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Water Features for the Garden, Loralie Cox
Carpenterworm, Dr. Jay B. Karren, Alan H. Roe, and Ryan Davis
Billbugs in Turfgrass (Sphenophorus spp.), Desiree Wickwar and Ricardo Ramirez
Grape Varieties for Utah, Michael Caron, Taun Beddes, Tiffany Maughan, Michael Pace, and Brent Black
Aphid Natural Enemies and Biological Control, Ron Patterson and Ricardo Ramirez
Fire Blight in Utah: An Annual Management Guide, Marion Murray
Gambel Oak Care, Shawn Olsen, Debbie Amundsen, and Shital Poudyal
Irrigation System Maintenance, Candace Schaible, Kelly Kopp, and Jennie Hoover
Low Tunnels for Field Cut Flower Production, Shannon Rauter, Melanie Stock, Brent Black, and Dan Drost
Peony Cut Flower Production Budget, One Field, Northern Utah, 2020, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Ruby Ward, Brent Black, and Dan Drost
Peony Cut Flower Production Budget, One High Tunnel, Northern Utah, 2020, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Ruby Ward, Brent Black, and Dan Drost
Snapdragon Cut Flower Production in Utah, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, and Dan Drost
Southwest Utah Turfgrass Management Calendar, Kelly Kopp, Candace Schaible, Mark Nelson, and Steven J. Price
Alfalfa Weevil in Utah, Kaitlin Rim, Joseph Clarine, Steven Price, and Ricardo Ramirez
Artichoke in the Garden, Dan Drost
Asparagus in the Garden, Dan Drost
Basil in the Garden, Dan Drost and Lindsay Pearson
Beans in the Garden, Dan Drost
Beets in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Black Salsify in the Garden, Dan Drost and Jodie Moser
Broccoli in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Brussels Sprouts in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Calendula in the Garden, Dan Drost and Liz Braithwaite
Calibrating Your Orchard Sprayer, Brent Black and Earl Seeley
Cankerworms, Marion Murray and Erin W. Hodgson
Cantaloupe (Muskmelon) in the Garden, Rick Hefelbower and Dan Drost
Carrots in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Cauliflower in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Celery in the Garden, Dan Drost and Brandon West
Chicory in the Garden, Dan Drost and Rachael Gibson
Chives in the Garden, Dan Drost
Codling Moth in Utah Orchards, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Codling Moth Mating Disruption, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Community-wide Grasshopper Control, Marion Murray
Cosmos in the Garden, Sheriden Hansen and Dan Drost
Cucumber in the Garden, Rick Heflebower and Dan Drost
Dill in the Garden, Dan Drost and Adam Oakley
Eggplant in the Garden, Dan Drost
English Lavender in the Garden, Dan Drost and Keenan Cummit
Fennel in the Garden, Dan Drost and Ken Adams
Fostering Community Supported Agriculture in Utah, Kelsey Hall and Roslynn Brain
French Tarragon in the Garden, Dan Drost and Benjamin Hudson
Garden Cress in the Garden, Dan Drost and Bonnie Allen
Garlic in the Garden, Dan Drost
High Tunnel Pest Management - Thrips, Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
Honeydew and Other Winter Melons in the Garden, Dan Drost
Hops in the Garden, Dan Drost and Clark Owen
Horehound in the Garden, Dan Drost and Becky Barton
Horseradish in the Garden, Dan Drost and Gilbert Young
Kale in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Leeks in the Garden, Dan Drost
Lemon Balm in the Garden, Dan Drost and Hyrum Gillespie
Lemongrass in the Garden, Dan Drost and Terra Linse
Lettuce in the Garden, Dan Drost
Mint in the Garden, Dan Drost and Kristie Buckland
New Zealand Spinach in the Garden, Dan Drost and Jill Samuelsen
Onions in the Garden, Dan Drost
Parsnips in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Peanuts in the Garden, Dan Drost and Taun Beddes
Peas in the Garden, Dan Drost
Peppers in the Garden, Dan Drost
Plagas Frutales: Albaricoque, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Cereza, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Ciruela, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Durazno y Nectarine, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Manzana, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Plagas Frutales: Pera, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Polilla de la Manzana, Marion Murray, Diane G. Alston, and Michael Reding
Popcorn in the Garden, Dan Drost and Heidi Mitchell
Potatoes in the Garden, Dan Drost
Preparing and Improving Garden Soil, Katie Wagner, Melanie Stock, and Larry A. Sagers
Pumpkins in the Garden, Dan Drost and Rick Hefelbower
