Content Posted in 2013
01 Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Climatology, Yuriy Kuleshov
02 Indian Monsoon Depression: Climatology and Variability, Jin-Ho Yoon and Wan-Ru Huang
03 Characteristics of the Quasi-16 Day Wave in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere (MLT): A Review Over an Equatorial Station Thumba (8.50N, 76.50E), Siddarth Shankar Das
04 Thunderstorm and Lightning Climatology of Australia, Yuriy Kuleshov
05 The South American Monsoon System: Climatology and Variability, Viviane B.S. Silva and Vernon E. Kousky
06 Climatology of the U.S. Inter-Mountain West, Shih-Yu (Simon) Wang and Robert R. Gillies
07 Climatology of the Northern-Central Adriatic Sea, Aniello Russo, Sandro Carniel, Mauro Sclavo, and Maja Krzelj
08 Spatial and Temporal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea over the Past 141 Years, Daji Huang, Xiaobo Ni, Qisheng Tang, Xiaohua Zhu, and Dongfeng Xu
09 Paleotempestology: Reconstructing Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the Pre-HURDAT Era, Jill S.M. Coleman and Steven A. LaVoie
10 Cenozoic Climatic Record for Monsoonal Rainfall over the Indian Region, Mohan Kuppusamy and Prosenjit Ghosh
10 Common Questions About Food Irradiation, Charlotte P. Brennand PhD
11 Climate Change: Is It More Predictable Than We Think?, Rafail V. Abramov
12 On the Relationship Between Boundary Layer Convergence and Cloud-to-Ground Lightning, Michael L. Gauthier
13 Synthesizing High-Resolution Climatological Wind Fields with a Mesoscale Atmospheric Boundary Layer Model Forced with Local Weather Observations, Guillermo J. Berri
14 Rainfall Prediction Using Teleconnection Patterns Through the Application of Artificial Neural Networks, Gholam Abbas Fallah-Ghalhari
1991 NSLS Operational Highlights, JR Dennison, S. K. Wang, P. Dai, H. Taub, T. Angot, and S. N. Ehrlich
1999 NC-140 Fuji and McIntosh dwarf apple rootstock trials: an update after eight growing seasons, W. Autio, T. Robinson, Brent Black, T. Bradshaw, J. Cline, R. Crassweller, C. Embree, E. Hoover, K. Kosola, J. Masabni, M. Parker, R. Perry, G. Reighard, J. Schupp, and M. Warmund
1999 NC-140 Fuji and McIntosh semi-dwarf apple rootstock trials: an update after eight growing seasons, W. Autio, T. Robinson, Brent Black, T. Bradshaw, J. Cline, R. Crassweller, C. Embree, E. Hoover, K. Kosola, J. Masabni, M. Parker, R. Perry, G. Reighard, J. Schupp, and M. Warmund
2008 Runoff Forecast for Utah, Brian McInerney
2011 - 2012 Winter Snowpack and 2012 Spring Runoff Forecast, Brian McInerney
2013 Exhibitors, Deja Joli Waymer
25 Years of Small Satellites, Siegfried Janson
25 Years of Small Satellites: Technology and New Comer Perspectives, Dr. Jean-Michel Contant
300 Mbps Downlink Communications from 50kg Class Small Satellites, Hirobumi Saito, Naohiko Iwakiri, Atsushi Tomiki, Takahide Mizuno, Hiromi Watanabe, Tomoya Fukami, Osamu Shigeta, Hitoshi Nunomura, Yasuaki Kanda, Kaname Kojima, Takahiro Shinke, and Toshiki Kumazawa
30 Years of Commercial Components In Space: Selection Techniques without Formal Qualification , M. Day
3-Axis Attitude Determination and Control of the AeroCube-4 CubeSats, Darren Rowen and Richard Dolphus
3D Printing and MEMS Propulsion for the RAMPART 2U CUBESAT , Gilbert Moore, Walter Holemans, Adam Huang, John Lee, Matthew McMullen, Jim White, Robert Twiggs, Benjamin Malphrus, Nathan Fite, David Klumpar, Ehson Mosleh, Keith Mashburn, David Wilt, James Lyke, Stewart Davis, Wes Bradley, 2Lt. Thomas Chiasson, Jay Heberle, and Pat Patterson
3Dwheel: 3-Axis Low Noise, High-Bandwidth Attitude Actuation from a Single Momentum Wheel Using Magnetic Bearings, Jon Seddon and Alexandre Pechev
$3M Planetary Missions: Why Not? - Consideration of Deep-space Spacecraft Mission Requirements, Tomas Svitek
3-Way Test Suite Prioritization and Fault Detection: A Case Study, Arjun Roy Chaudhuri
433 Eros Landing – Development of NEAR Shoemaker’s Controlled Descent Sequence , Robert Nelson, Karl Whittenburg, and Mark Holdridge
4-H Dairy Youth Opportunities in Utah, Clark Israelsen, Justin Jenson, and Allan Sulser
7 recycled ideas to better model and manage water resources in a changing world, David E. Rosenberg
A 1m Resolution Camera for Small Satellites, Jeremy Curtis, Nigel Morris, Bryan Shaughnessy, Nick Waltham, Ruben Edeson, Ian Tosh, and John Ellis
A 6U CubeSat Constellation for Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Sounding, Sharmila Padmanabhan, Shannon Brown, Pekka Kangaslahti, Richard Cofield, Damon Russell, Robert Stachnik, Joel Steinkraus, and Boon Lim
A Balanced Reading Approach, D. Ray Reutzel
A Balanced Reading Approach, D. Ray Reutzel
A Balancing Act: A Discussion of Gender Roles Within Wiccan Ritual, Elizabeth Shuler
A Baptism of Fire: The STRaND-1 Nanosatellite, C.P. Bridges, S. Kenyon, P. Shaw, E. Simons, L. Visagie, T. Theodorou, B. Yeomans, J. Parsons, V. Lappas, C. Underwood, S. Jason, D. Mellor, N. Navarathinam, P. Wellstead, A. Schofield, R. Linehan, J. Barrera-Ars, B. Dyer, D. Liddle, and M.N. Sweeting
A Baseline Study of Biofuel Feedstock Growth on Non-Traditional Agronomic Land in Utah, Dallas A. Hanks
A Beacon Monitoring System for Automated Fault Management Operations, Michael Swartwout and Christopher Kitts
A Better Source of Heat, Gene Washington
Abortion in Cattle, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Abrasion-resistance of modern reef-dwelling Foraminifera from Discovery Bay, Jamaica -- Implications for test preservation, E. Kotler, R. E. Martin, and W. D. Liddell
A Brief Survey of Attitude Control Systems for Small Satellites using Momentum Concepts, Ali Siahpush and Janet Gleave
Abstract for Low Cost/High Reliability Rotary Actuator for Space Satellites, Dave Koehler
Abundance, Movements, Harvest, and Survival of Brown Trout and Mountain Whitefish in a Section of Logan River, Utah, David W. Bridges
Academia 101: A panel discussion about dissertation writing, job hunting, and life on the tenure track., S. Cabell, J. S. Curwood, E. M. Hughes, and Amy A. Wilson
Academic Mortality and Survival of Students of the Freshman class of 1946 through Senior Year 1950 at the Utah State Agricultural College, Marvin T. Bell
Academic retention: An inside look, Deborah A. Byrnes
A call for performance-based data in the study of STEM Ph.D. education, David F. Feldon, Michelle A. Maher, and Briana E. Timmerman
A Canonical Analysis Exploring the Relationship among Prior Knowledge, Reading Achievement, and Elementary-Aged Readers' Ability to Infer Causal Cohesive Ties in Text, D. Ray Reutzel and B. Morgan
A Caribbean Forest Tapestry: The Multidimensional Nature of Disturbance and Response (Long-Term Ecological Research Network), Nicholas Brokaw and Todd Crowl
A case study of instruction from experts: Why does cognitive task analysis make a difference?, David F. Feldon and Krik Stowe
Accelerating Struggling Readers’ Progress: A Comparative Analysis of “Expert Opinion” and Research Recommendations: An Update, C. D. Jones, D. Ray Reutzel, and J. A. Smith
Accessing the Solar System with a Small Solar Sail, Jeremy Neubauer
A CCSDS Software System for a Single-Chip On-Board Computer of a Small Satellite, Isabel Rutter, Tanya Vladimirova, and Hans Tiggeler
Accurate Battery Performance Modelling: The Key to Accessing a Truly Responsive Modular Small-Cell Concept , Chris Pearson, Nick Russel, and Carl Thwaite
ACE - A Canadian Small Science Satellite Mission, Harold Dahl, Wally Eliuk, Glen Rumbold, and Randolph Shelly
A Characterization of Cycle-free Unit Probe Interval Graphs, David E. Brown, J. Richard Lundgren, and Li Sheng
A checklist for training programs, G. E. Baker, Dan L. Householder, and D. McArthur
Achieving Performance Taliorability in the Castor 120 Solid Rocket Motor, David Buhaly
A classification of ecological boundaries, David L. Strayer, Mary E. Power, William F. Fagan, Steward T.A. Pickett, and Jayne Belnap
A Classroom Experiment: Implementing a Math-Talk Environment in a University Setting, Janice Bodily
A Clinical Interview for Assessing Student Learning in a University-Level Craft Technology Course, Victor R. Lee and Deborah A. Fields
A Cloud of Inattention, Gene Washington
A CO2 Waveform Simulator for Evaluating and Testing of Respiratory Gas Analyzers, Christina Long and Joseph Orr
A Cold Gas Micro-Propulsion System for CubeSats, Joseph Cardin, Keith Coste, Dave Williamson, and Paul Gloyer
A collaborative approach to resilience: The Monroe Mountain Working Group, Steve Daniels
A Common Data Link (CDL) for Space-Based Communications: Migration of Airborne Hardware to Space, Richard Galindez, Darren Morrow, Tom Kamlowsky, Todd Wilstead, Brent Ovard, Alex Hailu, Ron Reeves, Myron Moore, and John Fairbanks
A Common Ground Experiment Testbed for Synthetic Mission Demonstration of Small Satellites , Xiaoqian Chen, Wen Yao, Yiyong Huang, and Yong Zhao
A Compact Low-Power High-Isp Thruster for Microsatellites, Douglas Spence, Nathaniel Demmons, and Thomas Roy
A Compact Radar Altimeter Satellite for Monitoring Global Climate Change, J.A Giannini, C.C. Kilgus, and E.L. Reynolds
A Comparative Evaluation of Listening Skills of Hearing Impaired Preschool Children Treated by the Home Auditory Program, Utah Project SKI*HI, 1972-75, Susan Gail Crant Carne
A Comparison of Digital Modulation Methods for Small Satellite Data Links, Daniel Mulally and Don Lefevre
A comparison of fruit quality and consumer preferences among three cold-climate strawberry production systems, M. D. Stevens, J. D. Lea-Cox, Brent Black, and J. A. Abbott
A Comparison of Helping, Sharing, Comforting, Honesty, and Civic Awareness for Children in Home Care, Day Care, and Preschool, Ann Marie Berghout Austin, Todd Braeger, Jay D. Schvaneveldt, Shelley L. Knudsen Lindauer, and M. Summers
A Comparison of Leadership Potential between Physical Education and Recreation Majors at Utah State University, Karolyn Carroll
A Comparison of Price Differentials in the Chain and Independent Grocery Stores of Logan, Utah, David C. Bacon
A comparison of root distribution patterns among Prunus rootstocks, Brent Black, D. Drost, T. Lindstrom, J. Reeve, J. Gunnell, and G. L. Reighard
A comparison of soil water potentials between traditional, non-native and native landscapes during a 3-Week dry down, James Gregory, David Chandler, and Kelly L. Kopp
A Comparison of Speech Defects Found Among Pupils of the Third to Sixth Grades Inclusive of an Urban with a Rural Area in Cache County Utah, George F. Swenson
A Comparison of Technologist Needs and Training Requirements of the Major Industries Within the State of Utah, Gene E. Forsberg
A comparison of temperate-climate strawberry production systems using eastern genotypes, Brent Black, J. M. Enns, and S. C. Hokanson
A Comparison of the Band and Orchestral Programs in the High Schools of Utah, George D. Harris
A comparison of the nature of representation in five different academic subjects, Amy A. Wilson
A Comparison of the Utah Cattle Slaughter Market with the California Cattle Carcass Market, M. Lloyd Davies
A comparison of three cold-climate strawberry production systems: Environmental effects, M. D. Stevens, Brent Black, J. D. Lea-Cox, A. M. Sadeghi, J. Harman-Fetcho, E. Pfeil, P. Downey, R. Rowland, and C. J. Hapeman
A Comparison of Three Methods Used to Analyze Pronghorn Antelope Diets, Leonard J. Shandruk
A Comparison of Transported with Non-Transported Pupils in the High Schools of the Millard County School District, Golden P. Wright
A complete genome sequence of Lactobacillus helveticus R0052, a commercial probiotic strain, T. A. Tompkins, G. Barreau, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
A comprehensive research method to investigate the environmental issues of urban landscapes—Water use and nitrogen leaching of urban landscapes on community water quantity and quality, Hongyan Sun, Kelly L. Kopp, M. Dietz, S. Jones, and J. Fan
A Comprehensive Study Evaluating Driver Education in the Senior High Schools from Analyses of Driving Records of Salt Lake City High School Students, H. Keith Bushman
A Computational Framework for Dam Safety Risk Assessment with Uncertainty Analysis, Anruag Srivastava
A Concept of International Nano-Launcher, Kazuhiro Yagi, Seiji Matsuda, Jun Yokote, Takayoshi Fuji, Kenji Sasaki, Mitsuteru Kaneoka, Shinichiro Tokudome, Yohsuke Nambu, and Masaaki Sugimoto
A Conceptual Model and Approach for Teaching Ethics in Persuasion, R. H. Gass and John S. Seiter
A Consolidated ACS Flight Software Development Approach for the Earth Observing-1 Spacecraft , Kathie Blackman and Jeff D'Agostino
A Constellation of Three Micro Satellites uses UV and Visible Sensors to Demonstrate Target Acquisition and Tracking , Steven Brown, Dean Wada, Ali Ghafourian, Mark Greenman, Charles Harris, Carl Howlett, Thomas Humpherys, and Hank Barcikowski
A Contribution to Our Knowledge of the Aphididae of Utah, George Knowlton
A Control Moment Gyro for Dynamic Attitude Control of Small Satellites, Craig Clark, Kevin Worrall, and Emre Yavuzoğlu
A controversial issue or not: Dueling historical interpretations in the curriculum, Steven P. Camicia
A Cost-Based Risk Assessment Method for Selecting Stream Restoration Design Alternatives, Sue L. Niezgoda
A Cost Model for a University Satellite Program, Emery Reeves
Acoustic Breath Detection and Classification: Modeling Respiratory Events, Bryce Hill and Douglas Christensen
A Creative Theorist in His Workshop: James M. Buchanan as a Positive Economis, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison
A Critical Survey of Elementary School Playgrounds in Cache and Box Elder Counties, Thomas Cracas
Across God's Frontiers: Catholic Sisters in the American West, 1850-1920, Anne M. Butler
Actinomycetes of Virgin Utah Soils with Special Reference to Antagonisms, Paul H. Krumperman
Active Antennas for Cubesat Applications, Timothy Fujishige, Aaron Ohta, Michael Tamamoto, Darren Goshi, Blaine Murakami, Justin Akagi, and Wayne Shiroma
Active Magnetic Control System for Gravity Gradient Stabilized Spacecraft , Francois Martel, Parimal Pal, and Mark Psiaki
Active Minimization of Acoustic Energy Density to Attenuate Radiated Noise from Enclosures, Andrew Boone and Jonathan Blotter
Active sound transmission control of an experimental double-panel partition using decoupled, dual-channel, analog feedback control, Jason Sagers and Jonathan Blotter
Activity theory as an analysis/design tool for implementing technology in the ESL classroom, Jim Rogers
Activity theory as an analysis/design tool for implementing technology in the ESL classroom, Jim Rogers
A CubeSat Constellation to Investigate the Atmospheric Drag Environment , Eric Sutton, Chin Lin, Frank Marcos, David Voss, and Odile Clavier
A Curriculum Study of the Biological Science Courses in the Secondary Schools and College of Utah During 1947-48, Merrill H. Gunnell
A Custom Launch System for Satellites Smaller than 1 kg, Dorin Patru, Jeffrey Kozak, and Robert Bowman
A Cyto-Taxonomic Study of the Genus Geranium within the Wasatch Region, Richard J. Shaw
Adam Smith in the Customhouse, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, and Robert D. Tollison
Adaptability of a Catalog Spacecraft Bus to Diverse Science Missions , Edward Belte, Steven Thompson, Dominick Conte, John Jordan, Albert Lepore, Kendall Nii, David Olschansky, and John Sutila
Adaptability of primocane raspberry cultivars to a high-elevation arid climate, Brent Black, T. Lindstrom, R. Heflebower, B. Hunter, S. Olsen, and D. G. Alston
Adaptable, Multi-Mission Design of CanX Nanosatellites, Stuart Eagleson, Karan Sarda, Stephen Mauthe, Tarun Tuli, and Robert Zee
Adapting to Change in Small Satellites, Lessons from the TacSat Program, Terrance Yee
A Database Centered Approach to Satellite Engineering Data Storage, Access, and Display, Patrick Cruce, Bryce Roberts, Manfred Bester, and Timothy Quinn
ADCS of THNS-1 Nanosatellite with Off-Pointing Capability, Li Junfeng, You Zheng, and Xu Min
Addressing Endogeneity of Casino, Crime and Regional Economy: A Case of Las Vegas, Nevada, Wei Bao
Addressing the effective use of learning objects through teacher education, Mimi M. Recker
Addressing Water Related Extension Programming With a Statewide Water Issues Team, Nancy Mesner, Rick Hefelbower, Robert Hill, John Harrison, and Kelly Kopp
Addressing water-related extension programming with a statewide water issues team, Nancy Mesner, Kelly L. Kopp, Rick Heflebower, Robert Hill, John Harrison, and Andree Walker
A decision tree model to estimate the value of information provided by a groundwater quality monitoring network, Abdelhaleem Khader and David E. Rosenberg
Adenomatous polyps in the pylorus of a Barbados sheep, David J. Wilson and M. Kopcha
A Deployable Stiffened Biconvex Mast, Nancy Holt and Emery Reeves
A Deployment Strategy for Multiple Secondary Payloads on the MLV-05 Mission, Donald Keenan
Adequacy of Morphological Traits in Discrimination Among Sphaeralcea (Globemallow) in Utah, Chalita Sriladda
A description of factors effecting student retention within a college of agricultural sciences and natural resources, C. Street, C. Akers, S. Fraze, L. Dudley, R. Bobbitt, and Kelsey Hall
A Design Overview of a Space-Based Chromotomographic Hyperspectral Imaging Experiment , Todd Book, William Starr, Arthur Morse, Steven Miller, Jonathan Black, Eric Swenson, Richard Cobb, and Carl Hartsfield
A Design Template for GAS Satellite Payloads, Daniel Sakoda
A developmental investigation of children's story structure awareness in dictated language experience stories, D. Ray Reutzel
A Dietetic Analysis of the Nursery School Diets at the Utah State Agricultural College, Eleonora Jennie Tasso
A Diffusion Method to Prepare Soil Extracts for Automated Nitrogen-15 Analysis, P. D. Brooks, John M. Stark, B. B. McInteer, and T. Preston
A Distributed Computing Architecture for Small Satellite and Multi-Spacecraft Missions , Bryan Palmintier, Christopher Kitts, Pascal Stang, and Michael Swartwout
Adjusting nitrogen rates when clippings are returned, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard
Administrators’ Ten Commandments for Reading Teachers, D. Ray Reutzel and S. Cutshall
Adolescents' Reading Interests and Prior Knowledge: Are They Really Related?, D. Ray Reutzel and J. P. Mitchell
Adopting Internet Standards for Orbital Use, Lloyd Wood, Will Ivancic, Alex da Silva Curiel, Chris Jackson, Dave Stewart, Dan Shell, and Dave Hodgson
Adoption of mastitis control practices, dairy farm characteristics, and associations with milk quality, David J. Wilson, R. N. Gonzalez, H. R. Han, and Y. H. Schukken
Adult computer literacy, Dan L. Householder
Advanced Antenna Design for a NASA Small Satellite Mission, Jason Lohn, Derek Linden, and Gregory Hornby
Advanced EHF Technologies for Lightweight Augmentation / Restoration Communications Satellites , Dean Kolba, William Greenberg, David McElroy, and Marilyn Semprucci
Advanced EO System for the Japanese Small Satellite ASNARO, Shuhei Hikosaka, Tetsuo Fukunaga, Toshiaki Ogawa, and Shoichiro Mihara
Advanced Fire Observation System (FOS) by Intelligent Infrared Sensors , A. Ginati, C. Tobehn, D. Oertel, F. Lanzl, B. Zhukov, H. Jahn, H.-P. Roeser, F. Merkle, and U. Christmann
Advanced Hardware-In-the-Loop RF Testing Assures Communication System Mission Success, Steve Williams
Advanced Methods for Structural Machining and Solar Cell Bonding Allowing High System Integration and their Demonstration on a Pico-satellite , Guillaume Roethlisberger, Fabien Jordan, Anthony Servonet, Maurice Borgeaud, Renato Krpoun, and Herbert Shea
Advanced Middleware for Space Plug-and-play Avionics (SPA) Architecture Standardization and Rapid Systems Integration, Grant Holcomb
Advanced On-board Image Compression in Conjunction with Cloud Detection for Micro-satellite Optical Imaging , P.A. Hou, M. Petrou, and C. Underwood
Advanced Propulsion Benefits to New Millennium Class Missions, Leonard Dudzinski and Roger Myers
Advanced Pulsed Plasma Thruster Demonstration On MightySat Flight II.1, D.L. Tilley, J.A. Pobst, D.R. Bromaghim, R.M. Myers, R.J. Cassady, W.A. Hoskins, N.J. Meckel, J.J. Blandino, D.E. Brinza, and M.D. Henry
Advanced System of Micro Satellite for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Mission, Yoshihide Aoyanagi, Shin Satori, Ryuichi Mitsuhashi, Tsuyoshi Totani, Toshihiko Yasunaka, Akihiro Nakamura, and Yusuki Takeuchi
Advanced Technology Oscillator for the Pluto Flyby Mission, Jerry Norton
Advanced Wireless Communications Technologies for Low Power, Reconfigurable Small Satellite Radios, Michael Tompkins, Matthew Warner, and Todd Mosher
Advance Power Technology Experiment for the Starshine 3 Satellite, Phillip Jenkins, David Scheiman, David Wilt, Ryne Raffaelle, Robert Button, Mark Smith, Thomas Kerslake, and Thomas Miller
Advances in starter cultures and cultured foods, T. M. Cogan, J. Steele, Jeffery R. Broadbent, N. P. Shah, and Z. Ustunol
Advances in Thermal Control Technologies for Small Satellite Systems, Scott Jensen
Advancing Small Satellite Earth Observation: Operational Spacecraft, Planned Missions and Future Concepts, A. Wicks, A. da Silva Curiel, J. Ward, and M. Fouquet
Advancing the practice of cognitive task analysis: A call for taxonomic research, Kenneth A. Yates and David F. Feldon
Advancing the Utility of Small Satellites with the Development of a Hybrid Electric-Laser Propulsion (HELP) System , Rachel Leach, Thomas Adams, and Gerald Murphy
Advantages of a Grazing Incidence Monochromator in the Extreme Ultraviolet, Sarah Barton
Adventures in Monitoring: Maintaining Sensor Networks and Managing the Flood of Data, Amber Spackman Jones
Advertising, Competition, and Market-Share Instability, William F. Shughart II, Bhaskar J. Das, and William F. Chappell
Advocating for literacy in a climate of political division, D. Ray Reutzel
Aeneas -- Colony I Meets Three-Axis Pointing, Michael Aherne, Tim Barrett, Lucy Hoag, Eric Teegarden, and Rohan Ramadas
AEOLUS: A System Concept for Precise Delivery of Mars Scientific Instrumentation , Marcus Murbach, David Keese, and Jack Farmer
AeroAstro’s Escort – A Microsatellite for On-Orbit Inspection of Space Assets , Aaron Jacobovits and Thomas Vaneck
AeroAstro’s X-Band Transponder – Meeting the Communication Needs of Tomorrow’s Small Spacecraft , Eric Aamot, Ray Zenick, and Kimberly Kohlhepp
Aerobraking Technology for Earth Orbit Transfers , Paul Gloyer, Aaron Jacobovits, Dan Cohen, Jim Guerrero, and Richard Wilmoth
Aerobraking to Lower Apogee in Earth Orbit with the Small Payload ORbit Transfer (SPORT™) Microsatellite Vehicle , Paul Gloyer, Tony Robinson, Adeena Mignogna, and Yasser Ahmad
Aerodynamic and Propulsion Assisted Maneuvering for Orbital Transfer Vehicles, Patrick Jolley
Aerodynamic Electrical Energy: Wind Turbine Engineering, Andrew Nielson, Scott Marchant, Doran Baker, Michael Engh, Alvin Kang, Gustavo Estrada, Brandon Graham, Jason Johnson, and Jacob Nieveen
Aerodynamic Electrical Energy: Wind Turbine Study, Michael Engh
A Family of Generic Earth Pointing Satellites, Jeanine Bowman and Francis Czopek
A Farm Management Study of Dairy Farms in Duchesne County, Utah, 1945, Melvin M. Peterson
A Fast Prediction Algorithm of Satellite Passes, P.L. Palmer and Yan Mai
A Fault Tolerant Integrated Electronics Module for Small Satellites, M.E. Fraeman
A Feasibility Study for a Remotely Controlled, Low-power- consumption Scanning Electron Microscope Suitable for Space Applications, John Chidester and Lynn Chidester
A Feasibility Study of Micro-Satellites for Earth Observation, Joshua Levi and Peter Washabaugh
A Feasibility Study of Techniques for Interplanetary Microspacecraft Communications, G. James Wells and Robert Zee
Affable Reading Tutor (ART): A Virtual Peer Helps Learn Questioning Strategy, Yanghee Kim, B. Xu, Y. Ko, and Q. Wei
Affect and gender of pedagogical agents as learning companions, Yanghee Kim
Affecting changes in classrooms that work: Learning Centers, D. Ray Reutzel
Affect of Specified Factors on 1951 Farm Prices of Utah Peaches, William N. Capener
Affirmative Action and Unemployment, William F. Shughart II, Mwangi S. Kimenyi, and Robert D. Tollison
Affordable Access To Space – Getting There, Maarten Meerman, Andy Currie, and Martin Sweeting
Affordable Access to Space Using the Russian Dnepr Launch Vehicle: Twists and Turns in the Road to Export Approval and Launch , Dino Lorenzini
Affordable Polymer Composite Structures for Various Spacecraft Structural Components, G.C. Krumweide
Affordable Rad-Hard – An Impossible Dream?, David Alexander, Ken Hunt, Marc Owens, and James Lyke
Affordable SAR Constellations to Support Homeland Security, Adam Baker, Rachel Bird, Stuart Eves, and F. Brent Abbott
A field guide to biological soil crusts of western U.S. drylands: Common lichens and bryophytes, Roger Rosentreter, Matthew Bowker, and Jayne Belnap
A Field of Dreams: Independent Writing Programs and the Future of Composition Studies, Peggy O'Neill, Angela Crow, and Larry W. Burton
A Fisheries Investigation of the Previously Un-Surveyed Little Bear River, Christian Smith
A five step outlining procedure to develop academic journal reading skills, Jim Rogers
A five step outlining procedure to develop academic journal reading skills, Jim Rogers
A Flexible Autonomous Power Management System for Small Spacecraft, Ron Dunbar and Gordon Hardman
A Flexible Object Oriented Spacecraft Operating System (FOS), Dave Ladouceur
A Flexible Rideshare Adapter System to Increase Space Access for “Express” Class 20-50 kg Small Satellite Missions, Clint Apland, Aaron Rogers, David Persons, Robert Summers, and Calvin Kee
A Flight-Proven 2.4GHz ISM Band COTS Communications System for Small Satellites, Ignacio Mas and Christopher Kitts
A focus on struggling readers: A comparative analysis of expert opinion and empirical research recommendation, Cindy D. Jones, D. Ray Reutzel, and J. A. Smith
A Framework for Analyzing the Market and Supporting Infrastructure for Small Satellites and Associated Systems, Stephen Morgan
A Framework for Planning Productive University Course Assignments, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
A Frequency Analysis of the QuikSCAT Calibration Ground Station, Arden Anderson
AFRL's Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) Program – Quest for the Common Micro Satellite Bus, Greg Heinsohn, Tim Girard, Durand Smith, Janet Stuart, Aaron Adler, Jon Schoenberg, Mark Scherbarth, and Eric Klaiber
AFRL’s Multi-Satellite Deployment System (MSDS), 1Lt. Carrie Brackett, Mark Kumashiro, and Andrew Peffer
A Fully Implemented Semi-Automated Ground-Control System for the TERRIERS Satellite, Nicolas Groleau, Larry Kiser, Forrest Girouard, Allen Hopkins, Tom Morgan, Supriya Chakrabarti, Timothy Cook, Daniel Cotton, and Paul Dell
A Functional Framework for Improved Management of Western North American Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), Paul C. Rogers, Simon M. Landhausser, Bradley D. Pinno, and Ronald J. Ryel
A Fuzzy Expert System Architecture Implementing Onboard Planning and Scheduling for Autonomous Small Satellite, Yang Jiajun, Xu Guodong, Chao Xibin, and Ma Xingrui
A Game of Chess, Gene Washington
A Generalist's View of Water Related Issues and Their Potential Impact on Humanity, Mark Hargreaves
Agent Food $ense training, Heidi LeBlanc
Agent/supervisor training, Heidi LeBlanc
A Geomagnetic Smallsat Observatory for Operation in a 200 km Altitude Low Earth Orbit, W.R. Baron, K.S. Schultz, and P.L. Thomsen
Age study 2006, Claudia Nischwitz
