Content Posted in 2019
Research on the Law of Garlic Price Based on Big Data, Feng Guo, Pingzeng Liu, Chao Zhang, Weijie Chen, Wei Han, Wanming Ren, Yong Zheng, and Jianrui Ding
Research Strategies to Reduce Bovine Tuberculosis Transmission From Wildlife to Cattle, Are R. Berentsen, Mike R. Dunbar, and Robert G. McLean
Reservoir Applications of Arced Labyrinth Weirs, Seth D. Thompson
Residents' Opinions on Fracking in Utah, Kelsey Gale
Residents’ Perceptions of the Benefits of a Local Park, Deborah L. Kerstetter, Andrew J. Mowen, Nate E. Trauntvein, T. Leichty, and N. Ribiero
Residues of Commercially Used Insecticides in the Environment of Megachile rotundata, D. A. George and C. M. Rincker
Resistivity Measurements of Nickel Silicide, Cameron Palmer and Samuel Tobler
Resolving Conflicts with Canada Geese: An Animal Welfare Perspective, John Hadidian, Michele Childs, Nancy Perry, and Patricia Lane
Resource Partitioning in the North American Gallinules in Southern Texas, William W. Reagan
Respiratory rates of the Organ-Pipe Mud-Dauber Trypoxylon politum (Hymenoptera: Sphecoidea), Thomas R. Bauman; Linda L. Glenboski; Amal E.S. Mostafa; and Earle A, Cross
Responding to Microaggressions: Evaluation of Bystander Intervention Strategies, Tianyi Xie
Response Inhibition and Reactive Balance in Older Adults, Derek England
Response of Honey Bees, Apis mellifera L., to High-Voltage Transmission Lines, Bernard Greenberg, Vytautas P. Bindokas, Marvin J. Frazier, and James R. Gauger
Response of Invertebrate Assemblages to Phragmites Australis Invasion and Native Plant Revegetation in Great Salt Lake Wetlands, Emily Leonard
Response of Six Lamiaceae Ornamental Plants to Saline Water Irrigation, Shasha Wu, Youping Sun, Genhua Niu, Graciela Lizette Grimaldo Pantoja, and Arturo Castro Rocha
Response of Ten Aster Species to Saline Water Irrigation, Shasha Wu, Youping Sun, Genhua Niu, James Altland, and Raul Cabrera
Responses of 18 Earth-Kind® Rose Cultivars to Salt Stress, Xiaoya Cai, Youping Sun, Terri Starman, Charles Hall, and Genhua Niu
Responses of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) to Nitrogen and Temperature Manipulations, Phillip M. Mykleby, Tala Awada, John D. Lenters, Saadia Bihmidine, Adam J. Yarina, and Stephen L. Young
Responses of Ornamental Grass and Grass-Like Plants to Saline Water Irrigation, Youping Sun and Alyssa Lanae Palmer
Response to Coyote Predation on Pets, Dorinda Pulliam
Respuesta a la Interacción de Alcaloides, Taninos y Saponinas en la Dieta de los Animales, Juan J. Villalba
Restoration of Defaced Serial Numbers Using Lock-In Infrared Thermography (Part I), Ikwulono Unobe, Lisa Lau, John Kalivas, Rene Rodriguez, and Andrew D. Sorenson
Results and Conclusions of Using Pesticides with the Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee in the Production of Alfalfa Seed, D. A. George and C. M. Rincker
Results from a New Approach for Albedo Calibration on OMPS, Tyler McCracken, Thomas Rogers, Eileen Saiki, and Dan Soo
Results of a Survey of Damage Caused by the Carpenter Bee Xylocopa Virginica (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), Edward M. Barrows
Resumen del Conocimiento Sobre los Meloidos de Cuba (Insecta: Coleoptera), Julio Antonio Genaro
Resurgence of Cocaine-Seeking in Rats Following Long Access and Punishment, Rusty W. Nall
Resurrection Rules, Steven Shumway
Retrieval of Intrinsic Mesospheric Gravity Wave Parameters Using Lidar and Airglow Temperature and Meteor Radar Wind Data, Robert Reichert, Bernd Kaifler, Natalie Kaifler, Markus Rapp, Pierre-Dominique Pautet, Michael J. Taylor, Alexander Kozlovsky, Mark Lester, and Rigel Kivi
Retrospective Barrier Placements for a Skunk Rabies Epizootic in NW Wyoming, C. Ramey, K. Mills, R. McLean, R. Engeman, and J. Fischer
Revamping Timing Error Resilience to Tackle Choke Points at NTC, Aatreyi Bal
Revegetation on Medusahead-Invaded Rangelands in the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington, Clinton A. Stonecipher, Kip E. Panter, Kevin B. Jensen, Craig W. Rigby, and Juan J. Villalba
Reviewing Concepts, Measures, and Evidence of the Positive Utility of Travel, Patrick A. Singleton
Review of Advocacy and Awareness for Archivists, Erin Hurley
Review of Archival Values: Essays in Honor of Mark A. Greene, Theresa Berger and Scott Lawan
Review of Digital Preservation in Libraries: Preparing for a Sustainable Future, Lara Michels
Review of "Genesis of the Hymenoptera and the Phases of their Evolution", Wallace E. LaBerge
Review of Leading and Managing Archives and Manuscript Programs, Maurice R. Blackson
Review of Maricopodynerus (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae), Richard M. Bohart
Review of Nonlinear Attitude Control Algorithms for Small Satellites, Asma Mohammad Nusrat Aman
Review of North American Exomalopsis (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae) Parts I-IV, Philip H. Timberlake
Review of Records and Information Management, 2nd Edition, Joshua J. Zimmerman
Review of Studies of Andrena, Charles D. Michener
Review of "Studies on the Morphology and Systematics of Scale Insects - No. 12. Revision of the Family Region based on Adult and Third Instar Females", Wallace E. LaBerge
Review of Style, Computers, and Early Modern Drama: Beyond Authorship, Mattie Burkert
Review of the Cuckoo Bees of the Genus Psithyrus Lep. (Hymenoptera, Apidae) in Poland, Waldemar Grzegorz Celary
Review of the cuckoo bees of the genus Sphecodes Latreille (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Halictidae) in Poland, Waldemar Grzegorz Celary
Review of "The Nest Architecture of the Sweat Bees (Halictinae). A Comparative Study of Behavior", Wallace E. LaBerge
Review of the parasitic bees of the family Anthophoridae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in Poland (excluding the genus Nomada Scop.), Waldemar Grzegorz Celary
Review of the parasitic bees of the family Megachilidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in Poland, Waldemar Grzegorz Celary
Review of Wildlife Hazard Mitigation Techniques on General Aviation Airports, Robert J. Lewis and Joe N. Caudell
Revisão da Taxonomia de Alguns Meliponinae por Métodos Fenéticos (Hym., Apidae), Rubens Alves da Cunha
Revising our Curriculum: An Inquiry into the teaching of Spanish and English Writing to Bilingual Students, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Revising our Curriculum/ Empowering Students: Teachers’ Preparation and Perceptions about Bilingual Writing, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Revision der von Brullé, Lucas und Pérez Beschriebenen Westpaläarktischen Halictus-Arten (Halictidae, Halictinae, Apoidea)–Nachtrag, Andreas Werner Ebmer
Revision der von Brullé, Lucas und Pérez beschriebenen Westpaläarktischen Halictus-Arten (Halictidae, Halictinae, Apoidea), sowie Festlegung des Lectotypus von Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) angustifrons (Vachal), P. Andreas Werner Ebmer
Revision der von W. Nylander und J. Kreichbaumer Beschriebenen Halictidae (Apoidea), Andreas Werner Ebmer
(Re)visioning Bilingual Narratives, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Revision of the Genus Brachyhesma Michener (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Revision of the Genus Euryglossina Cockerell (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Revision of the Genus Euryglossula Michener (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Revision of the Genus Hyphesma Michener (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Revision of the Genus Melittobia (Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae) with the Description of Seven New Species, Edward C. Dahms
Revision of the Genus Pachyprosopis Perkins (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Revision of the Genus Pseudopanurgus of North America (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Revision of the Genus Xanthesma Michener (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Revision of the North American Bees of the Genus Protandrena Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Revision of the Subgenus Callohesma Michener (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Revision of the Subgenus Euryglossa Smith (Apoidea: Colletidae: Euryglossinae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Revision of the Subgenus Xenohesma Michener (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Revitalizing Maria Martinez, Sam McCall
Revolution in Autonomous Orbital Navigation (RAON), Rachit Bhatia
