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A History of the Utah State University Elementary Teacher Education Laboratory School, R. Eyre Turner
School District Reorganization and Consolidation in Cache County, Utah, Grant Richard Bagley
Pupil Attitudes Toward School, Peers, and Teachers Under Ability-Grouped and Random-Grouped Systems in Weber and Ogden School Districts, Val R. Christensen
An Analysis of the Achievement Gains Made By Students in Ability-Grouped Vs. Random-Grouped Classroom Units, Luan H. Ferrin
A Comparison of Underachievers and Normal Achievers at the Upper-Elementary and Seventh-Grade Level, M. Nephi Manning
An Evaluation of Social Stars, Regulars, Neglectees, and Isolates in Ability-Grouped and Random-Grouped Classrooms, Benjamin W. Standing
Content, Sequence, and Emphasis of Arithmetical Concepts as Presented in Six Textbooks and an Analysis of Student Errors in Fifth Grade Arithmetic, Lorenzo Groutage
History of the Church College of Hawaii 1955-1960, Ralph Dallas Olson
A Curriculum Evaluation by Selected Graduates of the Richfield High School, Robert D. Rowley
A Study of the Optional Seven Period Day as it is Operating at Logan High School, Boyd L. Applegarth
A Study of the Reasons for Failure on the Job of Some Graduates of Intermountain School, Lewis J. Fish
Effects of a Specific Developmental Reading Program Upon the Progress in Reading of Seventh Grade Students of Morgan High School, Raymond P. Larson
How the Curricula of the Special Navajo Programs Meet the Needs of the Students at the Intermountain School in Regard to Their Use of Alcoholic Beverages, C. Stewart Munz
Problems of Navajo Male Graduates of Intermountain School During Their First Year of Employment, Joe E. Baker
A Study for the Purpose of Ascertaining the Basic Units of Instruction for a Unified Drafting Program in Utah High Schools, ElMont L. Bingham
A Survey of the Utah Public School Superintendent's Methods for Selecting Elementary and Secondary School Principals, Keith D. Hansen
A Historical Study of Plain City, Weber County, Utah: Community Background as an Influence on Education, Fern Olsen Taylor
Analysis of Selected Factors Contributing to Decrease in Post-High School Programs in Agriculture Education in Utah, Dean P. Barton
Bryce Canyon Silhoettes, M. David Chugg
Church and State Relationships in Education in Utah, James R. Clark
A Study of the Sequence of the Professional Education Program for Elementary School Teachers at Utah State University, Christopher Lee Colston
A Critical Survey of Elementary School Playgrounds in Cache and Box Elder Counties, Thomas Cracas
A Study of Two Groups of Superior Students at the Logan Junior High School, Rudgar H. Daines
A Study of Drop-Out Students Who Failed to Respond to the Follow-Up Study of Former High School Students of Logan, Utah, J. T. Herrod Jr.
Community Utilization of School Plants in Weber County School District From 1955 to 1957, R. Glen Miller
A Historical Study of the Utah State Elementary School Principles Association, 1936-1957, Wheatly John Taylor
A Study of the Holding Power of Utah State University With Respect to a Selected Group of Superior Entering Freshmen, Dan J. Workman
A Study of the Relative Importance of Items Discussed in Parent-Teacher Conferences as Rated by Parents and Educators in the Logan City Schools, Robert W. Bickmore
Comparison of Two Plans for Administration Organization of the School Districts of Sanpete County, Leon F. Christiansen
An Evaluation of the Pupil Progress Reporting System of the Elementary Schools of Ogden, Utah, Glenn Thomas
Factors Causing Non-Completion of Registration at Utah State Agricultural College During the School Year 1955-56, Richard J. Barney
A Comparative Study of Teacher Opinion With Respect to the Mathematics Program in Grades Seven, Eight, and Nine in the Schools of Utah and California, Sidney W. Bingham
A Study of the Supervisory Activities and Recommendations of Fifty-Eight Secondary School Principals in the State of Utah, Elmer W. Wahlstrom
Parent Participation at Central School of Brigham City, Utah, Elbert J. Anderson
Educational Adjustment of Ute Indians as Compared to the Mixed-Bloods, and Native Whites at Union High School Roosevelt, Utah, Darrell D. Atkinson
Attitudes of Ogden City Teachers Toward Merit Rating, Russell W. Carruth
The Employers' Opinions on Navajo Student Employees During the Summer of 1954, William V. Christiansen
An Analysis of Factors in Reading Achievement Scores of the Third and Sixth Grades of Garfield County, Harvey D. Moore
A Study of Instructional Practices and Recommendations of Thirty-Five Successful Biological Science Teachers in the Secondary Schools of Utah, Gerald H. Raat Jr.