Aggressive Communication in Political Contexts, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass
Aggressive Mimicry: The Rhetoric of Wise Use and the Environmental Movement, Jennifer Peeples
Aggressive Mimicry: Wise Use and the Environmental Movement, Jennifer Peeples
Aging of the population and its socioeconomic implications in Utah, Vitis Smutrakalin
A GIS Based Biophysical Framework to Inform Fish Habitat Assessment and Restoration in the Columbia River Basin, Nadine Trahan
A GIS Tool to Analyze Forest Road Sediment Production and Stream Impacts, Ajay Prasad, David G. Tarboton, Charles H. Luce, and Thomas A. Black
A Glimpse of the Syn- and Post-Glacial Biosphere Recorded in the Late Neoproterozoic Pocatello and Perry Maple Canyon Formations, Southeastern Idaho and Northern Utah, USA, Robin Nagy and Carol M. Dehler
A Global Enviromental Data Distribution System, Philip Walker
A Global Greenhouse Gas Monitor, Peter Teague and Stephen Russell
A Global System for Dangerous Sea Monitoring Using Space Based GPS Bistatic Remote Sensing, Scott Gleason, Alex da Silva Curiel, Ka Bian, and Stephen Mackin
A Gossamer Structures Technology Demonstrator for De-Orbiting Pico-Satellites, Dante Buckley, Thomas Cowan, and Jim Van Pelt III
A GPS-Based Attitude Determination System for Small Satellites, Daniel Gershman, Kristopher Young, Anders Kelsey, Ofer Eldad, Jason Rostoker, Shan Mohiuddin, Alessandro Cerruti, and Mason Peck
A GPS Bistatic Radar for Small Satellite Applications, James Pogemiller, Chen-Chi Chu, and Demoz Gebre-Egziabher
A Graduate-Oriented Evaluation of the Music Education Curricula of Four State College-University Systems in Utah, Harold W. Boyce
Agricultural experiment station faculty and administrator attitudes and perceptions regarding placing research results on the Internet, Roger Kjelgren
A Ground-Based Prototype of a CMOS Navigational Star Camera for Small Satellite Applications , Brian Shucker
A Ground Station for Use with Small Satellites, Ronald Muller and Charles Vermillion
A Guide to be used in Evaluating Audio-Visual Aids for use in the Teaching of Industrial Arts in the Junior High Schools of Utah, Dan H. Swenson
A heat unit model for predicting bloom dates in Rubus, Brent Black, J. W. Frisby, K. S. Lewers, F. Takeda, and C. Finn
A Hierarchical Examination of Bull Trout Habitat Relationships in Northeast Oregon, Robert Al-Chokhachy and Phaedra E. Budy
A Highly Integrated S-Band Transceiver System with Two-Way Doppler Tracking Capability, Robert Bokulic, Christopher DeBoy, Daniel Minarik, John Daniels, Sheng Cheng, and Jeffrey Sinsky
A Highly Modular Scientific Nanosatellite: TEST, David Voss, A. Kirchoff, D.P. Hagerman, D.C.H Tan, J.J. Zapf, Jeff Dailey, Art White, H.D. Voss, M. Maple, and Farzad Kamalabadi
A High Stiffness Boom to Increase the Moment-Arm for a Propulsive Attitude Control System on FalconSAT-3 , Brian Engberg, Greg Spanjers, Peter Wegner, Daron Bromaghim, Pamela Fetchko, Jerry Sellers, Mark Lake, Mike Tupper, Jeff Harvey, and Jon Evans
A History and Economic Analysis of the Hyrum Reclamation Project, Douglas Eldon Brinley
A History of the Italian and German Prisoner of War Camps in Utah and Idaho During World War II, Ralph A. Busco
A History of the Men's Physical Education Program at Utah State Agricultural College, Frank R. Tidwell
A History of Wool Manufacturing as it is Related to Wool Marketing in Utah, George Elwood Spencer
A holistic strategy for adaptive land management, Jeffery E. Herrick, Michael C. Duniway, David A. Pyke, Brandon T. Bestelmeyer, Skye A. Wills, Joel R. Brown, Jason W. Karl, and Kris M. Havstad
A hydroclimatic index for examining patterns of drought in the Colorado River Basin, Andrew W. Ellis, Gregory B. Goodrich, and Gregg M. Garfin
A Hydro-Quality Model to Predict the Effects of Biological Transformations on the Chemical Quality of Return Flow, V. A. Narasimhan
Airborne Multispectral Remote Sensing to Support Water Related Research, Christopher Neale
Airglow-CubeSat with Orientation Control by Aerospike Puff-jets, Steward Hansen, Braydon Williams, Jackson Andrasko, Doran Baker, Benjamin Blakeley, Jonathan Jensen, Jason Johnson, McKay Lund, Jacob Nieveen, Steven Swenson, Kyle Westwood, and Nephi Williams
AirLaunch’s QuickReach™ Small Launch Vehicle: Operationally Responsive Access to Space, Debra Facktor Lepore and Joseph Padavano
Air Vent Sizing in Low-Level Outlet Works for Small- to Medium-Sized Dams, Nathan W. Wright
AISSat-1 Early Results, Bjorn Narheim, Oystein Helleren, Oystein Olsen, Richard Olsen, Harald Rosshaug, Alexander Beattie, Daniel Kekez, and Robert Zee
A Java Framework for Spatial Embedded Systems, L. Apvrille, P. Senac, and M. Diaz
A Journey Through Interval Intersection Graph Country, David E. Brown
A Laser Downlink for Small Satellites using an Optically Modulating Retroreflector, Gary Jensen and Charles Swenson
ALEXIS, the Little Satellite That Could - 4 Years Later, Diane Roussel-Dupre, Jeff Bloch, Cindy Little, Robert Dingler, Bryan Dunne, Sandra Fletcher, Meg Kennison, Keri Ramsey, Rebecca King, James Theiler, John Sutton, and James Wren
Alfalfa Seed Production in Millard County, Utah as Related to Soil Type, George Whornham
Alfalfa stem nematodes, Claudia Nischwitz
Alfalfa Variety Selection Guidelines, T C. Griggs
Algal Nutrient Limitation throughout the Little Bear River Watershed, Jared Baker
Algorithm Development for Column Water Vapor Retrieval Using the SAM Sensor, Joshua Williams, John DeVore, AT Stair Jr., and Doran Baker
Algorithm Enhancements for the SS-411 Digital Sun Sensor, John Enright and Doug Sinclair
A Light Source for Testing CMOS Imagers, Jed J. Hancock and Doran Baker
A Linkage Study of Chromosome IV in Barley, Earl William Smith
All Parts of the Union I Considered My Home: Federal Literacy in The Algerine Captive, Keri Holt
Al nucleation on monohydride and bare Si(001) surfaces: atomic scale patterning, T. -C. Shen, C. Wang, and J. R. Tucker
A locus-wide approach to assessing variation in the avian MHC: the B-locus of the wild turkey, L. D. Chaves, G. M. Faile, J. A. Hendrickson, Karen E. Mock, and K. M. Reed
Al on Si(001): surface diffusion, annealing behavior, and island formation, T. -C. Shen
A Low-cost Approach to Small Satellite Control and Data Relay, Zhai Zheng'an
A Low-Cost Modular Nanosatellite based on Commercial Technology, Craig Underwood, Mike Crawford, and Jeff Ward
A Low-Cost Small Satellite Space Radar System, Bernard Raab and Robert Bartlett
A Low Cost Tailorable Power Source for Microsatellites, Paul Dillard
A Low-Cost Wireless Power Transmission Experiment, Steven Deal and V. Coverstone-Carroll
A Low Power Approach to Small Satellite Propulsion, Joe Cardin and Larry Mosher
A Low Power Command and Control Module for Small Satellites, Aroh Barjatya, Joel Nelsen, Charles Swenson, and Chad Fish
A Low-Power Dual-Processor Computing System for Advanced Nanosatellite Missions, Nathaniel Colson, Paul Moonjelly, and David Filmer
A low-temperature transport study of Ga-implanted wires in Si, S. J. Robinson, J. R. Tucker, and T. -C. Shen
ALSAT-1 First Year in Orbit, John Cooksley, Alex da Silva Curiel, Paul Stephens, Lee Boland, Susan Jason, Wei Sun, and Martin Sweeting
ALSET - Air Launch System Enabling Technology R&D Program, Takashi Arime, Masanori Sugimine, Seiji Matsuda, Jun Yokote, Takayoshi Fuji, Kenji Sasaki, Dominic DePasquale, Hideki Kanayama, and Mitsuteru Kaneoka
ALSET - Japanese Air Launch System Concept and Test Plan, Yuichi Noguchi, Takashi Arime, Seiji Matsuda, Takayoshi Fuji, Hideki Kanayama, and Dominic DePasquale
Altering Functional Properties of Fats Using Power Ultrasound, A. H. Suzuki, J. Lee, S. G. Padilla, and Silvana Martini
Alternative alleyways for tart cherry orchards., M. A. Rowley, Brent Black, C. V. Ransom, Jennifer R. Reeve, and J. E. Creech
Alternative Approaches For Funding Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Expenses: Some Financial Issues and Considerations, J. Robert Malko
Alternative orchard floor management strategies, M. Rowley, Brent Black, and G. Cardon
Alternative paradigms in educational research, Dan L. Householder and D. Kilgore
Alternatives in Machinery Management on Juab County, Utah, Dry-Farms, W. Jay Dalley
Alternative states of a semiarid grassland ecosystem: implications for ecosystem services, Mark E. Miller, R. Travis Belote, Matthew A. Bowker, and Steven L. Garman
Alternatives to antibiotic therapy in treating clinical mastitis, David J. Wilson
Altitude Reconstitution of a Small Scientific Satellite using a Limited Set of On-Board Sensors, F. Martel, R. Warner, C. Wright, and M. Psiaki
A Maintenance-Free Battery Charge Control Approach for Nickel-Hydrogen Batteries, Andrew Lewin
A Management Study of the Idaho-Utah Interstate Deer Herd with Speical Reference to the Sublett, Black Pine, and East Raft River Mountain Unit, Kenneth L. Diem
A management unit for industrial arts, A. R. Voelkner and Dan L. Householder
A Medical Data Cleaner, Jahnavi Yetukuri
A MEMS Based Experimental Colloid Thruster Package for Nano Satellites, Barry Kent, John Stark, Bob Stevens, Matt Alexander, Adam Baker, Dave Gibbon, and Douglas Liddle
A MEO-GEO Combined Earth Sensor/Sun Sensor, James Fallon and Gerald Falbel
American Debtors' Prison: The Rise of the New York Citizen as a Commercial Participant during the Early American Republic, 1800-1836, Ryan M. Braeger
American Option Pricing: A Simulated Approach, Garrett G. Smith
A Method of Estimating Fishing Pressure and Harvest as Used on Logan River, Utah, Albert Frank Regenthal
A Method to Quantify Road Safety Audit Data and Results, Joshua Reid Jones
A Metrics to Support the Design of Small Satellite Based High Resolution Mapping Systems , Rainer Sandau
A Micromechanical Gyro Package with GPS under Development for Small Pointing Satellites, N. Barbour, P. Madden, and M. Socha
A Microparticle Recognition Experiment for Near-Earth Space On Board the Satellite ASUSat 1, Charles Hewett
A Microsatellite "Space Guard" Force, Matt Bille, Robyn Kane, Martin Oetting, and Donna Dickey
A Miniature UV Imaging Spectrometer for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere, Juan Fernez-Saldivar and Craig Underwood
A Miniaturized Nanosatellite VHF / UHF Communications System, W.J. Ubbels, A.R. Bonnema, J. Rotteveel, and E.D. van Breukelen
Ammonia Toxicity in a Herd of Beef Cattle, Clell V. Bagley DVM
A Model-Based Design Tool for Systems-Level Spacecraft Design , Brandon Eames, Allan McInnes, Jared Crace, and Joe Graham
A Model-Based Toolset for Supporting Rapid Integration and Verification of Spacecraft Electronics , Anand Madhusoodanan and Brandon Eames
A Model for Anesthetic Washout During Recovery in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit, Cameron Jacobson and Dwayne Westenskow
A Model for Data Collection and Reporting for Cow/Calf and Feedlot Operations, Dale R. ZoBelle, Michael Coe, and Brett Boman
A Model for the Classification of Supernovae, Brittany Spencer and Shane Reese
A Modular Small Satellite Bus for Low Earth Orbit Missions, N.P. Bean
A Monopropellant Milli-Newton Thruster System for Attitude Control of Nanosatellites, Donald Platt
A More Diverse Circle of Friends., J. A. Thompson and Deborah A. Byrnes
Amplifier Design for Aerospike Measurements, Nathan Erni and Doran Baker
AMSAT-NA Phase IV Project Lessons in Distributed Engineering , Dick Jansson
AMSAT Phase IV Propulsion and Attitude Control Systems Conceptual Design , Doug May
A Multi-Channel Direct Conversion Digital Uplink Receiver, Ron Huebner, Nick Pappageorge, Lee Atkinson, Tom Seay, Erik Odeen, Ron Manherz, and Stuart Golden
A Multifaceted Study of the Condition of the Jordan River, Kristen Yeager
A Multi-Scale Investigation of Factors Limiting Bull Trout Viability, Tracy Bowerman
A multi-scale perspective of water pulses in dryland ecosystems: Climatology and ecohydrology of the western USA, Michael E. Loik, David D. Breshears, William K. Lauenroth, and Jayne Belnap
A Multi-Sensor Array to Study Flight Dynamics, Atmospheric Pollution and Gas Composition in Earth’s Atmosphere, Michael Petersen, J. Wesley Mahurin, Jenifer Stoddard, John Sohl, and Fon Brown
A Multi-User Carrier Structure for Deploying Pegasus-Launched Micro-Satellites, J.A. King, N.J. Beidleman, and P.M. Stoltz
A Multi-Year Analysis of Irrigation Practices Affecting Salt Outflow: A Case Study in Uintah Basin, Joel R. Cannon
Amusement Park Physics: USU Physics Day at Lagoon, JR Dennison
An Accurate Metabolic Simulator for Indirect Calorimetry System Validation, Craig T. Flanagan, J. Orr, and D. Westenskow
An Activist Mentor’s struggles around difference in an urban education cohort, G. Sue Kasun
An Adaptable Frangible Separation Joint, Gary Harris and Steven Renfro
An Advanced High Resolution Optical Sensor for Small Satellite Mapping Missions, David Purl, Luis Gomes, Alex da Silva Curiel, Mike Cutter, Wei Sun, and Martin Sweeting
An Advanced Standard for CubeSats, Ryan Hevner, Walter Holemans, Jordi Puig-Suari, and Robert Twiggs
An Affordable, Low-Risk Approach to Launching Research Spacecraft as Tertiary Payloads, Freddy Pranajaya, Robert Zee, Per Lundahl Thomsen, Mogens Blanke, Rafael Wisniewski, Lewis Franklin, and Jordi Puig-Suari
An agent as a learning companion: What it matters, Yanghee Kim
An Agile Multi-use Nano Star Camera for Constellation Applications, Scott Palo, George Stafford, and Alan Hoskins
An alternative approach to phage control in Italian-type cheese, S. Caldwell, D. J. McMahon, C. J. Oberg, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
An Alternative to Deployed Thermal Radiators: Deployed Equipment Modules with Individual Package Temperature Control , Nelson Hyman
Analysis and Design of a New Alternative for Satellite Platforms, E. Roggero, M. Cerocchi, A. Rauschert, and M. Sepulveda
Analysis of Adult-Neonate Synchrony During Speech and Nonspeech, Ann Marie Berghout Austin and J. Craig Peery
Analysis of capsule production in Streptococcus thermophilus by comparative genomics, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Analysis of experts' omissions during instruction: impacts on student learning and motivation, David F. Feldon and J. Chao
Analysis of Iris yellow spot virus strains from onion (Allium cepa) from Georgia (USA) and Peru, Claudia Nischwitz, D. R. Langston, A. N. Sparks, A. S. Csinos, Mullis S. W., and R. D. Gitaitis Gitatitis
Analysis of Nanofluids in Liquid Electronics Cooling System, Nick A. Roberts and D. G. Walker
Analysis of Nanofluids in Liquid Electronics Cooling Systems, Nick A. Roberts and D. G. Walker
Analysis of Oasis Desert Circulation during Summertime Fair Weather Conditions, Lijuan Wen
Analysis of Rocky Mountain mule Deer Kill Records of Five-Year Deer Removal from the Logan River Drainage of Northern Utah, Wilmur Bartels
Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Panels for Bovine DNA Identification, Kimberly A. Blanchard
Analysis of Spectrum Band Sharing between CDMA and other Systems , Tarek Attia, Peter Sweeney, and Martin Sweeting
Analysis of Star Identification Algorithms due to Uncompensated Spatial Distortion, Steven Paul Brätt
Analysis of the Lactobacillus casei supragenome and its influence in species evolution and lifestyle adaptation, Jeffery R. Broadbent, E. C. Neeno-Eckwall, B. Stahl, K. Tandee, H. Cai, W. Morovic, P. Horvath, J. Heidenreich, N. T. Perna, R. Barrangou, and J. L. Steele
Analysis of the Performance Characteristics of a Gossamer Sail for Nanosatellite Applications, Kevin Schillo and Christopher Valle
Analysis of Thruster Requirements and Capabilities for Local Satellite Clusters, G.J. Yashko and D.E. Hastings
Analysis of Water Footprint of a Photobioreactor Microalgae Biofuel 1 Production System from Blue, Green and Lifecycle Perspectives, Jason C. Quinn
Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Aerodynamic Thrust Vectoring on an Aerospike Nozzle, Shannon D. Eilers, Matthew D. Wilson, Stephen Whitmore, and Zachary W. Peterson
An analysis of affordances of multimodal texts in the content areas, Amy A. Wilson
An Analysis of Auditory Stimulus Generalization Gradients in Children with Autism Following Two Different Training Procedures, Steven N. Corry
An analysis of consumer preferences for peaches in Salt Lake City, Utah, 1947, Marion R. Larsen
An Analysis of Iterative Algorithms for Image Reconstruction from Satellite Earth Remote Sensing Data, Matthew H. Willis
An Analysis of Preliminary Test Campaign Results for a Microscale Solar Thermal Engine, Major Fred Kennedy
An Analysis of School Drop-Outs at Toole High School, Franklin Whitehouse
An Analysis of the Generic Features of Political Heckling, John S. Seiter
An analysis of wolf hunting behavior in Yellowstone National Park , Dan R. MacNulty, D. W. Smith, and L. D. Mech
An Analytical History of Terrorism, 1945–2000, William F. Shughart II
An Analytical Study of Utah Verse to Determine What Utah Poetry Might Be Recommended for Study in Elementary and Secondary Utah Schools, Lawrence James Sorenson
An Anesthesia Display for a Space Station: Clinical Validation of Neuromuscular Blockade Models, Rose Mills and Steve Kern
An Anesthesia Display for a Space Station: Clinical Validation of Sedation and Analgesia Models, Farrant H. Sakaguchi and Talmage Egan
A Nanosatellite Mission to Investigate Equatorial Ionospheric Plasma Depletions: The U. S. Air Force Academy’s FalconSat-2, L. Habash Krause, J.J. Sellers, C.L. Enloe, R. Humble, and J. White
A Nanosatellite to Demonstrate GPS Oceanography Reflectometry , Maarten Meerman, Martin Unwin, Scott Gleason, Susan Jason, and Martin Sweeting
An Apparatus and System for Obtaining Tidal-End CO2 Saturation Measurements in Patients Receiving Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation, James Pinkston and Dwayne Westenskow
An application of a modified experiential learning model for a higher education course: Evidence of increased outcomes, Mark F. Roark and Jonathan C. Norling
An Approach to Automated Health Monitoring & Control for Space Systems , Roger Johnson, Sanjay Jayaram, Dan Hand, and Jami Ward
An Approach to the Design of a Lightweight Lunar Spacecraft, G.E. Sevaston, D.H. Lehman, and K.T. Nock
An Assessment of the Market for Small Satellites, Larry Stern
Anatomic Dead Space Cannot Be Predicted by Body Weight, Lara M. Brewer and Joseph A. Orr
An Attitude Control System and Commissioning Results of the SNAP-1 Nanosatellite , W.H. Steyn, Y. Hashida, and V. Lappas
An Attitude Control System for a Low-Cost Earth Observation Satellite with Orbit Maintenance Capability , Willem Steyn and Yoshi Hashida
An Autecological Study of Blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima torr.) in Southwestern Utah, James E. Bowns
An automated, web-based groundwater mapping and visualization system, Norman Jones
And the Beat Goes On: Voting on the Form of County Governance in the Midst of Public Corruption, William F. Shughart II, Gokhan R. Karahan, and R. Morris Coats
An Earlier Lidar Observation of a Noctilucent Cloud above Logan, Utah (41.7º N, 111.8º W), Joshua Herron and Vincent B. Wickwar
An Ecofeminist Perspective on the Influences that Promote and Restrict Three Early Childhood Educators' Inclusion of Open-ended Outdoor Learning, Anne K. Mackiewicz
An Economic Analysis of Alfalfa Seed Production Costs and Returns in Utah, 1952, Jack B. Goodwin
An Economic Analysis of Demand and Supply for Irrigation Water in Utah: A Linear Programming Approach, Mark Holland Anderson
An Economic Analysis of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilization on Several Utah Range and Meadow Sites, Thomas M. Quigley
An Economic Analysis of Predation Control and Predatory Sheep Losses in Southwestern Utah, R. Garth Taylor
An Economic Analysis of the Marketing Operations of the Utah Berry Growers' association, George W. Armstrong
An Economic Analysis of the Possilbe Implications of the Abolition of the Basing Point System of Pricing on the Steel Industry in Utah, Lester T. Hansen
An Economic Analysis of the Predator Problem in the Range-Sheep Industry in Utah, David Murray Curle
An Economic Exam for Energy Utilities, J. Robert Malko and William J. Evans
An Efficient Approach to Subsystem Design: Autonomous GNC - A Case Study , Mak Tafazoli, Darius Nikanpour, and Sid Saraf
An Electrically Actuated Pin-Puller for Space Application using Nickel- Titanium Memory Alloy, Peter Cipollo and Brendan Surrusco
An Electrolysis Experiment for a Middle School Summer Science Camp, Mike A. Christiansen, Leslie Jessup, and Kevin D. Woodward
An embedded-atom-method model for alkali-metal vibrations, R. B. Wilson and D. Mark Riffe
An Embedded Ring Approach to the Vibrational Dynamics of Disordered Two-dimensional Materials, T. E. Doyle and JR Dennison
An End-to-End System for Publishing Environmental Observations Data, Jeffery S. Horsburgh
An Energetic Assessment of Predator Consumption in Utah Lake with Consideration of Future Options for June Sucker Recovery, Kevin Landom, Phaedra Budy, Gary P. Thiede, Todd A. Crowl, and Chris Luecke
An Environmental History of the Bear River Range, 1860-1910, Bradley Paul Hansen
An Environmental Impact Statement: Designing Supportive Literacy Classrooms for Young Children, D. Ray Reutzel and M. Wolfersberger
An EO Constellation based on the TOPSAT Microsatellite: Global Daily Revisit at 2.5 Metres , Alex Wicks, Susan Jason, and Jenny Harrison
An Epitaph and an Elegy for a Prostate, Gene Washington
An epitaxial approach to 3D nanoscale electronics in silicon, T. -C. Shen
An epitaxial approach to nanoscale electronics in silicon, T. -C. Shen
An ethics of recognition in global and teacher education: Looking through queer and postcolonial Lenses, Steven P. Camicia
An ethics of recognition in global and teacher education: Looking through queer and postcolonial Lenses, Steven P. Camicia
An Evaluating of the College Football Show Band with Particular Reference to the Institutions of Higher Learning in the Rocky Mountain Area, Grant F. Anderson
An evaluation model for a digital library services tool, J. Dorward, D. Reinke, and Mimi M. Recker
An Evaluation of a Computer-Based Training on the Visual Analysis of Single-Subject Data, Katie Snyder
An Evaluation of CubeSat Orbital Decay, Daniel Oltrogge and Kyle Leveque
An Evaluation of Current Stormwater Best Management Practice Relationships Between Design and Efficiency: A Series of Local and National Case Studies, Amanda Ann Goodwin
An Evaluation of Factors Affecting Establishment and Survival of Russian Wildrye (Elymus Junceus Fisch.) on Foothill Ranges in Utah, Dale Lynn Drawe
An Evaluation of Necessary Elements for Desirable Industrial Arts Instruction in the Elementary Schools of Utah, Lee W. Ralphs
An Evaluation of Stormwater Best Management Practice: Relationships Between Design and Efficiency, Amanda Goodwin
An Evaluation of Swimming Abilities of the Freshman Men of Utah State Agricultural College, Rollo J. Morris
An Evaluation of the Functions and Types of Student Body Government in Utah High Schools, in Terms of Approved Principles and Practices, Lowell E. Stanley
An Evaluation of the Guidance Tests Given at Utah State Agricultural College for the Year 1946-1947, Robert L. Egbert
An Evaluation of the Health and Physical Education Programs in the High Schools of Utah, Israel C. Heaton
An Evaluation of the Inconsistency Between Snow Water Equivalent and Accumulated Precipitation as Reported by the Snow Telemetry Network, Jonathan Meyer
An Evaluation of the Practices and Functions of the Clerk of the Board of Education in the State of Utah, Dean C. Andrew
An Evaluation of the Recreation Program at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, Neil J. Andrew
An Evaluation of the Small Business Investment Company Program, It's History and Development, with Emphasis on the Utah SBIC Industry, J. G. Dursteler
An Evaluation of the Willard School as a Community-Centered School, Vaughn Wassom
An Evaluation of Trout Stocking in the Logan River Drainage, Nels Andrew Thoreson
An evaluation of two approaches for teaching reading comprehension strategies in the primary years using science information texts, D. Ray Reutzel
An Evolutionary Approach to Small Satellite Technology Development: A Status Report on SSTL Platforms, Payload and Missions, Jeffrey Ward
A new approach to comprehension: The cloze story map, D. Ray Reutzel
A new approach to comprehension: The cloze story map, D. Ray Reutzel
A New Approach to Flight Equipment: Clementine & MSTI Work at JPL, Kenneth Hicks and James Wall
A New Attitude Control Mechanism for LEO Satellites, Mark Krebs
A new climate for industrial arts, A. R. Suess and Dan L. Householder
A new cross-disciplinary Master’s degree program in landscape water conservation at Utah State University, Molly Waters, Kelly L. Kopp, Roger Kjelgren, and Cathy Myers-Roche
A New Elementary School Social Studies Curriculum for a New Generation of Citizenship., Steven P. Camicia and Cinthya M. Saavedra
A New Fast and Efficient Conformal Mapping Based Technique for Remote Sensing Data Compression and Transmittal, Joseph Lucente and Dalila Megherbi
A New Online Resource for Water Supply Enthusiasts, Kristen Yeager
A New Space Launch Vehicle: Low Cost Access to Space Using Surplus Peacekeeper ICBM Motors , Scott Schoneman, Mark Chadwick, and Lou Amorosi
A New Trajectory Propagation Program for DSPSE Mission Support, Jay Middour
An Examination of External Influences Imbedded in the Historical Snow Course Data of Utah, Randall P. Julander
An Examination of Trends and Patterns of Ecologically Important Streamflow Variable in Association with Climate Change Predictions, Sulochan Dhungel
An examination of trust-related behaviors important to agricultural stakeholders, Kelsey Hall
An Examination of Union-Management Relations in the Garland Plant of the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, Theral V. Bishop
An experiment in transmission of M. bovis to naive dairy calves from positive bedding sand, David J. Wilson and A. Justice-Allen
An experiment in transmission of Mycoplasma bovis in sand bedding to naive dairy calves, David J. Wilson, A. Justice-Allen, T. J. Baldwin, Ramona T. Skirpstunas, K. B. Cavender, and G. Goodell
An Exploration of Aggregated Patterns of Student Curriculum-Based-Measurement Outcome Data Within a Response to Intervention Program, Elizabeth Findlay
An External Fund Approach for Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Expenses: Wisconsin Activities, Steven G. Kihm, Clarence E. Mougin, and J. Robert Malko
A Next Generation Test-bed for Large Aperture Imaging Applications, Can Kurtulus, Taskın Baltacı, and Gokhan Inalhan
An FPGA-based JPEG 2000 Demonstration Board, Tom Woolston, Niel Holt, Gail Bingham, and Glen Wada
Angular Dependence of Secondary Electron Emission Spectra from a Polycrystalline Au Surface, Jason Kite, JR Dennison, and R. E. Davies
An Imaging Satellite System for Tactical Applications, Kent Backman and Vince Tate
Animal Manure Removal Methods for Manure Storage Facilities, John D. Harrison and Dallen R. Smith
An Improved and Efficient Surrogate Simulator for Groundwater S/O Models, Bassel Timani
An Infrared Approach to Thin-Layer Based Biosensors, Ignacio J. Garcia, Nicole Branan, Rola Altoos, and Todd A. Wells
An Initial Measure of Suspended Sediment Flux from Big Creek and its Tributaries, Central Idaho, Eric Carlson
An Innovative Approach for Validation of Large Space Structure Controls - Structures Interaction Technologies (CSI-SAT) , Robert Strunce, Jr.