Radishes in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Rutabagas and Turnips in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Seed Poppy in the Garden, Dan Drost and Kevin Cope
Selecting Rootstocks for Utah Peach Orchards, Brent Black, Tiffany Maughan, Taun Beddes, and Gregory Reighard
Selecting Summer-Bearing Raspberry Cultivars for Northern Utah, Sheriden M. Hansen, Brent Black, Diane G. Alston, Tiffany Maughan, and Rick Hefelbower
Snapdragon Cut Flower Production Budget, One Field, Northern Utah, 2020, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Ruby Ward, Brent Black, and Dan Drost
Snapdragon Cut Flower Production Budget, One High Tunnel, Northern Utah, 2020, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Ruby Ward, Brent Black, and Dan Drost
Soft Scales in Utah, Marion Murray and Erin W. Hodgson
Spinach in the Garden, Dan Drost
Summer and Winter Squash in the Garden, Dan Drost and Rick Heflebower
Sweet Corn in the Garden, Dan Drost
Sweet Potatoes in the Garden, Dan Drost and Jeran Farley
Swiss Chard in the Garden, Dan Drost
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Apple, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist –Fruit Pests: Apricot, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Cherry, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Peach and Nectarine, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Pear, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
The Backyard Orchardist – Fruit Pests: Plum, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Tomatillos in the Garden, Kristiane Pedersen and Dan Drost
Tomatoes in the Garden, Dan Drost
Training and Pruning Tart Cherries, Sheriden M. Hansen, Tiffany Maughan, and Brent Black
Urban Garden Soils: Testing and Management, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, and Paul R. Grossl
Using Degree Days to Time Treatments for Insect Pests, Marion Murray
Utah Visual Farm Guide: What is Healthy Soil?, Amanda Pratt, Katherine Wagner, and Melanie Stock
Utah Visual Farm Guide: Year-round Soil Care, Amanda Pratt, Katherine Wagner, and Melanie Stock
Velvet Longhorned Beetle (Trichoferus campestris (Faldermann), Taryn M. Rodman, Lori R. Spears, Diane G. Alston, Cami Cannon, Kristopher Watson, and Joey Caputo
Watercress in the Garden, Dan Drost and Trudy Kendrick
Watermelon in the Garden, Rick Heflebower and Dan Drost
Western Cherry Fruit Fly in Utah Orchards, Diane G. Alston and Marion Murray
Zinnia Cut Flower Production in Utah, Tiffany Maughan, Melanie Stock, and Maegen Lewis
Chitalpa tashkentensis, Rick Heflebower
Collecting Plants on Public Lands for Utah Landscaping, Larry Rupp, Mark Williams, and Candace Schaible
Crabapples in the Landscape, Sheriden M. Hansen, Jaydee Gunnell, and Stephanie Vaughn
Downy Mildew of Alfalfa, Claudia Nischwitz
High Tunnels for Earlier Production of Fall (primocane) Raspberries, Brent Black and Tiffany Maughan
High Tunnel Site Selection, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, and Brent Black
High Tunnel Strawberry Production for Early Spring Harvest, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, and Daniel Rowley
High Tunnel Strawberry Production for Late Fall Harvest, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, and Daniel Rowley
Honeydew y Otros Melones de Invierno en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Jicama in the Garden, Michael Greenland and Dan Drost
Landscaping for Season Long Color, Jaydee Gunnell, Sheriden M. Hansen, Linden Greenhalgh, and Holly Christley
Melones (Melon Musk) en el Huerto, Rick Heflebower, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Peach Twig Borer Mating Disruption, Marion Murray and Diane G. Alston
Pear Fruit Sawfly [Hoplocampa brevis], Marion Murray and Ryan Davis
Pepinos en el Huerto, Rick Heflebower, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Spotted Lanternfly [Lycorma delicatula (White)], Lori R. Spears and Ann Mull
Strawberry Cultivars for the Intermountain West - Research Report, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, Shengrui Yao, and Robert Flynn
Sustainable Manure and Compost Application: Garden and Micro Farm Guidelines, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, and Rhonda Miller
Sweet Pea Cut Flower Production in Utah, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, and Brent Black
Thriving Hives, Beekeeping Monthly Calendar, Sheriden M. Hansen, Andree Walker-Bravo, and JayDee Gunnell
Tomato Hornworm, Tobacco Hornworm (Manduca quinquemaculata and Manduca sexta), Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
Transitioning Trees from Traditional to Low-Water Landscapes, Kathryn Johnson and Larry Rupp