A History of the United States Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps, Raymond A. Stevens
A Study of Thirty-Five Parent-Teacher Conferences at the Elementary Training School, Utah State Agricultural College, Thomas A. Taylor
A Comparative Study of the Mexican-Indian Students in the Carbon County Schools, John C. Winn
An Evaluation of the College Football Show Band with Particular Reference to the Institutions of Higher Learning in the Rocky Mountain Area, Grant F. Andersen
A Study of Student Drop-Outs at the South Cache High School 1948 - 53, Rosslyn M. Eppich
The History of South Cache High School, Robert C. Gustaveson
A Study to Determine the Content of an Industrial Arts Program in the Elementary Schools of Box Elder County, Charles M. Hawkes
Certain Basic Concepts in the Educational Philosophy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 1830-1930, Wendell O. Rich
A History of the College of Southern Utah, 1897 to 1947, Gerald R. Sherratt
A Determination of Variability of Teaching Assignments in the Secondary Schools of Utah Together with Implications for Teacher Education Curricula, June Butler Willhite
The Status of the Elementary School Principalship in Utah, Sherman Hansen
A Study of the In-Service Growth Program for Ogden City Teachers, D. M. Kelley
Occupations of State Farmers in Utah, Evan J. Memmott
Relative Curricular Emphasis in Some Utah High Schools During the 1941-1951 Years, Edward W. Payne
A Public Opinion Survey of Ogden City Schools, Nolan R. Taylor
Personnel Practices Governing the Selection and Appointment of Elementary Teachers in Utah, Jack Russell Tittensor
An Evaluation of the Willard School as a Community-Centered School, Vaughn Wassom
An Analysis of School Drop-Outs at Tooele High School, Franklin Whitehouse
Snow College, its Founding and Development, Ross Partington Findlay
The History of the New Jersey-Logan Academy, 1878-1934, Harold Y. S. Loo
Social Status of the Male Teacher in the Utah Rural Elementary Schools, Morris M. Miller
An Intensive Study of the Practices of Financing Extracurriculum Activities Discovered in Five Utah Secondary Schools, Irving B. Moore
Evaluation of Aspects of the Guidance Programs in the Salt Lake City High Schools: An Opinion Survey, Liliuo Poulter
Revenue Trends and Sources of Revenue in the Public Schools of Utah Between 1916 and 1950, G. Frank Raymond
Teacher and Prinipal Evaluations of Selected Administrative Practices in Secondary Schools in Utah, Leo William Jex
High School Grades and College Aptitude Tests as Indices to College Achievement and Contination at Utah State Agricultural College, Walter Clarence Johnson
Evaluating the Curriculum of Logan Secondary Schools in Terms of Meeting the Imperative Needs of Youth, Leo R. Walker
Establishing Criteria for the Pre-Service Selection of Teachers with Special Application to the Utah State Agricultural College, Howard H. Barron
Development of a College-Entrance Vocabulary Test for Utah State Agricultural College, Alpha Lee Rist
The History of the Utah Education Association, Carl H. Taylor
A Study of Tenure and the Orderly Demotion or Dismisal of Teachers in the State of Utah, Sidney L. Wyatt
A Study of Farm Mechanics on Typical Farms in the North Cache High School District, Clifford G. Hansen
The Professional Preparation and Teaching Assignments of Industrial Arts Teachers in Utah, 1948-49, Lewis Harding
A Study of Some Personal Problems of North Cache High School Students, Terrance E. Hatch
Supply and Demand of Elementary School Teachers in Utah, Arthur D. Jackson
The Selection and the Use of Advisory Councils in Departments of Vocational Agriculture in Utah, Maurice R. Lambert
Supply and Demand of Secondary School Teachers in Utah, George W. Sperry
A Study of the Reading Habits of Parents in a Utah College Community, LaVerna Heaton Allen
A Study of the Need for Supervision of Instruction in the High Schools of Utah, Caseel D. Burke
An Analysis of the Library Services of Nine Selected Elementary Schools of Northern Utah, Pearl J. Carter
A Study of Adult Reading in a Selected Rural County of Utah, Lucy V. Heaton
A Study of the Utah State Agricultural College Male Physical Education Graduates from 1928 to 1947, Ralph B. Maughan
An Evaluation of the Practices and Functions of the Clerk of the Board of Education in the State of Utah, Dean C. Andrew
An Analysis and Evaluation of the Methods of Reporting Pupils' Progress in the Elementary Schools of Utah, John W. Chadwick
Inventory of Attitudes and Opinions of Utah Educators on Social and Educational Issues, Max L. Gowans
Occupational Survey of Ogden City With Implications for Vocational Education, LeRoy A. Blaser
Predicting Success at the Utah State Agricultural College Naval Training School for Elementary Electricity and Radio Material, Luna Robertson Brite
An Evaluation of Certain Tests in Predicting Mechanic Learner Achievement, Eldon Ernest Jacobsen
A Study of the Status of the School Newspaper in the Utah High Schools, Laurence W. Jenkins
An Evaluation of the Health and Physical Education Programs in the High Schools of Utah, Israel C. Heaton
A Study of the Physical Education Facilities and Programs in Three Southern Utah High Schools, Floyd Harrison Slater
Some Changes in State Educational Administration in Utah in Terms of the Recommendations of the Utah Survey of 1926, Verland L. Christiansen
A Study of the Library Facilities and Personnel of Five Selected High Schools of Northern Utah, Clyde H. Morris
Certain Factors in Relation to the Present Occupational Status of Former All-Day Students of Vocational Agriculture in Utah, Mark Nichols
A Comparison of Transported with Non-Transported Pupils in the High Schools of the Millard County School District, Golden P. Wright
Some Factors Related to Student Achievement of Entering Freshmen at the Utah State Agricultural College, James Francis Day
The Interests of High School Boys in Logan, Utah, C. D. McBride