An Innovative Approach to Determine the Alignment of the Star Camera System for the Clementine Spacecraft, Michael Corson, Joshua Resnick, Christopher Rollins, Paul DeLaHunt, Peter Lynn, and Michael Pilecki
An Innovative Method for Measuring Drag on Small Satellites, Marcin Pilinski and Scott Palo
An Innovative On-Board Processor for Lightsats, R.M. Henshaw, B.W. Ballard, J.R. Hayes, and D.A. Lohr
An Instrument for Experimental Secondary Electron Emission Investigations, with Application to the Spacecraft Charging Problem, Robert Davies
An Integrated Payload Development and Operations System (IPOS) for PI Class Missions, Gerald Murphy and Elaine Hansen
An Integrated Space Environment Analysis Tool (SEAT), Michael Enoch, Sabrina Herrin, Sanjoy Ghosh, Tom Atwater, Jeff Cheatwood, and Bobby Peterson
An Integrated Vision-Based System for Spacecraft Attitude and Topology Determination for Formation Flight Missions , Aaron Rogers, Kalle Anderson, Anna Mracek, Ray Zenick, Jefferson Grau, and Cheryl Gramling
An Intensive Study of the Practices of Financing Extracurriculum Activities Discovered in Five Utah Secondary Schools, Irving B. Moore
An interdisciplinary program for the preparation of technology education teachers, Dan L. Householder and L. H. Young
An Interest-Group Theory of Population Growth, William F. Shughart II, Mwangi S. Kimenyi, and Robert D. Tollison
An interface for collaborative filtering of educational resources, Mimi M. Recker, A. Walker, and D. Wiley
An Introduction to Differential Geometry with Maple (Lecture given at Park City Mathematics Institute, July 5, 2013), Ian M. Anderson
An introduction to solar energy, Dan L. Householder and J. A. Marshall
An Introduction to Synthetic Aperture Radar: a High-Resolution Alternative to Optical Imaging, Mark T. Crockett and David Long
An Introduction to the Department of Energy's Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI) Project Emphasizing the Imaging and Calibration Subsystems, Rex Kay, Brian Brock, Tammy Henson, Jeffrey Rienstra, Max Decker, Glenn Rackley, Paul Weber, Steven Bender, and Donald Byrd
An Introduction to the Ethology of the Uinta Ground Squirrel (Citellus armatus), David F. Balph
An Investigation Concerning the Incidence and Pathogenicity of Pentatrichomonas Gallinarum and its Relationship to Histomonas Meleagridis in Turkeys in Utah, Ross S. Hadfield
An Investigation Into the Design Qualities, Ecological Requirements, and Potential Use of Some Native Trees and Shrubs of the Mountains of Northeastern Utah, Richard K. Sutton
An Investigation of Charge State Effects in Atom-Surface Scattering, Jeffrey N. DeFazio, T. M. Stephen, and B. L. Peko
An Investigation of Clinically Significant Change Among Clients of a Doctoral Psychology Training Clinic, Kerry Kathleen Prout
An investigation of global warming: Critical, multimodal literacy in action, Amy A. Wilson
An Investigation of the use of Spatial Derivatives in Active Structural Acoustic Control, Daniel Hendricks
An investigation of writing instruction and English learners’ acquisition of early reading skill, Cindy D. Jones
Annual Periodicity in a Free-Living Hibernator, the Uinta Ground Squirrel, Fred L. Knopf
Annuals - Help Them Survive Transplanting, Dennis Hinkamp
Annual Water Balance at the West Desert Basin Playa, Esmaiel Malek
An Objective Method for the Intercomparison of Terrain Stability Models, Kiran Chinnayakanahalli, David G. Tarboton, and Robert T. Pack
An Off-the-shelf Electric Propulsion System for CubeSats, Craig Clark, Francesco Guarducci, Michele Coletti, and Stephen Gabriel
Anomalous Layering of Fe(C0)5 Adsorbed on Graphite, H. Taub, JR Dennison, D. G. Reichel, D. Bahm, H. Shechter, R. Brener, and F. Y. Hansen
A Non-Imperial Eye/I: Europe as “Contact Zone” in Eugenio Cambaceres’s Música sentimental, J.P. Spicer Escalante
An Online Customer Service Survey to Determine Current Levels of Customer Satisfaction at a CrossFit Gym, Sarah Lewis
A Non-Standard Production Approach to Satellite Consellations, John Brunschwyler, Kyle Kelly, and Kim Kubota
An Optical Payload for Cubesats , Seshupriya Alluru and Janise McNair
An Optical Source for Characterizing CMOS Imagers: Characterization and Calibration Results, Jed J. Hancock
An Optimized Small Satellite Bus and Structure for the THEMIS Mission, Walter Eppler
A Norwegian Satellite for Space-based Observations of AIS in the High North , Bjorn Narheim, Oystein Olsen, Oystein Helleren, Richard Olsen, Alexander Beattie, and Robert Zee
Another Look at Academic Writing, Jim Rogers
Another Look at Academic Writing, Jim Rogers
A Novel Approach to a High Speed, Large Memory Spacecraft Data Storage Unit, Louis Piché, Blair Gordon, Kjell Magnussen, and Len Laba
A Novel Cold Gas Propulsion System for Nanosatellites and Picosatellites, David Hinkley
A Novel Concept for Monitoring of Maritime Traffic by Micro-Satellites, B.T. Narheim, T. Eriksen, G.K. Høye, and T. Wahl
A Novel Design of MEMS Based Solid Propellant Micro Propulsion Array for Micro Satellites , Yang Lin, Gaofei Zhang, and Zheng You
A Novel Method for Achieving SAR Imaging with a Pair of Micro-Satellites by Means of a Bi-Static Configuration , C.I. Underwood, O.S. Mitchell, C. Jackson, and Martin Sweeting
A Novel Satellite Concept “Panel Extension Satellite (PETSAT)” Consisting of Plug-in, Modular, Functional Panels , Shinichi Nakasuka, Hironori Sahara, Yoshiki Sugawara, Takeshi Morimoto, Kanichi Koyama, Hideaki Kikuchi, Takanori Okada, Hidenori Tanaka, Shinichi Sato, and Chisato Kobayashi
A Novel Technique for the Simultaneous Collection of Reflection and Transmission Data from Thin Films in the Extreme Ultraviolet, Guillermo Acosta, David D. Allred, and R. S. Turley
An Overview and Initial In-Orbit Status Of “Index” Satellite, Hirobumi Saito, Takahide Mizuno, Koji Tanaka, Yoshitsugu Sone, Seisuke Fukuda, Shin-ichiro Sakai, Nobukatsu Okuizumi, Makoto Mita, Yosuke Fukushima, Masafumi Hirahara, Kazushi Asamura, Takeshi Sakanoi, Akira Miura, Toshinori Ikenaga, and Yasunari Masumoto
An Overview of Approaches to Stream Restoration Design, Karen Williams
An Overview of Weather and Climate Interactions with the Great Salt Lake, John Horel
An RF Plasma Thruster for Use in Small Satellites, Lynn Olson
Anthropogenically Altered Land and its Effect on δ15N Values in Periphyton on a Fourth Order Stream in Utah’s Cache Valley, Chance Broderius
Anthropogenic Impacts on the Longitudinal Gradient of Nutrients in the Little Bear River, Jason Fuller
Antibiotic and alternative therapy for contagious and environmental mastitis, David J. Wilson
Antibiotic effect on Streptococcus agalactiae prevalence in dairy herds, P. M. Sears, David J. Wilson, and R. N. Gonzalez
Antibiotics vs. alternatives, contagious and environmental mastitis, David J. Wilson
Antibody responses and clinical outcome following naturally occurring cases of clinical mastitis compared among J5 vaccinates and controls, David J. Wilson
Antioxidant Intake and Cognitive Function of Elderly Men and Women: The Cache County Study, H. J. Wengreen, R. G. Munger, C. D. Corcoran, P. Zandi, K. M. Hayden, M. Fotuhi, I. Skoog, M. C. Norton, Joann Tschanz, J. C. S. Breitner, and K. A. Welsh-Bohmer
Antitrust, William F. Shughart II and Robert A. Levy
Antitrust Enforcement and Foreign Competition, William F. Shughart II, Jon D. Silverman, and Robert D. Tollison
Antitrust Policy, William F. Shughart II
Antitrust Policy and Interest-Group Politics, William F. Shughart II
Antitrust Policy in Chicago and Virginia, William F. Shughart II
Antitrust Policy in the Reagan Administration: Pyrrhic Victories?, William F. Shughart II
Antitrust Recidivism in Federal Trade Commission Data: 1914–1982, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison
A Numberical Vortex Approach to Aerodynamic Modeling of SUAV/VTOL Aircraft, Douglas Hunsaker and Deryl Snyder
A Numerical Algorithm For Simulating Two Species Plasma, Richard F. Datwyler
A Numerical Lifting-Line Method Using Horseshoe Vortex Sheets, Douglas Hunsaker and Warren F. Phillips
An Update on Surrey Nitrous Oxide Catalytic Decomposition Research, Vadim Zakirov, Martin Sweeting, and Timothy Lawrence
AO-40 RUDAK Experiment Controller, Jim White, Harold Price, and Lyle Johnson
APA Handbook of Behavior Analysis (APA Handbooks in Psychology), Gregory J. Madden
A Paleolimnological History of Metals Contamination and Eutrophication in the Great Salt Lake, Wayne Wurtsbaugh
A Parallel Algorithm for Removing Spurious Pits from Terrain Data by Carving, John Koudelka
A Partial TMR Technique for Improving Reliability at a Low Hardware Cost in FPGAs, Eric Johnson and Michael Wirthlin
A Passive High Altitude Deorbiting Strategy, Charlotte Lücking
A Passivity-Based Approach to Spacecraft Formation Flying, Jonathan Lawton and Randal W. Beard
A Paul Trap Mass Analyzer Consisting of Two Microfabricated Electrode Plates, Brett J. Hansen, Zhiping Zhang, Ying Peng, Ivan W. Miller, Miao Wang, Milton L. Lee, Aaron R. Hawkins, and Daniel E. Austin
A PDA-Controlled Pico-Satellite, Cute-1.7, and its Radiation Protection, Masafumi Iai, Yusuke Funaki, Hideyuki Yabe, Ken Fujiwara, Shinji Masumoto, Takeshi Usuda, Saburo Matunaga, Jun Kataoka, and Tatsushi Shima
A Peak Experience, Gene Washington
A personal postcolonial excavation: A call to re-historying the researcher, G. Sue Kasun
A Person-Oriented Approach to Understanding Dimensions of Parenting, Gina A. Cook, Lori A. Roggman PhD, and Kim D'zatko
A placebo-controlled trial of an Escherichia coli J5 bacterin and the ribotyping-based assessment of coliform bacteria diversity on a dairy farm, R. N. Gonzalez, David J. Wilson, H. O. Mohammed, P. M. Sears, A. L. Rivas, and S. Gordon
A Plan for the Conversion of Stormwater to Groundwater Recharge on the Utah Valley University Main Campus, Orem, Utah, Daniel Zacharias
A plan to assess native and exotic plant diversity and cryptobiotic crusts in the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, T. J. Stohlgren, Jayne Belnap, G. W. Chong, and R. Reich
A Plug-and-Play Approach Based on the I2C Standard, James Lyke, Jesse Mee, Fredrik Bruhn, Gael Chosson, Robert Lindegren, Henrik Lofgren, Jan Schulte, Scott Cannon, Jacob Christensen, Bryan Hansen, Robert Vick, Alonzo Vera, and Josette Calixte-Rosengren
A Plug-And-Play System for Spacecraft Components Based on the USB Standard, Jim Lyke, Scott Cannon, Don Fronterhouse, Denise Lanza, and Tony Byers
APOE-ε4 count predicts age when prevalence of AD increases, then declines, J. C. S. Breitner, B. W. Wyse, J. C. Anthony, K. A. Welsh-Bohmer, D. C. Steffens, Maria C. Norton, Joann Tschanz, B. L. Plassman, M. R. Meyer, I. Skoog, and A. Khachaturian
Apoptotic and Epigenetic Induction of Embryo Failure Following Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, Aaron Patrick Davis
A Population Study of Alzheimer's Disease: Findings From the Cache County Study on Memory, Health, and Aging, Joann Tschanz, Katherine Treiber, Maria C. Norton, Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer, Leslie Toone, Peter P. Zandi, Christine A. Szekely, Constantine Lyketsos, and John C. S. Breitner
A Portable Miniaturized Metabolic Gas Analysis System, Tammy Anderson and Joseph Orr
A Power-Efficient BPSK Communications System for Small Satellites, Don Lefevre
Applicability of Using Native Plant Species for Highway Planting in Utah, Richard Llewellyn Carlson
Application for RSO Automated Proximity Analysis and IMAging (ARAPAIMA): Development of a Nanosat-based Space Situational Awareness Mission, Kristia Harris, Michaella Ryle, Nicholas Martini, Pratikkumar Patel, Ayham Baba, Anthony Gonzalez, Samantha Gillespie, and Timothy Grande
Application of a Coordinate Transformation and Discretization Method for Computational Fluid Dynamics, Douglas F. Hunsaker and Warren Phillips
Application of a Dynamic Model to Assess Controls on Age-0 Colorado Pikeminnow Distribution in the Middle Green River, Colorado and Utah, John C. Schmidt and Jayne Brim Box
Application of (e,2e) Spectroscopy to Solid Films, A. L. Ritter, JR Dennison, and J. Dunn
Application of Emerging Structural Energy Storage Technology to Small Satellite Systems , Philip Lyman, John Olson, and Timothy Feaver
Application of Linear Programming in DEM Pit Removal, James A. Shoemaker and David G. Tarboton
Application of microbial genomics in cheese technology, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Application of Microspacecraft Design Methods to the Development of a Miniature, Low Cost Star Tracker for Microspace Applications , Bill Seng and Rick Fleeter
Application of Near-Surface Geo-Electrical Techniques to Aspen Ecohydrology, Lauren Ducas, Josh Leffler, Scott Jones, David Robinson, Hiruy Abdu, and Ronald Ryel
Application of power ultrasound to a zero trans shortening during temperatura cycling under different cooling rates, Y. Ye, C. Y. Tan, D. Kim, and Silvana Martini
Application of Raman Spectroscopy to Small Satellites in Exploring Solar Bodies , James Cantrell and Greg McCurdy
Application of staged story telling experiences to promote in-situ self-determination among resident campers, Mark F. Roark and G. D. Ellis
Application of the THEMIS Bus to New Missions, Michael Cully, Warren Chen, Kevin Brenneman, and Gregory Delory
Application of tree-ring data from the Bear River Range, Northern Utah to reconstruct drought variability, Kristen Yeager
Application of Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Simulations and Habitat Modeling for the Assessment of Channel Restoration Designs, Leon Basdekas, Jennifer Ludlow, William Bradford, Thomas B. Hardy, and R. Craig Addley
Application of Wireless Technologies in Environmental and Ecological Research, Kelly S. Lewis
Applications of Bayesian Statistics in Fluvial Bed Load Transport, Mark L. Schmelter
Applications of GSSHA in Real World Situations, Jeff McCarty
Applications of Multifunctional Structures to Small Spacecraft, John DiPalma, Jeff Preble, Mike Schoenoff, Stephen Motoyama, James Guerrero, and Capt. Russell Burks
Applications of Secondary Electron Energy- and Angular-Distributions to Spacecraft Charging, Neal Nickles and R. E. Davies
Applications of Secondary Electron Energy- and Angular-Distributions to Spacecraft Charging, Neal Nickles, R. E. Davies, and JR Dennison
Applications of Small Satellites for Defense Space Communication Systems and Technology Development: Pegasus Flight-2 and the Launch of Microsat , R. Bonometti, E. Nicastri, T. Darone, R. Steele, and W. Montag
Appliqué Sensor Interface Module: An Enabling Technology for Space Plug-and-Play Systems, Jeffrey Scott, James Lyke, Patrick McGuirk, Mark Shaw, and Don Fronterhouse
Applying CAPM In a Utility Rate Case: Current Issues and Future Directions, J. Robert Malko and Gregory B. Enholm
Applying Fiber Support Technology to Small Satellite Systems, Scott Jensen, Clair Batty, and Dave McLain
Applying Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to Develop an Executable Model for the RAX CubeSat Mission, Sara Spangelo, Mike Bruchanski, Greg Haun, Dave Kaslow, Lonnie VanZandt, Hongman Kim, Grant Soremekun, John Springmann, and James Cutler
Applying Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Models in the Operating Room: Validation of Response Surface Models, Farrant H. Sakaguchi
Applying Principles of Crossbreeding, Dale R. ZoBell and C Kim Chapman
Applying Regulatory Strategic Planning to Electric Utilities, J. Robert Malko
Applying SDT to HIV Disclosure for Older Adolescents, Ann Gillard and Mark F. Roark
Applying the CAPM: Issues and Activities in Utah, Charles E. Peterson and J. Robert Malko
Applying University Small Satellite Program Lessons to a Career in the Aerospace Industry, Tricia Hevers, Erik Daehler, and Mason Peck
Approximation of Range in Materials as a Function of Incident Electron Energy, Gregory Wilson and JR Dennison
A Preliminary Investigation of “Lake Stench” in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, Kris Bell
A Pressure Signal Apnea Monitor, Spencer Madsen and Joseph Orr
Apricot - The Versatile Fruit, Dennis Hinkamp
A Primary Document Analysis-Centered Curriculum in a Residential Treatment Center, Jared Peterson Collette
A Probabilistic Approach to Model the Nonisothermal Nucleation of Triacylglycerol Melts, Alejandro G. Marangoni, Thomas C. Aurand, Silvana Martini, and Michel Ollivon
A problem in search of a solution, David F. Feldon and C. Craft
A Profile of the Physical Attributes of the Little Bear River in the Context of the Serial Discontinuity Concept, Marc Weston
Apropos Doors, Janus and Tristram, Gene Washington
A proposed ethogram of large carnivore predatory behavior, exemplified by the wolf , Dan R. MacNulty, L. D. Mech, and D. W. Smith
A Propulsion System Tailored to Cubesat Applications, Donald Platt
A Prototype Miniaturized Metabolic Gas Analysis Sensor, Tammy Anderson and Joseph Orr
APTUS: Applications for Tether United Satellites, Meredith Fitzpatrick
A Public Choice Analysis of Public Transit Operating Subsidie, William F. Shughart II and Mwangi S. Kimenyi
A Public Choice Perspective of the Banking Act of 1933, William F. Shughart II
A Public Choice Theory of the Great Contraction”, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, and Robert D. Tollison
AquaGSat – A Sun Pointing Picosatellite Powered by a Regenerative Fuel Cell, Thomas Lowery and Kyle Ottinger
A qualitative framing analysis of eminent domain issues in Mountain West newspapers, S. Lewis and Kelsey Hall
Aquanomics: Water Markets and the Environment, B. Delworth Gardner and Randy T. Simmons
Aquatic Effects of a Terrestrial Invader: A 35-year Natural Experiment Shows Russian Olive Alters Basal Resources and Community Metabolism of a Desert Spring Stream, Madeleine M. Mineau
A Quick Optimization of a Rocket Trajectory Using MCMC Method, Masashi Miura, Yohsuke Nambu, Masaaki Sugimoto, Hajime Yokota, and Akane Uemichi
A Radiation-Hardened, Computer for Satellite Applications, John Gaona
A Rationale for Studying Persuasion, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass
Arbuscular mycorrhizal assemblages in native plant roots change in the presence of invasive exotic grasses, Christine V. Hawkes, Jayne Belnap, Carla D'Antonio, and Mary K. Firestone
Architectural Potential of Data Representation: Modeling Physiological Processes, Jim Agutter, Julio Bermudez, Dwayne Westenskow, Stefano Foresti, Yi Zhang, and Debra Gondeck-Becker
Arc-Minute Attitude Stability on a Nanosatellite: Enabling Stellar Photometry on the Smallest Scale, B. Johnston-Lemke, K. Sarda, C.C. Grant, and R.E. Zee
Arc-Minute Nanosatellite Attitude Control: Enabling Technology for the BRITE Stellar Photometry Mission, Kieran Carroll, Slavek Rucinski, and Robert Zee
A Real Time Image Processing Subsystem: GEZGIN, N. Ismailoglu, O. Benderli, I. Korkmaz, M. Durna, T. Kolçak, and Y.Ç. Tekmen
A Reemergence Device for the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit, Cameron Jacobson and Derek Sakata
A Reemergence Device for the Postanesthesia Care Unit, Cameron Jacobson and Joseph Orr
A Reliability Model for the Design and Optimization of Separated Spacecraft Interferometer Arrays , Cyrus Jilla and David Miller
A Remote I/O (RIO) Smart Sensor Analog-Digital Chip for Next Generation Spacecraft, Nick Paschalidis
A Remote I/O (RIO) Smart Sensor Chip Supporting Serial Communications Bus for Small Satellites, Nicholas Paschalidis
Are Phragmites Invasions Dynamic Through Time?, Eric Hazelton
Are Some Lies Worse than Others?: The Reprehensibility of Deception as a Function of Perceivers' Culture, Liars' Intentions, and Relationship Between Deceived and Deceiver, John S. Seiter, J. C. Bruschke, and C. Bai
Are the same bears repeatedly translocated from corn crops in Wisconsin?, J. A. Shivik, D. Ruid, R. C. Willging, and Karen E. Mock
Are undercover farm videos producing a backlash in public opinion against animal rights activists?, David J. Wilson
A Review of Apomixis and Differential Expression Analyses Using Microarrays, Jonathan Harris Cardwell
A Review of Issues Pertaining to Transgenic Turfgrass, Paul G. Johnson and Terrance P. Riordan
A Review of Self Management Interventions for Children with ADHD and Implications for Education Professionals, Brett Eggett
A Review of Thermal Rectification Observations and Models in Solid Materials, Nick A. Roberts and D. G. Walker
Are we preparing pre-service teachers for a linguistically diverse nation?, E. Demas and Cinthya M. Saavedra
Are You Drowning In Personal Finance Papers? What To Keep And What To Toss, Heidi LeBlanc MS and Barbara R. Rowe PhD
ArgiMet: Reclamation's Automated Weather Network in the Pacific Northwest, Peter Palmer
Arguing for what No One Wants: The Narratives of Nuclear Waste Storage Proponents., Jennifer Peeples, Richard S. Krannich, and Jesse Weiss
Arguments for what No One Wants: The Rhetoric of High-Level Nuclear Waste Storage, Jennifer Peeples and Richard S. Krannich
A Rhetorical Analysis of Strategic Communication in the Amalga Barrens Wetlands Controversy, Laura Vernon
Ariane Utilization for Secondary Payloads, G.G. Reibaldi, M. Trischberger, G. Melchior, and J. Breton
A River Continuum Analysis of an Anthropogenically-Impacted System: The Little Bear River, Utah, Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh, Nick Heredia, Patsy Palacios, Jared Baker, Chance Broderius, Katie Fisher, Jason Fuller, G. Andrew Pappas, Christian Smith, and Marc Weston
Army Concept for Space and Lightsat , LTC Ron Forkenbrock
Army Space Education: Closing the Gap with Operational Space , Thomas Pugsley
Army Tactical Satellite Communications, LTC Lee Veltum and Michael Freeman
A Robust Monthly Streamflow Forecasting Model Using a Multivariate Bayesian Regression Model Coupled with Wavelet Decomposition Approach, Andres M. Ticlavilca
Aromatic amino acid catabolism by lactococci, S. Gao, D. H. Oh, Jeffery R. Broadbent, M. E. Johnson, B. C. Weimer, and J. L. Steele
Arraying Technique for Enhanced Multiplexing of Interferometric Signals (ARTEMIS): An Enabling Technology for Long Range or High Data Rate Microspacecraft Communications , James Wells and Robert Zee
Arroyo Cut and Fill Record from Kanab Creek, Southern Utah, Michelle Summa and Tammy Rittenour
Arroyo Cycles in the Upper Escalante River Drainage, S. Utah: Utilizing OSL to Extend Regional Fluvial Chronologies, Anne Hayden
Arsenic and other Heavy Metals in Shallow Groundwater in Utah Valley, Utah, Adam Homer
Art as Persuasion, R. H. Gass and John S. Seiter
Arthropod Community Similarity in Clonal Stands of Aspen: A Test of the Genetic Similarity Rule, Nashelly Meneses
Artichoke in the Garden, Dan Drost
Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Sod and An Espionage Satellite, Gene Washington
Arugula, Brianne Sherwood, Sara Hunt, Crista Sorenson, Bethany Heineman, Blake Beyers, and Ashley Walker Workman
Arugula, Jillian Cartwright, Amanda Spackman, and Amanda Whitlock
ASAP and Future Concepts, Serge Chartoire and Antonio Accettura
ASAP and VESPA: The Access to Space for Small Satellites, Jérôme Thiery
ASAP: The Access to Space for Small Satellites, Jérôme Thiery
A Satellite Data Model for the AFRL Responsive Space Initiative, Kenneth Sundberg, Scott Cannon, Todd Hospodarsky, Don Fronterhouse, and Jim Lyke
A Satellite Link Analysis Tool for a Portable Ground Station , Capt. William Jackson
A scanning tunneling microscopy study of PH3 adsorption on Si(111)-7x7 surfaces, P-segregation and thermal desorption, J. -Y. Ji and T. -C. Shen
A school of education taking center stage: Establishing a center of pedagogy at Brigham Young University., D. Ray Reutzel
A Search for Water Masers Toward YSO Candidates in the LMC, Adam Johanson and Victor Migenes
A Self-Scrubber for FPGA-Based Systems, G. Alonzo Vera, Xiaoyin Yao, and Keith Avery
A self study workbook for health and social services professionals, Jim Rogers
A self study workbook for health and social services professionals, Jim Rogers
A Series of Five Graded Selections for String Ensemble (Representing Development at the End of Each Year for Five Years), Raymond M. Haslam
As if the Land Owned Us, Robert S. McPherson
A Significant Population of Candidate New Members of the Rho Ophiuchi Cluster, Allen Minor and Karl Haisch
A simple classification of biological soil crust habitat on the Colorado Plateau, USA, Matthew A. Bowker and Jayne Belnap
A Simple Graphical Approach to Quantitative Monitoring of Rangelands, Corinna Riginos, Jeffrey E. Herrick, Siva R. Sundaresan, Cary Farley, and Jayne Belnap
A simple method to estimate threshold friction velocity of wind erosion in the field, Junran Li, Gregory S. Okin, Jeffrey E. Herrick, Jayne Belnap, Seth M. Munson, and Mark E. Miller
A Simple Multi-Mission Flight Control Software for CubeSAT , Warren Soh
A Simple System for Deploying Science Instruments from a CubeSat, Erik Stromberg
A Simple Targeting Procedure for Lunar Trans-Earth Injection, Shane Robinson and David Geller
A Simple Time Synchronization Scheme for Satellite Clusters in Formation Flying, N. Nagarajan and Dao Thi Hong Diep
A Simplified Use of Quality Function Deployment as a System Tool for Designing to Cost, Steven Deal and V. Coverstone-Carroll
A Single Geostationary Satellite for Mobile Terrestrial Transmitter Tracking , Chris Le Marshall, Donald McMillen, and Robert Twiggs
A site-based approach to delivering rangeland ecosystem services, Joel Brown and Neil MacLeod
A Situated Look at High School Students' Approaches to Authentic Engineering Design Challeneges, Amy A. Wilson and Daniel L. Householder
Asking Questions about Stories: What Reading Teachers Should Know. Contemporary Issues in Reading, D. Ray Reutzel and J. P. Mitchell
Askutasquash, Cami Lowder
A Slinky-Space Streamflow Estimation Method for TMDLs: TIme Series Analysis Meets Geostatistics, Daniel P. Ames and Jeffery Horsburgh
A Small Ion Propelled Spacecraft for Near Earth Experiments, S. Field, K.A. Ryden, P. Truscot, and N.C. Wallace
A Small/Micro-/Pico- Satellite Program for Investigating Thunderstorm-related Atmospheric Phenomena, Christopher Kitts
A Small, Primary Solar-Electric Propulsion Demonstration Satellite, Hans Meissinger
A Small Re-Entry Capsule - BREM-SAT 2, Matthias Wiegand and Hans Konigsmann
A Small Satellite as an Attached Payload on ISS—The Merger of “Small” and “Very Large” , G.B. Murphy, T. Adams, and Dale Ferguson
A Small Satellite Bus Designed for Low Earth Orbiting Experiments , J.B. Oakes