Revue Mensuelle D'Entomologie Pure et Appliquee, C. G. Dalla Torre
Reward Partitioning in Capparis spp. Along Ecological Gradient, D. Eisikowitch, Y. Ivri, and A. Dafni
Rewriting Eden With The Book of Mormon: Joseph Smith and the Reception of Genesis 1-6 in Early America, Colby Townsend
RF Emitter Geolocation Using a Single SmallSat, Patrick Ellis
RFI Detection and Correction on Cold Target of FY-3D/MWRI, Shengli Wu
Ricerche Comparate Sulla Natura Dei Glucidi Di Alcuni Mieli Monoflora E dei Rispettivi Nettari, Marcella Battaglini
Ricerche Entomologiche sui Monti Partenii, Achille Costa
Ricerche sull'attività di Apis mellifera L. sul Pero e su alcuni sistemi di osmattrazione suscettibili di migliorarla, in un frutteto dotato di copertura antigrandine, Giorgio Celli and Giulia Giordani
Richard Hundley and American Art Song, Danielle Casós
Rilevamento di alfa-naftil-metilcarbammato (carbaryl) in polline di vite immagazzinato da api, Flavio Belliardo and Carlo Vidano
Riparian Research and Management: Past, Present, Future: Volume 1, Steven W. Carothers, Hisham El Waer, Helen C. Fairley, Deborah M. Finch, Suzanne C. Fouty, Jonathan M. Friedman, Jennifer K. Frey, Stanley V. Gregory, Robert H. Hamre, Annie Henry, Osvel Hinojosa-Huerta, Elaine E. Johnson, R. Roy Johnson, Kenneth J. Kingsley, Mary Anne McLeod, Eric Mellink, Katie Merewether, Duncan T. Patten, John S. Richardson, Anne Sands, Michael L. Scott, Bo Shelby, Anna A. Sher, D. Max Smith, John T. Stanley, Frederick J. Swanson, Raymond M. Turner, Robert H. Webb, and William E. Werner
RIPPLE- Providing Increased Temporal Resolution to Surface Wave Topography, Chrishma Derewa, Adrian Stoica, and Leon Alkalai
Rise of the KKK: Political Rhetoric of the 1920s Ku Klux Klan in the West, Justine S. I. Larsen
Risk of Predation: a Critical Force Driving Habitat Quality Perception and Foraging Behavior of Granivorous Birds in a Nigerian Forest Reserve, Umarfarooq A. Abdulwahab, Samuel Temidayo Osinubi, and Jacinta Abalaka
Risk perceptions of extreme heat events at the state, county, and census tract level in the U.S., Peter D. Howe, Jennifer R. Marlon, Xinran Wang, and Anthony Leiserowitz
River Hydrology, Morphology, and Dynamics in an Intensively Managed, Transient Landscape, Sara Ann Kelly
Robbing of Exotic Plants by Introduced Carpenter and Honey Bees in Hawaii, with Comparative Notes, Edward M. Barrows
Robust Resource Allocation to Secure Physical Layer Using UAV-Assisted Mobile Relay Communications in 5G Technology, Shakil Ahmed
Robust Structured Group Local Sparse Tracker Using Convolutional Neural Network Features, Mohammadreza Javanmardi
Rock, Paper, Sciss–(I Mean, Vegetation): The Vulnerability of Littoral Structure Loss Under Drought, Jenna Keeton
Rocky Mountain Bees. I, T. D.A. Cockerell and Beular Hix Blair
Rocky Mountain Bees. II, T. D. A. Cockerell
Rocky Mountain Bees. III, T. D. A. Cockerell and Ruth Sumner
Rocky Mountain Bees - IV, T. D. A. Cockerell
Rodenticide Restrictions: The Precautionary Principle in Action, Thomas Schmit
Rodenticide Use in Rodent Management in the United States: An Overview, Gary Witmer and John D. Eisemann
Role Identity Within Career Recreation Volunteerism, M. Rogosienski, Nate E. Trauntvein, and Elizabeth Covelli Metcalf
Role of Disease & Insects in Aspen Ecology, John C. Guyon II
Role of Flower and Pollen Aromas in Host-Plant Recognition by Solitary Bees, Heidi E. M. Dobson
Role of Increased GABAergic Synaptic Transmission in Morphine Tolerance, Erin N. Bobeck, Rachel A. Haseman, Susan L. Ingram, and K. L. Suchland
Role of Pollenkitt in Pollen Host-Plant Recognition by Male and Female Solitary Bees, Heidi E. M. Dobson
Role of Pollinators in the Evolution of Dioecy from Distyly, J. H. Beach and K. S. Bawa
Role of the Japanese Encephalitis Virus Envelope Glycoprotein E in Viral Pathogenicity, Joseph L. Goldhardt
Role of Wildfire and Topography in Shaping Aspen Regeneration after the Hayman Fire, CO, USA, Arianna A. B. Porter
Roomful of Teeth, Roomful of Teeth, Brad Wells, Estelí Gomez, Caroline Shaw, Eric Dudley, Dashon Burton, Martha Cluver, Virginia Warnken Kelsey, Avery Griffin, and Cameron Beauchamp
Root Colonization by Pseudomonas putida: The Role of Catalase and Superoxide Dismutase Isozymes, Tawnya Lynn Bowles
Rooting Depth and Extreme Precipitation Regulate Groundwater Recharge in the Thick Unsaturated Zone: A Case Study, Jin Shao, Bingcheng Si, and Jiming Jin
Rotem, Amotz Dafni, Reuven Dukas, Ram Gophna, Tamar Hizkiyahu, Simcha Lev-Yadun, Nili Liphschitz, Aaron Liston, Boaz Rontal, Avi Shmida, and Ami Zehavi
Roylance Family Peach Pie, Glen Wright
Roylance Family Peach Pie, Glen Wright
Rozwój i Produkcyjność Rodzin Pszczelich Zimowanych na Różnych Pokarmach Węglowodanowych, Jerzy Bobrzecki
Rubber Band Prank, Josephine Rivera
Rubber Duck Collection, Shannon Meyer
Rules for Entries in Bibliographies, Supplementary to the American and British Library Associations' Catalog Rules, James Chester Bradley
Rum Cake, Lily Ward
Ruminal Protection and Intestinal Availability of Rumen-Protected Methionine and Lysine in Lactating Dairy Cows, Sara Menchu
Ruminant Bloat, Austin Sears and Kerry A. Rood
Ruminants as architects for the Management of Natural Landscapes: An Adaptive Look to Climate Change, Juan J. Villalba
Ruminant Self-Medication Against Gastrointestinal Nematodes: Evidence, Mechanism, and Origins, Juan J. Villalba, James Miller, Eugene D. Ungar, Serge Y. Landau, and John Glendinning
"Running" Away From Depression, Trenton Simmons
Ruptor Ovi, the Number of Moults in Development, and Method of Exit from Masoned Nests. Biology of Eumenine Wasps, VII, Kenneth W. Cooper
Rural Aging: The Geographic Reach of Service Access in Utah, Identifying Barriers and Solutions, Alexandra T. Schiwal
Ruwenzori expedition reports No. 13 Hymenoptera, C. T. Bingham
Safety and Security in Discretionary Travel Decision Making: A Focus on Active Travel Mode and Destination Choice, Patrick A. Singleton and Liming Wang
Safety and Security in Discretionary Travel Decision Making: A Focus on Active Travel Mode and Destination Choice, Patrick A. Singleton and Liming Wang
Safety and Security in Discretionary Travel Decision-Making: A Focus on Active Travel Mode and Destination Choice, Patrick A. Singleton and Liming Wang
Safety and Security in Discretionary Travel Decision Making: Focus on Active Travel Mode and Destination Choice, Patrick A. Singleton and Liming Wang
Sainfoin for Bees, C. P. Dadant
Saint-Exupéry's Confession: The Little Prince as Autobiography and Credo, John L. Needham
Salt Tolerance of 22 Pomegranate Cultivars, Shasha Wu, Youping Sun, Genhua Niu, James Altland, and Raul I. Cabrera
Salt Tolerance of Cornus alba Seedlings, Youping Sun
Salt Tolerance of Punica granatum ‘Wonderful’, Youping Sun
Salt Tolerance of Sego SupremeTM Plants, Asmita Paudel
Salt Tolerance of Six Switchgrass Cultivars, Youping Sun, Genhua Niu, Girisha Ganjegunte, and Yanqi Wu
Salt Tolerance of Six Switchgrass Varieties, Youping Sun, Genhua Niu, Girisha Ganjegunte, and Yanqi Wu
Salt Tolerance of Ten Perennial Plants in Asteraceae, Youping Sun, Shasha Wu, Genhua Niu, James Altland, and Raul I. Cabrera
Same-Sex vs Non Same-Sex Parental Involvement: Results From the 2012 National Household Education Survey Parent and Family Involvement Survey, Mario Itzel Suárez
Sampling Ecological Diversity and Process Across Scales Using Fractal Triads, Elizabeth Simpson
Sandia en el Huerto, Rick Heflebower, Dan Drost, and Celina Wille
Santa Lucia Day, Josephine Rivera
Satellite-Based Monitoring of Wildlife Habitat: Scaling Ecosystem Management to the Big Data Era, Joseph O. Sexton, David C. Stoner, S. Channan, and M. Feng
Satellite Survivability in Space: A Materials Perspective, JR Dennison
Satisfying Instream Flow Needs Under Western Water Rights, Jay M. Bagley, M. ASCE, Dean T. Larson, and Lee Kapaloski
Satisfying Park Volunteers: The Relationship Between Volunteer Satisfaction and Management Actions, Nate E. Trauntvein, Andrew J. Mowen, and Alan R. Graefe
Saturday Morning Waffles, Shannon Meyer
Save-or-Suck, Steven Shumway
Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of Mineral Fiber Content of Lung Tissue in the Evaluation of Diffuse Pulmonary Fibrosis, Victor L. Roggli
Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis of Rock Varnish Chemistry for Cation-Ratio Dating: An Examination of Electron Beam Penetration Depths, Steven L. Reneau, Roland C. Hagan, Charles D. Harrington, and Robert Raymond Jr.
