to Explore Equitable Learning Opportunities in Classroom Instruction, Alyson L. Lavigne and Thomas L. Good; Education Policy Analysis Archives


Putting the “M” Back Into STEM: Considering How Units Coordination Relates to Computational Thinking, Beth L. MacDonald, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Kristin A. Searle, Andrea M. Hawkman, and Mario Itzel Suárez; 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education


Navigating Pandemic Schooling for Novice Teachers, Emma Mecham, Eric J. Newell, Laura J. Reina, and Courtney Stewart; Educational Research: Theory and Practice

Accurate, Age-Appropriate and Sensitive: Reconsidering How to Teach the Utah Studies Fourth Grade Social Studies Core, Emma Mecham, Eric J. Newell, Shannon Rhodes, Laura J. Reina, and Darren Parry; Social Studies Research and Practice


Which Principal is the Right Principal? Student Achievement, School Finances, and Community Stakeholders, Sarah Nielsen and Amanda Taggart; Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership

Lighting up History: Integrating Mathematics and Computational Thinking in the Science Classroom, Kristin Searle, Colby Tofel-Grehl, and Beth L. MacDonald; Science Scope


(Info)Graphically Inclined: A Framework of Infographic Learning, Jennifer M. Smith and Marla K. Robertson; The Reading Teacher


Exploring Factors that Predict STEM Persistence at a Large, Public Research University, Mario I. Suárez, Alan R. Dabney, Hersh C. Waxman, Timothy P. Scott, and Adrienne O. Bentz; International Journal of Higher Education


Making Progress: Engaging Maker Education in Science Classrooms to Develop a Novel Instructional Metaphor for Teaching Electric Potential, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Douglas Ball, and Kristin Searle; The Journal of Educational Research


Crafting Circuits: Integrating Culturally Responsive Teaching and Current Events into Science, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Kristin A. Searle, Andrea Hawkman, Tyler Hansen, and Kimberly H. Lott; Science and Children


Rural Teachers' Cultural and Epistemic Shifts in STEM Teaching and Learning, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Kristin A. Searle, Andrea Hawkman, Beth L. MacDonald, and Mario I. Suárez; Journal of Curriculum and Instruction

Teaching With Integration: A Model to Meet Curricular Goals, Rachel K. Turner; The Social Studies Texan


Transnational Latinx Youths’ Workplace Funds of Knowledge and Implications for Assets-Based, Equity-Oriented Engineering Education, Amy Wilson-Lopez and Jorge Acosta-Feliz



Linguistic Expertise, Mockery, and Appropriateness in the Construction of Identities: A Case Study From 9th Grade Physics, Sarah K. Braden; Bilingual Research Journal


“Scientists Can’t Really Talk to People”: Unpacking Students’ Metacommentary on the Racialized and Gendered Science Nerd Trope, Sarah K. Braden; International Journal of Multicultural Education


Community Action Plans for Social Justice Advocacy: Leveraging the Relationship Between Awareness and Action, Sarah K. Braden, Marie Lund, and Katrina Hatch; TESOL Journal


Using Circuit Playground and Maps To Visualize Migration Data, Christa Cannell, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Kristin A. Searle, and Andrea Hawkman; International Conference of the Learning Sciences


Understanding District Support for Leader Development and Success in the Accountability Era: A Review of the Literature Using Social-Cognitive Theories of Motivation, Timothy G. Ford, Alyson L. Lavigne, Ashlyn M. Fiegener, and Shouqing Si; Review of Educational Research


Characterizing the Growth of One Student's Mathematical Understanding in a Multi-Representational Learning Environment, Hilal Gulkilik, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Hasan Huseyin Ugurlu, and Nejla Yuruk; The Journal of Mathematical Behavior


Reflecting the Forgotten: Teacher Stories Prior to the 2018 South Korea Research Trip, Eliel Hinojosa Jr. and Rachel K. Turner; Educational Studies


A Multi-Dimensional Model: Implications for Preparing Pre-Service Teachers for Culturally Responsive Teaching, Xueyan Hu, Zhihong Xu, Monica Neshyba, Zihan Geng, and Rachel K. Turner; Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education