A Small Satellite Concept for On-Orbit Servicing of Spacecraft, Pat Malaviarachchi, Timothy Reedman, Andrew Allen, and Doug Sinclair
A Small-Satellite Demonstrator for Generating Artificial Gravity in Space via a Tethered System, Andre Mazzoleni and John Hoffman
ASM Handbook: Welding Fundamentals and Processes, Volume 6A, Leijun Li
A social semiotic, dialogic theory of identity construction., Amy A. Wilson
A social semiotics framework for conceptualizing content area literacies, Amy A. Wilson
A Software Defined Radio AIS for the ZA-002 Satellite, Kgabo Mathapo
A Software Stack for Water Resources GIS Web Apps, Nathan Swain
A Solar Kite Mission to Study the Earth's Magneto-tail, V. Lappas, B. Wie, C. McInnes, L. Tarabini, L. Gomes, and K. Wallace
A Space Apparatus To Search of Fractional Charge on Ordinary Matter, Carlo Artemi
A Spaceborne Wind Sounder Lidar (SBL), Amnon Ginati, Martin Kassebom, Avi Blasberger, and M. Oron
A Spacecraft Computer for High-Performance Applications, John Stone and Joseph Kroesche
A Space Weather and Terrestrial Hazards Experiment for the MSTI Program, L. Golub, J. Bookbinder, G. Nystrom, R.N. Smartt, and R. Dunn
Asparagus in the Garden, Dan Drost
A Spatially Nested Analysis of Land Use Effects on Nutrient Limitation: C and N Interact to Control Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Responses, Heather A. Bechtold
A Spectral Analysis of Single Antenna Interferometry, Craig Stringham and David Long
Aspen and Willow Restoration Using Beaver on the Northern Yellowstone Winter Range, Samuel D. McColley, Daniel B. Tyers, and Bok F. Sowell
Aspen fire ecology and climate change: Disturbance dynamics in an uncertain future, Doug Shinneman
Aspen herbivory by wildlife and livestock on Utah's Monroe Mountain, Jody A. Gale
Aspen reproduction following fire in central Arizona: Surprises and challenges, Mary Lou Fairweather
Aspen Restoration in the Eastern Sierra Nevada: Effectiveness of Prescribed Fire and Conifer Removal, Kevin D. Krasnow, Anne S. Halford, and Scott L. Stephens
ASR System Optimization, Ali Forghani
Assessing and creating effective preschool literacy classroom environments, D. Ray Reutzel and Cindy D. Jones
Assessing and Improving Teaching, David E. Brown
Assessing and Improving Teaching Performance, David E. Brown
Assessing and Improving Teaching Performance, David E. Brown
Assessing Corporate Restructurings In The Electric Utility Industry: A Framework, J. Robert Malko
Assessing critical skills of future faculty: Considering sources of data, David F. Feldon
Assessing efficacy and outcomes of graduate education in the sciences, David F. Feldon
Assessing English Language Learners Oral and Silent Reading, G. Ockey and D. Ray Reutzel
Assessing Impact of Conservation Practices on Water Quality: Evidence from Recent Fieldwork in the Little Bear River Watershed, Michael Halling, Lorien Belton, and Douglas Jackson-Smith
Assessing Proofs with Rubrics: The RVF Method, David E. Brown
Assessing Proofs with Rubrics: The RVF Method, David E. Brown and Shayla Michel
Assessing the credentials of graduate faculty, Dan L. Householder
Assessing the credentials of graduate faculty, Dan L. Householder
Assessing the effectiveness of the change to technology teacher education, Dan L. Householder and Richard A. Boser
Assessing the efficacy of a GPS/ARGOS radiocollar for measuring wolf predation on High Arctic ungulates , Dan R. MacNulty, L. D. Mech, and H. C. Cluff
Assessing the Electric Utility Industry's Future, Gregory B. Enholm and J. Robert Malko
Assessing the Future of Electric Utility Regulation, Gregory B. Enholm and J. Robert Malko
Assessing the Importance of Sequencing Laboratory Welding Practicums, Malcom Riley Rose
Assessing the Influence of Landscape Characteristic on Stream Temperature within the Idaho Batholith Ecoregion, Andrew Hill, Matthew Baker, Brett Roper, and Eric Archer
Assessing the Need for Adopting Flexible Delivery Schedules to Improve Farm Irrigation and Reduce Pressure on Groundwater: A Case Study in Southern Italy, Danielle Zaccaria
Assessing the quality of technology teacher education programs, Dan L. Householder
Assessing the Sensitivity of Wasatch Mountain Snowfall to Future Climate Temperature, John Horel and Leigh Jones
Assessing the Sustainability of Wetland Habitats in a Rapidly Changing Landscape along the Great Salt Lake Shorelands, Dennis C. Wenger
Assessing Vegetation Change on Watershed Water Yield: An Interdisciplinary Research Program at USU, Ronald Ryel
Assessing Vehicle-Related Mortality of Mule Deer in Utah, Daniel Daniel Olson
Assessment as transmediation: Students reading and representing across disciplines., Amy A. Wilson
Assessment in graduate programs: Instruments, approaches, and lessons, David F. Feldon
Assessment in teacher education, Dan L. Householder
Assessment of Consumer Motivations to Attend Farmers' Markets, Their Preferences, and Their Willingness To Pay for Differentiated Fresh Produce: Three Essays, Jean Dominique Gumirakiza
Assessment of gravity wave momentum flux measurement capabilities by meteor radars having different transmitter power and antenna configurations, D. C. Fritts, D. Janches, W. K. Hocking, N. J. Mitchell, and Michael J. Taylor
Assessment of Possible Carcinogenic Hazards Created in Surrounding Ecosystems by Oil Shale Developments, Gerald L. Dassler
Assessment of rangeland ecosystem conditions, Salt Creek watershed and Dugout Ranch, Southeastern Utah, Matthew A. Bowker, Mark E. Miller, and R. Travis Belote
Assessment of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in selected surface water of the National Park Service Northern Colorado Plateau Network, Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming, from 1972 through 2007, Juliane B. Brown and David P. Thoma
Assess the Accuracy of the Variational Asymptotic Plate and Shell Analysis Using the Generalized Uni, Luciano Demasi and Wenbin Yu
Assimilation of Soil Moisture using Support Vector Machines & Ensemble Kalman Filter, Muhammad Kashif Gill
Assisting with Calving, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Association of Escherichia coli J5-specific serum antibody responses with clinical mastitis outcome for J5 vaccinate and control dairy cattle, David J. Wilson, B. A. Mallard, J. L. Burton, Y. H. Schukken, and Y. T. Grohn
Associations of Near-Surface Soil Moisture and Annual Plant Community Dynamics, Lauren Ducas, Scott Jones, Joshua Leffler, and Ronald Ryel
A Standardized, Distributed Computing Architecture: Results from Three Universities, Michael Swartwout, Christopher Kitts, Pascal Stang, and Glenn Lightsey
A Status Report Lockheed Launch Vehicle, D.E. Davis, J.W. AngelI, and A.J. MacLaren
AsteroidFinder: A Small Satellite to Characterize the IEO Population, Jakob Pedersen, Olaf Eßmann, Ross Findlay, Hartmut Müller, Harald Hoffmann, Gabriele Messina, and Stefano Mottola
Asteroid Prospector, Joseph Mueller, Michael Paluszek, Stephanie Thomas, Amanda Knutson, Douglas Klein, and Margaret Tam
A STM study of surface reconstructions on Si(111):B, T. -C. Shen, C. Wang, J. W. Lyding, and J. R. Tucker
ASTRID: An Attempt to Make the Microsatellite a Useful Tool for Space Science, Sven Grahn and Anna Rathsman
Astronaut Deployable Satellite, William Clapp
Astronomical Antenna for a Space Based Low Frequency Radio Telescope, K.A. Quillien, S. Engelen, E.K.A. Gill, D.M.P. Smith, M.J. Arts, and A.-J. Boonsta
A Student Spacecraft for In-Orbit Test of NASA Tracking Programs, Joel Smith, Steve Johnson, Robert Clauss, and Rex Ridenoure
A Study for Semi-Passive Gravity Gradient Stabilization of Small Satellites , Ali Siahpush and Andrew Sexton
A Study of a Community in the Process of Withdrawing a Service, Emma Lois Smith
A Study of Adult Reading in a Selected Rural County of Utah, Lucy V. Heaton
A Study of a Remedial Speech Program in Operation in Four Rural Schools in the State of Utah, John O. Anderson
A Study of Bedrock Strength Controls on the Erosion of the Colorado Plateau, Natalie Bursztyn and Joel Pederson
A Study of Bicameral and Unicameral State Legislative Systems, with Special Reference to Utah's Needs, Wendell Bryan Anderson
A Study of Boys' Gymnasium Clothing Procedures in Utah High Schools of Region One for 1952, Remo J. Polidori
A Study of Bull Associations, Arthur J. Morris
A Study of Evaporation and Evapotranspiration in Peru, Fernando Chanduvi-Acuña
A study of Farm Mechanics on Typical Farms in the North Cache High School District, Clifford G. Hansen
A Study of Flooded and Rain Infiltration Relations With Surface Ponding, Yehia Z. El-Shafei
A Study of Free Surface and Viscous Effects on Simulated Rough Open Channel Beds, Julian B. Andersen
A Study of Land Drainage by Pumping from an Experimental Drainage Well in the Delta Area, Utah, Ellaf Arni Olafson
A Study of Some Personal Problems of North Cache High School Students, Terrance E. Hatch
A Study of Sprinkler Uniformity Evaluation Methods, Baha Dabbous
A study of substrate factor on carbon nanotube forest growth, Carlos Read, Robert Call, and T. -C. Shen
A Study of Tenure and the Orderly Demotion or Dismisal of Teachers in the State of Utah, Sidney L. Wyatt
A Study of the 1947 American Council on Education Psychological Examination and Its Usefulness in Predicting the Grades of Utah State Agricultural College Freshmen, Russell B. Bateson
A Study of the Campus Recreation at Utah State Agricultural College, Tod V. Carlini
A Study of the Content and Administration of Intramural Sports Programs in the High Schools of Utah, Byrne C. Fernelius
A Study of the Craft Activities in Summer Recreation Programs in Relationship to Weber County, Utah, Leonard W. Glismann
A Study of the Economic Relationship of the International Smelter to Agriculture in Tooele Valley, Harvey A. Kirk
A Study of the Effects of Water Institutions on Planning and Management of Water Resources in Utah, Donald H. McLean
A Study of the Exten of Extramural Competition for Girls in the High Schools of Utah, Betty Ann Dance
A Study of the Factors Used to Determine Pupil Marks by the Male Physical Education Directors in the High Schools of Utah, Vaughn William Gordon
A Study of the Homeroom Program in Three Senior High Schools in Utah, Ida D. Draayer
A study of the implementation of writing across the curriculum in mathematics, Amy A. Wilson
A Study of the Library Facilities and Personnel of Five Selected High Schools of Northern Utah, Clyde H. Morris
A Study of the Need for Supervision of Instruction in the High Schools of Utah, Caseel D. Burke
A Study of the Reading Habits of Parents in a Utah College Community, LaVerna Heaton Allen
A Study of the Reading Habits of U.S.A.C. Freshmen and Senior Students, Leah D. Merrill
A Study of the Relative Importance of Items Discussed in Parent-Teacher Conferences as Rated by Parents and Educators in the Logan City Schools, Robert W. Bickmore
A Study of the Rural Home on the Small Income in Utah, Thelma Huber
A Study of the Seasonal Growth, Diet and Health Status of Fifty School Children in Monticello, Utah, Martha C. Eagar
A Study of the Sequence of the Professional Education Program for Elementary School Teachers at Utah State University, Christopher Lee Colston
A Study of the Street Plan of Logan, Utah, Paul Walter Gottschalk
A Study of the Structure of Shear Turbulence in Free Surface Flows, Maddineni Venkateswara Rao
A Study of the Type and Extent of Hearing Loss of Speech Defective Children in the Elementary Schools of Cache County and of the Logan city School Districts, Merlin J. Mecham
A study of the typical discipline-specific representations encountered by a sixth-grader in one day of school, Amy A. Wilson
A Study of the Work of the Cache County Consumers Council During 1934-1936, J. Stanford Larson
A Study of Thirty-Six Organizations of Logan, Utah, in 1945-46 to Determine Their Fields of Activity and the Amount of Duplication and Coordination that Exists Among Them, Harold R. Capener
A Study of Two Groups of Superior Students at the Logan Junior High School, Rudgar H. Daines
A study of two methods of delivery computer aided diagnostic assistance for turfgrass problems on the web, Harlan Brewer, John Visonhaler, and Paul Johnson
A Study of Utah’s New Century Scholarship (NCS) Program, Christine Kearl
A Study on GPS Data Tracking Method for KOMPSAT Spacecraft Orbit Control , Jin Lee and Young Chang
A Study on Thermal Modeling and Heat Load Mitigation for Satellite Electronic Components , Young-Keun Chang, Min-Young Kang, Jin-Han Park, and Young-Jin Choi
A Study to Determine the Feasibility of Irrigating the Lands Included in the Cache Valley Water Conservation District No. 1, I. Donald Jerman
A Suborbital Spaceship for Short Duration Space and Microsat Launch , Pat Bahn
A survey of apomixis and ploidy levels among Poa L. (Poaceae) using flow cytometry, Alicia Michelle Kelley, Paul G. Johnson, Blair L. Waldron, and Michael D. Peel
A Survey of Extension Work in Wildlife Management and the Development of a Guide to Wildlife Extension Work in Utah, Eddwin V. Rawley
A Survey of Housing Conditions and Proposed Housing for the Utah State Agricultural College, Lenore Lewis
A Survey of Human Intestinal Protozoa of Logan City and Vicinity, Robert B. Harrison
A Survey of Micropropulsion for Small Satellites, William Storck, Olivia Billett, Mitul Jambusaria, Andy Sadhwani, Pierric Jammes, and James Cutler
A Survey of Plant Parasitic and Associated Species of Nematodes in the Carrot Producing Area of Cedar Valley, Iron County, Utah, Paul R. Fitzgerald
A Survey of Recent APL Spacecraft Power Systems, Gregg Herbert
A Survey of Small Spacecraft in Commercial Constellations, John Hatlelid and David Sterling
A Survey of the Requirements in Physical Education for Boys in Region on of the Utah State Athletic Association, Wayne G. Taylor
A survey of turfgrass extension in the west, B. Leinauer, Kelly L. Kopp, and G. K. Stahnke
A Survey of Utah's Program for Carving Out the Ten Point Plan of the State Council for Crime Prevention, W. Howard Kunz
ASUSat 1 Communications, Laura Knauth
ASUSat1: Low-Cost, Student-Designed Nanosatellite, Assi Friedman, Brian Underhill, Shea Ferring, Christian Lenz, Joel Rademacher, and Helen Reed
ASUSat1: The Development of a Low-Cost Nano-Satellite, Shea Ferring and David Waller
A Sweetgrass Method of Bullying Prevention for Native American Youth, Mark Standing Eagle Baez and Patricia Isaac
A synthetic model to downscale and forecast evapotranspiration using wavelets and SVMs, Yasir Kaheil
A System Architecture to Advance Small Satellite Mission Operations Autonomy , Sam Siewert and Linden McClure
A Systematic Approach to Study the Oxidation Kinetics in Lipid Systems using Differential Scanning Calorimetry, J. Thurgood, R. Ward, and Silvana Martini
A systematic study of cheese microbiology and flavor based on salt cation substitution in lower sodium Cheddar cheese: predominant bacteria in cheese microflora, Jeffery R. Broadbent
A System for Adaptive Volume Ventilation, Brad Brian
A System for Emergency Care Ventilator Control, Brad Brian and Ken Johnson
A Systems Approach to Select a Deployment Scheme to Minimize Re-contact When Deploying Many Satellites during One Launch Mission, Steven Buckley, Heather Buckley, and Peter Wegner
A Systems Engineering Tool for Small Satellite Design, Allan McInnes, Daniel Harps, Jeffrey Lang, and Charles Swenson
A Tale of Two Karsts, Bear River Range, Cache National Forest, Utah, Peter T. Kolesar, James P. Evans, Thomas E. Lachmar, Michael N. Gooseff, and Rob Payn
A tale of two settings: A story of professional development in content area literacy instruction, Amy A. Wilson and M. D. Boatright
A Taxonomic and Ecological Study of Acridinae of Utah (Orthoptera-Locustidae), Herald C. Bennion
A teacher researcher's look at the transferability of reading strategies to content area reading classes, Amy A. Wilson
A team approach enhances statewide water issues programming, Richard Koenig, Teresa Cerny, Rick Heflebower, Nancy Mesner, Kelly L. Kopp, and Bob Hill
A team approach enhances statewide water issues programming, Richard Koenig, Teresa Cerny, Rick Heflebower, Nancy Mesner, Kelly L. Kopp, and Bob Hill
A technological communication system for the information age, Dan L. Householder
A Theory of Commodity Bundling in Final Product Markets: Professor Hirshleifer Meets Professor Becker, William F. Shughart II, Robert E. McCormick, and Robert D. Tollison
Atmosphere and Climate Explorer Plus Looking at the Horizon: Innovative Atmospheric Sounding using Active Inter-satellite Cross-link Signals, Sytze Veldman and Kaj Lundahl
Atmospheric dust in modern soil on aeolian sandstone, Colorado Plateau (USA): Variation with landscape position and contribution to potential plant nutrients, Richard Reynolds, Jason Neff, Marith Reheis, and Paul Lamothe
Atmospheric Longwave Infrared Emission Spectroscopy of Water Vapor at the South Pole, Brooke A. Myers
Atmospheric mineral dust in dryland ecosystems: Application of environmental magnetism, Richard L. Reynolds, Harland L. Goldstein, and Mark E. Miller
Atmospheric Temperature Comparisons from Experimental SABER Sensor, Josh Williams and Doran J. Baker
Atomic depassivation and metallization of the Si(100)-2x1:H surface, T. -C. Shen, C. Wang, and J. R. Tucker
Atomic processes stimulated by low-energy electrons on H-terminated Si(100) surfaces, T. -C. Shen
Atomic scale desorption of hydrogen from Si(100):H surfaces by STM, T. -C. Shen
Atomic scale desorption through electronic and vibrational excitation mechanisms, T. -C. Shen, C. Wang, G. C. Abeln, J. R. Tucker, J. W. Lyding, Ph. Avouris, and R. E. Walkup
Atom-scale devices based on 2D dopant patterns in silicon, T. -C. Shen
Atom-scale electronics based on dopant patterns in silicon, T. -C. Shen
Atom-scale surface modifications induced by low-energy electron irradiation, T. -C. Shen
A tool to identify numeric nutrient criteria with QUAL2Kw, Andrew Hobson
A triple beam microscope: focused laser processing in a scanning ion/ele ctron microscope, Nick A. Roberts, G. A. Magel, C. D. Hartfield, T. M. Moore, J. D. Fowlkes, and P. D. Rack
A Tropical Colonization Experiment in Mexico, Charles Ray Alban
AtSIF: A Gene Linking Abiotic Stress Response and Flowering, Jenny Ballif and Yajun Wu
Attachment, Aggression, and Family Risk in a Low-Income Sample, Lori A. Roggman PhD and Gina A. Cook
Attack of the CubeSats: A Statistical Look, Michael Swartwout
Attention Factors in Temopral Distortion: The Effects of Food Availability on Responses within the Interval Bisection Task, Robert N.. Johnson
Attenuation of Ultrasonic Waves: Influence of Microstructure and Solid Fat Content, Silvana Martini, Constantin Bertoli, Maria Lidia Herrera, Ian Neeson, and Alejandro Marangoni
At the ground level: Fungi and mosses, Jayne Belnap and J. P. Lindsey
Attitude Control of a Small Spacecraft in an Elliptical Orbit , K.A. Ryden and A.J. Markwell
Attitude Control Strategy for HAUSAT-2 with Pitch Bias Momentum System, Young-Keun Chang, Seok-Jin Kang, Byung-Hoon Lee, Jung-Won Choi, Mi-Yeon Yun, and Byoung-Young Moon
Attitude Control Using Aerodynamic Vectoring on an Aerospike Nozzle, Nathan Erni, Crystal Frazier, and Doran Baker
Attitude Determination and Control for the Multi-Mission Space Payload Platform (SPP), Charles Benet and John Stetson, Jr.
Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem for Spartan Lite Spacecraft, James Morrissey, Thomas Quinn, and Giacomo Porcelli
Attitude Determination and Launch Diagnostics for a Picosat via Kalman Filtering of Magnetometer Data, Paul Graven, J. Jung, T. Kenny, and R. Twiggs
Attitude Determination by Image Processing Algorithms, Hans Konigsmann, Hans Rath, and Hartmut Renken
Attitude Determination for Small Satellites Using Magnetometer and Solar Panel Data, Todd E. Humphreys and Rees Fullmer
Attitude Determination for Small Satellites with Modest Pointing Constraints, Todd Humphreys
Attitude-Independent Magnetometer Calibration with Time-Varying Bias, John Springmann
Attitude Manoeuvring Under Dynamic Path and Time Constraints for Formation Flying Nanosatellites , B. Johnston-Lemke and R.E. Zee
Attitude of Utah Farm People Toward the Extension Service in Utah, Stephen L. Brower
Attitudes and Reading Comprehension: A Partial Test of Mathewson's Affective Model of Reading, D. Ray Reutzel and P. M. Hollingsworth
Attitudes of School Administrators and Instructors of Vocational Agricultural Education in Utah, Horace L. Morrill Jr.
Attitudes of students, parents and educators toward repeating a grade, Deborah A. Byrnes
Attributes of the heat shock response in three species of dairy Lactobacillus, Jeffery R. Broadbent, C. J. Oberg, H. Wang, and L. Wei
AttSim, Attitude Simulation with Control Software in the Loop, Hans Koenigsmann and Gwynne Gurevich
A two-step polymerase chain reaction for detection of mycoplasmas in milk, L. H. Lauerman, D. Johansen, H. J. Liu, and David J. Wilson
A typology of actional-operational modes in earth science and implications for fundamental science literacy instruction, Amy A. Wilson
Audience Perceptions of Candidates’ Appropriateness as a Function of Nonverbal Behaviors Displayed During Televised Political Debates, John S. Seiter and Harry Weger Jr.
Audio Detection of Upper Airway Obstruction: Preliminary Findings, Bryce Hill and Douglas Christensen
Au Naturel: (Re)Reading Hispanic Naturalism, J.P. Spicer Escalante
Au Naturel: (Re)Reading Hispanic Naturalism, J.P. Spicer Escalante and Lara Anderson
A Unique New Antenna Technology for Small (And Large) Satellites, Bernard Raab and Larry Sikora
A Universal Drama That Could Only Happen in Utah, Gene Washington
A Universal Interface for Modular Spacecraft, Lennon Rodgers, Nicholas Hoff, Elizabeth Jordan, Michael Heiman, and David Miller
Auroral Cluster: A Space Physics Mission for Multiple, Electronically Tethered Small Satellites, J.P. Andrews, J.R. Scherrer, J.H. Waite, and J.L. Burch
A USA/Canada Model of ‘Sin’ and Other Excise Taxes, William F. Shughart II, Brenda Yelvington, Tonya K. Flesher, and Dale L. Flesher
Autobiography, Ecology, and the Well-Placed Self: The Growth of Natural Biography in Contemporary American Life Writing, Nathan Straight
Autogen: The Mars 2001 Odyssey and the "Autogen" Process , Roy Gladden
Automated Abnormal Mass Detection in the Mammogram Images Using Chebyshev Moments, Alireza Talebpour, Dooman Arefan, and Hamid Mohamadlou
Automated Check-In and Scheduling System for a Web-Based Testing Application, Ashwin V. Kumar
Automated Correction of Precipitation Records for Weighing Type Bucket Gauge Measurements, Anurag Nayak
Automatic Generation of SDM Application Source Code from xTEDS , Jacob Christensen, Scott Cannon, Bryan Hansen, and Jim Lyke
Automatic geomorphic feature extraction from lidar in flat and engineered landscapes, Paola Passalacqua, Patrick Belmont, and Efi Foufoula-Georgiou
Automaticity in teaching and its implications for CTA-based training, David F. Feldon
Automating Open Educational Resources Assessments: A Machine Learning Generalization Study, H. Leary, Mimi M. Recker, A. Walker, P. Wetzler, T. Sumner, and J. Martin
Automating the Operations of the ORBCOMM Constellation, John Tandler
Autonomous, Agile, Micro-Satellites and Supporting Technologies for Use in Low-Earth Orbit Missions, A.G. Ledebuhr, J.F. Kordas, L.C. Ng, M.S. Jones, O. Edwards, J.C. Whitehead, R.J. Gaughan, and M.D. Dittman
Autonomous Assembly of a Reconfiguarble Space Telescope (AAReST) – A CubeSat/Microsatellite Based Technology Demonstrator, Craig Underwood, Sergio Pellegrino, Vaios Lappas, Chris Bridges, Ben Taylor, Savan Chhaniyara, Theodoros Theodorou, Peter Shaw, Manan Arya, James Breckinridge, Kristina Hogstrom, Keith Patterson, John Steeves, Lee Wilson, and Nadjim Horri
Autonomous Constellation Maintenance System, John Collins, Simon Dawson, and James Wertz
Autonomous Control System for Precise Orbit Maintenance, Manop Aorpimai, Yoshi Hashida, and Phil Palmer
Autonomous Data Acquisition using the ACTEL 1020 FPGA, Ron Novick
Autonomous Distributed LQR/APF Control Algorithm for Multiple Small Spacecraft during Simultaneous Close Proximity Operations , Shawn McCamish, Marcello Romano, and Xiaoping Yun
Autonomous Magnetic Navigation for Earth Orbiting Spacecraft, Mark Psiaki and Francois Martel
Autonomous Mission Planning for Spin-Stabilized Science Satellites, Birgit Sauer and Michael Ricard
Autonomous Operations Experiments for the Distributed Emerald Nanosatellite Mission , Christopher Kitts and Michael Swartwout
Autonomous Pose Estimations for In-Orbit Self-Assembly of Intelligent Self-Powered Modules, Samia Smail, David Wokes, Craig Underwood, and Phil Palmer
Autonomous Proximity Operations of Small Satellites with Minimum Numbers of Actuators , Jason Hall and Marcello Romano
Autonomous Surveillance Satellite, Gary Grisbeck, John Doleman, and Robert Reed
Autonomous Telemetry Collection for Single-Processor Small Satellites , Dave Speer
Autoxidation Kinetics of Soybean Oil and Anhydrous Milk Fat Blends: Comparing Isothermal and Non-isothermal DSC, J. Thurgood, R. Ward, and Silvana Martini
Autumnberry (Elaeagnus umbellata): a potential cash crop, Brent Black, I. M. Fordham, and P. Perkins-Veazie
Autumn olive: Weed or new cash crop?, Brent Black and I. Fordham
Average linear score of the SCC as a predictor of prevalence of IMI, David J. Wilson, R. N. Gonzalez, G. Shook, L. Tikofsky, and Y. H. Schukken
A Virtual Ground Station Based on Distributed Components for Satellite Communications , Steve Bernier and Michel Barbeau
A virtual peer can enhance learner self-efficacy, Yanghee Kim and E. R. Hamilton
A Virtual Peer Encouraging Girls and Minorities to Improve Their Math Self-Efficacy and Math Attitudes, Yanghee Kim, B. Xu, V. Ilieva, Q. Wei, and Y. Ko
A Way with Words, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
A web based summary writing tutor, Jim Rogers
A web based summary writing tutor, Jim Rogers
A Website does not a community make, Mimi M. Recker and K. Lawless
Axial Velocity in the Trailing Vortex Core of a NACA 0015 Airfoil, Todd Lawton
A year with first-graders: Reality therapy for an education professor, D. Ray Reutzel
A year with first-graders: Reality therapy for an education professor, D. Ray Reutzel
Background Behavior in Live Debates: The Effects of the Implicit Ad Hominem Fallacy, John S. Seiter, Harold J. Kinzer, and Harry Weger Jr.