Vegetable Irrigation: Leafy Greens, Dan Drost and Tiffany Maughan
10 Low-Water Ornamental Grasses Ideal for Water-Efficient Landscapes in Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
10 Low-Water Perennials Ideal for Water-Efficient Landscapes in Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
10 Low-Water Shrubs Ideal for Water-Efficient Landscapes in Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
10 Low-Water Trees Ideal for Water-Efficient Landscapes in Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
An Alternate Method for Setting Codling Moth Biofix, Diane G. Alston, Marion Murray, and Richard Heflebower
Beneficial Predators: Syrphid Flies, Steven Price and Ron Patterson
Blackberry Management in Utah, Tiffany Maughan, Shawn Olsen, and Brent Black
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Management for Fruits and Vegetables in Utah, Lori R. Spears, Diane G. Alston, and Marion Murray
Cebollas en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Chiles (Ajies o Pimientos) en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Cilantro/Coriander in the Garden, Dan Drost and Colt Miller
Como Plantar un Huerto Para Preparar Salsas, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Constructing Shade Structures: Small Area Vegetable and Fruit Production, Dan Drost and Tiffany Maughan
El Ajo en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
El Cilantro en el Huerto, Colt Miller, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
European Cherry Fruit Fly Rhagoletis cerasi (Linnaeus), Lori R. Spears and Diane G. Alston
Fabulous Tulips in Springtime, Linden Greenhalgh and Holly Christley
Fire Blight of Pears and Apples, Claudia Nischwitz and Mary Ann Hubbel
Gardening Basics, Ronald Patterson, Dennis Worwood, and Celina Wille
Growing Pears in the Home Orchard, Shawn Olsen and Teryl Roper
High Tunnel Blackberry Production For Northern Utah, Reagan Wytsalucy, Brent Black, and Tiffany Maughan
High Tunnel Cut Flower Peonies in Utah, Tiffany Maughan, Larry Rupp, and Maegen Lewis
How to Plant a Salsa Garden, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Landscape Plants for Eagle Mountain, Utah, Adrea Wheaton, Larry Rupp, and Michael Caron
Landscaping in Dry Shade - 15 Great Landscape Plants for Dry Shady Areas, Helen Muntz and Larry Rupp
Late -season Raspberry Production in High Tunnels: Varieties, Tiffany Maughan and Brent Black
Leafminers of Vegetable Crops (Order: Diptera; Family: Agromyzidae), Diane G. Alston and Ann Mull
Palm Trees for Southern Utah, Rick Heflebower
Preparacion de Huertos Nivel Basico, Ronald Patterson, Dennis Worwood, and Celina Wille
Putting the Yard and Garden to Bed, Jaydee Gunnell, Michael Caron, Taun Beddes, and Linden Greenhalgh
Red Mite on Blackberry [Acalitus essigi (Hassan)], Michael Caron, Sheriden M. Hansen, Taun Beddes, Ryan Davis, Ann Mull, Diane G. Alston, and Claudia Nischwitz
Root Weevils, Ryan Davis
Selecting Blackberry Cultivars for Utah, Brent Black, Thor Lindstrom, Britney Hunter, Shawn Olsen, Sheriden M. Hansen, and Tiffany Maughan
Small Hive Beetle [Aethina tumida (Murray)], Lori R. Spears and Ann M.M. Mull
Strategies for Managing Soil Fertility and Health in Organic Orchards - A Fact Sheet, E.O. Thomsen, C.M. Culumber, J.R. Reeve, G. Cardon, D. Alston, B.L. Black, and C.V. Ransom
Suggested Vegetable Planting Dates for Utah, Shawn Olsen
Tart Cherries in the Garden, Sheriden M. Hansen, Tiffany Maughan, Brian Barlow, and Brent Black
Tomates en el Huerto, Dan Drost and Celina Wille
Tomatillos en el Huerto, Kristine Pederson, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Training and Pruning Peach Trees, Sheriden M. Hansen, Tiffany Maughn, and Brent Black
When Are Apples Ripe?, Teryl Roper
Almonds in the Home Garden, Teryl R. Roper and Rick Heflebower
Aphid Pests on Vegetables, Cami Cannon, Bonnie Bunn, Erin Petrizzo, Diane G. Alston, and Marion Murray
Beneficial True Bugs: Minute Pirate Bugs, Ronald Patterson and Ricardo Ramirez
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug [Halyomorpha halys (Stal)], Mark Cody Holthouse, Diane G. Alston, Lori R. Spears, and Erin Petrizzo
Caraway in the Garden, Kristiane Pedersen and Dan Drost
Community Supported Agriculture: Pricing, Kenna McMurray, Kelsey Hall, and Roslynn Brain
Drip Irrigation for Commercial Vegetable and Fruit Production, Tiffany Maughn, Niel Allen, and Dan Drost
Elm Seed Bug, Ryan S. Davis
Grape Irrigation, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, L. Niel Allen, Dan Drost, and Grant Cardon
Grape Trellising and Training Basics, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, and Mike Pace