Cultivating Staff Culture Online: How Edith Bowen Laboratory School Responded to COVID-19, Nathan Justis, Breanne Krystine Litts, Laura J. Reina, and Shannon Rhodes; Information and Learning Sciences


Race Against Time: The Effects of Principal Race and Time Use on Teacher Perceptions of Leadership, Jeffrey Keese, Mario I. Sùarez, and Hersh Waxman; NASSP Bulletin


The Role of Gender on the Associations Among Children’s Attitudes, Mathematics Knowledge, Digital Game Use, Perceptions of Affordances, and Achievement, Kristy Litster, Christina W. Lommatsch, Josh R. Novak, Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham, Jill Ashby, Allison L. Roxburgh, and Emma P. Bullock; International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education


Experiencing Active Mathematics Learning: Meeting the Expectations for Teaching and Learning in Mathematics Classrooms, Kristy Litster, Beth L. MacDonald, and Jessica F. Shumway; The Mathematics Enthusiast


Principal Evaluation in the United States: A National Review of State Statutes and Regulations, Sarah R. Nielsen and Alyson L. Lavigne; Education Policy Analysis Archives


Culturally Responsive Teaching through the Lens of Dual Language Education: Intersections and Opportunities, Tammy Oberg De La Garza, Alyson Leah Lavigne, and Shouqing Si; Universal Journal of Educational Research


Improving Instructional Practice Through Peer Observation and Feedback: A Review of the Literature, Brady L. Ridge and Alyson L. Lavigne; Education Policy Analysis Archives


Improving Instructional Practice through Peer Observation and Feedback, Brady L. Ridge and Alyson Leah Lavigne; Education Policy Analysis Archives


An Exploration of Teacher Preparation Practices with Foundational Knowledge of Literacy, Marla K. Robertson, Laurie A. Sharp, Roberta D. Raymond, and Rebekah E. Piper; Northwest Journal of Teacher Education


Visuals and Text in Nonfiction: A Process for Nonfiction Author Studies, Marla K. Robertson and Jennifer M. Smith; Voices from the Middle

Meeting Standards 2017? A National Survey of Classroom Teacher Preparedness for Literacy Instruction, Laurie A. Sharp, Marla K. Robertson, Roberta D. Raymond, Rebekah E. Piper, Amy Piotrowski, Delane Bender-Slack, and Teresa Young; I.E.: Inquiry in Education


Peer-Prompted Engineering Design: How Do Adolescents Interact and Strategize?, Kristin Marie Strong, Oenardi Lawanto, and Amy Wilson-Lopez; Journal of Technology Education


“Bye Girl, or Bye Boy, or Whatever You Are!”: A Latinx Transgender Man’s Experience with Queer Battle Fatigue in Texas, Mario I. Suárez; A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies


My Autohistoria-Teoría (Trans)formational Experience: An Autoethnographical Case Study of a Transgender BIPOC Teacher’s Experience with Racial Healing, Mario I. Suárez; International Journal of Transgender Health


Using Photovoice as an Arts-Based Method for Grieving: LGBTQ + Students and the Pulse Nightclub Shooting, Mario I. Suárez, Lobat Asadi, Peter Scaramuzzo, Patrick Slattery, and Chad R. Mandala; International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education


Cis-Normativity at Work: Exploring Discrimination Against US Trans Workers, Mario I. Suárez, Guadalupe Marquez-Velarde, Christy Glass, and Gabe H. Miller; Gender in Management


Electrifying: One Teacher’s Discursive and Instructional Changes Through Engagement in E-Textiles to Teach Science Content, Colby Tofel-Grehl, Eliza Jex, Kristin Searle, Douglas Ball, Xin Zhao, and Georgia Burnell; Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education


Exploring the Phenomenon of Distance in Children's Interactions with Touchscreen Digital Mathematics Games, Stephen I. Tucker and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology


Wartime Teachers: Stories From the Front, Rachel K. Turner and Eliel Hinojosa Jr.; Educational Considerations