Backprojection Analysis of MIMO SAR, Michael I. Duersch and David G. Long
Backprojection Autofocus for Synthetic Aperture Radar, Michael I. Duersch and David G. Long
Back reef and fore reef analogs in the Pleistocene of North Jamaica: Implications for facies recognition and sediment flux in fossil reefs, S. K. Boss and W. D. Liddell
Bacteria counts in on-farm pasteurized milk for dairy calves versus season and time post-pasteurization, David J. Wilson, K. A. Rood, and G. M. Goodell
Bacteria counts in on-farm pasteurized milk for dairy calves vs. season and time post-pasteurization, David J. Wilson, K. A. Rood, and G. Goodell
Bacteriocins as natural food preservatives, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Bacteriologic cure rates for bovine mastitis cases with no treatment or with eight different antibiotics, David J. Wilson, K. L. Case, R. N. Gonzalez, and H. R. Han
Bacteriophage control, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Bahavior and Analysis of an Integral Abutment Bridge, Conner D. Huffaker
Balanced language programs: The wave of the future, D. Ray Reutzel
Balanced Literacy Instruction: The Role, Place, and Development of Phonics Knowledge in Young Children, D. Ray Reutzel
Balanced reading: Instruction, materials, and conceptual framework, D. Ray Reutzel
Balanced Reading (K-12): What is it? How to do it?, D. Ray Reutzel
Balanced Reading (K-12): What is it? How to do it?, D. Ray Reutzel
Balancing the elements of instruction: Bringing it together in a school day, D. Ray Reutzel
Baldomero Lillo’s “El chiflón del diablo,” a Modern National Chilean Allegory, J.P. Spicer Escalante
Balloonsat: Missions to the Edge of Space, Chris Koehler
Band Structure and Spectral Momentum Density of a-C Measured by (e, 2e) Spectroscopy, JR Dennison and A. L. Ritter
"Bare Bones" Propulsion for Small, Low Cost Satellites , Richard Daniels
Bargaining for Monopoly: The Joint Operating Arrangement between the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News, William F. Shughart II and Shuo Chen
Bark beetle effects on fuel profiles across a range of stand structures in Douglas-fir forests of Greater Yellowstone, Daniel C. Donato, Brian J. Harvey, William H. Romme, Martin Simard, and Monica G. Turner
Bark beetle outbreaks, wildfires and defensible space: how much area do we need to treat to protect homes and communities?, Glen Aronson and Dominik Kulakowski
Barriers or Frontiers: A Bi-national Investigation of Spanish-speaking Immigrant Students’ School Experiences, R. W. Wilhelm, G. Contreras, and Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Baseline Protocols, John D. Harrison, Dallen R. Smith, and Aditya H. Toney
Basil in the Garden, Dan Drost and Lindsay Pearson
BASINS Watershed Analysis System— Integrating with MapWindow Open Source GIS, Daniel P. Ames
Batter Up! Moral Hazard and the Effects of the Designated Hitter Rule on Hit Batsmen, William F. Shughart II, Brian L. Goff, and Robert D. Tollison
Bayesian Sediment Transport Model for Uni-size Bed Load, Mevin Hooten and Mark Schmelter
Beans in the Garden, Dan Drost
Bear River/Bear Lake Operation - A Historical Perspective, Carly Burton
Bear River Heritage Area: A Study of Recreation Specialization and Importance-Performance, Tyler A. Baird
Bear-Viewing Ecotourism in British Columbia: Ecological, Economic, and Social Perspectives Using a Case-Study Analysis of Knight Inlet Lodge, BC, Julian S. Smith
Beat the odds! Hot tips for writing for IRA’s journals and newspaper, D. Ray Reutzel
Beauty and Believability: How Do "Looks" Impact Perceived Veracity and Likelihood of Being Sexually Harassed?, John S. Seiter, D. Dunn, D. J. Wurgler, and T. Theobald
Beauty and Believability in Sexual Harassment Cases: Does Physical Attractiveness Affect Perceptions of Veracity and the Likelihood of Being Harassed?, John S. Seiter and Deborah Dunn
Beaver: Restoration liaison between riparian and upland systems, Joe Wheaton
Beef Heifer Retention Decisions, Cody Reed and Dale ZoBell
Beef Production & Consumption: Sustainable Alternatives, Jennifer MacAdam and Roslynn Brain
Beef Quality and Yield Grading, Dale R. ZoBelle, Lyle Holmgren, and D Whittier
Beef Quality Assurance Notes, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Beet curly top disease (Curtoviruses) in spinach and table beets in Arizona, Claudia Nischwitz and M. Olsen
Beets, Jillian Cartwright, Amanda Spackman, Amanda Hawks, Ariel Guild, and Michelle Mitton
Beets in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Behavioral and instructional techniques for middle and high school students with mild disabilities in mathematics, L. Dieker and Jessica H. Hunt
Behavioral Checklist Forms, Utah State Extension
Behavior Depends on Consequences, Agriculture Experiment Station
Behavior of Al atoms on Si(100) and H/Si(100) surfaces, T. -C. Shen
Behavior of wolves hunting elk and bison in Yellowstone National Park , Dan R. MacNulty
Behind the Veil: The Political Economy of Constitutional Change, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, Delores T. Martin, and Robert D. Tollison
Be in Control - Living with Diabetes, Laura Prestwich RD
Belnap's Theory of Questions, Gene Washington
Belonging and Believing: Cultural Diversity in the Classroom Environment, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and P. Robles-Goodwin
Benchmarking the Small Satellite Industry – Identifying Emerging Trends to Increase Access to Space, Amanda Vaughn and Todd Mosher
Bending before the Storm: The U.S. Supreme Court in Economic Crisis, 1935–1937, William F. Shughart II
Benefits of Low-Power Stationary Plasma Thruster Propulsion for Small Satellites , Craig Clauss, Dennis Tilley, and David Barnhart
Benthic Invertebrate Composition along the Little Bear River Continuum, Jared Baker, Chance Broderius, Katie Fisher, Jason Fuller, George A. Papas, Christian Smith, and Marc Weston
Bent Leg of Rams, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Better Cognitive Performance in Elderly Taking Antioxidant Vitamins E and C Supplements in Combination with Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory drugs: The Cache County Study, Majid Fotuhi, Peter P. Zandi, Kathleen M. Hayden, Ara S. Khachaturian, Christine A. Szekely, Heidi J. Wengreen, Ronald G. Munger, Maria C. Norton, Joann Tschanz, Constantine G. Lyketsos, John C. S. Breitner, and Kathleen Welsh-Bohmer
Between Talk and Teaching: Reconsidering the Writing Conference, Laurel Johnson Black
Beyond a Box of Documents: The Collaborative Partnership Behind the Oregon Chinese Disinterment Documents Collection, Natalia M. Fernández and Cristine N. Paschild
Beyond accommodations: Common sense differentiation and universal design for learning, Jessica H. Hunt
Beyond accommodations: Universal design for learning in mathematics, Jessica H. Hunt and J. A. Anderson
Beyond Expectations: The Influence of Food Servers’ Nonverbal Behavior in Service Interactions. , John S. Seiter
Beyond texture and mouthfeel: How lipids influence taste perception, Silvana Martini
Beyond the Beep: Student-Built Satellites with Educational and 'Real' Missions, Michael Swartwout
Bicycle, Gene Washington
Big Astrophysics in a Small Package The Gravity & Extreme Magnetism SMEX (GEMS) Mission , Erin Walter, Carlos Niederstrasser, Jean Swank, and Keith Jahoda
Big bites on a little budget, C. Preedy, M. Savoie, and Heidi LeBlanc
Big Potential for Small-Satellite Students, Wayne Shiroma, Justin Akagi, Byron Wolfe, Jason Akagi, Zachary Lee-Ho, and Aaron Ohta
Big Science on a Small Budget: A University Sounding Rocket , Ellen Riddle and Jennifer Owens
Biking as an Alternative Mode of Transportation, Roslynn Brain and Jared Stapp
Bilinear Analysis for Soil Moisture Determination Using an Open-Ended Dielectric Probe, Ricardo Estevez
BillikenSat-II: The First Bio-Fuel Cell Test Platform for Space , Sanjay Jayaram, Darren Pais, Sonia Hernez, Paul Lemon, Nathaniel Clark, Benjamin Corrado, Brian Vitale, Justin Kerber, Elena Nogales, Jorge Moya, and Robert Arechaderra
BILSAT-1: First Year in Orbit- Operations and Lessons Learned, Gökhan Yüksel, Önder Belce, Hakan Urhan, Luis Gomes, Andy Bradford, Neville Bean, and Alex da Silva Curiel
BILSAT: Advancing Smallsat Capabilities, Luís Gomes, Gokhan Yuksel, Vaios Lappas, Alex da Silva Curiel, Andy Bradford, Cem Ozkaptan, and Martin Sweeting
Bioactivities of Milk Polar Lipids in Influencing Intestinal Barrier Integrity, Systemic Inflammation, and Lipid Metabolism, Albert Lihong Zhou
Biochemistry, genetics, and applications of exopolysaccharide production in Streptococcus thermophilus: a review, Jeffery R. Broadbent, D. J. McMahon, D. Welker, C. J. Oberg, and S. Moineau
Biochemistry of cheese flavor development: insight from genomic studies of lactic acid bacteria, Jeffery R. Broadbent and J. L. Steele
Biodiversity, water chemistry, physical characteristics, and anthropogenic disturbance gradients of sandstone springs on the Colorado Plateau, Rebecca H. Weissinger, Dustin W. Perkins, and Eric C. Dinger
Biodiversity, Water Chemistry, Physical Characteristics, and Anthropogenic Disturbance Gradients of Sandstone Springs on the Colorado Plateau, Rebecca H. Weissinger, Dustin W. Perkins, and Eric C. Dinger
Biogeochemistry: Unexpected uptake, Jayne Belnap
Biological consequences of earlier snowmelt from desert dust deposition in alpine landscapes, Heidi Steltzer, Chris Landry, Thomas H. Painter, Justin Anderson, and Edward Ayres
Biological Crusts, Jayne Belnap
Biological Phosphorus Cycling in Dryland Regions, Jayne Belnap
Biological soil crust recovery after long-term grazing exclusion in the Monte Desert (Argentina). Changes in coverage, spatial distribution, and soil nitrogen, Diana A. Gomez, Julieta N. Aranibar, Solana Tabeni, Pablo E. Villagra, Irene A. Garibotti, and Adrian Atencio
Biological Soil Crusts and Global Changes: What Does the Future Hold?, Jayne Belnap and Otto L. Lange
Biological soil crusts and wind erosion, Jayne Belnap
Biological soil crusts: Characteristics and distribution, Jayne Belnap, B. Budel, and Otto L. Lange
Biological soil crusts: Ecological roles and response to fire in Miombo woodlands of Zimbabwe, Jayne Belnap, R. L. Sanford, and L. Lungu
Biological soil crusts exhibit a dynamic response to seasonal rain and release from grazing with implications for soil stability, A. Jimenez Aguilar, E. Huber-Sannwald, J. Belnap, D. R. Smart, and J. T. Arredondo Moreno
Biological soil crusts in deserts: a short review of their role in soil fertility, stabilization, and water relations, Jayne Belnap
Biological soil crusts of Arabian sabkhat, Jayne Belnap
Biological soil crusts of Mongolia: Impacts of grazing and precipitation on nitrogen inputs, Jayne Belnap, D. Ojima, Susan L. Phillips, and N. N. Barger
Biological soil crusts of North America, R. Rosentreter and Jayne Belnap
Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function, and Management, Jayne Belnap and Otto L. Lange
Biologic and Hydrologic Controls on Nitrogen Cycling in Mountain Watersheds: Results of Ecosystem N15 Stable Isotope Tracer Additions, Koren Nydick, Wayne Wurtsbaugh, Michelle Baker, Robert Hall, and Chris Arp
Biology of the Boxelder Bug in Cache Valley, Arab Bakir Al-Tikrity
Biology of the Green Soldier Bug, Acrosternum Hilaris (Say), at Farmington, Utah, Edward W. Anthon
Bionomics of the Clover Leaf Weevil, Hypera Punctata (Fabr.), in Utah, Lorin C. Fife
Bioretention Infiltration and Evapotranspiration Performance, Jennifer Steffen
Biosecurity Principles: Protecting the Utah Turkey Industry, David Frame
Biotechnology of dairy lactic acid bacteria, Jeffery R. Broadbent and J. K. Kondo
Biotic communities of hanging gardens in southeastern Utah, S. L. Welsh and C. A. Toft
Bipartite Probe Interval Graphs, Interval Point Bigraphs, and Circular ArcGraphs, David E. Brown and J. R. Lundgren
BIRD - A Microsatellite for Hot Spot Detection, I. WaIter, K. Brieß, B. Heym, W. Bärwald, F. Lura, and H. Studemund
Birgit Brander Rasmussen, Queequeg’s Coffin: Indigenous Literacies and Early American Literature, Keri Holt
Bison foraging response to the risk of wolf predation in a spatially heterogeneous winter environment: a preliminary assessment , Dan R. MacNulty and D. W. Smith
Black Salsify in the Garden, Dan Drost and Jodie Moser
“Blacks deserve bodies too!” Design and discussion about diversity and race in a tween online world, Y. B. Kafai, M. S. Cook, and Deborah A. Fields
Bleeding Air from Diesel Fuel Lines & Filters, Von H. Jarrett PhD
Blogging and burning through the truth in the Middle East, G. Sue Kasun
Blueberries in Utah?, Brent Black, G. Cardon, and M. Ehlenfeldt
Blue Marble: Remote Characterization of Habitable Planets , Neville Woolf, Brian Lewis, James Chartres, and Anthony Genova
Blue Orchard Bee, Cory Stanley
Bluetongue in Cattle, Clell V. Bagley DVM and W Craig Burrell
BMP Implementation and Impacts on Water Quality: A Social Science Approach, Michael Halling
Body condition scoring in dairy cattle, David J. Wilson
Body size and predatory performance in wolves: is bigger better? , Dan R. MacNulty, D. W. Smith, L. D. Mech, and L. E. Eberly
Boeing’s CubeSat TestBed 1 Attitude Determination Design and On-Orbit Experience, Michael Taraba, Christian Rayburn, Albert Tsuda, and Charles MacGillivray
Bolometer properties of multiwall carbon nanotube arrays, N. Tomlin, T. -C. Shen, M. Dowell, M. White, and J. Lehman
Booklice and Their Relatives, Cory Stanley
Book Review: Archival Arrangement and Description, Tiah K. Edmunson-Morton
Book Reviews, Cara L. Burnidge, Adam Brasich, Zac Johnson, Christopher Blythe, and Brad Stoddard
Boolean Rank, Intersection Number, Dot-Product Dimension, David E. Brown
Boolean Rank of Upset Tournament Matrices, David E. Brown, Scott Roy, J. Richard Lundgren, and Daluss J. Siewert
Borderland-mestizaje feminism: The new tribalism, Cinthya M. Saavedra and E. D. Nymark
Borderlands, Spiritualism and Quantum physics, Cinthya M. Saavedra
Bottom Canyon Hazardous Fuel Reduction Phase II, United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management
Boundaries in miniature: Two examples from soil, Jayne Belnap, Christine V. Hawkes, and Mary K. Firestone
Bovine Mastitis, J. H. Kirk and David J. Wilson
Bovine Respiratory Disease, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Bovine Somatotropin in Milk, Charlotte P. Brennand PhD and Clell V. Bagley DVM
Bovine Viral Diarrhea Milk ELISA Test Detecting Anti-p80 Antibody – Association with Milk Handling Methods and Cow Characteristics, David J. Wilson, K. A. Rood, and G. M. Goodell
Boys in English: Empowering males in the language arts classroom, Amy A. Wilson
Breakfast at the Federal Trade Commission, William F. Shughart II, Robert D. Tollison, and Eileen C. Reed
Breaking individual chemical bonds via STM-induced excitations, Ph. Avouris, R. E. Walkup, A. R. Rossi, H. C. Akpati, P. Nordlander, T. -C. Shen, G. C. Abeln, and J. W. Lyding
Breaking Tradition: My Journey of Becoming a Teacher of Chinese as a Foreign Language, Wenrui Chen
Breeding CWG-R crested wheatgrass for reduced-maintenance turf, Justin D. Hanks, Blair L. Waldron, Paul G. Johnson, Kevin B. Jensen, and Kay H. Asay
Breeding Soundness Examination of Rams, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Breeding Soundness in Rams: How to Do It..., Clell V. Bagley DVM
BREM-SAT - A Small Scientific Satellite, A. Ginati, G. Lehmann, H.J. Konigsmann, H. Iglseder, and H.J. Rath
BREM-SAT Attitude Control at Low Altitudes, Hans Koenigsmann, H. Rath, H. Oelze, and A. Ginatii
BREM-SAT - First Flight Results, Hans Konigsmann, Holger Oelze, and Hans Rath
Bridging literacies: Connecting the word and the image, Amy A. Wilson
Bridging schools and universities to improve math and science, M. Little, S. Martin, Jessica H. Hunt, and C. Straub
Bridging students’ achievement through environmental service: The Austin Youth River Watch 2009-2010 Report, G. Sue Kasun and R. Villalobos
Bridging the Gap: Collaboration using Nanosat and CubeSat Platforms Through The Texas 2 STEP (2 Satellite Targeting Experimental Platform) Mission, Cinnamon Wright, Dax Garner, Jessica Williams, Henri Kjellberg, and Glenn Lightsey
Brine Shrimp Predation by an Invertebrate Predator in Farmington Bay, Great Salt Lake, Utah, Amy M. Marcarelli and Wayne A. Wurtsbaugh
Bringing Space Capabilities to the Warfighter: Virtual Mission Operations Center (VMOC), Brett Conner, Larry Dikeman, Victor Osweiler, Steve Groves, Dale Schoenfelt, Philip Paulsen, Will Ivancic, Eric Miller, and Jon Walke
Broadening participation in and perceptions of computing through cascading mentoring: Implementing a CS community service learning course, Y. B. Kafai, J. Griffin, W. B. Burke, M. Slattery, Deborah A. Fields, and R. Powell
Broadening the Scope, Dispelling the Myths: Younger Children and Online Social Networking—Towards a More Inclusive Research Agenda, S. M. Grimes and Deborah A. Fields
Broad scope method for creating humanized animal models for animal health and disease research through antibiotic treatment and human fecal transfer, K. Hintze, R. Ward, A. Benninghoff, J. Cox, Jeffery R. Broadbent, and M. Lefevre
Brobdingnagian Onomastics, Gene Washington
Broccoli, Brianne Sherwood, Sara Hunt, Crista Sorenson, Bethany Heineman, Blake Beyers, and Ashley Walker Workman
Broccoli in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Brown trout early life history in the Logan River, and potential effects on native Bonneville cutthroat trout, Jeremiah Wood
Brussels Sprouts in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Bubble and crystal formation in lipid systems during high-intensity insonation, Silvana Martini, R. Tejeda-Pichardo, Y. Ye, S. G. Padilla, F. K. Shen, and T. Doyle
Bubble Behavior in Nucleate Boiling Experiment Aboard the Space Shuttle, Justin P. Koeln, Jeffrey C. Boulware, and Heng Ban
Bubbles without cores, T. -C. Shen
Budget Deficits, William F. Shughart II
Buffalograss tolerance to post-emergence herbicides in the Intermountain West, Adam Van Dyke and Paul G. Johnson
Building a New Credit Report, Barbara R. Rowe PhD
Building an Interdisciplinary Research Program in Water Conservation: Approach, preliminary findings, and next steps, David E. Rosenberg, Joanna Endter-Wada, Arthur Caplan, Diana Glenn, Guy Ballard, and Katie Henderson
Building a Quality Child Care Business, Susan Haws and Angela Wood
Building Blocks for Accelerating English Language Learners, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Building Community Infrastructure to Support Interdisciplinary Water Science, Richard Hooper
Building culturally relevant advisory programs as pathways for student success, G. Sue Kasun
Building departmental partnerships for open access: scholarly communication and collections, Katie Wesolek and Andrew Wesolek
Building new clubhouses: Opening doors to computing for girls and boys with electronic textiles, K. A. Searle, Y. B. Kafai, and Deborah A. Fields
Building "Smaller, Cheaper, Faster" Satellites within the Constraints of an Academic Environment, Richard Lu, Tanya Olsen, and Michael Swartwout
Building social relations with digital virtual peers in web-based learning, Yanghee Kim
Building the Small Spacecraft Technology Pipeline, Dr. James Reuther
Building towards a Hydrologic Observatory in the Great Salt Lake Basin, David Tarboton
Building upon sources of existing vitality, Dan L. Householder
Build It—And Advocate for It—And They Will Come: Lessons from a Collaborative Project in Archives Advocacy and Program Development, Jodi Allison-Bunnell, Linda Morton-Keithley, and Elizabeth Knight
Bulk Oils and Shortenings, Spreads, and Frying Oils, F. D. Gunstone and Silvana Martini
Bulk tank and individual cow milk cultures for detection of contagious mastitis pathogens before adding purchased animals to dairy herds, David J. Wilson, R. N. Gonzalez, and P. M. Sears
Bureaucratic Structure and Congressional Control, William F. Shughart II, Robert D. Tollison, and Brian L. Goff
Burkholderia, R. D. Gitaitis and Claudia Nischwitz
Burning and Grazing Effects on Water Balance of a Sagebrush-Grass Ecosystem, Sinisha Ivans, Lawrence E. Hipps, and Sasha Ivans
Bus Design of the Microsatellite BIRD for Infrared Earth Observation, C. Stelter, B. Biering, and B. Heym
Business Aviation: Utilization, Benefits, and Value, Tony Roberts
Business-industry-education linkages, Dan L. Householder
But I Only Have a Basal: Implementing Guided Reading in the Early Grades, P. C. Fawson and D. Ray Reutzel
Buyer and Seller Concentration in Global Commodity Markets, Reza Oladi and J. Gilbert
Buying a Used Car, Liz Gorham PhD
Buying a Used Farm Machine, Kevin Heaton
BVD milk ELISA compared with ear notch testing for detection of PI cattle, and effects of cow characteristics and 4 milk sample handling methods on ELISA results, David J. Wilson, K. Rood, and G. Goodell
BX-1: the Companion Microsatellite in Shenzhou-7 Mission, Zhencai Zhu, Hongyu Chen, Wen Chen, Yilin Zhou, Yong Yu, and Caixia Cao
Cabbage or Turnip?, Andrew Croft
Cabbage, The Vegetable of The Humble(and Sober), Andrew Croft
Cahier d'apprentissage autonome à l'intention des professionnels de la santé et des services sociaux: Module 2 Infirmières et infirmiers de triage, Jim Rogers, S. Harrison, D. Lisney, T. Seredynska, and P. Tetford
Cahier d'apprentissage autonome à l'intention des professionnels de la santé et des services sociaux: Module 3 Intervenants Psychosociaux. (A Self-study workbook for Health & Social Services Professionals: Module 3 Pscyhocosial Service Providers), Jim Rogers, S. Harrison, D. Lisney, T. Seredynska, and P. Tetford
Calculated Surface Velocity Coefficients for Prismatic Open Channels, Nat Marjang
Calendula in the Garden, Dan Drost and Liz Braithwaite
Calf enteric mortality etiologies, 2004 - 2008, T. J. Baldwin, David J. Wilson, Ramona T. Skirpstunas, J. D. Trujillo, and E. J. Kelly
Calf Raising: A Case Report, David J. Wilson
Calf Scours Simplified, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Calibrating and Operating Manure Spreaders, Rich Koenig and Kerry Goodrich
Calibrating the IR Surface Brightness Fluctuation Distance Scale Using HST WFC3, Nathan Boyer and Joe Jensen
Calibrating your orchard sprayer, Brent Black and E. Seeley
Calibration and Evaluation of Blackbeard Time Tagging Capability, David Smith, Dorothea DeLapp, Daniel Holden, Gary Stelzer, and Phillip Klingner
Calibration and Modification of Off-the-Shelf Gas Sensors for Monitoring Earth’s Atmospheric Chemistry, Byron Millet, Spencer Shupe, and John Sohl
Calibration and Validation of WRF-CLM in Snowpack Simulations, Shih-Yu Simon Wang and Lijuan Wen
Calibration Techniques for Low-Cost Star Trackers, Tom Dzamba and John Enright
Cal Poly Coordination of Multiple CubeSats on the DNEPR Launch Vehicle, Simon Lee, Armen Toorian, Nash Clemens, Jordi Puig-Suari, and Bob Twiggs
Camp’ at an urban middle school: The leaky formation of Texas testing technologies, G. Sue Kasun
Campers have a world of good: Insights from the ACA Sites, Facilities, and Programs Report: 2011, Mark F. Roark and Marissa Mikami
Campus Copyright Education: Creating a culture of compliance and empowerment, Susanne Clement, Jennifer Duncan, and Betty Rozum
Campus-wide participatory planning: Moving quickly from thought to action, B. Thomas and Roslynn Brain
Can a Constellation of CubeSats Create a Capability? Satisfying Australia’s Future Need for Multi-Spectral Imagery, Leon Stepan, Iain Cartwright, and David Lingard
Canada Goose Production and Population Stability, Ogden Bay Waterfowl Management Area, Utah, Norman H. Day
Canada’s Smallest Satellite: The Canadian Advanced Nanospace Experiment (CanX-1) , James Wells, Luke Stras, and Tiger Jeans
Canadian Advanced Nanospace Experiment 2: On-Orbit Experiences with a Three-Kilogram Satellite, Karan Sarda, Cordell Grant, Stuart Eagleson, Daniel Kekez, and Robert Zee
Canadian Advanced Nanospace Experiment 2 Orbit Operations: One Year of Pushing the Nanosatellite Performance Envelope, Karan Sarda, Cordell Grant, Stuart Eagleson, Daniel Kekez, Amee Shah, and Robert Zee
Canal Seepage Loss Investigations in the Lewiston Area, Utah, Robert V. Thurmond
Can a pedagogical agent help reduce mathematics anxiety? , Q. Wei and Yanghee Kim
Can Consistent Data Collection and Modeling Strategies Provide the Information Necessary To Address Instream Water Quality Impairments?, Andrew Hobson
Caneberry irrigation, Brent Black, R. Hill, and G. Cardon
Can Good Carbon Go Bad? Photodegradation effects of DOC Bioavailability in an Oligotrophic Mountain Lake Inflow and Outflow, Angela Benedetto
Can K-3 Reading Reform Make a Difference? Examining the Utah Reading Excellence Act, D. Ray Reutzel
Canopy and Edge Activity of Bats in a Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Forest, T W. Pettit and K T. Wilkins
Can Single-Electron Integrated Circuits and Quantum Computers be Fabricated in Silicon?, J. R. Tucker and T. -C. Shen
Can Small Do What Big Does – Only Better? (An Update), Jan King
Cantaloupe (Muskmelon) in the Garden, Dan Drost and Rick Hefelbower
Can the dairy industry live without “cleanup” bull breeding? Could improved fertility of each AI straw make cleanup bulls less necessary?, David J. Wilson
Can the past predict the future? Experimental tests of historically based population models, Peter Adler, Kerry M. Byrne, and James Leiker
Can we manage Mycoplasma bovis infected herds without intensive culling?, R. N. Gonzalez, P. M. Sears, David J. Wilson, A. M. Struble, and G. L. Hayes
Can we manage Mycoplasma bovis infected herds without intensive culling?, R. N. Gonzalez, P. M. Sears, David J. Wilson, A. M. Struble, and G. L. Hayes
Can We Talk?: Doctoral Students Discuss Their Professional Development, J. H. White, M. B. Seaborg, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, J. Bahney, K. Mayo, and K. Fowler
Capillary electrophoresis of Cheddar cheese, M. Strickland, B. C. Weimer, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Capturing and Processing Born-Digital Files in the STOP AIDS Project Records: A Case Study, Laura Wilsey, Rebecca Skirvin, Peter Chan, and Glynn Edwards
Capturing the Holy City: The Latter-day Saint Quest for Zion, Chad Nielsen
Carbon exchange in biological soil crust communities under differential temperatures and soil water contents: implications for global change, Edmund E. Grote, Jayne Belnap, David C. Housman, and Jed P. Sparks
Carbon Flow From Plant Detritus and Soil Organic Matter to Microbes--Linking Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Semiarid Soils, T. D. Hooker and John M. Stark
Carbon Nanotube Forests: Growth, Morphology and Mid-IR Reflectance, T. -C. Shen
Carbon Nanotubes for Space Applications Interchange , T. -C. Shen
Carbon Nanotubes for Space Applications Interchange , T. -C. Shen
Carbon Sequestration and Permit Trading on the Competitive Fringe, Arthur Caplan
Carbon Source and Fe(III) Depletion Affection TCE Dechlorination in Aquifer Solid from Hill Air Force Base, Kristen Yeager
Carbon, water, and energy fluxes in a semiarid cold desert grassland during and following multiyear drought, D. R. Bowling, S. Bethers-Marchetti, C. K. Lunch, E. E. Grote, and J. Belnap
Caring for your own backyard: Books and activities that encourage students to care for their environment, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Caring for Your Tires, Von H. Jarrett PhD
Carrier capture dynamics of single InGaAs/GaAs quantum-dot layers, Kripa N. Chauhan
Carrier capture dynamics of single InGaAs/GaAs quantum-dot layers, K. N. Chauhaun, D. Mark Riffe, Addison E. Everett, D. J. Kim, H Yang, and F. K. Shen
Carrier Dynamics in InGaAs/GaAs Quantum Dots Excited by Femtosecond Laser Pulses, Kripa Nidhan Chauhan
Carrots, Jillian Cartwright, Amanda Spackman, Amanda Hawks, and Katie Jewel Peterson
Carrots in the Garden, Dan Drost and Wade Bitner
Case study of a middle school reader attending a separate reading class, Amy A. Wilson
Case study of a middle school reader attending a separate reading class, Amy A. Wilson
Case study of a middle school reader attending a separate reading class, Amy A. Wilson
Case study of a middle school student attending a separate reading class, Amy A. Wilson
CASPAR Low-Cost, Dual-Manifest Payload Adapter for Minotaur IV, Joseph Maly, Scott Pendleton, Steven Buckley, John Higgins, Eric Walsh, Ryan Hevner, Scott Schoneman, and Lt. William Emmer
Cassiope: A Canadian Smallsat-Based Space Science and Advanced Satcom Demonstration Mission , Gregory Giffin, Waqar-Un-Nissa Ressl, Andrew Yau, and Peter King
Casting a Cursory Glance at Its Capabilities: The Geographic Imagination of Early American Novels, Keri Holt
Catalytic Decomposition of Nitrous Monopropellant for Hybrid Motor Ignition, Matthew D. Wilson
Catastrophic Thresholds: A Synthesis of Concepts, Perspectives, and Applications, David D. Briske, Robert A. Washington-Allen, Craig R. Johnson, Jeffrey A. Lockwood, Dale R. Lockwood, Tamzen K. Stringham, and Herman H. Shugart
Categorizing Profile Exceptions in the SABER OH Data, Malea Moody
Cat Plague - Veterinarian Caution, Clell V. Bagley DVM
CATSAT Structural Design, Carl Wood, Brian McKinnon, Dean Nelson, and Dave Forrest
Cattle Selection for Aspen and Meadow Vegetation: Implications for Restoration, Bobette E. Jones, David F. Lile, and Kenneth W. Tate
Cauliflower in the Garden, Dan Drost and Michael Johnson
Causes of Soil Nutrient Heterogeneity at Different Scales, John M. Stark
Cave Culture in Maghrebi Literature: Imagining Self and Nation (After the Empire: The Francophone World and Postcolonial France), Christa Jones
CCSDS Spacecraft Uplink Protocol in a Space-Qualified ASIC, S.H. Wood, G.S. Bolotin, and J.A. Donaldson
CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for systematic assessment of ionosphere/thermosphere models: Electron density, neutral density, NmF2, and hmF2 using space based observations, J. S. Shim, M. Kuznetsova, L. Rastätter, D. Bilitza, L. Butala, M. Emery, B. Foster, T. J. Fuller-Rowell, J. Huba, A. J. Mannucci, X. Pi, A. Ridley, Ludger Scherliess, Jan J. Sojka, P. Stephens, D. C. Thompson, D. Weimer, Lie Zhu, and E. Sutton
Celebrate what is right with the world, Heidi LeBlanc
Celery, Jillian Cartwright, Amanda Spackman, Amanda Hawks, and Rebecka Bankhead
Celery in the Garden, Dan Drost and Brandon West
Cell-Based GaAs MMICs for Small Satellite Applications, S.P. MacCabe and D.G. Lockie
Cellular-Satellite, a Different Kind of Final Frontier, James Lyke and Robert Pugh
Centralized versus Decentralized Decision-Making in a County Government Setting, William F. Shughart II, Gokhan R. Karahan, and Laura Razzolini
Central Thermal Bus for Micro and Small Satellites: Scalability and Adaptability, John Wooldridge, Kim Wrenn, Dave Wolf, Dave Bugby, Steve Krein, and Dan Mark
Certain Aspects of the Status of Instructional Television in Elementary and Secondary Schools in the State of Utah, James W. Daniels
Certain Factors in Relation to the Present Occupational Status of Former All-Day Students of Vocational Agriculture in Utah, Mark Nichols
Certification of organic milk – some room for improvement identified. Non-lactating dairy cattle are different than dry cows according to the FDA, David J. Wilson
Chainsaw Safety, Jill Webster Ph.D.