Scanning Electron Microscopic Study of Pulp Stones in Human Permanent Teeth, O. Le May and J. C. Kaqueler
Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Honeybee, Apis Mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Pretarsus, Rafael Conde-Boytel, Eric H. Erickson, and Stanley D. Carlson
Scarab Beetles of the Genus Psammodius in the Western Hemisphere, O. L. Cartwright
Scent and Color, Floral Polymorphisms and Pollination Biology in Polemonium viscosum Nutt., Candace Galen and Peter G. Kevan
School House Fire, Suzanne Taggart
School Spirit Bullying, Cy Robinson
Scientific Results of the Katmai Expedition of the National Geographic Society XIII. Bees and Wasps, Joseph Bequaert
Scientific Results of the Vernaylang Kalahari Expedition, T. D. A. Cockerell
Scientist Remained Busy as a Bee, Even in Retirement, Charles Hillinger and Philip H. Timberlake
Sclerogibba Transitoria, n. sp., Male de Somalie (Hymenoptera Bethyloidea Sclerogibbidae), Paul Dessart
Scolia caffra Saussure and Sichel and a Malagasy Species Usually Confused With It. (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae), James Chester Bradley
Scolia (Clypeiscolia, N. Subg.) Clypealis, N. Sp. (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae), James Chester Bradley
Scrud, Cy Robinson
SDA-2H: Understanding the Value of Background Cover Against Statistical Disclosure, Mahdi Nasrullah Al-Ameen, Charles Gatz, and Matthew Wright
SDNET2018: An Annotated Image Dataset for Non-Contact Concrete Crack Detection Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Sattar Dorafshan, Robert J. Thomas, and Marc Maguire
Seagull Book and "Tape", Megan Monson
Seal and Polar Bear Behavioral Response to an Icebreaker Vessel in Northwest Greenland, Kate Lomac-MacNair, José Pedro Andrade, and Eduardo Esteves
Séance du 27 Avril 1870, Joseph-Étienne Giraud
Searching for Antiviral Activity as a New Use for Old Drugs, Brennan McEwan
Seasonal Behavior of Alfalfa Flowers as Related to Seed Production, John W. Carlson
Seasonal Changes in Feed Intake, Diet Digestibility and Diet Composition by Lactating and Non-Lactating Goats Browsing in a Semi-Arid Rangeland of Argentina, Ángela Vanina Egea, María L. Bakker, Liliana I. Allgretti, Sebastián A. Paez, Diego J. Grilli, Juan C. Guevara, and Juan J. Villalba
Seasonal Cycle and Nest Architecture of Augochloropsis Notophos Vachal (Hymenoptera, Halictidae, Halictinae), Miriam Gimenes, Carlos K. Kajiwara, Francisco A. do Carmo, and Luci Rolandi Bego
Seasonal Cycles, Nests, and Social Behavior of Some Colombian Halictine Bees (Hymenoptera; Apoidea), Charles D. Michener, Michael D. Breed, and William J. Bell
Seasonal Flow Rates along the Lower Bear River, UT, Todd Keniry, Dahlia Curiel, Dylan Anderson, Ayman Alafifi, and David E. Rosenberg
Seasonal Patterns of Water Uptake in Populus tremuloides and Picea glauca on a Boreal Reclamation Site is Species Specific and Modulated by Capping Soil Depth and Slope Position, Morgane Merlin and Simon M. Landhäusser
Secondary Electron Yield Measurements of Carbon Nanotube Forests: Dependence on Morphology and Substrate, Brian Wood, Justin Christensen, Gregory Wilson, T. -C. Shen, and JR Dennison
Secondary Electron Yield Measurements of Carbon Nanotube Forests: Dependence on Morphology and Substrate, Brian Wood, Jordan Lee, Gregory Wilson, T. -C. Shen, and JR Dennison
Secondary Electron Yield Measurements of Carbon Nanotube Forests: Dependence on Morphology and Substrate, Brian Wood, Justin Christensen, Gregory Wilson, JR Dennison, and T. -C. Shen
Secondary Mathematics Teachers’ Responses to Pivotal Teaching Moments, Kami M. Dupree
Secondson, Jonathan Blake Heaton
Secret Code, Taylor McDougal
Security of Vehicular Platooning, Soodeh Dadras
Security Questions Abound as Autonomous Vehicles Emerge, USU College of Engineering
Seeding Treatments to Enhance Seedling Performance of the Bulrushes Bolboschoenus Maritimus, Schoenoplectus Acutus and S. Americanus in Wetland Restorations, David M. England
Seedling Emergence and Growth of Ricinus communis L. Cultivars Irrigated with Saline Solution, Youping Sun, Genhua Niu, Pedro Osuna, Gririsha Ganjegunte, Dick Auld, Lijuan Zhao, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Seedling Emergence, Growth, and Mineral Nutrition of Ornamental Chili Peppers Irrigated with Saline Water, Genhua Niu, Pedro Osuna, Youping Sun, and Denise S. Rodriquez
Seed Reserves in Desert Soils, David W. Goodall and Suzanne J. Morgan
Seed Setting in Red Clover, J. N. Bird
Seeing Grandma, Amber Utterback
Seeker 1.0: Prototype Robotic Free Flying Inspector Mission Overview, Brian Banker and Scott Askew
Seeking Grace: Reconstructing the History of African American Alumnae at the University of Denver, Katherine Crowe
Segundo suplemento al Catálogo de los Himenópteros de España, Gonzalo Ceballos
Selection and Intake of Carbohydrate, Protein, and Vegetables Among NCAA Division I Athletes, Katie Nicole Brown, Jenna Ellis, Samantha Brooks, Lindsay Brown, Rachel L. Krick, and Annette Anderson
Selection of Tannins by Sheep in Response to Gastro-Intestinal Nematode Infections, Juan J. Villalba, Fredrick D. Provenza, Jeffery O. Hall, and Larry D. Lisonbee
Select metrics describing the operations of America's state park systems, Jordan Smith and Yu-Fai Leung
Self-Assessment of Teaching as a Tool to Transform L2 Classroom Practices, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Self-Discovery, Self-Sufficiency: Assuming the Role of a Listener While Tutoring, Adrian Thomson
Self-Medication in Domestic Herbivores, Fredrick D. Provenza and Juan J. Villalba
Self-Observations of Teaching as an Alternative to Peer Evaluations and as a Tool to Promote Personal and Institutional Growth, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Self-Report QRIS: Challenges with Validation, Jacob Esplin, Brionne Neilson, Ann M. Berghout Austin, and Alexander T. Fronk
Self-Selection of Plant Bioactive Compunds by Sheep in Response to Challenge Infection with Haemonchus contortus, Cesar Henrique Espirito Candal Poli, Kara J. Thornton-Kurth, Jerrad F. Legako, Carolina Bremm, Viviane S. Hampel, Jeffery O. Hall, Ignacio R. Ipharraguerre, and Juan J. Villalba
Selft-Selection of Plant Bioactive Compounds by Sheep in Response to Challenge Infection with Haemonchus Contortus, Cesar H.E.C. Poli, Kara J. Thornton-Kurth, Jerrad F. Legako, Carolina Bremm, Viviane S. Hampel, Jeffery O. Hall, Ignacio R. Ipharraguerre, and Juan J. Villalba
Selling Creative Products Online, Paul Hill, Emy Swadley, Michael Isom, and Kenadie Terry
Senior Recital - Ashley Gunnell, Ashley Gunnell, Dallas Heaton, and Jazz Combo
Senior Recital - Beth Foley, Beth Foley, Mayumi Matzen, and Jessica Scott
Senior Recital - Brittany Jarman, Brittany Jarman
Senior Recital - Jacqueline Costley, Jacqueline Costley
Sensibilitatea Albinei Polenizatoare a Lucernei Megachile Rotundata Fabr., la Trei Insecticide în Condiții de Laborator, G. Ciurdărescu, Adriana Văcaru, and Abd El-Rahman
Sensor Design for In-Flight Testing of Small-Satellite Thruster, Alex Souvall
Sensory Evaluation of Pulse Based Snacks, B. D. Garcia, Katie Nicole Brown, and Katie R. Miner
Separating Overlapped Intervals on a Line, Shimin Li and Haitao Wang
Separating the Influences of Diagenesis, Productivity and Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition on Sedimentary δ15N Variations, Janice Brahney, Ashley P. Ballantyne, Ben L. Turner, Sarah A. Spaulding, Megan Otu, and Jason C. Neff