A Systematic Review of Argumentation Related to the Engineering-Designed World, Amy Wilson-Lopez, Ashley R. Strong, Christina Marie Hartman, Jared Garlick, Karen H. Washburn, Angela L. Minichiello, Sandra Weingart, and Jorge Acosta-Feliz; Journal of Engineering Education


Ecological Determinants of Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice Involvement, Mariella I. Arredondo and Mario Itzel Suárez; A research agenda to reduce system involvement and promote positive outcomes with LGBTQ youth of color impacted by child welfare and juvenile justice systems

Nepantlerx: A Shape Shifting Duo Ethnography Exploring the Borderlands of Gender and Nation, Lobat Asadi and Mario Itzel Suárez; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference

Queering Terrorism: Disrupting the Territorialization of Gender Through Conversations About the Borderlands of Body and Nation, Lobat Asadi and Mario Itzel Suárez; El Mundo Zurdo 7: Selected works from the 2018 meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa


Potentially Electric: An E-Textiles Project as a Model for Teaching Electric Potential, Doug Ball and Colby Tofel-Grehl; The Physics Teacher

Decentering Whiteness: Radical Inclusion in Teaching and Research, C. U. Itchuaquiyaq, G. Marquez-Velarde, M. Martinez-Cola, and Mario Itzel Suárez; 2019 Inclusive Excellence Symposium: "Disrupt"

Investigating Principal's Time Use, Student Demographics and Teacher Perceptions, J. Keese, Mario Itzel Suárez, and H. C. Waxman; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference


Teacher Evaluation Through the Eyes of the Principal: How Individual and School Contexts Shape Perceptions of Practice, Alyson L. Lavigne and Amy M. Olson; Leadership and Policy in Schools

University Teaching Practices that Create Safe Spaces for Transgender Individuals, Amanda Layne Lindner, Rebekah Piper, Mario Itzel Suárez, and Rachel Snow; 15th Congress of Qualitative Inquiry


Learning Logic: Examining the Effects of Context Ordering on Reasoning About Conditionals, Christina W. Lommatsch and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology


Technology for Equity and Social Justice in Education: Introduction to the Special Issue, Sherry Marx and Yanghee Kim; International Journal of Multicultural Education


An Examination of the Role of First-Year College-Level Mathematics in STEM Field Major Persistence at a Hispanic-Serving Institution, Jaimi Paschal and Amanda Taggart; Journal of Hispanic Higher Education


How Do Literacy Teacher Educators Engage as Literacy Leaders?, Laurie A. Sharp, Marla K. Robertson, Rebekah E. Piper, Teresa Young, and Roberta D. Raymond; The Advocate

Friendly Guns: Power, Play, and Choice in Preschool, Kortney Sherbine; 27th International Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education Conference


Wrestling with Competency and Everyday Literacies in School, Kortney Sherbine; Journal of Language & Literacy Education


A Counting-Focused Instructional Treatment to Improve Number Sense: An Exploratory Classroom-Based Intervention Study, Jessica F. Shumway and Patricia S. Moyer-Packenham; The Mathematics Enthusiast


Navigating Award-Winning Nonfiction Children's Literature, Jennifer M. Smith and Marla K. Robertson; The Reading Teacher


Envisioning Queer Curricula: A Systematic Review of LGBTIQ+ Topics in Teacher Practitioner Literature, Mario I. Suárez, Samantha M. Meister, and Amanda L. Linder; Journal of LGBT Youth

Using Arts-Based Methods for Grief: Pulse and LGBTQ+ Students, Mario Itzel Suárez, Lobat Asadi, Peter Scaramuzzo, Patrick Slattery, and C. R. Mandala; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference

Examining Factors that Predict STEM Persistence at a Large, Public Research University, Mario Itzel Suárez, A. R. Dabney, H. C. Waxman, T. P. Scott, and A. O. Bentz; American Educational Research Association Annual Conference

Demographic and Socioeconomic Analyses of the Transgender and Cisgender Populations, Mario Itzel Suárez, G. Marquez-Velarde, and D. Poston; 2019 Southern Deomgraphic Association Annual Meeting