Grape Vine Management, Tiffany Maughan, Mike Pace, and Brent Black
Growing Hummingbird Mint in Utah Gardens, Taun Beddes and Michael Caron
Jicama, GaeLynn Peterson and Shannon Cromwell
Leafrollers in Fruit Orchards (Lepidopters: Tortricidae), Diane G. Alston and Marion Murray
Northern Utah Turfgrass Management Calendar, Kelly Kopp, Michael Caron, Helen Muntz, and Jaydee Gunnell
Preparing Soil for Turfgrass Establishment - Northern Utah, Michael Caron, Grant Cardon, Taun Beddes, and Kelly Kopp
Preparing Soil for Turfgrass Establishment - Southern Utah, Michael Caron, Candace Schaible, Rick Heflebower, Grant Cardon, Taun Beddes, and Kelly Kopp
Prostrate and Spotted Spurge Management in Home Landscapes, Taun Beddes, Michael Caron, Kelly Kopp, and Corey Ransom
Simple Soil Tests for Onsite Evaluation of Soil Health in Orchards, Esther Thomsen, Jennifer R. Reeve, Diane G. Alston, and Grant Cardon
Southeast Utah Turfgrass Management Calendar, Kelly Kopp, Michael Johnson, and Steven J. Price
Spider Mites in Raspberry, Diane Alston
Spotted Wing Drosophila [Drosophila suzukii], Lori R. Spears, Cami Cannon, Diane G. Alston, Ryan S. Davis, Cory Stanley-Stahr, and Ricardo Ramirez
St. George, Utah, Turfgrass Management Calendar, Kelly Kopp, Rick Heflebower, and Steven J. Price
Suggested Vegetable Planting Dates for the Wasatch Front, Shawn Olsen
Suppression and Control of Field Bindweed - (Perennial Morning Glory) in Residential Areas, Taun Beddes, Michael Caron, James Barnhill, and Kelly Kopp
Tobacco Mosaic Virus/Tomato Mosaic Virus: Symptoms, Transmission and Prevention of Infection, Claudia Nischwitz, Brooke Olson, and Rhett Taylor
Training and Pruning Apple Trees, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, and Teryl Roper
Using Shade for Fruit and Vegetable Production, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Sam Day
Verrucosis del Duraznero, Claudia Nischwitz, Brent Black, and Michael Pace
Alternative Pest Control Methods for Homeowners, Helen Muntz, Rhonda Miller, and Diane Alston
Calculating Fertilizer for Small Areas, Tiffany Maughan, Grant Cardon, and Dan Drost
Calculating Fertilizer for Small Areas - Excel Workbook, Tiffany Maughan, Grant Cardon, and Brent Black
Caterpillar Pests of Brassica Vegetables, Cami Cannon, Bonnie Bunn, Diane Alston, and Marion Murray
Fruit and Vegetable Organic Certification Basics, Tiffany Maughan and Dan Drost
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP): Certification Basics, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, Shawn Olsen, and Brent Black
Improving Organic Peach Orchard Fertility with Nitrogen-Fixing Ground Covers in Capitol Reef National Park: A Case Study, Esther Thomsen
Introduction to Cover Crops for Vegetable Production in Utah, Tiffany Maughan and Dan Drost
Local Fruit and Vegetable Availability along the Wasatch Front, Britney Hunter, Shawn Olsen, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Jaydee Gunnell
Nanking Cherry in the Garden, Elizabeth Hamilton, Tiffany Maughan, and Brent Black
Peaches in the Garden, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, and Andrea Simondi
Red Yucca (Hesperaloe parvifolia) Use in Utah, Michael Caron and Taun Beddes
Sequoia Pitch Moth in Pines, Ryan S. Davis and Katie Wagner
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Piute County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Trent Wilde
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Wayne County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Trent Wilde
Understanding Pesticide Risks: Toxicity and Formulation, Helen Muntz, Rhonda Miller, and Diane Alston
Use of Plastic Mulch for Vegetable Production, Tiffany Maughan and Dan Drost
Vegetables, Fruits & Herbs Book, Utah State University
Voles [Microtus spp.], Ryan Davis
Apricots in the Home Garden, Michael Caron, Taun Beddes, and Brent Black
Candidatus Liberibacter of Pepper, Claudia Nischwitz
Common Crane Fly in Turf, Ricardo Ramirez and Kelly Kopp
Cost Free Landscape Water Conservation Ideas, Kyle Frandsen and Larry Rupp
Flea Beetles on Vegetables, Bonnie Bunn, Diane Alston, and Marion Murray
Gardening and Landscaping Practices for Nesting Native Bees, James H. Cane
Gardening in Clay Soils, Katie Wagner, Michael R. Kuhns, and Grant Cardon
Gardening in Sandy Soils, Katie Wagner, Michael R. Kuhns, and Grant Cardon
Goji in the Garden, Tiffany Maughan and Brent Black
Harvest and Storage of Vegetables and Fruits, Shawn Olsen, Dan Drost, and Teresa Hunsaker
Haskap (Blue Honeysuckle) in the Garden, Elisa Lauritzen, Tiffany Maughan, and Brent Black
Intermountain Tree Fruit Production Guide, Marion Murray