Service Learning at Community Colleges: Synthesis, Critique, and Recommendations for Future Research, Amanda Taggart and Gloria Crisp
SETH Technology Demonstration of Small Satellite Deep Space Optical Communications to aid Heliophysics Science and Space Weather Forecasting, Marta Shelton, Antti Pulkkinen, Errol J. Summerlin, and Mark Storm
Setting Up Your Hive and Installing Bees, Andree Walker-Bravo, Sheriden M. Hansen, and JayDee Gunnell
Seven Years of White-Tailed Deer Immunocontraceptive Research at Penn State University: A Comparison of Two Vaccines, Lowell A. Miller and Gary J. Killian
Sex Anomalies in the Genus Ashmeadiella (Hymenoptera) with Notes on the Homologies Between Male and Female Genital Appendages, Charles D. Michener
Sex Attraction in Andrena flavipes Panzer (Hymenoptera : Apidae), with Some Observations on Nest-site Restriction, C. G. Butler
Sex Control by Bees: A Voluntary Act of Egg Fertilization during Oviposition, Henry S. Gerber and E. C. Klostermeyer
Sex Determination in Bees. I. Balance Between Femaleness and Maleness Genes in Bombus atratus Franklin (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Carlos Alberto Garófalo and Warwick Estevam Kerr
Sex Investment Ratios in Social Hymenoptera, Robin Craig
Sex of Host Specificity and Position Specificity of Certain Species of Laboulbenia on Bembidion Picipes, R. K. Benjamin and Leland Shanor
Sex-Ratio Selection in Eusocial Hymenoptera, Eric L. Charnov
Sexual Behavior Among Parasitic Megarhyssa Wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Owen S. Crankshaw and Robert W. Matthews
Sexual Behavior and Pheromones of the European Hornet, Vespa crabro germana (Hymenoptera: vespidae), Suzanne W.T. Batra
Sexual Dimorphism in the Glossa of Colletidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
Sexual Selection and the Evolution of Dance Fly Mating Systems (Diptera: Empididae; Empidinae), Jeffrey M. Cumming
Sexual Selection, Social Competition, and Speciation, Mary Jane West-Eberhard
Shade Effect on Growth and Productivity of Tomato and Chili Pepper, Joseph G. Masabni, Youping Sun, Genhua Niu, and Priscilla Del Valle
Shadow Ghost Encounter, Stan Kouris
Shall I Sing You a Ghost Story: The Nature and Purpose of Ghost Songs in Maritime Communities of Northern New England and Atlantic Canada, Richard A. Blake
Shaping the future of subarctic agriculture, Skyler Howell
Sheeprock Mountains Visitor Use Report, Jordan W. Smith, Ben Muhlestein, Melissa Chelak, Lorien Belton, and Terry Messmer
Sheep Supplementation Options Affect Voluntary Intake of Romerillo (Chiliotrichum diffusum), R. Lira and Juan J. Villalba
Shields-1 Initial Space Operations, a NASA CubeSat Launch Initiative ELaNaXIX Mission, Donald Thomsen, Kevin Sommervill, Mark Jones, Raymond Lueg, William Girard, Alexander Scammell, Jing Pei, and James Cutler
Shifting Perceptions of Corporate Sponsorship at a Public-Sector Park Agency: A 14 Year Follow-Up, Nicholas A. Pitas, Andrew J. Mowen, Nate E. Trauntvein, Luke R. Potwarka, and Nick Duray
Shifting Perceptions of Corporate Sponsorship at a Public-Sector Park Agency: Results from a 14 Year Follow-Up Survey, Andrew J. Mowen, Nate E. Trauntvein, Luke R. Potwarka, Nick Duray, and Nicholas A. Pitas
Shortening Rate and Holocene Surface Rupture on the Riasi Fault System in the Kashmir Himalaya: Active Thrusting Within the Northwest Himalayan Orogenic Wedge, Y. Gavillot, A. Meigs, D. Yule, R. Heermance, Tammy M. Rittenour, C. Madugo, and M. Malik
Shostakovich: Overcoming Silence, Carolyn Baird, Lauren Palfreyman, Nathan Guertler, and Betsy Tullis
Should Beekeepers Keep Wild Bees for Pollination?, George E. Bohart
Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Emergence of Partitioned Land Use Among Human Foragers, Jacob Freeman, John M. Anderies, Raymond P. Mauldin, and Robert J. Hard
Showing Up for Yourself: Mental Health and Your MLIS, Shannon M. Smith
Shrimp Ceviche, Glen Wright
Shutting Down Shigella Secretion: Characterizing Small Molecule Type Three Secretion System ATPase Inhibitors, Heather Case and Nicholas E. Dickenson
Siberian Bees of the Genera Halictus, Sphecodes, and Hylaeus, T. D. A. Cockerell
Sibling Species of Trigona from Angola (Hymenoptera, Apinae), Charles D. Michener
Signalaments de Quelques Espèces Nouvelles ou peu Connues d'Hyménoptères Algériens, M. Léon Dufour
Silenced Under the Umbrella: Inclusion and Exclusion of LGBTIQ+ Voices in Practitioner Literature, Samantha M. Meister, Amanda Layne Lindner, and Mario Itzel Suárez
Silkworms with Spider Silklike Fibers Using Synthetic Silkworm Chow Containing Calcium Lignosulfonate, Carbon Nanotubes, and Graphene, Xiaoli Zhang, Ana Laura Licon, Thomas I. Harris, Paula F. Oliveira, Bailey J. McFarland, Blake E. Taurone, Brittney J. Walsh, Brianne E. Bell, Caleb T. Walker, Randolph V. Lewis, and Justin A. Jones
Simple Stability Criteria for Uncertain Continuous-Time Linear Systems, Mohammad Shekaramiz
Simulated Sea Water Flooding Reduces the Growth of Ten Vegetables, Youping Sun, Joseph Masabni, and Genhua Niu
Simulating Microgravity and Space Radiation With a Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS), Alexandra Nelson, Lori Caldwell, Eryn Hanson, JR Dennison, and Elizabeth Vargis
Simulating Microgravity and Space Radiation With a Rotary Cell Culture System (RCCS), Alexandra Nelson, Lori Caldwell, Eryn Hanson, JR Dennison, and Elizabeth Vargis
Simulating Muscle Atrophy due to Microgravity and Ionizing Radiation, Lori Caldwell, Eryn Hanson, Alexandra H. Nelson, Charles Harding, JR Dennison, and Elizabeth Vargis
Simulation Model for Collaborative Decision Making on Sediment Source Reduction in an Intensively Managed Watershed, Se Jong Cho, Peter R. Wilcock, Patrick Belmont, Karen B. Gran, and Benjamin F. Hobbs
Simulation of a High Stability Reference Clock for Small Satellites with Modeled GPS Timing Errors, Damon Van Buren, Scott Palo, and Penina Axelrad
Simulation-To-Flight 1 (STF-1): Automating the Planning, Scheduling, Assessment and Data Processing/Reduction for a Small Satellite, Mark Suder, Justin Morris, Scott Zemerick, Matthew Grubb, and John Lucas
Simulation Training Increases Dietetic Students' Self-Efficacy Prior to Clinical Supervised Practice, SeAnne Safaii-Waite, Loren Oden, and Katie Nicole Brown
Simultaneous Care of More Than One Nest by Ammophila azteca Cameron (Hymeoptera, Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans
Simultaneous Extraction of Polyhydroxybutyrate and Indigo from Escherichia Coli BAP1, Michael Langston
Simultaneous in Situ Measurements of Small-Scale Structures in Neutral, Plasma, and Atomic Oxygen Densities During the WADIS Sounding Rocket Project, Boris Strelnikov, Martin Eberhart, Martin Friedrich, Jonas Hedin, Mikhail Khaplanov, Gerd Baumgarten, Bifford P. Williams, Tristan Staszak, Heiner Asmus, Irina Strelnikova, Ralph Latteck, Mykhaylo Grygalashvyly, Franz-Josef Lübken, Josef Höffner, Raimund Wörl, Jörg Gumbel, Stefan Löhle, Stefanos Fasoulas, Markus Rapp, Aroh Barjatya, Michael J. Taylor, and Pierre-Dominique Pautet
Since Durack (1997): The Continued Work of Documenting Women's Contributions to Technical and Professional Communication, Bonnie Schenk-Darrington
Sing!, Sam Bunderson, Cory Evans, USU Chorale, USU Women's Choir, USU Chamber Singers, Brooklyn Dyer, Luke Shepherd, and USU Combined Choirs
Single-Copy Nuclear Genes Recover Cretaceous-Age Divergences in Bees, Bryan N. Danforth, Seán G. Brady, Sedonia D. Sipes, and Adam Pearson