Challenges for defining and using expertise in education, David F. Feldon
Challenges in preparing teachers in technology education, Dan L. Householder
Challenges to River Science and River Restoration in the Anthropocene: Examples from California and Montana, Johnnie N. Moore
Champollion Comet Lander, Kim Aaron
Changes in Agricultural Production and Cash Farm Income in Cache County, Utah, 1909-1949, LaVon S. Fife
Changes in Avian and Plant Communities of Aspen Woodlands over 12 Years after Livestock Removal in the Northwestern Great Basin, Susan L. Earnst, David S. Dobkin, and Jennifer A. Ballard
Changes in benthic community composition following the mass mortality of Diadema at Jamaica, W. D. Liddell and S. L. Ohlhorst
Changes in Plant Functional Groups, Litter Quality, and Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization With Sheep Grazing in an Inner Mongolian Grassland, Nichole N. Barger, Dennis S. Ojima, Jayne Belnap, Wang Shiping, Wang Yanfen, and Zuozhong Chen
Changes in thermospheric temperature induced by high-speed solar wind streams, Larry Gardner, Jan J. Sojka, Robert W. Schunk, and Rod Heelis
Changes in transpiration and foliage growth in lodgepole pine trees following mountain pine beetle attack and mechanical girdling, Robert M. Hubbard, Charles C. Rhoades, Kelly Elder, and Jose Negron
Changes in Western US Streamflow and Climate Regimes during 1912 and 2010, Margaret Matter
Changes in Winter Precipitation Regime over China during the land half Century, Robert Gillies, Wan-Ru Huang, and S-Y Simon Wang
Changes to dryland rainfall result in rapid moss mortality and altered soil fertility, Sasha C. Reed, Kirsten K. Coe, Jed P. Sparks, David C. Housman, Tamara J. Zelikova, and Jayne Belnap
Changing perspectives on regeneration ecology and genetic diversity in western quaking aspen: implications for silviculture, J. N. Long and Karen E. Mock
Changing Perspectives on Regeneration Ecology and Genetic Diversity in Western Quaking Aspen: Implications for Silviculture, James N. Long and Karen Mock
Changing the Face of Reading Instruction: Recommendations of Six National Reading Reports, D. Ray Reutzel and P. C. Fawson
Changing the microstructure of a high saturated shortening using power ultrasound, Y. Ye and Silvana Martini
Changing the Paradigm of Space Testing: The F.A.S.T. Program, James Wertz, Robert Conger, Gwynne Gurevich, and John Kulpa
Channel Change of Unregulated and Regulated Streams Near Three U.S. Geological Survey Gaging Stations, Uinta Mountains, Utah, David Galbraith
Characteristics of 4-H Participants and Their Psychosocial Development, Lauralee Lyons
Characteristics of an effective reading lesson: Guidelines for reading supervisors, D. Ray Reutzel
Characteristics of a two-stage screen for incident dementia, Kathleen M. Hayden, Ara S. Khachaturian, Joann Tschanz, Christopher Corcoran, Maria C. Norton, and John C. S. Breitner
Characteristics of cyanobacterial-lichen soil crusts in long-term saguaro monitoring plots, Jayne Belnap
Characteristics of Tn5307 exchange and intergeneric transfer of genes associated with nisin production, Jeffery R. Broadbent, W. E. Sandine, and J. K. Kondo
Characterization and Analysis for Flying COTS Electronics On-Orbit, Jason Niederhauser, Jonathan Black, and Carl Hartsfield
Characterization and Potential Utility of Porcine Trophoblast-Derived Stem-Like Cells, Edison A. Suasnavas
Characterization and Radiation Testing of Low Mass High Voltage Converters for MicroThrust, Benoit Chamot, Hervé Meyer, Lucas Perrin, Muriel Richard, Wojtek Hajdas, and Richard Visee
Characterization of an ultra-dense 2DEG confined to a d-layer of P in single-crystal Si, M. A. Zudov, R. -R. Du, and T. -C. Shen
Characterization of flavour development in raw and pasteurized milk Cheddar, R. E. Miracle, M. A. Drake, D. M. Barbano, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Characterization of Ga-acceptor nanoscale wires in Si” , S. J. Robinson, J. R. Tucker, T. Schenkel, and T. -C. Shen
Characterization of High-Power Rocket and Jet Noise Using Near-Field Acoustical Holography, Alan T. Wall, Kent L. Gee, Michael D. Gardner, and Michael M. James
Characterization of important microbiological and chemical attributes in full fat, reduced fat and low fat Cheddar cheeses made with a single, defined Lactococcus lactis starter culture during 9 month ripening period, M. Budinich, M. Johnson, Jeffery R. Broadbent, and J. L. Steele
Characterization of Rocket and Jet Noise using Near-Field Acoustic Holography Methods, Allan T. Wall, Kent L. Gee, Michael D. Gardner, and Michael M. James
Characterization of Selected Bacteria from the North Arm of the Great Salt Lake, John L. Crane
Characterization of the Lactobacillus helveticus groESL operon, Jeffery R. Broadbent, C. J. Oberg, and L. Wei
Characterization of the Product Specificity and Kinetic Mechanism of Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 1, Shanying Gui
Characterization of Two Types of Conformal Antennas for Cubesats, Jesús Arellano, Mangalam Chandak, Maryam Jamali, Reyhan Baktur, and Robert Burt
Characterizations of Interval Bigraphs and Unit Interval Bigraphs, David E. Brown
Characterizations of Interval Bigraphs and Unit Interval Bigraphs, David E. Brown, S. C. Flink, and J. R. Lundgren
Characterizing and Quantifying Night Sky Brightness in Utah and Arizona, Rachel K. Nydegger, Shane L. Larson, and Connie Walker
Characterizing and Reducing Acoustical Noise Radiation in Small Piezoelectric Blowers, Brad Solomon and Jon Blotter
Characterizing available N in a turfgrass system using anion exchange membranes, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard
Characterizing fertilizer and media pH requirements for greenhouse production of Intermountain West native herbaceous perennials, Guillermo Cardoso, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, Rich Koenig, and Roger Kjelgren
Characterizing Human-Affected Watersheds: Weber River to the Great Salt Lake, Craig Forster, Susan Bush, Kevin Hultine, and James Ehleringer
Characterizing Sky Variability for Multi-Messenger Astronomy, Rachel Nydegger, Katie Breivik, and Shane L. Larson
Characterizing Sky Variability for Multi-Messenger Astronomy, Rachel Nydegger
Characterizing stress responses of bifidobacteria strains of industrial importance, K. A. Abdalla, M. A. Mohran, S. C. Ingham, Jeffery R. Broadbent, and J. L. Steele
Characterizing the Statistical Properties and Global Distribution of Dansgaard-Oeschger Events, Andrea Lundrigan Thomas, William F. Christensen, and Summer Rupper
Characterizing wildfire hazard and risk in mountain pine beetle-affected stands and how to identify those characteristics at the landscape-scale, Robert W. Gray
Charcoal rot of melon, Claudia Nischwitz
Chard, Brianne Sherwood, Sara Hunt, Crista Sorenson, Bethany Heineman, Blake Beyers, and Ashley Walker Workman
Chard, Jillian Cartwright, Amanda Spackman, Amanda Whitlock, and Amanda Hawks
Charge Dynamics in Highly Insulating Space Craft Materials, Alec Sim and JR Dennison
Charge Dynamics in Highly Insulating Space Craft Materials, Alec Sim and J. R. Dennison
Charge Particle-Induced Secondary and Backscattered Electron Emission from Insulators, Clint Thomson, Albert Chang, JR Dennison, and Neal Nickles
Charge Storage, Conductivity and Charge Profiles of Insulators As Related to Spacecraft Charging, JR Dennison, A. R. Frederickson, and Prasanna Swaminathan
Charging Effects of Multilayered Dielectric Spacecraft Materials: Surface Voltage, Discharge and Arcing, Gregory Wilson, Amberly Evans, Justin Dekany, and JR Dennison
Cheap Auroral Tomographical System (CATS), Dean Garlick and Andrew Goldfinger
Cheating, Gaming, and Kids’ Online Communities., Deborah A. Fields
Checking Your Credit Report, Barbara R. Rowe PhD
Checklist for Used Tractors, Von H. Jarrett PhD
Checks and Balances at the OK Corral: Restraining Leviathan, William F. Shughart II
Cheese curing and flavor development, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Cheese curing and flavor development, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Cheese curing and flavor development, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Cheese curing and flavor development, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Cheese curing and flavor development, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Cheese curing and flavor development, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Cheese micro-ecology and the influence of adjunct/wash techniques, Jeffery R. Broadbent, C. Brotherson, C. J. Oberg, and M. E. Johnson
Cheese: NSLAB, Jeffery R. Broadbent, M. F. Budinich, and J. L. Steele
Chemical and Electric Propulsion Options for Small Satellites, Roger Myers, Steven Oleson, Francis Currant, and Steven Schneider
Chemical Release Observation Program Description and Flight Results , Stephen Nichols, Jeffrey Wise, and Ian Strong
Chicana and Black feminisms: Testimonios of theory, identity and multiculturalism, Cinthya M. Saavedra and M. S. Perez
Chicana feminist and transnational childhoods., Cinthya M. Saavedra
Chicana qualitative research as political challenge to neoliberalsim, Cinthya M. Saavedra
Chicken or Egg? Floodplain Sedimentation as the Precursor or Result of Tamarisk Invasion?, Jason S. Alexander, Mike L. Scott, and John C. Schmidt
Chicory in the Garden, Dan Drost and Rachael Gibson
Childhood nutrition, Heidi LeBlanc
Children of the Depression: A Study of Children in 169 FERA Families Ogden, Utah, 1935, Leah Plowman Lillywhite
Children’s Choices: A Comparison of Book Preferences Between Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Children, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Children’s Choices: What We Know about What Kids Want, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Chilling requirement to overcome bud dormancy in Intermountain West chokecherry ecotypes, J. R. Crook and Brent Black
Chimera - A Low Cost Solution to Small Satellite Space Access, John Crowley, Virgil Hutchinson, Alex Keisner, Dave Young, Mike Curry, Jonathan Jackson, John Maatsch, and Pavel Piletsky
China's "Shijian(Practice)-4" Satellite, Yilin Zhu
CHIPS: A NASA University Explorer Astronomy Mission, Ellen Taylor, Mark Hurwitz, Will Marchant, Michael Sholl, Simon Dawson, Jeff Janicik, and Jonathan Wolff
Chiral symmetry breaking in QED for weak coupling, J. C. Huang and T. -C. Shen
Chives in the Garden, Dan Drost
Chlorosis of pines, Claudia Nischwitz
Choosing a Starting Configuration for Particle Swarm Optimization, Mark Richards and Dan Ventura
Choosing indicators of natural resource condition: A case study in Arches National Park, Utah, USA, Jayne Belnap
Chopping and Storing Quality Corn Silage, James Barnhill, Linden Greenhalgh, Clark Israelsen, Michael Pace, and Jody Gale
Churn Management Optimization with Controllable Marketing Variables and Associated Management Costs, Yong Seog Kim, Hyeson Lee, and John D. Johnson
Cibola Flight Experiment, Diane Roussel-Dupré, Michael Caffrey, John Buckely, and Phil Davies
CICERO - A Distributed Small Satellite Radio Occultation Pathfinder Mission, Lee Jasper, Danielle Nuding, Elliot Barlow, Erik Hogan, Steven O'Keefe, Pete Withnell, and Thomas Yunck
Cilantro/Coriander in the Garden, Dan Drost and Colt Miller
Citizenship education under discourses of nationalism, globalization, and cosmopolitanism: Illustrations from China and the United States, Steven P. Camicia and J. Zhu
Civic education and immigrant children:generating transnational feminist research possibilities, Cinthya M. Saavedra and Steven P. Camicia
Civilización y barbarie: Naturalism’s Paradigms of Self and Nationhood in Eugenio Cambaceres’ Sin rumbo, J.P. Spicer Escalante
Classifying three dimensional shapes and making connections, Jessica H. Hunt and E. S. Haciomeroglu
Classifying Westland Vegetation with Remote Sensing Techniques at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Utah, Melina Santos Vanderlinder, Christopher Neale, David E. Rosenberg, Karin M. Kettenring, and Omar Alminagorta
Classifying Wetlands Vegetation Coverage with Remote Sensing Techniques at Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, UT, Kristen Yeager
Classroom social status, ethnicity, and ratings of stressful events, K. Yamamoto and Deborah A. Byrnes
Classroom teachers and language minority students, Deborah A. Byrnes, G Kiger, and M L. Manning
Clean Water Scarcity, Joanna Endter-Wada
Clearing Up Mixed Messages in Library Instruction, K. Lundstrom and Erin Davis
CLEMENTINE: New Directions and Perspectives for One-of-a-Kind Spacecraft Missions, P.A. Regeon, R.J. Chapman, and R. Baugh
Climate and Land-Atmosphere Studies Related to Drought, Lawrence Hipps
Climate change and avoiding a climate of fear, Jessica Clement
Climate Change and Drought Operations Planning in Utah Water Supply, Steven Thurin
Climate change and forest disturbance: The case of the mountain pine beetle, Barbara J. Bentz
Climate change and plant demography in the sagebrush steppe, Aldo Compagnoni
Climate Change and Potential Alterations in the Timing and Magnitude of Snow-Melt Runoff Events within the Salmon River Basin, Christopher Tennant
Climate Change and Western Public Lands: a Survey of U.S. Federal Land Managers on the Status of Adaptation Efforts, Kelli M. Archie, Lisa Dilling, Jana B. Millford, and Fred C. Pampel
Climate Change has Indirect Effects on Resource use and Overlap among Coexisting Bird Species with Negative Consequences for their Reproductive Success, Sonya K. Auer and Thomas E. Martin
Climate Change Intensification of Herbivore Impacts on Tree Recruitment, Jedediah Brodie, Eric Post, Fred Watson, and Joel Berger
Climate Change in the Western United States: Observed and Potential Impacts to Unique Hydrologic Systems, David Naftz, Liz Oswald, and Kirk Miller
Climate Change Sensitivity and Water Demand Analysis for Public Water Supply, Tim Bardsley
Climate Modeling to Support Urban Water Management in the Wasatch Range, Courtenay Strong
Climate Sensitivity Analysis for Public Water Supply, Tim Bardsley
Climatology and Prediction of Snow-to-Liquid Ratio at a High-Mountain Site, Trevor Alcott and Jim Steenburg
Climatology of Wet and Dry Cycles in Utah, L. E. Hipps
Clinical mastitis: is it still the tip of the iceberg?, David J. Wilson and P. M. Sears
Clinical Trials with Copper Supplementation, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Clinical trial to determine association between different administration schedules for an Escherichia coli J5 bacterin and prevention of clinical coliform mastitis, R. N. Gonzalez, David J. Wilson, P. M. Sears, H. O. Mohammed, and S. G. Campbell
Clipping contributions to nitrate leaching from creeping bentgrass under varying irrigation and N rates, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard
Clipping contributions to nitrate leaching from creeping bentgrass under varying irrigation and N rates, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard
Clipping contributions to nitrate leaching from creeping bentgrass under varying irrigation and N rates, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard
Clipping management and nitrogen fertilization of turfgrass: growth, nitrogen utilization, and quality, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard
Clipping Management and Nitrogen Fertilization of Turfgrass: Growth, Nitrogen Utilization, and Quality, Kelly Kopp and Karl Guillard
Clipping management effects on turfgrass growth, N utilization, and quality responses, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard
Clonal Diversity of Quaking Aspen (Populus Tremuloides): How Multiple Clones May Add to Theresilience and Persistence of this Forest Type, Richard Scott Gardner
Closed-loop Thrust Control in a MEMS-based Micro Propulsion Module for CubeSats, Pelle Rangsten, Kristoffer Palmer, Johan Bejhed, Ana Zaldivar Salaverri, Kerstin Jonsson, and Tor-Arne Grönland
Closing the Gap Between Watershed Modeling, Sediment Budgeting, and Stream Restoration, Sean M.C. Smith, Patrick Belmont, and Peter R. Wilcock
Clozing in on Comprehension: The Cloze Story Map, D. Ray Reutzel
Clubs and Club Goods, William F. Shughart II, Gary M. Anderson, and Robert D. Tollison
Cluster Launches of Small Satellites on Dnepr Launch Vehicle, Vladimir Andreev, Vladimir Mikhailov, Vladislav Solovey, and Vladimir Kainov
“Coach Class to Orbit:” the NPS CubeSat Launcher , Christina Hicks, Adam DeJesus, Anthony Harris, Matt Crook, Felix Rossberg, Daniel Sakoda, Rudolf Panholzer, and James Newman
Coaching Writing in Content Areas: Write-for-Insight Strategies, Grades 6-12, 2nd Edition, William Strong
Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus sp. mastitis - interpretation of diagnostic results and herd problem solving, David J. Wilson
Cochrane Resources Proposes to Drill One New Natural Gas Well, The Horse Point Federal Well 12-13, United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management
Cognitive development and home environment of rural Paraguayan infants and toddlers participation in Pastoral del Nino, an early child development program, S. Peairson, Ann Marie Berghout Austin, C. N. de Aquino, and E. U. de Burro
Cognitive load and classroom teaching: The double-edged sword of automaticity, David F. Feldon
Cognitive load in the classroom: The doubleedged sword of automaticity, David F. Feldon and I. Bordiujevici
Cognitive load theory and instructional design, David F. Feldon
Cognitive task analysis, R. E. Clark, David F. Feldon, J. J. G. van Merrienboer, K. Yates, and S. Early
Cognitive task analysis, David F. Feldon
Cognitive task analysis as a basis for instruction in experimental design and analysis: Impacts on skill development and student retention in the biological sciences, David F. Feldon, K. Stowe, and R. Showman
Cognitive task analysis-based training: A metaanalysis of studies, C. Tofel-Grehl and David F. Feldon
Cognitive task analysis-based training: A metaanalysisof studies, Colby Tofel-Grehl and David F. Feldon
Cognitive task analysis for complex learning, R. E. Clark, David F. Feldon, J. van Merrienboer, K. Yates, and S. Early
Coherence between the Great Salt Lake Level and the Pacific Quasi-Decadal Oscillation, Shih-Yu Wang, Robert R. Gillies, Jiming Jin, and Lawrence E. Hipps
Coherence between the Great Salt Lake level and the Pacific quasi-decadal oscillation, Robert Gillies, Lawrence Hipps, Jiming Jin, and S-Y Simon Wang
Cold Tractor Operations, Von H. Jarrett PhD
Cold weather feeding of pre-weaned calves, David J. Wilson
Cold Weather Health and Safety, Jill Webster Ph.D.
Collaborations to improve math and science education, Dan L. Householder
Collapsible Space Telescope (CST) for Nanosatellite Imaging and Observation, Elwood Agasid, Kimberly Ennico-Smith, and Abraham Rademacher
Collecting tree seed in hot, dry places: Do progeny of these trees have drought tolerance and water-use efficiency needed for restoration of harsh sites?, John-Pascal Berrill and Christa M. Dagley
College English as a foreign language: Teachers' perceptions of inservice professional development in China, J. Zhu and Steven P. Camicia
Collision Probability Estimation, Michael Phillips, David Geller, and Frank Chavez
Colloidal Silver Not Approved for Treating Animals, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Collusion, Profits, and Rational Antitrust, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison
Colony: A New Business Model for Research and Development , Maj David Shultz, Capt Rebecca Unruh, David Williamson, and Col John Anttonen
Colorado River cutthroat habitat resistance and resilience to climate change, Kate Olsen
Colorado River Cutthroat Trout Habitat Resiliency to Climate Change, Kate Olsen
Combining Conventional Data Collection Techniques to Identify Surface-subsurface Exchange Components, Noah Schmadel
COMET: Gateway to Commercial Space, Thomas Ajluni and James Hager
Coming into Conflict: New Approaches to Analyzing Environmental Rhetoric, Jennifer Peeples
Coming soon from ACEI: Common bonds: Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society (3rd Ed.), Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger
Coming to Terms: A Theory of Writing Assessment, Patricia Lynne
Command and Data Handling in your Palm, R.F. Conde, B.Q. Le, J.F. Bogdanski, A.L. Lew, J.A. Perschy, and Ann Garrison Darrin
Command and Data Handling Processor, James Perschy
Command and Data Handling Subsystem Design for the Ionospheric Observation Nanosatellite Formation (ION-F) , John Jensen
Commanding via the CCSDS Forward CLTU Service , Deane Sibol and Valerie Mallder
Comments: Jury Still Out On The Arbitrage Pricing Theory, J. Robert Malko
Comments On The Paper by Rodney Stevenson and Dennis Ray, J. Robert Malko
Commercial Application of EYESAT, Dino Lorenzini and Doug Loughmiller
Commercial colostrum replacer, Cow behavior study, Johne’s Disease organisms in recycled sand, Reducing stillbirths on dairy farms, David J. Wilson
Commercial Earth Observation with Small Satellites at OHB-System , Amnon Ginati, Manfred Fuchs, and Martin Kassebom
Commercial Space Opportunities from the Soviet Union, William Wirin
Commissioning of a Small Satellite Constellation - Methods and Lessons Learned , Dave Gibbon, Lee Boland, Neville Bean, Yoshi Hashida, Alex da Silva Curiel, Martin Sweeting, and Phil Palmer
Common bonds: Anti-bias teaching in a diverse society (3rd Ed.). , Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger
Common milking system problems and their impact on mastitis incidence, H. Schulte, Y. Schukken, and David J. Wilson
Common-Pressure-Vessel Nickel-Hydrogen Battery Development , Burton Otzinger and James Wheeler
Common Raven Density and Greater Sage-Grouse Nesting Success in Southern Wyoming: Potential Conservation and Management Implications, Jonathan B. Dinkins
Common vegetable diseases, Claudia Nischwitz
Communal hunting in wolves: cooperation or cheating? , Dan R. MacNulty, C. Packer, L. D. Mech, and D. W. Smith
Communicating climate and sustainability issues through extension programming, C. Jones, M. Apel, Roslynn Brain, K. Cooper, C. Elliott, R. Kalenak, S. Kantor, C. Kruger, and J. McDonnell
Communicating Immediacy Throughout a Service Encounter: The Effect of Addressing Customers by Name on Gratuities Given to Food Servers, John S. Seiter, K. D. Givens, and H. Weger Jr.
Communicating Politicized Science, Jennifer Peeples
Communication Apprehension in Synchronous Distance Education, S. J. Monson, L. L. Wolcott, and John S. Seiter
Communication-Based Teaching for Chinese Language Learners, Hsiao-Mei Tsai
Communications On Board: A Satellite Data Handling and Ground Communication System, Andrew Strange
Communicative Competency in Middle Childhood: An Analysis of the Social Discourse of Popular and Rejected Third and Sixth Grade Children, Ann Marie Berghout Austin and Dianne C. Draper
Communicative Language Teaching, Karina C. Mora
Communities of Memory: The Utah History Fair and the Utilization of History and Memory, Nicholas Andrew Demas
Communities of Practice: A framework for fostering coherence in virtual learning communities, Jim Rogers
Communities of Practice: A framework for fostering coherence in virtual learning communities, Jim Rogers
Communities of practice: A thinking practices approach to instructional technology, Jim Rogers and The Advanced Learning Group
Communities of practice: A thinking practices approach to instructional technology, Jim Rogers and The Advanced Learning Group
Communities of Practice: A thinking practices framework for instructional technology, Jim Rogers, M. Recker, D. Olson, and D. Debry
Communities of Practice: A thinking practices framework for instructional technology, Jim Rogers, M. Recker, D. Olson, and D. Debry
Community and academic rigor in a different kind of classroom, G. Sue Kasun
Community Collaborations, Deb Jones
Community College Student to College Professor, John S. Seiter
Community Hydrologic Prediction System, Kristen Yeager
Community Initiative for Continuing Earth Radio Occultation CICERO, Chris McCormick, Christian Lenz, Dan Smith, and Tom Yunck
Community patterns on the Jamaican fore reef (15-56m), W. D. Liddell, S. L. Ohlhorst, and S. K. Boss
Compact Dual Field-of-View Telescope for Small Satellite Payloads , James Peterson and Trent Newswander
Compact Half-Unit Imaging Electron Spectrometer for CubeSat Operations (CHICO), Joshua Méndez, David Voss, Francisco Suárez, Theodore Fritz, Douglas Carssow, and Avi Gunda
Compact Hyperspectrals, Luca Maresi, Semen Grabarnik, Matteo Taccola, Vincent Moreau, Coralie De Clercq, Bavo Delauré, Stephanie Delalieux, Els Knaeps, Wouter Dierckx, Cees Coolen, Mathieu Breukers, and Lieve De Vos
Compact Optical Payload for Daily Survey of Vegetation from Small Satellites , Luca Maresi, Matteo Taccola, Wouter Moelans, Vincent Moreau, and Jan Vermeiren
Compact Terrestrial Weather Sensing for Small Satellites and Hosted Payload Applications, Robert Erlandson, Michael Kelly, Charles Hibbitts, John Boldt, and Kristin Sotzen
Compact Vector Magnetometer for Pico Satellites, Klaus Krogsgaard
Comparative analysis of eutrophication in three bays of the Great Salt Lake, Wayne Wurtsbaugh
Comparative diversity and composition of cyanobacteria in three predominant soil crusts of the Colorado Plateau, Elizabeth Redfield, Susan M. Barns, Jayne Belnap, Lori L. Daane, and Cheryl R. Kuske
Comparative evaluation of yogurt and low-fat Cheddar cheese as delivery vehicles for probiotic Lactobacillus casei, M. Sharp, D. J. McMahon, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Comparative genome analysis of Lactobacillus curvatus strains isolated from cheese and fermented sausage, C. J. Oberg, M. D. Culumber, T. S. Oberg, Jeffery R. Broadbent, D. J. McMahon, and J. L. Steele
Comparative genome analysis of the obligately homofermentative lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus helveticus, Jeffery R. Broadbent, R. L. Thompson, J. E. Hughes, D. L. Welker, J. L. Steele, H. Cai, Y. Ardo, F. K. Vogensen, T. A. Thompkins, K. Hagen, and E. Altermann
Comparative genomic analysis of Pediococcus pentosaceus ATCC 25745 and Lactobacillus casei ATCC 334, Jeffery R. Broadbent, J. L. Steele, D. A. Mills, and A. Bhattacharyya
Comparative genomic analysis of two Group II lactobacilli: Lactobacillus casei ATCC 334 and Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1, Jeffery R. Broadbent, J. L. Steele, A. Bhattacharyya, and H. Burd
Comparative genomics and transcriptional analysis of prophages identified in the genomes of Lactobacillus gasseri, Lactobacillus salivarius and Lactobacillus casei, M. Ventura, C. Canchaya, V. Bernini, E. Altermann, R. Barrangou, S. McGrath, M. J. Claesson, Y. Li, S. Leahy, C. D. Walker, R. Zink, E. Neviani, J. Steele, Jeffery R. Broadbent, T. R. Klaenhammer, G. F. Fitzgerald, P. O'Toole, and D. van Sinderen
Comparative genomics reveals extensive genetic diversity within Lactobacillus casei, J. L. Steele, H. Cai, J. Heidenreich, K. Tandee, E. Neeno-Eckwall, N. Perna, J. Reed, B. Stahl, R. Barrangou, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Comparative high-density microarray analysis of gene expression during growth of Lactobacillus helveticus in milk versus rich culture medium, V. V. Smeianov, P. Wechter, Jeffery R. Broadbent, J. E. Hughes, B. Rodriguez, T. K. Christensen, Y. Ardo, and J. L. Steele
Comparative Productivity of Five Cool-Season Pasture Grasses Under Intermittent Flood Irrigation Grazed by Beef Cow-Calf Pairs Using Management Intensive Grazing Practices, Dale R. ZoBell, K C. Olson, and R D. Wiedmeier
Comparative structure of physical and biological soil crusts, Jayne Belnap
Comparative taphonomy of bivalves and foraminifera from Holocene tidal flat sediments, Bahia la Choya, Sonora, Mexico (northern Gulf of California): Taphonomic grades and temporal resolution, R. E. Martin, J. F. Wehmiller, S. Harris, and W. D. Liddell
Comparing strawberry salt tolerance using a low volume near-continuous gradient dosing system, A. Hawks, G. Cardon, and Brent Black
Comparing two methods of writing instruction: Effects on kindergarten students’ reading skills, Cindy D. Jones, D. Ray Reutzel, and J. Fargo
Comparing Water Use in Semi-Arid Montane Aspen, Conifer, Sage and Grass/Forb Ecosystems, Ling Lv
Comparison of 3-D Response Surface Models: Can Bougie Tolerance Be Predicted from Electric Tetany?, Cris LaPierre and Dwayne Westenskow
Comparison of an experimental pulsation system with conventional pulsation, David J. Wilson, R. N. Gonzalez, and L. H. Southwick
Comparison of Classical and Charge Storage Methods for Determining Conductivity of Thin Film Insulators, Prasanna Swaminathan, A. R. Frederickson, JR Dennison, Alec Sim, J. Brunson, and Eric Crapo
Comparison of clinical and neuropathologic diagnoses of Alzheimer’s disease in 3 epidemiologic samples, Brenda L. Plassman, Ara S. Khachaturian, Jeannette J. Townsend, Melvyn J. Ball, David C. Steffens, Carol E. Leslie, Joann Tschanz, Maria C. Norton, James R. Burke, Kathleen A. Welsh-Bohmer, Christine M. Hulette, Randal R. Nixon, Mary Tyrey, and John C. S. Breitner
Comparison of Different Methods to Determine Wax Concentration in Sunflower-seed Oil, Silvana Martini and M. C. Anon
Comparison of J-5 vaccinates and controls following naturally occurring cases of Clinical mastitis, David J. Wilson, Y. H. Schukken, Y. T. Grohn, B. Mallard, and K. A. Schat
Comparison of J- 5 vaccinates and controls for clinical severity, milk production change, etiologic agent, and survival in the herd following naturally occurring cases of clinical mastitis, David J. Wilson, B. A. Mallard, J. L. Burton, Y. T. Grohn, K. A. Schat, and Y. H. Schukken
Comparison of Lactobacillus casei viability in yogurt and low fat Cheddar cheese, M. Sharp and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Comparison of Maximum Power Point Techniques in Electrical Power Systems of CubeSats, Jesus Gonzalez-Llorente and Eduardo Ortiz-Rivera
Comparison of Mechanical and Fracture Stratigraphy between Failed Seal Analouges, Elizabeth S. Petrie and James P. Evans
Comparison of milk BVD ELISA results with ear notch testing, between milk sample handling methods and with cow characteristics, David J. Wilson, K. Rood, and G. Goodell
Comparison of Near Costs with a Small-Spacecraft Cost Model, D.A. Bearden, N.Y. Lao, T.B. Coughlin, A. Santo, J.T. Hemmings, and W.L. Ebert
Comparison of Recent Scout Class Spacecraft Subsystem Weights for Future Weight Estimation Purposes, Kevin Heffernan
Comparison of Results between the Miniature FASat-Bravo Ozone Mapping Detector (OMAD) and NASA’s Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS), Juan Fernez-Saldivar and Craig Underwood
Comparison of SABER OH Measurements to Rocket Photometry Data, Jordan Rozum, Gene A. Ware, and Doran J. Baker
Comparison of SABER OH Measurements to Rocket Photometry Data, Jordan Rozum, Gene A. Ware, and Doran J. Baker
Comparison of SABER OH Measurements to Rocket Photometry Data, Jordan Rozum
Comparison of seven antibiotic treatments with no treatment for bacteriological efficacy against bovine mastitis pathogens, David J. Wilson, R. N. Gonzalez, K. L. Case, L. G. Garrison, and Y. T. Grohn
Comparison of Simultaneously Measured Thermospheric Temperatures from the TIMED/SABER and the ISS/NIRS Experiments, Stuart Landsee and Andrew Christensen
Comparison of soil bacterial communities in rhizospheres of three plant species and the interspaces in an arid grassland, Cheryl R. Kuske, Lawrence O. Ticknor, Mark E. Miller, John M. Dunbar, Jody A. Davis, Susan M. Barns, and Jayne Belnap
Comparison of the complete genome sequences of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis DSM 10140 and Bl-04, R. Barrangou, E. P. Briczinski, L. L. Traeger, J. R. Loquasto, M. Richards, P. Horvath, A. C. Coute-Monvoisin, G. Leyer, S. Rendulic, J. L. Steele, Jeffery R. Broadbent, T. Oberg, E. G. Dudley, S. Schuster, D. A. Romero, and R. F. Roberts
Comparison of Topographic Surveying Techniques in Streams, Sara G. Bangen
Comparison of Two Lidar Methods of Wind Measurement by Cloud Tracking, Jason A. Sanders, Thomas D. Wilkerson, Geary K. Schwemmer, David O. Miller, David Guerra, and Stephen E. Moody
Comparison of Two Plans for Administration Organization of the School Districts of Sanpete County, Leon F. Christiansen
Comparison of VO2 and Body Kinematics for Three Cycling Modes, Andrew I. Miller
Comparison of Western Atlantic coral reef communities, W. D. Liddell and S. L. Ohlhorst
Comparisons in the Design and Implementation of Multi-Microphone Acoustic Probes, Curtis P. Wiederhold and Jon Blotter
Comparisons of Rations at Weaning, USU 1994, Clell V. Bagley DVM and Norris J. Stenquist Ph.D
Compendium of Small Class ELV Capabilities, Costs, and Constraints, Karen Poniatowski
Competing liquid phase instabilities during pulsed laser induced self assembly of copper rings into ordered nanoparticle arrays on SiO2, Y. Wu, J. D. Fowlkes, Nick A. Roberts, J. A. Diez, L. Kondic, A. G. Gonzalez, and P. D. Rack
Compilation of Existing Estimates and Field Measurements of Aquifer Parameters in Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho, Paul Inkenbrandt