Ornamental Grasses in the Landscape, A Guide for the Intermountain West, JayDee Gunnell, Jerry L. Goodspeed, and Richard M. Anderson
Plums in the Home Garden, Michael Caron, Taun Beddes, and Brent Black
Raspberry Crown Borer [Pennisetia marginata], Diane Alston
Raspberry Management for Utah, Tiffany Maughan and Brent Black
Recycling in Utah: Green Waste for Compost, Rebecca Mills and Craig Pearson
Spider Mites in Corn, Alice Ruckert, Ricardo Ramirez, and Clark Israelsen
Vegetable Irrigation: Onion, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, and L. Niel Allen
Vegetable Irrigation: Squash and Pumpkin, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, and L. Niel Allen
Vegetable Irrigation: Sweet Pepper and Tomato, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, and L. Niel Allen
Vegetable Transplant Production, Dan Drost
Walnut Husk Fly, Diane Alston, Marion Murray, and James Barnhill
Water-Wise Landscaping: Ideas for Landscape Water Conservation without Changing Your Landscape Design, Kyle Frandsen and Larry Rupp
Wisteria in the Garden, Michael Caron, Taun Beddes, and Gabriela Judd
Zebra Chip Disease of Potato, Claudie Nischwitz, Shawn Olsen, and Ron Patterson
Backyard Beekeeping, Rachelle Messner, James Strange, and Roslynn Brian
Edamame in the Garden, Dennis Worwood
Nurturing Native Plants, A Guide to Vegetative Propagation of Native Woody Plants in Utah, Larry Rupp and Adrea Wheaton
Russian Olive Control - Cut Stump Treatment, Ron Patterson and Dennis Worwood
Serviceberry in the Garden, Kristan Crouch, Tiffany Maughan, and Brent Black
Simple No-Math Calibration of a Vegetable Boom Sprayer, Ralph Whitesides
Apple Maggot, Diane Alston and Marion Murray
Avispas “Chaqueta Amarilla,” Avispones y Avispas de Papel, Erin Hodgson, Alan Roe, Nicole Peña, and Ricardo Ramirez
Gardening for Native Bees in Utah and Beyond, James H. Cane and Linda Kervin
La Arana Hobo, Nicole Peña, Alan Roe, and Erin W. Hodgson
Pest Monitoring Calendar – Apple, USU Extension
Pest Monitoring Calendar – Apricot, USU Extension
Pest Monitoring Calendar – Cherry, USU Extension
Pest Monitoring Calendar – Peach and Nectarine, USU Extension
Pest Monitoring Calendar – Pear, USU Extension
Pest Monitoring Calendar – Plum, USU Extension
Planting Vegetables Midsummer for a Fall Harvest, Dennis Worwood
Pomegranate, Fruit of the Desert, Rick Heflebower and Robert Morris
Shothole Borer, Ryan S. Davis and Michael Caron
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Beaver County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Mark Nelson
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Blanding, Utah, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Mike Johnson
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Box Elder County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Mike Pace
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Cache County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Taun Beddes
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Carbon County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Ron Patterson
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Davis County, Kelly Kopp, Britney Hunter, and Niel Allen
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Duchesne County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Troy Cooper
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Emery County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Dennis Worwood
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Fillmore, Utah, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Trent Wilde
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Garfield County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Kevin Heaton
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Hanksville, Utah, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Mike Johnson
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Iron County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Candice Schaible
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Juab County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Jeff Banks
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Kane County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Kevin Heaton
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Moab, Utah, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Mike Johnson
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Monticello, Utah, Kelly Kopp
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Morgan County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and James Barnhill