Single-Copy Nuclear Genes Recover Cretaceous-Age Divergences in Bees, Bryan N. Danforth, Seán G. Brady, Sedonia D. Sipes, and Adam Pearson
Single-Grain Optically Stimulated Luminescence Ages of Brownware Pottery in the Central Rocky Mountains and the Spread of Numic Ceramic Technology, Judson Byrd Finley, Carlie J. Ideker, and Tammy M. Rittenour
Single-Grain Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of Quartz Temper From Prehistoric Intermountain Ware Ceramics, Northwestern Wyoming, USA, Carlie J. Ideker, Judson Byrd Finley, Tammy M. Rittenour, and Michelle C. Summa-Nelson
Single-Molecule Real-Time Transcript Sequencing Identified Flowering Regulatory Genes in Crocus Sativus, Xiaodong Qian, Youping Sun, Guifen Zhou, Yumei Yuan, Jing Li, Huilian Huang, Limin Xu, and Liqin Li
Single Molecule Real Time Transcript Sequencing Unveiled Flowering Regulatory Genes in Crocus Sativus, Youping Sun, Liqin Li, Xiaodong Qian, Guifang Zhou, and Chong Yao
Sink or Swim? A Case-Study Approach to Teaching Information Evaluation, Katie Strand and Rachel Wishkoski
Sir Bearington, Steven Shumway
Six New Halictine Bee Species from Southwest Archipelago, Japan (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), Andreas Werner Ebmer, Yasuo Maeta, and Shôichi F. Sakagami
Size and Form of Eggs of Allodapine Bees, Charles D. Michener
Size and Scope of Beaver County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Mark Nelson
Size and Scope of Box Elder County Agriculture 2018, Michael Pace, Joshua Dallin, and Ryan Larsen
Size and Scope of Cache County Agriculture 2018, Ryan Larsen and Dexton Lake
Size and Scope of Davis County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Justen Smith
Size and Scope of Duchesne County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Troy Cooper
Size and Scope of Garfield County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Kevin Heaton
Size and Scope of Morgan County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Cody Zesiger
Size and Scope of Sanpete County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Matthew Palmer
Size and Scope of Sevier County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and C. Kim Chapman
Size and Scope of Wayne County Agriculture 2019, Ryan Feuz, Ryan Larsen, and Trent Wilde
Size Increase in Pollen Grains Mounted in Thin Slides, Edward J. Cushing
Size Variations in Pollen Grains with Different Treatments, Knut Fægri and Paul Deuse
Skeleto-Muscular Morphogenesis in the Thorax of the Hymenoptera, Howell V. Daly
Skeleto-Muscular Morphogenesis of the Thorax and Wings of the Honey Bee Apis Mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Howell V. Daly
Skirting the Light: Some Poems, Joe Pitkin
Slap Art of the Tree, Elizabeth Colton
Slash Months, Elizabeth Colton
Sleep Paralysis Demons, Sierra Mackelprang
Small Business Advising Highpoint Roofing, LLC., Angie Newman Hull
Small Launch Vehicles - A 2019 State of the Industry Survey, Carlos Niederstrasser
Small Launch Vehicles for Low-cost Mars Landed Missions, Ryan Woolley, Nathan Barba, and Tom Komerak
Small Satellite Missions for Planetary Science, Carolyn R. Mercer
SmallSat Manufacturing; The Spire "Constant NPI" Model, Daniel Bryce and Jeroen Cappaert
Smoothing, Discounting, and Demand for Intra-Household Control for Recipients of Conditional Cash Transfers, Diego Aycinena, Szabolcs Blazsek, Lucas Rentschler, and Betzy Sandoval
SnapBan: An Ethan Dixon Story, Cy Robinson
SNS’ Narratives: (Re)visioning Oral and Written Bilingual Discourse, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Sobre Algunas Anomalías en las Alas de los Himenópteros (El Gén. Nomadita Mocs. y el Gen. Biareolina Dours.), José María Dumset Y Alonso
Sobre Alguns Cynipideos Parasiticos e Cecido-Genos Do Brasil (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae), T. Borgmeier
Sobre el Nombre de Una Scolia Europea (Hym. Scol.), James Chester Bradley
Sobre las Hembras de las Especies Americanas de Scolia del Subgénero Campsomeris (Dielis) [Hymenoptera Scoliidae] con Color del Cuerpo y Ropaje Completamente Negros, James Chester Bradley
Social Behavior and Nests of Some Nomiine Bees in India (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), Suzanne W.T. Batra
Social Cognitive Theory-Based Cooking Program for Student Athletes, Jenna Ellis, Katie Nicole Brown, Samantha A. Ramsay, and Jeremy M. Falk
Social issues: A supplement to the Landscape Survey of Theatre Education in United States High Schools, Matt Omasta
Sociality and Seasonal Size Variation in Halictine Bees, Michael D. Breed
Social Media and You, Brandon Turner
Social media use and preferences of visitors to Crater Lake National Park: Data from a 2014 on-site survey, Rosemary B. Keane and Jordan W. Smith
Social Media Use During Crisis Events: A Mixed-Method Analysis of Information Sources and Their Trustworthiness, Apoorva Chauhan
Social Organization in Reactivated Nests of Three Species of Xylocopa (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae) in Southeastern Brasil, Evandro Camillo and C. A. Garofalo
Social Organization in the Indian Wasp Ropalidia cyathiformis (Fab.) (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Raghavendra Gadagkar and N. V. Joshi
Social Parasites Among African Allodapine Bees (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae, Ceratinini), Charles D. Michener
Social Polymorphism in Hymenoptera, Charles D. Michener
Social, Stimulatory and Notivational Factors Involved in Intraspecific Nest Defense of a Primitively Eusocial Halictine Bee, William J. Bell, Michael D. Breed, Kenneth W. Richards, and Charles D. Michener
Social Structure of Euglossa cordata Nests (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Euglossini), Carlos Alberto Garófalo
Social Validity of Technology Assisted Spoken Language Intervention for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children, Sandra Grether PhD, Lisa L. Hunter PhD, Robert C. Gibler M.A., Susan Wiley, Bethany Wysocki Au.D., Rajvi Desai MSW, and Jareen Meinzen-Derr
Societe Entomologique de Belgique, A. Crèvecoeur
Socio-Cultural Variations in Interactions: A Study of Children with Disabilities and their Mothers, Elina O. Alexandrova
Socioenvironmental Factors and the Birthplace Effect: An Exploration of Community "Sweet Spots" in Elite Level Basketball, Jaxson Webb and Marcus Myers
Software Simulation and Hardware Implementation of VHF-UHF Tape Monopole and Dipole Antennae for Small Satellites, Amulya MS, Shashank Shrivastava, and Samana Managoli
Software Systems that Enable Agile Manufacture at Scale, Kyle Racette, Jacob Stern, Chester Gillmore, James Muehlner, Andrew Fisher, and Julien Rhodes
Soil Carbon Dynamics of Transition to Pacific Northwest Cellulosic Ethanol Feedstock Production, Joshua R. A. Kendall, Dan S. Long, Harold P. Collins, Francis J. Pierce, Amitava Chatterjee, Jeffrey L. Smith, and Stephen L. Young
Soil Nesting by Wood-Inhabiting Halictine Bees, Augochlora Pura and Lasioglossum Coeruleum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Edward M. Barrows
Soil Net Nitrogen Mineralisation Across Global Grasslands, A. C. Risch, S. Zimmermann, R. Ochoa-Hueso, M. Schütz, B. Frey, J. L. Firn, P. A. Fay, F. Hagedorn, E. T. Borer, E. W. Seabloom, W. S. Harpole, J. M. H. Knops, R. L. McCulley, A. A. D. Broadbent, C. J. Stevens, M. L. Silveira, Peter B. Adler, and et al.