Complementary Seasonally Biased Records of Holocene Paleoclimates of the Bear River Range, Utah and Idaho, Zachary Lundeen
Complete Carpet Python: A Comprehensive Guide to the Natural History, Care and Breeding of the Moreli Spilota Complex, Nick Mutton and Justin G. Julander
Complete genome sequence and comparative genome microarray of Lactobacillus casei provides evidence for genome expansion and reveals significant intraspecies differences, H. Cai, Jeffery R. Broadbent, and J. L. Steele
Complete genome sequence and comparative genome microarray of Lactobacillus casei provides evidence for genome expansion and reveals significant intra-species diversity, H. Cai, R. L. Thompson, Jeffery R. Broadbent, and J. L. Steele
Complex seasonal cycle of ecohydrology in the Southwest United States, Michael Notaro, Zhengyu Liu, Robert G. Gallimore, John W. Williams, David S. Gutzler, and Scott Collins
Compliance Gaining Research: A Canonical Review, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass
Compliance Principles in Retail Sales in the United States, M. J. Cody and John S. Seiter
Compliments and Purchasing Behavior in Telephone Sales Interactions, Josh Dunyon, Valerie Gossling, Sarah Willden, and John S. Seiter
Components of Spatial and Temporal Soil Variation at Canyonlands National Park: Implications for P Dynamics and Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) Performance, Mark Miller, Jayne Belnap, Susan Beatty, and Bruce Webb
Composing Research: A Contextualist Paradigm for Rhetoric and Composition, Cindy Johanek
Composite and PCB Based Implementations of a Solar Panel Design for SwampSat , Sharan Asundi, Matthew Mahin, Vivek Nagabhushan, Tzu Yu Lin, and Norman Fitz-Coy
Composite Bus Structure for the SMEX / WIRE Satellite, Giulio Rosanova
Composition and Structure of the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Phase III Whole-Rock Core: Implications for Fault Zone Deformation and Fluid-Rock Interactions, Kelly Keighley Bradbury and James P. Evans
Composition Studies as a Creative Art: Teaching, Writing, Scholarship, Administration, Lynn Z. Bloom
Compost, Brianne Sherwood, Sara Hunt, Crista Sorenson, Bethany Heineman, Blake Beyers, and Ashley Walker Workman
Comprehending Metaphor: Using a Salient Characteristic Analysis Technique (SCAT), P. C. Fawson and D. Ray Reutzel
Comprehension strategy instruction for multimodal texts in science, D. E. Alvermann and Amy A. Wilson
Comprehension strategy instruction for multimodal texts in science., D. E. Alvermann and Amy A. Wilson
Comprehensive Evaluation of Attitude and Orbit Estimation using Real Earth Magnetic Field Data, Julie Deutschmann and Itzhack Bar-Itzhack
Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Butterfly Valve Performance Factors, Adam Del Toro
Computational Scattering Models for Elastic and Electromagnetic Waves in Particulate Media, Timothy Edwin Doyle
Computational Study of Thermally Rectifying Behavior from Nanostructured Interfaces, Nick A. Roberts and D. G. Walker
Computer Affect of Preschool Children and Perceived Affect of their Parents, Teachers, and Peers, Kristin McBride and Ann Marie Berghout Austin
Computer simulation in manufacturing technology, L. H. Young, Dan L. Householder, and C. A. Winterberger
Concepts for the Virtual Satellite Command and Control Network, Jim Brady
Conceptual Design of a High-Resolution, Low Cost Topographic Mapping Mission, S. Jolly, W. McClintock, D. Lawrence, R. Su, A.F.H. Goetz, D. Mackison, and D. Baker
Conceptual Design of an IP-based Satellite Bus using Internet Technologies , Richard Slywczak
Conceptual Design of an Orbiting Drag-free International Explorer (ODIE) Small Satellite Mission , Allison Floyd
Conceptual ecological models to guide integrated landscape monitoring of the Great Basin, D. M. Miller, S. P. Finn, Andrea Woodward, Alicia Torregrosa, M. E. Miller, D. R. Bedford, and A. M. Brasher
Conceptually and methodologically vexing issues in teacher knowledge assessment, D. Ray Reutzel
Concerns of Child Care Administrators as Modified by Education, Experience, and Ownership of Facility, Ann Marie Berghout Austin and Sue M. Morrow
Concurrent neurological and behavioral assessment of number line estimation performance in children and adults, Joseph Michael Baker
Conditions at the Utah State Industrial School in 1947 with Emphasis on Changes in Program in 1945, 1947 and 1949, Bert Anderson
Conditions of Caregiving, Provider Nurturance, and Quality Care, Ann Marie Berghout Austin, Shelley L. Knudsen Lindauer, Ariel Rodriquez, Maria L. Nortion, and Farol A. Groutage Nelson
Conducting Experimental and Quasi-experimental design studies in Schools and Classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel
Conducting Science with a CubeSat: The Colorado Student Space Weather Experiment, Scott Palo, Xinlin Li, David Gerhardt, Drew Turner, Rick Kohnert, Vaughn Hoxie, and Susan Batiste
Conestoga Launch Services, Jack Koletty
Configurable Fault-Tolerant Processor (CFTP) for Space Based Applications , Dean Ebert, Charles Hulme, Herschel Loomis, and Alan Ross
Conflicting Acts: Politics, Writing, and the Argentine Generation(s) of 1880, J.P. Spicer Escalante
Conformity and Group Influence as Persuasion: On Not Taking Persuasion for Granted, John S. Seiter and R. H. Gass
Connecting to the Data-Intensive Future of Scientific Research, Lafe G. Conner, Richard A. Gill, and Rory O'Connor
Connecting transnationalism to the classroom and to theories of immigrant student adaptation, P. Sanches and G. Sue Kasun
Conservation Behavior and Native Plant Use in Utah, Virginia Harding Hooper, Joanna Endter-Wada, and Craig W. Johnson
Conserving Freshwater Biota in Highly Managed Freshwater Ecosystems: The Challenge of Knowing What We Have, What We've Lost, and How to Restore Valued Aquatic Resources, Charles P. Hawkins and Mark Vinson
Conserving fuel-what does it mean?, J. D. Partain and Dan L. Householder
Consideration for STEM integration strategies in K-12 education, David F. Feldon
Consolidated Space Test Center Capability to Support Small Satellites , Lt Col David Smith
Consortial N2 fixation: A strategy for meeting nitrogen requirements of marine and terrestrial cyanobacterial mats, T. F. Steppe, J. B. Olson, H. W. Paerl, R. W. Litaker, and Jayne Belnap
Constellation/EDF Nuclear Joint Venture: Regulatory Issues and Subsequenct Resolutions, Ryan Pfaff, Howard Lubow, and J. Robert Malko
Constellation of Earth Observation Micro-satellites with Multi-spectral High-resolution Telescopes, Toshinori Kuwahara, Kazuya Yoshida, Yuji Sakamoto, Yoshihiro Tomioka, Kazufumi Fukuda, Nobuo Sugimura, Junichi Kurihara, Tetsuya Fukuhara, and Yukihiro Takahashi
Constellation Pathfinder: A University Nanosatellite, C.D. Rayburn, H.E. Spence, H.E. Petschek, M. Bellino, J. Vickers, M. Murphy, N. Dennehy, D. Sargent, and M. Socha
Constructing a Baseline Model of Alpine Wetlands of the Uinta Mountains, Sonya Welsh, Kevin Severson, and Marek Matjasik
Constructing a low-cost hightunnel, Brent Black, D. Drost, D. Rowley, and R. Heflebower
Constructing a Low-cost High Tunnel, Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Rick Hefelbower
Constructing a Low-cost High Tunnel (with additional photos), Dan Drost, Brent Black, and Rick Hefelbower
Constructing a Risk Controversy: The Case of a Proposed High-Level Nuclear Waste Repository on the Skull Valley Goshute, Taunya J. Jones
Constructing history in middle schools: A social semiotic analysis of texts used in three history classrooms., Amy A. Wilson
Constructing Impressions of Deceit: An Examination of Cognitive Structures Used for Detecting Deception, John S. Seiter
Consumer Acceptance of Breasts and Thighs Obtained from Turkeys Fed with Omega-3 Fatty Acids, R. Wadhwani, A. H. Suzuki, Silvana Martini, R. Ward, and D. D. Frame
Consumer Persuasion: The Use of Evidence When Negotiating the Price of an Automobile, John S. Seiter and D. L. Seiter
Consumer Persuasion: The Use of Evidence When Negotiating the Price of a New Automobile, John S. Seiter and Debora L. Seiter
Consumption, Digestion, and Utilization by Goats of the Dry Matter and Nitrogen in Diets Containing Oak (Quercus gambelii) Foliage, Anastasios Stefanos Nastis
Consumptive Use of Water by Major Farm Crops in the Milford District of Utah, Glen H. Calder
Consumptive Use of Water Studies in the Ashley and Ferron Creek Areas of Utah, Elden E. Fisher
Consumptive Use of Water Studies in the Colorado River Area of Utah, J. Y. Christiansen
Contagious ecthyma in a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep from Utah, David J. Wilson and L. McFarlane
Contagious Foot Rot--An Update, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Contagious Foot Rot of Sheep, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Contemporary developments in technology education, Dan L. Householder
Contemporary geochemical composition and flux of aeolian dust to the San Juan Mountains, Colorado, United States, Corey R. Lawrence, T. H. Painter, C. C. Landry, and J. C. Neff
Contemporary measures of attitudes toward blacks, Deborah A. Byrnes and G Kiger
Content and Collaboration I: A Case Study of Bringing an Institutional Repository and a University Press Together, M Spooner and Andrew Wesolek
Content and Collaboration II: Opportunities to Host, Possibilities to Publish, Andrew Wesolek and M Spooner
Contested Space: Social justice and ‘The Environment, Jennifer Peeples
Continental-scale assessment of genetic diversity and population structure in quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), Colin M. Callahan, Carol A. Rowe, Ronald J. Ryel, John D. Shaw, Michael D. Madritch, and Karen E. Mock
Continuing the conversation: The politics, policies, and what’s been happening in literacy education, D. Ray Reutzel
Continuous Operation of Micro Plasma Thruster “Microwave Engine”, Shin Satori, Hiroyuki Okamato, Ted Sugiki, Yoshinori Aoki, Atsushi Nagata, Yasumasa Ito, and Takayoshi Kizaki
Contribution of Lactococcus lactis cell envelope proteinase specificity to peptide accumulation and bitterness in reduced-fat Cheddar cheese, Jeffery R. Broadbent, M. Barnes, C. Brennand, M. Strickland, K. Houck, M. E. Johnson, and J. L. Steele
Contributions of industrial arts to occupational competence: The current furor, Dan L. Householder
Contributions of Lake-Effect Periods to the Cool-Season Hydroclimate of the Great Salt Lake Basin, Jim Steenburgh
Contributions of technology to academic subjects in the high school, Dan L. Householder and B. Bolin
Controlled coupling of donor atom-wave functions in silicon, T. -C. Shen
Controlled coupling of donor atom-wave functions in silicon, T. -C. Shen
Controlling Coliform Mastitis, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Controlling Hydraulic System Contamination, Von H. Jarrett PhD
Controlling Internal Parasites in Utah Cattle, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Controlling necrotic ring spot and other turf diseases in Utah, Claudia Nischwitz
Controlling Swarms of Bandit Inspector Spacecraft, Jeremy Neubauer
Control of bovine mastitis, David J. Wilson
Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Meats Containing Sodium Levulinate, Sodium Lactate, or a Combination of Sodium Lactate and Sodium Diacetate, R. L. Thompson, C. E. Carpenter, Silvana Martini, and J. R. Broadbent
Control of Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat meats containing sodium levulinate, sodium lactate, or a combination of sodium lactate and sodium diacetate, R. L. Thompson, C. E. Carpenter, S. Martini, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Control of Pheasant Eye as it Affects Yield and Other Related Factors in Winter Wheat, Ray J. Downs
Controls on Nitrogen Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Synthetic Analysis of Literature Data, M. S. Booth, John M. Stark, and E. Rastetter
Control Systems for the Mars Pathfinder Mission, Dankai Liu and Steve Franklin
Controversial pathways to literacy: Early, present, future, D. Ray Reutzel
Convective Performance of Nanofluids in Commercial Systems, Nick A. Roberts and D. G. Walker
Converging Global and National Forces: Connecting the Dots Behind the Common Core State Standards, D. Ray Reutzel
Conversations about restructuring a teacher education program, D. Ray Reutzel
Conversion of Lactococcus lactis cell envelope proteinase specificity by partial allele exchange, Jeffery R. Broadbent, B. Rodriguez, P. Joseph, E. A. Smith, and J. L. Steele
Conversion of Lactococcus lactis cell envelope proteinase specificity by partial allele exchange, Jeffery R. Broadbent, B. Rodriguez, P. Joseph, and E. Smith
Conversion to Dementia from Mild Cognitive Disorder: The Cache County Study, Joann Tschanz, K. A. Welsh-Bohmer, C. G. Lyketsos, C. Corcoran, R.c C. Green, K. Hayden, M. C. Norton, P. Zandi, L. Toone, N. A. West, and J. C. S. Breitner
Cooperation: Industrial arts and trade and industrial education, Dan L. Householder
Cooperative Fire Monitoring using Multiple UAVs, David Casbeer and Randal Beard
Cooperative Games and Children's Positive Behaviors, Abbie Reynolds Finlinson, Ann Marie Berghout Austin, and Roxanne Pfister
COPERNICUS - Lunar Surface Mapper, Frank Redd and Shaun Anderson
Coping at the crossroads: Societal and educational transformation, Glenn E. Baker, Richard A. Boser, and Dan L. Householder
Coping with Crisis: An Analysis of a Lumber Company's Internal and External Influence Attempts, John S. Seiter
Coping with technological advances, D. Spitler, Dan L. Householder, and M. A. Davis
Copper Deficiency in Utah, Clell V. Bagley DVM, Norris J. Stenquist Ph.D, and Dennis R. Worwood MS
Copper Fertilization to Prevent Molybdenosis on Retorted Oil Shale Disposal Piles, John M. Stark and E. F. Redente
Coral: A High Performance Design Expanding CubeSat Mission Options , Steven Schenk and Robert Burt
Core curriculum in secondary schools needs character development: An argument for implementing experiential education, Mark F. Roark
Corn, Amanda Spackman, Jillian Fox, Casey Maher, and Trevor Knudsen
Corporate Chartering: An Exploration in the Economics of Legal Chang, William F. Shughart II and Robert D. Tollison
Corporate Lobbying, Political Connections, and the Bailout of Banks, Diana W. Thomas, Benjamin Blau, and Tyler Brough
Corporate Restructuring and Transferring Regulation of Electricity Generation: Some Issues, Considerations and Activities, J. Robert Malko, Caryn L. Beck-Dudley, and Philip R. Swensen
Corporate Restructurings In The Electric Utility Industry: Some Common Issues, J. Robert Malko and Philip R. Swensen
Correcting Errors Due to Species Correlations in the Marginal Probability Density Evolution, Abiezer Tejeda
Correlates of biological soil crust abundance across a continuum of spatial scales: Support for a hierarchical conceptual model, Matthew A. Bowker, Jayne Belnap, Diane W. Davidson, and Harland Goldstein
Correlation of Hybrid Rocket Propellant Recession Measurements with Enthalpy-Balance Model Predictions, Shannon Eilers and Tony Whitmore
Corruption and Voter Turnout: Evidence from the US States, William F. Shughart II, Monica Escaleras, and Peter T. Calcagno
Corrupt Political Jurisdictions and Voter Participation, William F. Shughart II, Gokhan R. Karahan, and R. Morris Coats
Cost and Efficiency of Producing Canning Peas in Cache and Box Elder Counties, Utah, 1951, Lynn Herman Davis
Cost-Effective Earth Observation Missions Outcomes and Visions from the International IAA Study , Rainer Sandau, Larry Paxton, and Jaime Esper
Cost-Effective End-of-Mission Disposal of LEO Microsatellites: The Terminator Tape, Robert Hoyt, Jeffrey Slostad, Ian Barnes, Nestor Voronka, and Michael Lewis
Cost Effective Propulsion Systems for Small Satellites Corners to Cut, Corners to Honor , Olwen Morgan, Joe Cassady, and Stacy Christofferson
Cost Effective Salinity Removal Strategies for the Upper Colorado River Basin, Jongho Keum
Cost Inflation in Intercollegiate Athletics: And Some Modest Proposals for Controlling It, William F. Shughart II
Cost of Producing Peaches in Washington County and Box Elder-Weber Area, 1947, Wells M. Allred
Costs of Marketing Cattle in Utah, Eugene S. Sanford
Co-teaching in the mathematics classroom, R. Hines and Jessica H. Hunt
COTS Detectors for Nanosatellite Star Trackers: A Case Study, John Enright, Doug Sinclair, and Christy Fernando
Cougar Predation Behavior in North-Central Utah, Dustin L. Mitchell
Counselor motivations for choosing summer resident camp employment, Mark F. Roark
Counselor motivations for choosing summer resident camp employment, Mark F. Roark
Countdown to Launch of the First Microsatellites Qualified for Flight on Ariane-5 ASAP, Nigel Wells
Coupling sediment transport and channel geomorphology, John Pitlick
Coverage Analysis in Case of Faults of Some Satellites in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Constellations, Chan-Wang Park
Coverage of corn-based ethanol: A comparison of objectivity in U.S. national newspapers, Kelsey Hall and E. Rhoades
Coverage Options for a Low cost, High Resolution Optical Constellation, M.E. Price, W. Levett, and K. Graham
Cowboy Poet, Gene Washington
Cow-Calf Production and Profitability on Irrigation Pastures Composed of Forage Mixtures or Monocultures During the First Year After Establishment, Dale R. ZoBell, Donald L. Synder, K C. Olson, R D. Wiedmeier, Dale Meek, Kevin Jensen, A J. Young, and Thomas C. Griggs
Cow contact current on feeders and milk production loss on a dairy farm; a case report, David J. Wilson and L. H. Southwick
CPM Neural Network Based Receiver for LEO Satellites, César Benavente, Ángel Martínez, and Miguel Muñoz
CRAFTI: A Canadian Asteroid Mission, Henry Spencer, Alex Beattie, and Robert Zee
Creating and sustaining a balanced reading program: Promises and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel
Creating and sustaining a balanced reading program: Promises and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel
Creating and sustaining a balanced reading program: Promises and possibilities, D. Ray Reutzel
Creating inclusive environments through accessible curriculum: Universal design for learning, J. A. Andreasen and Jessica H. Hunt
Creating Large Space Platforms from Small Satellites, Andrew Lewin
Creating Positive Change in Science and Engineering Climates: A Case Study of Collaboration by Women Engineers, Christina Bandaragoda, Bethany Neilson, and Shelly Wiegand
Creating Small Satellite Constellations Around the Sun, C. McLain, M. Martinez-Sanchez, and G.R. Ricker
Creating social affable learning environments, Yanghee Kim, B. Xu, Q. Wei, and Y. Ko
Creating strategy based listening tasks and videos from lectures, Jim Rogers and J. Bame
Creating strategy based listening tasks and videos from lectures, Jim Rogers and J. Bame
Creating strategy based listening tasks for three distinct areas, Jim Rogers, J. Bame, and S. Carkin
Creating strategy based listening tasks for three distinct areas, Jim Rogers, J. Bame, and S. Carkin
Creating the Future of Microspace Technology, L. Flynn, R. Bonometti, E. Nicastri, R. Sudol, and A. Wheatley
Creating the future: Strategic planning and organizational change, Dan L. Householder
Creating Time for Learning: Strategies for Flipping your Library Classroo, Erin Davis and K. Lundstrom
Creation and Evaluation of Interactive Learning Modules for Computer Science Education, Milan Neema
Creatures of Habitat: The Changing Nature of Wildlife and Wild Places in Utah and the Intermountain West, Mark Gerard Hengesbaugh
Credibility and Public Diplomacy, R. H. Gass and John S. Seiter
Crime, Gun Control, and the BATF: The Political Economy of Law Enforcement, William F. Shughart II and Jim F. Couch
Crime or Punishment? Enforcement of the NCAA Football Cartel, William F. Shughart II, Arthur A. Fleisher III, Brian L. Goff, and Robert D. Tollison
Cristalización de Ceras en Aceite de Girasol, Silvana Martini and M. C. Anon
Criteria for Transition for Self-Contained Classrooms, Christopher S. Marden
Critical civic literacy and the building of community for a globalized world, B. Franklin and Steven P. Camicia
Critical conversations: Tensions and opportunities of the dialogical classroom, B. Fecho, N. D. Collier, E. E. G. Friese, and Amy A. Wilson
Critical Electron Dose Threshold for Measuring the Electron Yield of Unbiased Highly Insulating Materials, Ryan Hoffman, Jonathon Abbott, and JR Dennison
Critical literacies for civic participation., Amy A. Wilson
Critical literacies: Teaching multiple, resistant readings of multimedia texts, Amy A. Wilson
Critical literacy and numeracy in science and mathematics., Amy A. Wilson and A. R. Wilson
Critical literacy instruction across the content areas., Amy A. Wilson
Critical literacy meets 21st century politics: Reading between the lines of multimedia political texts, Amy A. Wilson
Critical Thinking Experiences for Students of Child Development: Outcomes in Values and Attitudes, Lori A. Roggman PhD, Ann Marie Berghout Austin, and Andrea D. Hart
Critical transnational feminist(s) methodologies: Navigating through the geopolitics of research, Cinthya M. Saavedra
Crop Response to Applications of Coopper Sulfates on Salty Soils, Paul D. Christensen
Cross-Curricular Problem Solving, Dan L. Householder
Crossing boundaries: Testimonios and personal narratives of Language, space and nation, Cinthya M. Saavedra, R. Parent, and M. Whitaker
Crossing the threshold concept: A transformative view of research skill development, B. Timmerman, M. Maher, D. Strickland, and David F. Feldon
Crusts: Biological, Jayne Belnap
Cryogenic Experimentation on the Magnetohydrodynamics of Liquid Oxygen, Jeffrey Boulware
Cryogenic Experimentation on the Magnetohydrodynamics of Liquid Oxygen, Jeffrey C. Boulware, Heng Ban, Scott Jensen, and Steve Wassom
Cryogenic Thermal Design Of Small Electromagnetic Formation Flight Satellites , Daniel Kwon
Cryptobiotic crusts and their influence on annual plants and the desert tortoise, L. DeFalco, Jayne Belnap, K. Harper, and S. D. Warren
Cryptobiotic soil crusts: Basis for arid land restoration (Utah), Jayne Belnap
Cryptosporidiosis in calves, David J. Wilson
Crystallization Behavior of Anhydrous Milk Fat, Y. Ye, C. Y. Tan, D. Kim, and Silvana Martini
Crystallization behavior of anhydrous milk fat and sunflower oil blends, R. Kerr and Silvana Martini
Crystallization Behavior of Anhydrous Milk Fat-Sunflower Oil Wax Blends, Rebekah M. Kerr, Xenia Tombokan, Supriyo Ghosh, and Silvana Martini
Crystallization behavior of high‐oleic high‐stearic sunflower oil stearins under dynamic and static conditions, Silvana Martini, J. A. Rincon Cardona, Y. Ye, C. Y. Tan, and R. Candal
Crystallization behavior of high stearic high oleic sunflower oil stearins, Silvana Martini, J. A. Rincón Cardona, Y. Ye, C. Y. Tan, R. Candal, and M. L. Herrera
Crystallization Behavior of Milk Fat Model Systems: Kinetics and Polymorphism, Silvana Martini and M. L. Herrera
Crystallization of Sunflower Oil Waxes, Silvana Martini and M. C. Anon
Crystal Morphology and Viscoelastic Properties of Waxes in Vegetable Oils, C. Y. Tan and Silvana Martini
C-SMARTS: Colorado Students and Mentors Applying Research and Technology in Space, Chris Koehler
CTA-based training: Leveraging expertise for instruction and assessment, David F. Feldon
Cuban Missile Crisis: Applying Strategic Culture to Gametheory, Chelsea E. Carattini
CubeSat: A New Generation of Picosatellite for Education and Industry Low-Cost Space Experimentation , Hank Heidt, Jordi Puig-Suari, Augustus Moore, Shinichi Nakasuka, and Robert Twiggs
CubeSat Attitude Determination via Kalman Filtering of Magnetometer and Solar Cell Data, Erik Babcock
CubeSat Communication Direction and Capabilities at Morehead State University and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Wallops Flight Facility, Scott Schaire, Serhat Altunc, and Benjamin Malphrus
CubeSat Components: A Collection of Ideas from AFRL Space & Phillips Scholars, Keith Avery, Sylvia Reiser, Eric Murray, Matthew Robertson, and Deryk Harder
Cubesat Investigating Atmospheric Density Response to Extreme Driving (CADRE), James Cutler, Aaron Ridley, and Andrew Nicholas
CubeSat Launchers, ESPA-rings, and Education at the Naval Postgraduate School, James Newman, Daniel Sakoda, and Rudolf Panholzer
Cube Sat Launching Investigation, Elham Shahmari, Karan Molaverdikhani, Hooman Jazebizadeh, Sahar Bakhtiari Mojaz, and Mahsa Taheran
CubeSat Propulsion Using Electrospray Thrusters, Tom Roy, Vlad Hruby, Nathan Rosenblad, Peter Rostler, and Douglas Spence
Cubesats: A Technology and Science Mission Low-cost Test Bed, Victor Aguero
CubeSat: The Development and Launch Support Infrastructure for Eighteen Different Satellite Customers on One Launch , Jordi Puig-Suari, Clark Turner, and Robert Twiggs
CubeStack Wafer Adapter for CubeSats on Small Launch Vehicles, Gregory Sanford, Kenneth Brunetto, Joseph Maly, James Goodding, and Hans-Peter Dumm
Cucumbers, Brianne Sherwood, Sara Hunt, Crista Sorenson, Bethany Heineman, Blake Beyers, and Ashley Walker Workman
Cucumbers, Jillian Fox, Amanda Spackman, Alanna Nafziger, and Mary Louise Whitfield
Cucumbers in the Garden, Dan Drost and Rick Hefelbower
Cultural 3Rs: Do We Know What They Are and What They Mean?, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Cultural Adaptations: Tools for Evidence-Based Practice with Diverse Populations, Guillermo Bernal and Melanie M. Domenech Rodriguez
Culturally reflective teaching: Journeys to thoughtful practice, G. Sue Kasun
Culturally Sensitive Instruction: A Continuum of Professional Practice, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Cultural Variations of Child Rearing Practices Among the Mormons of Brigham City, Utah, Nile D. Meservy
Culture and Compliance Gaining: An Examination of Retail Sales in the United States, John S. Seiter and M. J. Cody
Culture based therapy decisions for mastitis management, David J. Wilson
Cultures for low-fat cheese, Jeffery R. Broadbent
Cupcake cushions, Scooby Doo shirts, and soft boomboxes: E-textiles in high school to promote computational concepts, practices, and perceptions., Y. B. Kafai, K. A. Searle, E. Kaplan, Deborah A. Fields, E. Lee, and D. Lui
Cure rates for mastitis treatments, David J. Wilson, R. N. Gonzalez, H. F. Schulte, G. J. Bennett, and P. M. Sears
Current and Emerging Technology for Powering Small Satellites with Secondary Cells and Batteries, G.C. Klein and D.F. Schmidt
Current research in industrial arts is increasing, Dan L. Householder and A. R. Suess
Curriculum controversies: The tipping point of controversial/non- controversial issues, Steven P. Camicia
Curriculum design in technology education. Sino-American Technology Education Seminar, Dan L. Householder
Curriculum development collaboration between colonizer and colonized: Contradictions and possibilities for democratic education, Steven P. Camicia
Curriculum movements of the 1960's, Dan L. Householder
Curriculum reform in a globalised world: The discourses of cosmopolitanism and community, Steven P. Camicia and B. Franklin
Customer Choice: Finding Value In Retail Electricity Markets, Ahmad Faruqui and J. Robert Malko
Cutthroat Flume Calibration Under Non-Hydrostatic Flow Conditions, R. Weber, G. P. Merkley, and G. V. Skogerboe
Cyanobacteria and Algae, Jayne Belnap
Cyanobacterial-lichen soil crusts of San Nicolas Island, Jayne Belnap
Cycle Extendability, David E. Brown
Cycle Extendability in Graphs and Digraphs, LeRoy B. Beasley and David E. Brown
Cycle Extendability in Graphs, Bigraphs and Digraphs, LeRoy B. Beasley, David E. Brown, and Brent Thomas
Daily Maintenance Procedure, Von H. Jarrett PhD
Daily Water Consumption of Turkeys Raised in Utah, David Frame
Dairy Farming and Water Quality in Wisconsin: Contributions of a Social Scientist to a Multidisciplinary Research Team, Douglas Jackson-Smith
Dairy producer opinions and farm practices used to assure milk and dairy beef quality: a five state survey, David J. Wilson, L. J. Hutchinson, and P. M. Sears
Dairy proportions and health, M. Wade, D. Christofferson, and Heidi LeBlanc
Dallas Literacy Profile: Review of a Benchmark-Based Alternative Assessment Instrument for Urban Classrooms, D. Ray Reutzel
Damaging Economies and Ecosystems: Light Pollution in Logan City, Rachel K. Nydegger and Shane L. Larson Ph.D.
Damming Grand Canyon: The 1923 USGS Colorado River Expedition, Diane Boyer and Robert Webb
Damming Grand Canyon: The 1923 USGS Colorado River Expedition, Diane E. Boyer and Robert H. Webb
Dams, Roads, and Bridges: (Re)defining Work and Masculinity in American Indian Literature of the Great Plains, 1968-Present, Joshua Tyler Anderson
Dancing triangles and their areas, Jessica H. Hunt
Dangerous Writing: Understanding and Political Economy of Composition, Tony Scott
Danish Ørsted Mission In-Orbit Experiences and Status of The Danish Small Satellite Programme , Per Lundahl Thomsen and Flemming Hansen
Daphnia Abundance and the Subsequent Effects on Endemic Bonneville, Justin Robinson, Chris Luecke, Ben Kennedy, and Brandon Albrecht
DARPA’s RASCAL: Status, Challenges, and Accomplishments, Jacob Lopata and Preston Carter
Data Analysis with Mplus (Methodology in the Social Sciences), Christian Geiser
Database Applications in Science Data Systems for Low-Cost Satellite Missions, Priscilla McKerracher, Hyung Han, Douglas Holland, and Jacqueline Stock
Data Collection and Modeling for Determining Stream Bed Conduction Parameters, Jonathan Bingham and Bethany Neilson
Data Collection Methodology for Dynamic Temperature Modeling Testing and Corroboration, Bethany Neilson
Data & Modeling - Connected to - Policy & Law: Is it a Dovetail or Ruffled Feathers?, Gary Spackman
DATAware; A Graphical Approach for Decoding and Displaying Small Satellite Data and Telemetry, George Starcher
DAVID: A Multi Spectral High-Resolution Small Satellite, Amnon Ginati, Carsten Tobehn, Avi Blasberger, Jeremy Topaz, and Amon Karnieli
De-Academizing Early Childhood Education, Cinthya M. Saavedra
De-academizing early childhood research: Chicana feminist (re)articulations, challenges and problematization in the field, Cinthya M. Saavedra
De-academizing early childhood research: Wanderings from a Chicana/Latina feminist Researcher., Cinthya M. Saavedra
Dealing with Disruptive Students: A Statement of Current Practices for The Bagwell College of Education, Kathleen A. J. Mohr
Dealing with Drought and Short Feed Supplies for Beef Cattle, Clell V. Bagley DVM
Debating the Long-Term Impact of the Southern Nevada Pumping Project, Norm Jones
Debt as a Compliance-Gaining Strategy: An Application of George Campbell's Theory of Rhetoric, John S. Seiter
Decadal and Paleo-climate Research Leading to Longer-term Prediction for the Great Salt Lake Hydrological Cycle, S-Y Simon Wang
Deception and Emotion: The Effects of Motivation, Relationship Type, and Sex on Expected Feelings of Guilt and Shame Following Acts of Deception in United States and Chinese Samples, John S. Seiter and Jon Bruschke
Deciding what is a controversial issue: A case study of social studies curriculum contention, Steven P. Camicia
Decomposition and nitrogen release of turfgrass clippings, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard
Decomposition and nitrogen release rates of turfgrass clippings, Kelly L. Kopp and Karl Guillard
Decontamination and residual effects against pathogens from washing meat surfaces with 2% levulinic, acetic, and lactic acids, C. E. Carpenter, J. V. Smith, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Dedication Fanfare and Processional for Brass Quintet, Thomas Rohrer
DEEP: Dallas EEProm Equipment Profile for Rapid Integration and Automatic System Modeling , Forrest Rogers-Marcovitz and Phelps Williams
Deep Dielectric Charging of Spacecraft Polymers by Energetic Protons, Nelson W. Green and JR Dennison
Deep Space Missions for Small Satellites, Paula Butler and Alan Stein
Deep Space Network Support of Small Missions, G.K. Noreen
Deep Space One Telecommunication Development, M.I. Herman, S. Valas, W. Hatch, C.C. Chen, S.H. Zingales, R.P. Scaramastra, L.R. Amaro, and M.D. Rayman
Defect-Driven Dynamic Model of Electrostatic Discharge and Endurance Time Measurements of Polymeric Spacecraft Materials, Charles Sim, Alec Sim, JR Dennison, and Matthew Stormo
Defect-Driven Dynamic Model of Electrostatic Discharge and Endurance Time Measurements of Polymeric Spacecraft Materials, Charles Sim, Alec Sim, JR Dennison, and Matthew Stormo
Defect-Driven Dynamic Model of Electrostatic Discharge and Endurance Time Measurements of Polymeric Spacecraft Materials, Charles Sim, Alec Sim, JR Dennison, and Matthew Stromo
Defending the Castle: Integrated Pest Management in High Tunnel Strawberries, T. Maughan, T. Ernst, and Brent Black
Defense and Environmental Objectives for the Russian American Observational Satellites (RAMOS) Program , T. Humpherys, V. Privalsky, V. Sinelshchikov, V. Abramov, V. Misnik, A.T. Stair, and I. Schiller
Defining knowledge domains for research on expertise and intelligence, David F. Feldon
Defining of a Peace Process within Indigenous Research, Indigenous Ethics and the Implications in Psychology., Shaun L. Hains Ph.D.
Definition of a New Parameter for use in Active Structural Acoustic Control, Daniel Hendricks and Jonathan Blotter
Degraded Habitat and Crowded Niche Space: Understanding Impacts of Habitat Loss and Non-native Fishes on Endemic, Riverine Desert Fishes, Phaedra Budy, Gary Thiede, and Timothy Walsworth
Delfi-C3 Preliminary Mission Results , Robbert Hamann, Jasper Bouwmeester, and Geert Brouwer
Deliberation of controversial public school curriculum: Developing processes and outcomes that increase legitimacy and social justice, Steven P. Camicia
Delineating Soil-Texture Features Using Electromagnetic Induction Mapping, Hiruy Abdu
Delivered Pricing in Theory and Policy Practice, William F. Shughart II and Fred S. McChesney
Delta Launch Vehicle Accommodations for Small Satellites, K.R. Knox
Demand Fluctuations and Firm Heterogeneit, William F. Shughart II, Bhaskar J. Das, and William F. Chappell
Demand Management for Growth in Drought-Prone Regions: Outcomes from Logan Landscape Water Check Interventions, Joanna Endter-Wada
Demand Management to Sustain Urban Water Supplies: Conservation Works, But for How Much Longer?, Peter Mayer
Demand-Side Management of Urban Water Resources in Salt Lake City, Utah, Eric A. Coleman
Dementia: The Leading Predictor of Death in a Defined Elderly Population. The Cache County Study, Joann Tschanz, Christopher Corcoran, I. Skoog, A. S. Khachaturian, J. Herrick, K. M. Hayden, K. A. Welsh-Bohmer, T. Calvert, Maria C. Norton, P. Zandi, and J. C. S. Breitner
Democratic education and curriculum development between the colonizer and the colonized: Complexities, contradictions, challenges, and possibilities of global alliances, Steven P. Camicia and A. Bayon
Democratic Inclusive Educators, Amy Baird Miner
Demonstration of a New Smallsat Launch Vehicle: The Orbital/Suborbital Program (OSP) Space Launch Vehicle Inaugural Mission Results , Scott Schoneman, MAJ Steven Buckley, MAJ George Stoller, CPT Luis Marina, and LT Christopher Morris
Demonstration of On-Board Maneuver Planning using Autonomous S/W Architectures , A. Ahmed, D. Eldred, and A.S. Aljabri
Demonstration of Small Satellite Technologies by the Bird Mission , K. Brieß, S. Montenegro, W. Bärwald, W. Halle, H. Kayal, E. Lorenz, W. Skrbek, H. Studemund, T. Terzibaschian, and I. Walter
Demonstration of the COBRA Teardrop Concept using Two Smallsats in 8-Hour Elliptic Orbits , John Draim, Richard Inciardi, Paul Cefola, Ron Proulx, and David Carter
Demystifying the Cowboy Through His Song: How Cowboy Poetry and Music Create a Common Language Between Multiple-Use Conservationists and Forever-Wild Preservationists to Meet the Goals of Sustainable Agriculture, Kristin Y. Ladd and Roslynn Brain
Dendrochronology in Northern Utah: Modeling Sensitivity and Reconstructing Logan River Flows, Eric B. Allen
Denmark's Second Small Scientific Satellite, Per Lundahl Thomsen and Flemming Hansen
Department of Defense (DoD) Space Test Program (STP) Payload Design Criteria for the STP Standard Interface Vehicle (SIV) , Chris Badgett, Mike Marlow, Hallie Walden, and Mike Pierce
Dependability Design for the Pluto Flyby Mission, Stephen Johnson, Larry Cooper, and Don Uhrich
Dependable Kale, Andrew Croft
Dependence of Resistivity in Low-Density Polyethylene on Space Environment Parameters, JR Dennison and J. Brunson
Depiction of the Trend and Variability of Pineapple Express Events by Seven Global Reanalysis Datasets, Martin Schroeder
Deployable Articulating Array for Nanosatellites, Philip Keller, Robert Taylor, Sam Nelson, and Larry Adams
Deployable Booms and Antennas Using Bi-stable Tape-springs , Thomas Murphey, Sungeun Jeon, Adam Biskner, and Gregory Sanford
Deployable Mirror for Enhanced Imagery Suitable for Small Satellite Applications, James Champagne, Blake Crowther, and Trent Newswander
Deployable Reflectors for Small Satellites, Rory Barrett, Robert Taylor, Philip Keller, Dana Codell, and Larry Adams
Deployment of CubeSat Constellations Utilizing Current Launch Opportunities, Jordi Puig-Suari, Guy Zohar, and Kyle Leveque
Deployment Optimization of a Boom for FalconSAT-3 using Elastic Memory Composite Material , Pamala Fetchko, Jerry Sellers, Gregg Spanjers, Mark Scherbarth, James Winters, Rory Barrett, Mark Lake, and Philip Keller
Deployment System for the CubeSail nano-Solar Sail Mission, S. Nasir Adeli
Deposition and Survival of Endemic Coregonid Eggs in Relation to Different Substrate Types in Bear Lake, Utah/Idaho, Brandon Albrecht and Chris Luecke
Deriving FPGA Based Custom Soft-Core Microprocessors for Mission Planning Algorithms, Aravind Dasu and Jonathan Phillips
Deriving state-and-transition models from an image series of grassland pattern dynamics, Rohan J. Sadler, Martin Hazelton, Matthias M. Boer, and Pauline F. Grierson
Description of an Immersed Photovoltaic Concentrating Solar Power System, Gerald Falbel
Description of the FORTE Satellite, Stephen Knox and Steven Wallin
Deseret Ranch Paired Watersheds: Studies of dynamic connections between vegetation, soil and water, Tamao Kasahara
DESI—Detection of Early-Season Invasives (Software-Installation Manual and User’s Guide Version 1.0), Raymond F. Kokaly
Design Analysis for Solar Sailing from Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit , Kyle Ressler
Design and Application of an In Vivo Reporter Assay for Phenylalanine Ammonialyase, S. Wang, S. Zhang, T. Zhou, J. Zeng, and Jixun Zhan
Design and Construction of a High-Altitude Test Chamber, Ian Cox, Clay Rumsey, and John Sohl
Design And Construction Of A Misse-6 Payload: State of Utah Space Environment & Contamination Study (SUSpECS), Joshua L. Hodges, Jeff Duce, and JR Dennison
Design and Construction of a One-Piece Multifunctional Small Satellite Bus Structure, H.L. McManus, C.T. Dunn, and M. Socha
Design and Development of a Compact Magnetic Bearing Momentum Wheel for Micro and Small Satellites , Michael Scharfe, Thomas Roschke, Enrico Bindl, and Daniel Blonski
Design and Development of a Standardized Electronics Box, David Spencer
Design and Development of Miniature Mechanisms for Small Spacecraft, Brett Huett and Cliff Willey
Design and Development of the Clementine Spacecraft Sensor Bench, J. Kim, S. Koss, R. Mader, and D. Spencer
Design and Fabrication of a Low-Cost Composite Spaceframe Spacecraft Structure, John Scherrer, Gregory Dirks, Adair Campbell, and Robert Sanderson
Design and Functional Validation of a Mechanism for Dual-Spinning CubeSats, Eric Peters, Pratik Dave, Ryan Kingsbury, Meghan Prinkey, Anne Marinan, Evan Wise, Christopher Pong, and Kerri Cahoy
Design and Performance Evaluation of an Intelligent Star Tracker, Natalie Clark
Design and Performance of the OrbView-2 Attitude Control System, Tobin Anthony and Sanjivan Sivapiragasam
Design and Testing of Digitally Manufactured Paraffin Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene Hybrid Rocket Motors, Jonathan M. McCulley
Design and Test of an Economical Cold Gas Propulsion System, Joseph Cardin and Jesus Acosta
Design and Test of a Solid State Charged Particle Detector for Cubesat, Michael Dowler, Victor Aguero, Stephen Sears, Robert Twiggs, Jim Albers, Kathy Lee, and Gordon Maahs
Design, Build, and Testing of TacSat Thin Film Solar Arrays, J William Zuckermandel, Scott Enger, and Neeraj Gupta
Design Concepts for Space-Borne Multi-Mission Sensors for Tactical Military Needs , Capt. Thomas Utsch, Thomas Hopp, Harrisson Sarrafian, and Steven Kilston
Design, Construction and Testing of a Voltage-based Maximum Power Point Tracker (VMPPT) for Small Satellite Power Supply, Mohammad Masoum and Hooman Dehbonei
Design experiments in special education tiered research, B. Bryant, D. P. Bryant, and Jessica H. Hunt
Design, Fabrication, and Testing of a Graphite-Epoxy Composite Gravity-Gradient Boom for a Small Satellite, Darby Cooper, Sean Olin, T.J. McDaniel, and Leverne Seversike
Design features for developing pedagogical agents as experts, motivators, and mentors: A validation study, A. L. Baylor and Yanghee Kim
Design, Implementation and Operation of a Sparse Aperture Imaging Satellite , Soon-Jo Chung and David Miller
Designing agents as learning companions: Its educational value and potential, Yanghee Kim
Designing a Hydro-Economic Collaborative Computer Decision Support System, David E. Rosenberg
Designing a Small Satellite - STARSAT, Thomas Lash
Designing Command and Telemetry Systems using MIL-STD-1553 and CCSDS, Ronnie Killough and Michael McLelland
Designing for ESPA: The Challenges of Designing a Spacecraft for a Launch Accommodation Still in Development, Bob Minelli, Steve Haase, Mark Barton, Jay Borges, Clay Hunt, and Jon Miller
Designing for problem-based learning: A comparative study of technology professional development, Lei Ye, Andrew Walker, Mimi M. Recker, M. Brooke Robertshaw, Linda Sellers, and Heather Leary
Designing Good Partial Coverage Satellite Constellations, John Hanson, Maria Evans, and Ronald Turner
Designing learning companions to achieve greater effectiveness, Yanghee Kim
Designing pedagogical agents as learning companions: The role of competency and interaction type, Yanghee Kim
Designing Software to Analyze Municipal Water Use Patterns in Order to Develop Effective Landscape Water Conservation Strategies, Adrian Welsh, Joanna Endter-Wada, Christopher Neale, and Roger Kjelgren
Designing technology labs as learning spaces, David F. Feldon
Design, Modeling and Evaluation of a 2.4GHz FHSS Communications System for NarcisSat, Kyle Doerksen, Jean-Francois Levesque, and Ignacio Mas
Design of a Constructed Wetland for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse in Mount Pleasant, Utah, Yue Zhang
Design of a Distributed Ground Support System for Small Satellites, R.M. Barry and P.J. Bakkes
Design of a Flapping Wing Mechanism for Force Analysis and Optimization, Ryan B. George and Scott L. Thomson
Design of a High Performance Earth Imaging Microsatellite, Hong-Joon Chun, Byungjin Kim, and Sungdong Park
Design of a Long-Distance Martian Rover, Elizabeth Butt
Design of a Low-Cost Data Communications/R.F. System for use with Low Earth Orbiting Store and Forward Satellites, Lynn Chidester
Design of a Low Cost Electrical Power Subsystem for a Small Satellite, David Sipple
Design of a Low-Cost Single-Board Computer System for Use In Low-Earth Orbit Small Satellite Missions, Dino Milani
Design of an Electrically-Propelled Asteroid Rendezvous Probe Launched as a Secondary Payload , Ralph Lorenz
Design of a Pico-Satellite for the Monitoring of the Performance of a Thin Film Solar Array , William Hegarty, Jerry Teshirogi, Ian Prager, Robert Twiggs, and Keoki Jackson
Design of a Satellite Tracking Station for Remote Operation and Multi-User Observation, Mark Wilkinson and Charles Swenson
Design of a Small Satellite for Use in Astronautics Education, Walter Daniel
Design of a Small Scale Aerospike Nozzle and Associated Testing Infrastructure for Experimental Evaluation of Aerodynamic Thrust Vectoring, Shannon D. Eilers, Matthew D. Wilson, and Stephen Whitmore
Design of Simple Low-Cost Mars Microlander, Tomas Svitek
Design of the ISAT-1 Satellite Thermal Control System, Joseph Clay
Design of the Local Ionospheric Measurements Satellite, Valérie Mistoco, Robert Siegel, Brendan Surrusco, and Erika Mendoza
Design of the U2 Experiment Ground Support Equipment, Paul Panneton
Design Progress in the Satellite Quick Research Testbed (SQUIRT) Program, Christopher Kitts and Robert Twiggs
Design, Test, and Validation of a Refrigerant-Based Cold-Gas Propulsion System for Small Satellites , Ryan Pahl and Christopher Tutza
Destination, Gene Washington
Detecting cheatgrass on the Colorado Plateau using Landsat data: A tutorial for the DESI software, Raymond F. Kokaly
Detecting Surface Melt of Antarctic Ice-Sheets Using Scatterometers, Lukas B. Kunz
Detection and distribution of Iris yellow spot virus in spiny sowthistle in Georgia, Claudia Nischwitz, S. Mullis, and R. Gitaitis
Detection of contagious mastitis pathogens before adding purchased animals to dairy herds, David J. Wilson, R. N. Gonzalez, and P. M. Sears
Detection of contagious mastitis pathogens before adding purchased animals to dairy herds, David J. Wilson, R. N. Gonzalez, and P. M. Sears
Detection of Mycoplasma spp. in bulk tank milk samples using conventional culture and real-time PCR, David J. Wilson, A. E. Justice-Allen, J. D. Trujillo, and G. Goodell
Detection of potential reservoirs of Tomato spotted wilt virus by PCR analysis of crushed western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis), Claudia Nischwitz
Determinants of Children's Satisfaction with their Child Care Providers, Ann Marie Berghout Austin, Michael K. Godfrey, Jean M. Larsen, Shelley L. Knudsen Lindauer, and Maria C. Norton
Determination of Electron Emission Crossover Energies in Insulators, Hoffman Ryan, Jonathon Abbott, and JR Dennison
Determination of Ionospheric Current Systems by Measuring the Phase Shift on Amateur Satellite Frequencies, Prajwal M. Kasturi
Determination of Subsurface Soil Evaporation using a Heat Pulse Probe Array, Kashifa Rumana
Determination of the Physical Properties of Cache Valley Aquifers, Paul Inkenbrandt
Determination of Wax Concentration in Sunflower-seed Oil, Silvana Martini and M.C. Anon
Determination of Wax Concentration in Sunflower-seed Oil, Silvana Martini and M. C. Anon
Determining and Telemetering Snowpack Water Content in Mountainous Terrain, Stephen Davis Clarke
Determining Compost Carryover for Optimal Use in an Organic Corn Squash Rotation, Davey J.R. Olsen
Determining Dominant Source Waters of Salmon River Tributaries Through ?D and ?180 Stable Isotope Anaysis, Amanda Kern
Determining Optimum Modulation for Inter-Satellite Communications Systems , Gary Mitchell
Determining Resistance of Woody Vegetation and Shrubs in Floodplains and Compound Channels, William J. Rahmeyer
Developing Adaptive Capacity to Droughts: The Rationality of Locality, Lisa Welsh, Joanna Endter-Wada, Rebekah Downard, and Karin M. Kettenring
Developing a national curriculum: The U.S. experience, Dan L. Householder
Developing and Organizing Content for SIG and Council Publications, K. Mohktari, Kathleen A. J. Mohr, and M. Spor
Developing and Validating the Classroom Literacy Environmental Profile (CLEP): A Tool for Examining the “Print Richness” of Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms., M. E. Wolfersberger, D. Ray Reutzel, R. Sudweeks, and P. C. Fawson
Developing a new college name through faculty and stakeholder input, Kelsey Hall and B. G. Lawver
Developing an Inflatable Solar Array, Patrick Malone, Larry Crawford, and Geoffrey Williams
Developing an online certification program for nutrition education assistants, D. Christofferson, N. Christensen, Heidi LeBlanc, and M. Bunch
Developing an Upper Colorado Drought Information System using the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System, Avirup Sen Gupta
Developing a Review Process for Online Resources, S. Giersch, H. Leary, B. Palmer, and Mimi M. Recker
Developing a Review Rubric for Learning Resources in Digital Libraries, H. Leary, S. Giersch, A. Walker, and Mimi M. Recker
Developing Comprehension: Stepping Stones to Fluent Reading, K-3), D. Ray Reutzel
Developing essential work attitudes through industrial arts, Dan L. Householder
Developing fluency in classroom settings: Practice, practice, practice – Where is the instruction?, D. Ray Reutzel
Developing literacy: A whole-child view, D. Ray Reutzel
Developing Mathematical Maturity via Combinatorial Proofs, David E. Brown
Developing Organic Stone-Fruit Production Options for Utah and the Intermountain West, J. R. Reeve, Brent Black, C. V. Ransom, D. G. Alston, C. M. Culumber, A. S. Tebeau, and T. Lindstrom
Developing Print Awareness: The Effect of Three Instructional Approaches on Kindergartners' Print Awareness, Reading Readiness, and Word Reading, D. Ray Reutzel, L. Oda, and B. Moore
Developing Rating Curves for Bedrock StepPool Rivers using Sparse Data, Kevin Stuart
Developing recruitment strategies: Student evaluations of integrated marketing communications materials, Kelsey Hall, S. Bonner, L. Didley, and M. Mitchell
Developing sportsmanship focused youth sport programs: A comparison study, M. S. Wells, G. D. Ellis, K. Paisley, and Mark F. Roark
Developing the Beginning Reader Brain: What to Know, What to Do, Kathleen A. J. Mohr and R. Putman
Developing the Information Text Structure Survey (ITS2): A Teacher’s Tool for Rating Information Text Features and Structures, D. Ray Reutzel
Developing Virus-like Particles as High-density Photoreporting Platforms using Noncanonical Amino Acids and Click Chemistry, Mark T. Smith and Bradley C. Bundty
Developing water balances of ornamental landscapes, Hongyan Sun and Kelly L. Kopp
Development and Application of a GIS Based Instream Flow Extrapolation Procedure for Watershed Planning in the Nooksack River Basin, Ekaterina Saraeva and Thomas B. Hardy
Development and characterization of lactose-positive Pediococcus species for milk fermentation, S. Caldwell, D. J. McMahon, C. J. Oberg, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Development and Experimentation with a Small Satellite Bus Standard: Another Step toward an Operationally Responsive Space System, Andrew Lewin, Patrick Stadter, Cheryl Reed, Eric Finnegan, Mike Hurley, Chris Garner, Tom Kawecki, Paul Jaffe, Charlie Merk, Col. Jay Raymond, and CDR Greg Glaros
Development and Flight Testing of Energy Management Algorithms for Small-Scale Sounding Rockets, Shannon Eilers, Shane Robinson, and Stephen Whitmore
Development and Transition of Low-Shock Spacecraft Release Devices for Small Satellites , Andrew Peffer, Eugene Fosness, Capt. Stephen Hill, Waylon Gammill, and Dino Sciulli
Development of a College-Entrance Vocabulary Test for Utah State Agricultural College, Alpha Lee Rist
Development of a Community Hydrologic Information System, Jeffery S. Horsburgh
Development of a Community Hydrologic Information System, David Tarboton
Development of a Comprehensive Mission Operations System Designed to Operate Multiple Small Satellites, Trevor Sorensen, Eric Pilger, Mark Wood, Miguel Nunes, and Bruce Yost
Development of a Cost Functional for Evaluation of Remifentanil-Propofol Dosing Simulations of Esophageal Instrumentation in the Moderate Sedation Range, Cris LaPierre and Ken Johnson
Development of a CubeSat Water-Electrolysis Propulsion System, Lenny Paritsky, Jonathan Wrobel, Todd Moser, Jeffrey Slostad, Nestor Voronka, and Robert Hoyt
Development of a Dedicated Launch System for Nanosat-Class Payloads, John Garvey and Eric Besnard
Development of a Drag-Free Control System, R. Haines
Development of a Drainage Function for the Transient Case, and a Two-Dimensional Ground-Water Mound Study to Evaluate Aquifer Parameters, Seid Abdollah Jenab
Development of a Drift-Free Stellar Gyroscope, Samir Rawashdeh
Development of a Flavor Lexicon for Meat Samples, C. Maughan and Silvana Martini
Development of a Fluorescent Cryocooler, Bradley Edwards, Melvin Buchwald, Richard Epstein, Timothy Gosnell, and Carl Mungan
Development of a Lightweight Pulsed Plasma Thruster Module for Solar Sail Attitude Control , Kevin Pryor, Bong Wie, and Pavlos Mikellides
Development of a Light-Weight, Reliable, Booster System for SHELS-Launched Payloads , Lt. Arnold Nowinski, Ken Hampsten, Steven Buckley, David Goldstein, and Dan Cohen
Development of a Liquefied-gas Micro-satellite Propulsion System, R.B. Weyer
Development of a MeVVA-Based Beryllium-7 Plasma Source, David Olson and Bryan G. Peterson
Development of a Micro-Thruster Impulse Measurement System Using Optical Sensors, Young-Keun Chang, Suk-Jin Kang, and Hyea-Ran Cho
Development of an Acoustic Energy Density Probe Calibrator, Jonathan Oldham and Jonathan Blotter
Development of an All-Composite Spacecraft Bus for Small Satellite Programs, Timothy Thompson, Cathy Grastataro, Brian Smith, Gary Krumweide, and Gary Tremblay
Development of a NASA 6-U Satellite, L.D. Thompson
Development of an Automatic Beacon Receiver Ground Station for Spacecraft Health Monitoring, Alex Kiragu, Penelope Harris, and Ben Oni
Development of an Energy-Based Nearfield Acoustic Holography Technique, Michael Harris and Jonathan Blotter
Development of an Internet-Based Watershed Information System for the Bear River Basin, Jeff Horsburgh
Development of an Interpretive Document for the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, William R. Burbridge
Development of an Open Source GIS Interface to the USDA Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Watershed Model, Jeyakanthan Veluppillai
Development of a Program for the Assessment and Improvement of Teaching, David E. Brown
Development of a Pseudo-Uniform Structural Quantity for the Active Control of Structural Radiation, Jeffrey Fisher and Jon Blotter
Development of a Responsive Small Spacecraft, P.A. Miller and C.A. Hughes
Development of a Reusable, Low-Shock Clamp Band Separation System for Small Spacecraft Release Applications , David Dowen, Scott Christiansen, and Andrew Peffer
Development of a Satellite Beacon Receiving Station, Carlos Niederstrasser
Development of a sediment budget to inform river management of the regulated Snake River in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, Susannah Erwin
Development of a Small Satellite Series ISRO Experience, U.N. Das and K. Kasturirangan
Development of a Space Computer - A Low Risk Approach to Control and Data Processing Applications in Small Satellites, Vincent Poole
Development of a Stochastic Weather Generator, Kristen Yeager
Development of a Temperature Measurement Technique Using Molecular Tagging Velocimetry, Scott L. Thomson
Development of a Utah Lake Ecosystem Monitoring Plan: Food Web Ecology, Restoration and Conservation, Kevin Landom
Development of a Warm-Gas Butane System for Microsatellite Propulsion, Andrew Bertino-Reibstein and Adam Wuerl
Development of a Web-based Interactive Fully Integrated Flood Early Warning System (Wi-Fi FEWS), Fidel Perez
Development of Busek 0.5N Green Monopropellant Thruster, Michael Tsay, Derek Lafko, Jurg Zwahlen, and William Costa
Development of Ecologically-Based Invasive Plant Management Curriculum for University Audiences, Halley Kartchner
Development of Flexible Thin-Film Photovoltaic Arrays for Nanosat Applications, Darby Cooper, Howard Shanks, and Robert Weber
Development of Formation Flight and Docking Algorithms using the SPHERES Testbed, Allen Chen, Alvar Saenz-Otero, Mark Hilstad, and David Miller
Development of Gimbaled Laser Beacon Mechanism, Jennifer Huddle, Anabel Marcos, and Badrinarayan Shirgur
Development of Honeywell's Earth Reference Attitude Determination System (ERADS), Douglas Pledger, James Billing-Ross, and William Saylor
Development of KAISTSAT-4 Expanding the Role of Small Satellite for Scientific Research , Woo-Kyung Lee, Kyung-In Kang, Hyun-Woo Lee, Kyung-Bin Park, S. Min Park, M.R. Nam, and Dong-Jo Park
Development of Print Awareness in Language-Disordered Preschoolers., R B. Gillam and J. Johnston
Development of sediment budgets at multiple scales, Susannah O'brien Erwin
Development of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) Actuated Mechanisms for Spacecraft Release Applications , Shawn Smith, David Dowen, Eugene Fossness, and Andrew Peffer
Development of the Multiple Use Plug Hybrid for Nanosats (Muphyn) Miniature Thruster, Shannon Dean Eilers
Development of the Naval Postgraduate School Solid State Data Recorder Project , CAPT James O'Donnell and Ronald Phelps
Development of the Ørsted Satellite Project, W.R. Baron, M. Hougbton-Larsenand, and P.L. Thomsen
Development of the Pico Star Tracker ST-200 – Design Challenges and Road Ahead, Tom Segert, Steven Engelen, Matthias Buhl, and Bert Monna
Development of the Polar Satellite Service, Rolf Skatteboe, Lennart Westin, and Kaj Lundahl
Development of the TRSSS-1 Satellite as the Major Component of the Space Based Information System(SBIS) for Effective Decision Support System for Thailand's Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Weerapant Musigasam, Praneet Ditsariyakue, Navanit Aphicholati, and Suvit Vibulsresth
Developments in Nano-Satellite Structural Subsystem Design at NASA-GSFC, Peter Rossoni and Peter Panetta
Developments in thermophilic starter cultures for cheese, C. J. Oberg, Jeffery R. Broadbent, and D. J. McMahon
Devloping a community of writers, Jim Rogers
Devloping a community of writers, Jim Rogers
Diabetes stepping up to the plate: An education curriculum focused on food portioning skills, D. Pauline Williams, Heidi LeBlanc, and Nedra Christensen
Diagnosis of intramammary infections due to Mycoplasma bovis in dairy cattle, R. N. Gonzalez, P. M. Sears, and David J. Wilson
Diagnostic Testing for Nitrogen Soil Fertility, D.W. James
Diazotrophic community structure and function in two successional stages of biological soil crusts from the Colorado Plateau and Chihuahuan Desert, Chris M. Yeager, Jennifer L. Kornosky, David C. Housman, Edmund E. Grote, Jayne Belnap, and Cheryl R. Kuske
DICE: Mission Results from Over a Year of On-Orbit Operations, Tim Neilsen, Geoff Crowley, Charles Swenson, Chad Fish, Irfan Azeem, Aroh Barjatya, and Jake Gunther
Dielectric Phase Transitions of Polar Molecules Physisorbed on Ionic Crystals Using a BEG Spin-1 Ising Mode, JR Dennison and T. E. Burns
Diesel Engines, Von H. Jarrett PhD
Diesel Fuel Storage, Von H. Jarrett PhD
Diet Composition and Activities of Elk on Different Habitat Segments in the Lodgepole Pine Type , Uinta Mountains, Utah, William B. Collins
Diet-induced obesity decreases liver iron stores in mice fed iron deficient, adequate, or excessive diets, Brett J. Healy
Differences in macroinvertebrate community structure in streams and rivers with different hydrologic regimes in the semi-arid Colorado Plateau, Matthew P. Miller and Anne Brasher
Differences in native soil ecology associated with invasion of the exotic annual chenopod, Halogeton glomeratus, Jeffrey J. Duda, D. Carl Freeman, John M. Emlen, Jayne Belnap, Stanley G. Kitchen, John C. Zak, Edward Sobek, Mary Tracy, and James Montante
Differences in Water Transfer Mechanisms between Aspen and Conifer Communities: The Fate of Spring Snow Melt in the Northern Rocky Mountain Watershed, Eric M. LaMalfa and Ron Ryle
Differential response of Bifidobacterium animalis spp. lactis to hydrogen peroxide stress, T. S. Oberg, J. L. Steele, S. C. Ingham, R. E. Ward, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Differential snowpack accumulation and water dynamics in aspen and conifer communities: implications for water yield and function, Eric Martin LaMalfa
Differential transcriptional response and physiological differences of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis strains to hydrogen peroxide stress, T. S. Oberg, R. E. Ward, J. L. Steele, S. C. Ingham, and Jeffery R. Broadbent
Differentiating mathematics instruction and practice for inclusive environments: Math stations, Jessica H. Hunt
Diffusion Technique for Preparing Salt Solutions, Kjeldahl Digests and Persulfate Digests for Nitrogen-15 Analysis, John M. Stark and S. C. Hart
Digests of selected doctoral research in industrial arts education 1955-1968, Dan L. Householder
Digital CMOS Cameras for Attitude Determination, David Meller, Prapat Sripruetkiat, and Kristin Makovec
Digital Imaging Space Camera (DISC) Design and Testing , Andrew Shumway, Mitch Whiteley, Jim Peterson, Quinn Young, Jed Hancock, and James Peterson
Digital Labeling and Narrative Mapping in Mobile Remote Audio Signage: Verbalization of Routes and Generation of New Verbal Route Descriptions from Existing Route Sets, Tharun Tej Tammineni
Digital Microfluidics As A Reconfiguration Mechanism For Antennas, Yasin Damgaci
Digital Predistortion for Wideband High Efficiency RF Power Amplifiers for High Throughput Satellites, Ahmed Maghawry Ibrahim Abouelenin and Craig Underwood
Dill in the Garden, Dan Drost and Adam Oakley
Dinéji Na'natin: Navajo Traditional Teachings and History, Robert S. McPherson
Direct and indirect density-dependence in wolves , Dan R. MacNulty, R. O. Peterson, D. W. Smith, and J. A. Vucetich
Directed Assembly of One- and Two-Dimensional Nanoparticle Arrays from Pulsed Laser Induced Dewetting of Square Waveforms, Nick A. Roberts, J. D. Fowlkes, K. Mahady, S. Afkhami, L. Kondic, and P. D. Rack
Directed assembly of one- and tw o-dimensional nanoparticle arrays via pulsed laser induced dewetting, Nick A. Roberts, J. D. Fowlkes, and P. D. Rack
Direct effects of soil amendments on field emergence and growth of the invasive annual grass Bromus tectorum L. and the native perennial grass Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth, Beth A. Newingham and Jayne Belnap
Disability Across the Developmental Lifespan: For the Rehabilitation Counselor, Julie F. Smart