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Salt Lake County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Katie Wagner
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Sanpete County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Matt Palmer
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Sevier County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Jody Gale
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Summit County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Sterling Banks
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Tooele County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Linden Greenhalgh
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Uintah County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Boyd Kitchen
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Utah County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Meredith Seaver
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Wasatch County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Allan Sulser
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Washington County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Rick Heflebower
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Weber County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Jerry L. Goodspeed
Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing tor Millard County, Kelly Kopp, Niel Allen, and Trent Wilde
Spiders, Ryan S. Davis and Ricardo A. Ramirez
Wildflowers & Other Herbaceous Plants of Utah Rangelands, Mindy Pratt, Chad Reid, Roger Banner, and James Bowns
Apple Production and Variety Recommendations for the Utah Home Garden, Taun Beddes, Mike Pace, Brent Black, and Mark Ashcroft
Aspen, Important Pests of Ornamental Spen, Fred A. Baker, Diane G. Alston, and Claudia Nischwitz
Bark Beetles, Ryan S. Davis and Darren McAvoy
Beneficial Predators: Predatory Mites, Ron Patterson and Ricardo Ramirez
Bermudsgrass in Utah Lawns, Jerry Goodspeed, Rick Heflebower, Taun Beddes, and Kelly Kopp
Collecting and Storing Seeds from Your Garden, Taun Beddes, Dan Drost, and Brian McClain
Common Weeds of the Yard and Garden, Brenda Jarvis Lowry, Ralph E. Whitesides, and Corey Ransom
Constructing a Small Self-Venting Garden Tunnel, Britney Hunter
Defending the Castle: Integrated Pest Management in High Tunnel Strawberries, Tiffany Maughan, Taunya Ernst, Brent Black, and Daniel Drost
Designing a Basic PVC Home Garden Drip Irrigation System, Jeffrey E. Banks
High Tunnel Pepper Production, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Tiffany Maughn
High Tunnel Winter Spinach Production, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Taunya Ernst
Okra in the Garden, Dan Drost and Taunya Ernst
Over Hill, Over Dale: Earthworms in the Lawn, Kelly Kopp
Raised Bed Gardening, Rick Heflebower
Spotted Wing Drosophila Monitoring, Cory A. Stanley
Top Ten Abiotic Disorders and Cultural Problems of Woody Ornamentals, JayDee Gunnell
Turfgrass Cultivars for Utah, Kelly Kopp
Using Winter Grain as a Cover Crop in the Home Garden, Dennis Worwood
Utah Home Orchard Pest Management Guide, Marion Murray, Diane Alston, and Claudia Nischwitz
Vermicomposting, Roslynn Brian
Western Striped and Western Spotted Cucumber Beetles, Diane Alston and Dennis Worwood
West Nile Virus in Utah, Erin Hodgson
Basic Turfgrass Care, Kelly Kopp and Paul Johnson
Beneficial True Bugs: Big-Eyed Bugs, Ricardo Ramirez and Ron Patterson
Beneficial True Bugs: Damsel Bugs, Ricardo Ramirez and Ron Patterson
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Erin Petrizzo and Diane G. Alston
Bumble Flower Beetle, Taun Beddes and Ryan S. Davis
Campylomma Bug Sampling Form, USU Extension
Constructing a Low-cost High Tunnel, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Rick Hefelbower
Constructing a Low-cost High Tunnel (with additional photos), Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Rick Hefelbower
Controlling Slugs and Snails in Utah, Larry A. Sagers and Kerry A. Rood
Corn Earworm, Diane G. Alston, Shawn Olsen, and James Barnhill
Elm Bark Beetles and Dutch Elm Disease, Ryan S. Davis
Eriophyid Mites, Bud, Blister, Gall, and Rust Mites, Ryan S. Davis and Taun Beddes
European Earwig (Forficula Auricularia), Diane G. Alston and Andrew Tebeau
Fall Webworm, Ryan S. Davis and Vincent P. Jones
Fechas Sugeridas para Plantar Vegetales en la Region de "Wasatch Front", Shawn Olsen
General Concepts of Biological Control, Diane G. Alston
Grow Your Own Transplants At Home, Sterling Banks
Hazelnuts in the Home Orchard, Taun Beddes, Steve Renquist, Michael R. Kuhns, and Michael Pace
Hemipteran Beneficiosos: Damsel Bugs, Ricardo Ramirez, Ron Patterson, and Forest Young
High Tunnel Summer Squash Production, Dan Drost
Important Components of a Successful Pest Management Program, Diane G. Alston
La construccion de un tunel alto de polietileno de bajo costo, Brent Black
Pear Sawfly, Vincent P. Jones and Ryan S. Davis
Preventing Poisoning of Pets When Using Slug and Snail Baits, Kerry A. Rood and Larry A. Sagers
Propagating Bigtooth Maple, Melody Richards
Rhubarb in the Garden, Taun Beddes
Russian Olive Control - Basal Bark Treatment, Dennis Worwood and Ronald Patterson
Russian Olive Control - Frill Cut Treatment, Ron Patterson
Termitas Subterraneas, Erin Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Turfgrass Cultivation (Aerification), Kelly Kopp
Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella Occidentalis), L. Irene Terry and Diane Alston
Western Tentiform Leafminer Phyllonorycter elmaella, Diane G. Alston and Michael E. Reding; Home and Garden Orchard
Africanized Honey Bee, Erin W. Hodgson, Cory A. Stanley, Alan H. Roe, and Danielle Downey
Boxelder Bug, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Cat-facing Insects, Diane Alston, Michael Reding, and Marion Murray
Chinch Bugs, Kelly Kopp, Ryan S. Davis, and Ricardo A. Ramirez
Cockroaches, Ryan S. Davis
Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella) Sampling Form, USU Extension
Control of Iron Chlorosis, Rich Koenig and Michael R. Kuhns
Cover Crops for Utah Gardens, Michael Johnson, Maggie Wolf, and Rich Keonig
Different Treatment Options for Russian Olive, Ron Patterson and Dennis Worwood
El manejo de la temperatura en los tuneles altos, Brent Black, Dan Drost, and Trevin Cardon
Gardening 101 - Getting Started, Ron Patterson
High Tunnel Lettuce in Utah, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Britney Hunter
High Tunnel Tomato Production, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Britney Hunter
Japanese Beetle, Erin Hodgson, Diane Alston, and Cory A. Stanley
La Lechuga en los Túneles Altos de Utah, Britney Hunter, Dan Drost, and Brent Black
La produccion de las fresas en cepellon, Daniel Rowley
Lilac-Ash Borer, Ryan S. Davis, Taun Beddes, and Jay B. Karren
Peach Twig Borer (Anarsia Lineatella) Sampling Form, USU Extension
Pear Psylla (Cacopsylla Pyricola) Sampling Form, USU Extension
Shrub Selection for Utah Landscapes, Taun Beddes
Spider and Predatory Mites Sampling Form, USU Extension
Strawberry Plug Plant Production, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Daniel Rowley
Temperature Management in High Tunnels, Dan Drost and Brent Black
Topsoil Quality Guidelines for Landscaping, Rich Koenig and Von Isaman
Top Ten Insect Pests of Woody Ornamentals, Jerry Goodspeed
Top Ten Pathogenic Diseases of Woody Ornamentals, JayDee Gunnell
Toxin-Nutrient Interactions Influence Diet Selection, USU Extension
Toxins Reduce Palatability, USU Extension
Turfgrass Cultural Practices and Insect Pest Management, Diane Alston and Kelly Kopp
Urea: Low Cost Fertilizer, D.W. James
Using Mulches in Utah Landscapes and Gardens, Rich Koenig, Kitt Farrell-Poe PhD, and Bruce Miller
Utah Fertilizer Guide, D. W. James and K. F. Topper
Western Tentiform Leafminer Sampling Form – Apple and Cherry, USU Extension
White Apple Leafhopper Sampling Form, USU Extension
Bed Bugs: For Homeowners, Ryan S. Davis, Erin W. Hodgson, Jay B. Karren, and Alan H. Roe
Bed Bugs: For Pest Control Operators, Ryan S. Davis
Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany in the Landscape, Heidi Kratsch and Graham Hunter
Dothistroma Needle Blight, Erin Frank and Kent Evans
Fall-bearing Raspberries in High Tunnels, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Daniel Rowley
Firecracker Penstemon in the Landscape, Heidi Kratsch and Graham Hunter
Iris Yellow Spot Virus in Onions, Kent Evans and Erin Frank
Mountain Beebalm in the Landscape, Heidi Kratsch and Graham Hunter
Prince's Plume in the Landscape, Heidi Kratsch and Graham Hunter
Seasonal Splendor (Planting for Color), Jaydee Gunnell
Small Trees for Planting Near Power Lines, Shawn Olsen
Take-all Patch in Turf, Erin Frank and Kent Evans
Alfalfa Stem Nematode, Kent Evans, Clark Israelsen, and Mike Pace
Beneficial Insects: Lacewings and Antilions, Erin W. Hodgson and Jessie Trina
Black Grass Bugs, Erin W. Hodgson
Caneberry Irrigation, Dr. Brent Black, Dr. Robert Hill, and Dr. Grant Cardon
Carpenter Ants, Ryan S. Davis
Carpenter Bees, Erin W. Hodgson and Jessie Trina
Centipedes, Erin W. Hodgson, Paul Bingham, and Alan H. Roe
Clothes Moths, Erin W. Hodgson, Jessie L. Trina, and Alan H. Roe
Coryneum or Shothole Blight, Kent Evans, Erin Frank, JayDee Gunnell, Mike Pace, and Maggie Shao
Crickets, Erin W. Hodgson and Jessie Trina
Curly Top of Tomato, Rick Heflebower, Chad Reid, Erin Frank, and Kent Evans
Dermestid Beetles, Erin W. Hodgson, Katherine Coats, and Alan H. Roe
Fire Blight, Kent Evans, Erin Frank, Taun Beddes, and Mike Pace
Fleas, Erin W. Hodgson, Jay B. Karren, and Alan H. Roe
Fungus Gnats, Erin W. Hodgson and Brooke A. Lambert
Grasshoppers, Edward W. Evans and Erin Hodgson
Human Lice, Erin W. Hodgson
Human Parasites, Ryan S. Davis and Erin W. Hodgson
Mexican Cliffrose in the Landscape, Heidi Kratsch and Graham Hunter
Necrotic Ring Spot, Kent Evans, Jaydee Gunnell, and Erin Frank
Onion Powdery Mildew, Dan Drost, Kent Evans, and Erin Frank
Onion Thrips (Thrips tabaci), Dan Drost and Diane Alston
Pseudoscorpions, Erin W. Hodgson, Alan H. Roe, and Brooke Lambert
Russian Wheat Aphid, Erin W. Hodgson and Jay B. Karren
Scorpions, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Snow Mold on Small Grains, Erin Frank and Kent Evans
Snow Mold on Turfgrass, Kent Evans, Erin Frank, Taun Beddes, and Jaydee Gunnell
Soil Salinity and Ornamental Plant Selection, Heidi Kratsch
Squash Bug, Diane Alston and James Barnhill
Strawberries in the Garden, Brent Black, Michael Pace, and Jerry Goodspeed
Strawberry Irrigation, Brent Black, Dr. Robert Hill, and Dr. Grant Cardon
Subterranean Termites, Erin Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Understanding Your Soil Test Report, Grant E. Cardon, Jan Kotuby-Amacher, Pam Hole, and Rich Koenig
Understanding Your Soil Test Report, Grant E. Cardon, Jan Kotuby-Amacher, Pam Hole, and Rich Koenig
Water-Wise Landscaping: Plant Maintenance, Taun Beddes and Heidi A. Kratsch
Western Corn Rootworm, Erin Hodgson
Wheat Stripe Rust, Mike Pace, Clark Israelsen, Kent Evans, and James Barnhill
Yellow Sac Spiders, Ryan S. Davis
Aphids in Alfalfa, Erin W. Hodgson
Armyworm and Cutworms in Turf, Erin W. Hodgson
Asparagus Beetle and Spotted Asparagus Beetle, Erin W. Hodgson and Dan Drost
Beneficial Insects: Beetles, Erin W. Hodgson and Ron Patterson
Beneficial Insects: Mantids, Erin W. Hodgson and Ron Patterson
Beneficial Insects: True Bugs, Erin W. Hodgson and Ron Patterson
Cereal Leaf Beetle, Erin W. Hodgson and Edward W. Evans
Cranberry Girdler, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Little Bluestem in the Landscape, Heidi Kratsch and Graham Hunter
Lygus Bug in Alfalfa Seed, Erin W. Hodgson and Mike Pace
Pear Psylla (Cacopsylla Pyricola), Diane Alston and Marion Murray
Sod Webworms, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Water-Wise Landscaping: Mulch, Heidi Kratsch
Winding Down for Winter, JayDee Gunnell
Yellowjackets, Hornets, and Paper Wasps, Erin Hodgson and Alan Roe
Growing Tree Fruit in the Uintah Basin, Boyd Kitchen
Pantry Pests, Erin W. Hodgson and Alan H. Roe
Bermuda Grass, Rick Heflebower
Bermudagrass Control, USU
Calibrating Your Orchard Sprayer - Spread Sheet, USU
Dahlias, USU
Growing Iris, Utah State University Extension
Lilacs, USU
Pansies, USU
Annuals for Utah Gardens, Teresa Cerny
Annuals for Utah Gardens, Teresa Cerny, Debbie Amundsen, and Loralie Cox
Home and Garden Guide to Mormon Crickets and Grasshoppers, Lyle Holmgren
Home Water Self-check: Do-It-Yourself Water Check for the Home Landscape, Todd A. McCammon
Designing a Low Water Use Landscape, Teresa Cerny, Kelly L. Kopp, Maggie Wolf, and Debbie Amundsen
Designing a Low Water Use Landscape, Teresa Cerny, Kelly L. Kopp, Maggie Wolf, and Debbie Amundsen
Efficient Irrigation of Trees and Shrubs, Teresa A. Cerny, Michael R. Kuhns, Kelly L. Kopp, and Mike Johnson
Garden Water Use in Utah, Robert W. Hill
Growing Turf on Salt-affected Sites, Michael Pace and Paul Johnson
Herb Container Gardens, Maggie Wolf and Teresa Cerny
Water-Wise Landscaping, Kelly L. Kopp, Teresa Cerny, and Rick Heflebower
Water-Wise Landscaping: Monitoring Irrigation with Probes, Rich Koenig, Kelly Kopp, and Chad Reid
Springtails, Jay B. Karren and Alan H. Roe
Clover Mites, Dr. Jay B. Karren and Alan H. Roe
Grass Pasture Response to Water and Nitrogen, Robert W. Hill, Robert Newhall, Scott Williams, and Brian Andrew
Growing Chrysanthemums in the Garden, Utah State University Extension
Turfgrass Care – Northern Utah Cool Season Grasses, USU Extension
Turfgrass Weed Control, USU Extension
Boom Sprayer Calibration for Pesticide Applications, Richard Beard and Howard M. Deer
Landscape and Garden Weed Control, Steven Dewey, Dan Drost, Larry Rupp, and Larry Sagers
Home Vegetable Garden, Dan Drost
Water-Wise Landscaping, Terry Keane
Preparing and Improving Garden Soil, Utah State University