Soil Organic Matter Influences Cerium Translocation and Physiological Processes in Kidney Bean Plants Exposed to Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles, Sanghamitra Majumdar, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Jesica Trujillo-Reyes, Youping Sun, Ana C. Barrios, Genhua Niu, Juan P. Flores-Margez, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
Soils of Ground-Nesting Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea): Texture, Moisture, Cell Depth and Climate, James H. Cane
Solar Response and Long‐Term Trend of Midlatitude Mesopause Region Temperature Based on 28 Years (1990–2017) of Na Lidar Observations, Chiao-Yao She, Uwe Berger, Zhao-Ai Yan, Tao Yuan, F.-J. Lübken, David A. Krueger, and Xiong Hu
Solar System Exploration Sciences by EQUULEUS on SLS EM-1 and Science Instruments Development Status, Satoshi Ikari, Masahiro Fujiwara, Hirotaka Kondo, Shuhei Matsushita, Ichiro Yoshikawa, Kazuo Yoshioka, Reina Hikida, Yosuke Kawabata, Shintaro Nakajima, Ryu Funase, Masaki Kuwabara, Hajime Yano, Kota Miyoshi, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Shinsuke Abe, Ryota Fuse, Yosuke Masuda, Shosaku Harima, Masahisa Yanagisawa, Kenji Yamamoto, Ryuji Shimada, Takayuki Hirai, Haruki Nakano, Kosuke Kando, Kazuyoshi Arai, Masayuki Fujii, David Veysset, Yuchen Sun, Steven Kooi, and Keith Nelson
Solenius Lepeletier & Brulle, 1834 (Insecta, Hymenoptera): Proposed Designation of a Type-Species Under the Plenary Powers Z.N.(S.) 1827, Helen K. Court and A. S. Menke
Solitary Bees, Suzanne W. T. Batra
Solitary Bees for Orchard Pollination, Suzanne W.T. Batra
Solubilization of Indigoidine for Medical Application, Sierra Julander
Somalia and Unosom: A Case Study in International Peacekeeping, Shawn D. Miller
Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in Early Bovine Embryo Development is Associated with Changes in Small Non-Coding RNA Species, Jocelyn Cuthbert
Some Additional Remarks on the Masarid Wasps (Hymenoptera), Joseph Bequaert
Some African Anthidiine Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some African Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some African Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some African Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some African Bees of the Genus Nomia, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some African Bees of the Genus Nomia, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some African Megachilid Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some African Nomiine Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some African Nomiine Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some African Osmiine Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Aids for Field Photography of Insects, Leland R. Brown
Some American Eucerini Bees, Charles D. Michener, W. E. LaBerge, and J. S. Moure
Some American Hymenoptera, J. C. Crawford
Some American Hymenoptera, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Anthidiine Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Anthidiine Bees From Mexico (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener and Ellen Ordway
Some Aspects of the Biology and Ecology of Humble-Bees Bearing Upon the Yields of Red-Clover Seed in New Zealand, R. A. Cumber
Some Australian Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Australian Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Australian Bees in the Berlin Museum, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bases for Higher Categories in Classification, Charles D. Michener
Some Bees Collected by Mr. F. C. Pratt in Texas, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees Collected by Mr. P. H. Timberlake at Riverside, California, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees Collected by Professor Jacot in China, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees Collected by the Rev. G. Birkmann at Fedor, Texas, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees Collected in Queensland, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Australia, Tasmania, and the New Hebrides, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from British Guiana, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from British Guiana, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Eldora, Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Formosa - I, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Guatemala, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from High Altitudes in the Himilaya Mountains, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Madagascar, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from New Brunswick, with Description of a New Species of Heriades, J. C. Crawford
Some Bees from New Zealand, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Panay, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Sandakan, Borneo, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees From San Miguel County, New Mexico, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from the Pyrenees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Utah, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees from Victoria, Mexico, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees From Washington State, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees From Western Canada, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees (Hym.) from the Sudan, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees in the British Museum, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees in the Collection of the California Academy of Sciences, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees in the Museum of Comparative Zoölogy, Harvard University, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Ashmeadiella, Charles D. Michener
Some Bees of the Genus Augochlora from the West Indies, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Ceratina from Africa, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Ctenoplectra from the Belgian Congo, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Halictus, Charles D. Michener
Some Bees of the Genus Halictus, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Megachile from New Mexico and Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Melissodes from the Rocky Mountain Region, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Nomada From Washington State, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Nomada From Wisconsin, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Panurginus, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Genus Psaenythia (Hym.), T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees of the Group Trachandrena Robertson (Hymenoptera: Andrenidæ), T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees, Principally from Formosa and China, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Bees Visiting the Flowers of Mesquite, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Biological Observations on Hoplitis pilosifrons and Stelis lateralis (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener
Some California Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some California Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some California Bees, Townsendiella and Hesperapis (Hymen: Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
Some Californian Parasitic Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Canadian Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Carpenter Bees From Africa, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Carpenter Bees (Hym.), T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Colorado Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Comments on the Aculeate Fauna, J. C. Felton
Some Comments on the Evolution of the Arthropoda, Howard E. Evans
Some Costa Rican Bees, J. C. Crawford Jr.
Some European Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Factors Affecting Pollination of White Dutch Clover, H. B. Green
Some Fossil Insects from Florissant, Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Further Notes on Nocturnal Hymenoptera, Peter Cameron
Some Future Developments in Taxonomy, Charles D. Michener
Some Genus-Group Names of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
Some Halictine Bees from the Maritime Province of Siberia [On the Insect Fauna of the Maritime Province of Siberia], T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Hispine Beetles from Hainan Island (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Hispinae), J. Linsley Gressitt
Some Hymenopterous Parasites of Lignicolous Itonididae, Charles Thomas Brues
Some Indian Bees of the Genus Andrena, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Insects from Steamboat Springs, Colo. - I, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Insects from Steamboat Springs, Colo. - II, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Insects from Steamboat Springs, Colo. - III, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Insects of the Hudsonian Zone in New Mexico— I., T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Insects of the Hudsonian Zone in New Mexico— V., T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Insects of the Hudsonian Zone in New Mexico— VI— Hymenoptera Apoidea, II., T. D. A. Cockerell and Nathan Banks
Some Japanese Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Little-Known Bees of the Genus Colletes, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Methods of Tree Fruit Pollination, R. M. Bullock and J. C. Snyder
Some Morphological Adaptations in Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) for Collecting Pollen from Ludwigia elegans (Onagraceae), Miriam Gimenes
Some Nebraska Bees, J. C. Crawford Jr.
Some Neotropical Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Neotropical Megachilid Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Neotropical Meliponid Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Neotropical Parasitic Bees (Hym.), T. D. A. Cockerell
Some New American Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some New American Hymenoptera, J. C. Crawford
Some New Bees, and Other Notes, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some New Bees from Flowers of Cactaceæ, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some New Bees of the Genus Coelioxys, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some New Bees of the Genus Perdita, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some New Eucerine Bees from the West, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some New Species of Halictus, J. C. Crawford
Some New Species of Pseudopanurgus of the Subgenus Heterosarus Robertson (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Some North American Bees: Osmia and Triepeolus, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some North American Osmiinae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
Some North and South American Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Notes on Bees of the Genus Andrena, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Notes on the Bee Genus Andrena, Lawrence Bruner
Some Observations on Lasioglossum (Hemi-Halictus) Lustrans (Hymenoptera, Halictidæ), Charles D. Michener
Some Observations on Monodontomerus Obscurus Westwood—A Parasite of Megachilid Bees, J. P. Chaudhary, R. P. Kapil, and K. L. Jain
Some Observations on Pollination of Alfalfa Hay, G. A. Bieberdorf
Some Parasitic Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Parasitic Bees (Coelioxys), T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Parasitic Bees of the Pacific Coast Region, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Parasitic Megachilid Bees of the Western United States, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Philippine Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Physiological Effects of Ultraviolet Radiation on Honeybees, Lloyd M. Bertholf
Some Previously Undescribed Males and New Sex Associations in the Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), Howard E. Evans
Some problems of red clover pollination, C. G. Butler
Some Properties of the Nest-Building secretions of nomia, Anthophora, Hylaeus and Other Bees, Suzanne W. T. Batra
Some Results of a Journey to Kaieteur Falls, British Guiana, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Results of Pollination and Seed Production of Lucerne, G. Ciurdărescu
Some Results of the Florissant Expedition of 1908, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Rocky Mountain Andrenid Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some South American Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Species of Perdita From Nebraska, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Species of the Bee Genus Coelioxys, J. C. Crawford
Some Species of the Genus Leucospis, Charles Thomas Brues
Some Synonymy, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Synonymy in European Scoliidae (Hymenoptera), James Chester Bradley
Some Taxonomic Problems in Honeybees: I. The Concept of Supra-Generic Grouping, G. B. Deodikar
Some Techniques and Considerations in Developing Web-Based Education Modules in Wildlife Damage Management, Dallas R. Virchow and Scott E. Hygnstrom
Some Tertiary Insects (Hymenoptera) From Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
Something Down the Stairs, Mira Davis
Something Wanted the Baby, Gianna Patchett
Some Tortoise Beetles from Hainan Island (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae), J. Linsley Gressitt
Some Unusual Prey Records for Pompilidae, Howard E. Evans
Some Views on Flowers with Annotated Chronological Bibliography of Recent Books on Pollination Ecology, Stephen L. Buchmann
Some Wasp-Like Bees from Guatemala, T. D. A. Cockerell
Some Western Anthophoridae (Hymen.), Charles D. Michener
Some Western Anthophorid and Nomiine Bees, Charles D. Michener
Some Western Bees of the Genus Osmia, Charles D. Michener
Some Wild Bees of Utah, George E. Bohart, George F. Knowlton, and R. S. Bailey
Song Recital: Mrs. Martha Royle King, Martha Royle King
Sopra Alcune Specie Nuove o Poco Conosciute di Imenotteri Antofili, Giovanni Gribodo
Sopra Alcuni Imenotteri Raccolti a Minhla Nel Regno di Birmania dal Cap. G. B. Comotto, Giovanni Gribodo
Sound: An Element Common to Communication of Stingless Bees and to Dances of the Honey Bee, Harald Esch, Ilse Esche, and Warwick E. Kerr
Sounds of the Stadium, Aggie Marching Band
South African and Autralian Aculeate Hymenoptera in the Oxford Museum, C. T. Bingham
South African Bees of the Genus Anthophora, T. D. A. Cockerell
South American Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
South American Leaf-Cutter Bees (Genus Megachile) of the Subgenera Rhyssomegachile and Zonomegachile, With Two New Subgenera (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Víctor H. González, Terry Griswold, and Michael S. Engel
Southeastern Coyote Home Range Size Across an Urban to Rural Gradient, H. Jantz, J. Armstrong, and W. Arjo
South-South Cooperation or Core-Periphery Contention? Ghanaian and Zambian Perceptions of Economic Relations with China, Colin Flint and Madeleine Waddoups
South Texas Agriculture, William E. Black, Nelda C. Thomas, James E. Gillaspy, B. C. Davis, C. E. Schoettle, E. C. Gilmore Jr., M. E. Meadows Jr., and Sam Keach
Souvenirs Entomologiques, J. H. Fabre
Sow and Piglet, Suzanne Taggart
Spa47 inhibition data from "Shutting Down Shigella Secretion: Characterizing Small Molecule Type Three Secretion System ATPase Inhibitors", Heather B. Case and Nicholas E. Dickenson
Space-based Ionosonde Receiver and Visible Limb-viewing Airglow Sensor (SIRVLAS): A CubeSat Instrument Suite for Enhanced Ionospheric Charge Density Measurements, Ryan Tse, Laura Cui, Patrick Kim, Sujay Swain, Benjamin Cohen, and Gautom Das
Spacecraft Attitude Determination Using Ground Based Photometry: A Comparison of Estimation Algorithms, Arun J. Bernard and David K. Geller
Spacecraft Cyber Defense Strategies: Lessons Learned from Hacking a Small Satellite, Daria Lane and Frank Pound
SpaceCube v3.0 NASA Next-Generation High-Performance Processor for Science Applications, Alessandro Geist, Cody Brewer, Milton Davis, Nicholas Franconi, Sabrena Heyward, Travis Wise, Gary Crum, David Petrick, Robin Ripley, Christopher Wilson, and Thomas Flatley
Space-Deployed Inflatable Dual-Reflector Antenna: Design and Prototype Measurements, Jesse H. Mills, Alan J. Fenn, Sean Crowley, Bakari Hassan, Frank C. Robey, Pierre Dufilie, and Michael H. Hecht
Space Environment Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Seed Germination and Growth, Alexander Souvall, JR Dennison, Takayuki Sakai, Yuta Takahashi, Midori Morikawa, Shusuke Okita, Akihiro Nagata, Toshihiro Kameda, and Shaunda Wenger
Space Environment Effects: Payoffs of UNSGC Research Infrastructure Awards, JR Dennison and Elizabeth Vargis
Space Gardening on Plantsat: Design Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Biological Ecosystems in Low Earth Orbit, Elias Obreque, Alex Becerra, Matthew Lehmitz, Carlos Gonzalez, Gustavo Diaz, Javier Rojas, and Marcos Diaz
Space & Missile Systems Center: SMC Enterprise Acquisition, Col Russ Teehan
Spacetime Groups, Ian M. Anderson and Charles G. Torre
Space Tourism Economic Survey, Ravin Pierre
Space Use and Movement of Urban Bobcats, Julie K. Young, Julie M. Golla, John P. Draper, Derek Broman, Terry Blankenship, and Richard Heilbrun
Space Weather Resilience: A SmallSat Driven Revolution, Eric Sutton, Jeff Thayer, and Thomas Berger
Space Weather-Sondes: Development of Distributed Satellite Networks for F-Region Investigation, Andrew ONeill, Sven Bilen, Julio Urbina, and Timothy Kane
Spanish and English Bilingual writing: What have we learned so far?, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Spanish Art Song, Megan Warburton
Spanish Validation of the PICCOLO (Parenting Interactions With Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes), Rosa Vilaseca, Magda Rivero, Rosa M. Bersabé, Esperanza Navarro-Pardo, Maria Jose Cantero, Fina Ferrer, Clara Valls Vidal, Mark S. Innocenti, and Lori A. Roggman
SPARC-1 (A Modular Software Radio Test Platform), Criag Kief, Don Fronterhouse, Matt Hannon, James Lyke, Christian Peters, and John Rose
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Precipitation and Effective Rainfall Using Gauge Observations, Satellite, and Gridded Climate Data for Agricultural Water Management in the Upper Colorado River Basin, Mahyar Aboutalebi, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, and L. Niel Allen
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Brackish Wetland Seedbanks: Implications for Wetland Restoration Following Phragmites Control, Eric L. G. Hazelton, Rebekah Downard, Karin M. Kettenring, Melissa K. McCormick, and Dennis F. Whigham
Spatial Associations of Livestock Guardian Dogs and Domestic Sheep, Julie Young, John P. Draper, and Daniel Kinka
Spatially Assessing the Moderated Effects of Physical and Biological Characteristics of Alpine Lake Catchment Basins in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, D. Anderson and Janice Brahney
Spatial Memories and Cognition in Insects, R. Campan and G. Beugnon
Spatial Movements in Response to Baiting Female White-Tailed Deer, Scott C. Williams and Anthony J. DeNicola
Spatial Relationships Between Livestock Guardian Dogs and Mesocarnivores in Central Texas, Nicholas A. Bromen, Justin T. French, John Walker, Nova J. Silvy, and John M. Tomeček
Spatial Responses to Climate Across Trophic Levels: Modeling Plants, Prey, and Predators in the Western United States, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Kirsten E. Ironside, David M. Choate, Kathleen M. Longshore, David J. Mattson, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.
Spatial Root Zone Soil Water Content Estimation in Agricultural Lands Using Bayesian-Based Artificial Neural Networks and High-Resolution Visual, NIR, and Thermal Imagery, Leila Hassan-Esfahani, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, Austin Jensen, and Mac McKee
Spatial Transferability Assessment of a Composite Walkability Index: The Pedestrian Index of the Environment (PIE), Gabriel Lefebvre-Ropars, Catherine Morency, Patrick A. Singleton, and Kelly J. Clifton
Spatio-Temporal Responses to Climate Across Trophic Levels: Macroscopic Observations of Plant Phenology and Animal Movement in the Western United States, Joseph O. Sexton, David C. Stoner, Jyoteshwar Nagol, A. Anund, Kirsten E. Ironside, Thomas C. Edwards Jr., and David J. Mattson
Special K Cookies, Glen Wright
Special Resident Canada Goose Hunting Seasons in Pennsylvania - Management Implications for Controlling Resident Canada Geese, John P. Dunn and Kevin J. Jacobs
Species Concepts, Speciation, and Higher Taxa, Denis J. Brothers
Species Delimitation and Lineage Separation History of a Species Complex of Aspens in China, Honglei Zheng, Liqiang Fan, Richard I. Milne, Lei Zhang, Yaling Wang, and Kangshan Mao
Species Diversity Associated with Foundation Species in Temperate and Tropical Forests, Aaron M. Ellison, Hannah L. Buckley, Bradley S. Case, Dairon Cardenas, Álvaro J. Duque, James A. Lutz, Jonathan A. Myers, David A. Orwig, and Jess K. Zimmerman
Specific Characters of the Larvae and Adults of Allodapula in the Australian Region (Hymenoptera: Ceratinini), Charles D. Michener and I. H. Syed
Spectral, Energy and Computation Efficiency in Future 5G Wireless Networks, Haijian Sun
Spectral Response Characterization of the Landsat 9 Operational Land Imager 2 using the Goddard Laser for Absolute Measurement of Radiance (GLAMR), Brian Markham, Julia Barsi, Joel McCorkel, Brendan McAndrew, and Jeffrey Pedelty
Spectroscopic Description of the E1 State of Mo Nitrogenase Based on Mo and Fe X‑ray Absorption and Mössbauer Studies, Casey Van Stappen, Roman Davydov, Zhi-Yong Yang, Ruixi Fan, Yisong Guo, Eckhard Bill, Lance C. Seefeldt, Brian M. Hoffman, and Serena DeBeer
Specular BSDF Measurement Capability at NASA GSFC using a Table-Top Goniometer in Support of the Calibration of Remote Sensing Instruments, Jinan Zeng, James J. Butler, Xiaoxiong Xiong, Anita K. Thompson, and Robert Bousquet
Spedizione Italiana Nell'Africa Equatoriale, Giovanni Gribodo
Speech Rate Entrainment in Children and Adults With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder, Camille Wynn, Stephanie A. Borrie, and Tyra P. Sellers
Speed Kills : Effects of Vehicle Speed on Avian Escape Behavior, Travis L. DeVault, Bradley F. Blackwell, Thomas W. Seamans, Steven L. Lima, and Esteban Fernandez-Juricic
Sphecidae (Hym.) Recoltes en Libye et au Tibesti Par M. Kenneth M Guichard, Jacques de Beaumont
Sphero robotics and Finger Paints: Engaging 7-9 grade Students in Problem Solving, Programming, Pop-Culture, and STEAM, Craig E. Shepherd, Shannon M. Smith, and Emma G. Thielk
Spiders from the Southwestern United States, with Descriptions of New Species, W. J. Gertsch
Spider Woman, Michelle Henrie
Spiderworms: Using Silkworms as Hosts to Produce a Hybrid Silkworm-Spider Silk Fiber, Ana Laura Licon
Spirit-Based Research: A Tactic for Surviving Trauma in Decolonizing Research, Annita Hetoevėhotohke'e Lucchesi
Spoon Collection, Shannon Meyer
Spoons Brought to America, Brittany Fitzgerald
Sports Dietitians and Training Tables: Do Division 1 Football Players Expect a Benefit and Are They Willing to Pay?, K. D. Imthurn, Katie Nicole Brown, and Samantha A. Ramsay
Spotted Lanternfly [Lycorma delicatula (White)], Lori R. Spears and Ann Mull
Spring Precipitation in Intermountain West Influenced by Quasi-Biennial Oscillation, Jason A. Phelps
Spring Runoff Conference 2019: Water Challenges in the West, Spring Runoff Conference
Stable or Seral? Fire-Driven Alternative States in Aspen Forests of Western North America, Jesse L. Morris, R. Justin DeRose, Thomas Brussel, Simon Brewer, Andrea Brunelle, and James N. Long
Staff Perceptions of Quality Interactions in Dementia Care, Rebecka A. Schultz
Stage of Development Descriptions for Soybeans, Glycine Max (L.) Merrill, W. R. Fehr, C. E. Caviness, D. T. Burmood, and J. S. Pennington
Stakeholder Values Related to Black Bear Damage in Alabama, William V. Underwood and James B. Armstrong
STAMINA: STochastic Approximate Model-Checker for INfinite-State Analysis, Thakur Neupane, Chris J. Myers, Curtis Madsen, Hao Zheng, and Zhen Zhang
STAMINA: Stochastic Approximate Model-Checker for Infinite-State Analysis, Thakur Neupane
Staminate: Pistillate Flower Ratio Best Suited to the Production of Gynoecious Hybrid Cucumbers for Machine Harvest, Lawrence J. Connor and E. C. Martin
Standards-Based Grading: A Correlational Study Between Grades and End-of-Level Test Scores, Tyler R. Poll
Standing with our American Indian and Alaska Native Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People: Exploring the Impact of and Resources for Survivors of Human Trafficking, Glenna P. Stumblingbear-Riddle Ph.D., Ann K. Burlew Ph.D., Daniel Gaztambide Psy.D., Michelle R. Madore Ph.D., Helen Neville Ph.D., and Gillian Joseph
St. Anne's Retreat, Jake Turner
Star Tours Birthday, Megan Monson
State Immigration Policies: The Role of State Compacts and Interest Groups on Immigration Legislation, Erin Trouth Hofmann, Paul D. Jacobs, and Peggy Petrzelka
Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP), H. Zahar-Bennett and Nate E. Trauntvein
Statistical Analysis of a Channel Emulator for Noisy Gradient Descent Low Density Parity Check Decoder, Rakin Muhammad Shadab
Status of Some Species Names of Eucerine Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Proposed by Lepeletier in 1841, Wallace E. LaBerge
Staying Upright by Shutting Down? Evidence for Global Suppression of the Motor System When Recovering Balance, Caleigh Goode, David M. Cole, and David A. E. Bolton
Staying Upright by Shutting Down? Evidence for Global Suppression of the Motor System When Recovering Balance, Caleigh Goode
Stay Sexy and Don't Go On a Blind Date in Tabiona, Susan Swan
Stelis phaeoptera K. subsp. Nov. franconica (Hym. Apidae)., Paul Blüthgen
Stenamma foveolocephalum (=S. carolinense) Rediscovered (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Myrmicinae), Mark B. DuBois and Lloyd R. Davis Jr.
Sterility in Pears, M. B. Cummings, E. W. Jenkins, and R. G. Dunning
Sterilization, Hunting and Culling : Combining Management Approaches for Mitigating Suburban Deer Impacts, J.R. Boulanger, P.D. Curtis, and M.L. Ashdown
STERN, or Star, Brittany Fitzgerald
Stewart's Joke, Eliza Jorgensen
Stigma-Pollen Recognition and Pollen Hydration, Christian Dumas and Thierry Gaude
Stigmatic Exudate and the Pollination of Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soo., Amots Dafni and S.R. J. Woodell
Sting Glands in Stingless Bees— A Vestigial Character (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Warwick E. Kerr and Edy de Lello
Stingless-Bee Keeping in Western Mexico, Charles F. Bennett Jr.
Stingless Bees Nesting in Association with Ants (Hymenoptera), Joseph Bequaert
Stinkbase, Emma Thornton
Stizus Latreille, [1802-1803] (Insecta, Hymenoptera): Proposed Designation of a Type-Species Under the Plenary Powers. Z.N.(S.) 1710, Richard M. Bohart and A. S. Menke
St. Lucia Celebration, Alana Miller
Stochastic Geometry Based Performance Study in 5G Wireless Networks, Zekun Zhang
Stochastic Methods to Find Maximum Likelihood for Spam E-mail Classification, Seyed M. -H. Mansourbeigi
Stop-Signal Reaction Time Correlates With a Compensatory Balance Response, Garrett Rydalch, Hayden B. Bell, K. L. Ruddy, and David A. E. Bolton
Stop-Signal Reaction Time Correlates with a Compensatory Balance Response in Older Adults, Derek England
Stories From the Field: Connecting, Challenging, & Igniting Teachers, C. Beach, M. Falter, E. Bailin, and Kortney Sherbine
Storms, Sleuths, and Science: Adaptations of The Tempest and Sherlock Holmes, Emma Hallock
Stormtime thermospheric neutral winds obtained from a data assimilation model, Ludger Scherliess
Storm-Time Thermospheric Winds Over Peru, Luis A. Navarro and Bela G. Fejer
Story of Lucia, Alana Miller
St. Patrick's Day, Emma Thornton
Strategies for Selecting, Managing, and Engaging Undergraduate Coauthors: A Multi-Site Perspective, Jenna L. Scisco, Jennifer A. McCabe, Albee Therese O. Men-doza, Marianne Fallon, and Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez
Stratigraphy, Morphology, and Geochemistry of Late Quatemary Buried Soils on the High Plains of Southwestern Kansas, USA, Anthony L. Layzell, Rolfe D. Mandel, Tammy M. Rittenour, Jon J. Smith, R. Hunter Harlow, and Greg A. Ludvigson
Strawberry Cultivars for the Intermountain West - Research Report, Tiffany Maughan, Brent Black, Shengrui Yao, and Robert Flynn
STRAW WARS: The Role of Fighting Single-Use Plastic When Mapping the Anthropocene, Connor Steed
Stream Centric Methods for Determining Groundwater Contributions in Karst Mountain Watersheds, Bethany Neilson, Hyrum Tennant, Trinity Stout, Matt Miller, Rachel Gabor, Yusuf Jameel, Mallory Millington, Andrew Gelderoos, Gabe Bowen, and Paul Brooks
Street Life and the Built Environment in an Auto-oriented US Region, Keunhyun Park, Reid Ewing, Sadegh Sabouri, and Jon Larsen
Strepsiptera, Richard M. Bohart
StressResponse and Tolerance of Zea mays to CeO2 Nanoparticles: Cross Talk Among H2O2, Heat Shock Protein and Lipid Peroxidase, Lijuan Zhao, Bo Peng, Jose A. Hernandez-Viezcas, Cyren Rico, Youping Sun, Jose R. Peralta-Videa, Xiaolei Tang, Genhua Niu, Lixin Jin, Armando Varela-Ramirez, Jian-ying Zhang, and Jorge L. Gardea-Torresdey
String Chamber Music Recital, Vicenio Trio, The Kodaly Duo, Tritone Quartet, Ruskova Quartet, Mémo Quartet, Kayland Quartet, and Caine Quartet
Striving for Optimum Performance in a Distracted Time, Braxton Beers
Structural and Physiological Aspects of Self-Incompality Mechanisms in Flowering Plants, H. G. Dickinson
Structural Control of Thermal Fluid Circulation and Geochemistry in a Flat-Slab Subduction Zone, Peru, Brandt E. Scott
Structure and Bonding in [Sb@In 8 Sb 12 ] 3− and [Sb@In 8 Sb 12 ] 5−, Chao Liu, Nikolay V. Tkachenko, Ivan A. Popov, Nikita Fedik, Xue Min, Cong-Qiao Xu, Jun Li, John E. McGrady, Alexander I. Boldyrev, and Zhong-Ming Sun
Student Characteristics, Pre-College, College, and Environmental Factors as Predictors of Persisting in and Earning a STEM Degree: An Analysis of Students Attending a Hispanic Serving Institution, Gloria Crisp, Amanda Taggart, and Amaury Nora
Student Insights Report, Fall 2019, The Center for Student Analytics
Student-led STEM Discovery, Cassandra Kvenild, Shannon M. Smith, and Teresa Strube
Student Loan Borrowers: Who Figured out Student Loan Monthly Payments Prior to Taking out Student Loans?, Emily Shaffer and Sierra Walters
Student-Oriented Studies: Guide for Preparation of Proposals, Utah State University
Student Perceptions of Connectedness at the American International School of Utah, