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Wednesday, August 18th
12:00 AM

3 Powerful Ways to Incorporate Pedagogies of Care in the Online Classroom

Marilyn M. Cuch, Utah State University
Melissa Kofoed, Utah State University
Amanda Deliman, Utah State University

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A Writing Community: Writing Center Directors Teach Effective Peer Review for the Classroom

Susan B. Andersen, Utah State University
Kendall Becker, Utah State University
Jasilyn Heaps, Utah State University

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Best Practices in Community-Engaged Teaching

Kate Stephens, Utah State University
Amanda Bevington-Drungil, Utah State University

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Building Relationships in Online Courses Through Personalized Feedback

Kari Lamoreaux, Utah State University - Eastern

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Caring and Compassion in Teaching: How to Increase Flexibility in Courses While Maintaining Academic Rigor

Jennifer Grewe, Utah State University
Dennis Kohler, Utah State University

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Choose Your Own Adventure: Motivating Students Through Choice and Flexibility

Kenna Kesler, Utah State University
Michelle S. Burrows, Utah State University

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Collaboration Between Faculty and Success Coaches: A Model for Student Achievement

Heidi Kesler, Utah State University
Michael Q. King, Utah State University

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Compassion in Action in the Classroom and Online: Teaching in a Pandemic and Beyond

Karin DeJonge-Kannan, Utah State University

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Coordinating Class Projects in Graduate Courses: Double the Work or a Double Dip?

Anastasia W. Thayer, Utah State University
Tanner McCarty, Utah State University

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Creating Communities of Care: Pedagogies of Mental Wellness and Inclusive Design

Rachel Bryson, Utah State University
Beth Buyserie, Utah State University

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Creating Inclusive, Accessible Learning Communities

Christopher Phillips, Utah State University

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CURE-ing the Opportunity Gap in Undergraduate Research

Alexa K. Sand, Utah State University

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Explore College Teaching- Mini Learning Circle

Mike Vakula, Utah State University

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Facilitating Learning Through Failure: Utilizing Mastery Paths in Canvas

Jason Twede, Utah State University - Tooele

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Flipgrid: How to Navigate, Integrate, and Captivate

Marlene Israelsen Graf, Utah State University
Alyssa Reidhead, Utah State University

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Game-Based Teaching for Promoting Students' Interaction in Online and Hybrid Classes

Ekaterina Arshavskaya, Utah State University
Irina McLaughlin, Utah State University

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Getting Reluctant Students to Engage With Critical Topics: The Power of Literary Learning Circles

Sean Camp, Utah State University - Tooele
Jeff Spears, Utah State University - Eastern
Jefferson Sheen, Utah State University
Jen Evers, Utah State University - Moab
Jan Thornton, Utah State University

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Help the Procrastinators With User-Friendly Course Calendar, Regular Check-Ins, and Spread-Out Deadlines

Sarah Tulane, Utah State University
Meredith Wang, Utah State University

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How to Design Effective Online Discussion Boards

Karen D. Hager-Martinez, Utah State University

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"I Am Capable": The Intersection of Intellectual Disability and Higher Education

Sue Reeves, Utah State University
Lindsay Thunell, Utah State University

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Implementation of Peer Review for Lab Assignments in Conjunction With Automated Grading Via Open Source Python Code

Zachary Gibson, Utah State University

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Implementing Contemplative Practices to Help Students Slow Down, Connect, and Learn: A Pedagogy of Care

Karin DeJonge-Kannan, Utah State University
Jefferson Sheen, Utah State University
Jessica Rivera-Mueller, Utah State University
Victoria Grieve, Utah State University
Lacee R. Boschetto, Utah State University
Sam Arungwa, Utah State University

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Integrating Learning Strategies Into General Education Courses

Harrison Kleiner, Utah State University
Melanie Chambers, Utah State University

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Intentionally Quieting Your Internal Voice: Teaching and Learning With Radical Listening and Mindfulness

Hannah Stevens, Utah State University

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Interactive Exercises Empowering Sustainable Thinking: Solving Wicked Problems Across the Curriculum

John Ferguson, Utah State University
Alexi Elizabeth Lamm, Utah State University

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Lessons I Learned on a Treadmill: The Power of Structure, Videos, and Visuals in Establishing Connection and Community

Marlene Israelsen Graf, Utah State University

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My Biggest Takeaways From ACUE's Course in Effective Teaching Practices as a Novice Instructor

Mike Vakula, Utah State University

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Obstacles to Learning Increase for College Students in the COVID-Era

Sunshine Brosi, Utah State University
Becky L. Williams, Utah State University

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Optimizing Research Mentorship Through Project Management Software

Jennifer Grewe, Utah State University
Crissa Levin, Utah State University

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Partnerships for Intentional Teaching

Karl Hoopes, Utah State University

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Pedagogies of (Self) Care: Cultivating Personal Well-Being in Your Teaching Practice

Sam Clem, Utah State University

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Re-imagine Your Online Discussions: How to Increase Student Engagement

Marlene Israelsen Graf, Utah State University
Jennifer Grewe, Utah State University
Meredith Wang, Utah State University
Rose Judd-Murray, Utah State University
Rachel D. Robison-Greene, Utah State University

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Reducing Stressors in the Classroom via Using Digital PowerUps During Pandemic

Travis N. Thurston, Utah State University
Mehmet Soyer, Utah State University
Gonca Soyer, Utah State University

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Support Learning Through Competency-Based Assignments

Kari Lamoreaux, Utah State University - Eastern

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12:00 AM, A Teaching Resource for You!

Elisa Taylor, Utah State University

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Teaching Documentation: Lessons From the USU Mentoring Program

Cathy Ferrand Bullock, Utah State University
María Luisa Spicer-Escalante, Utah State University
Sylvia Read, Utah State University

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The Ins and Outs of Successful Mentoring Experiences With Students

Jennifer Grewe, Utah State University
Harrison Kleiner, Utah State University

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The Open Educational Resource Revolution: Tips and Tricks for Scratch Building a Free Online Textbook and Embedding it Within Your Class

Benjamin J. Burger, Utah State University - Uintah Basin, Vernal

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Things We've Discovered about Teaching Pedagogy While Being Students

Marlene Israelsen Graf, Utah State University
Maryann Schneider, Utah State University
Stacy Bevan, Utah State University

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Ungrading Underground: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (And What to Do Instead)

Donna Brown, Utah State University
Kristy Bloxham, Utah State University
Carla Endres, Utah State University
Jesse Jones, Utah State University
Jefferson Sheen, Utah State University
Elisa Taylor, Utah State University

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"What's New?" Things to Look Forward to From ETE

Michelle Arnold, Utah State University

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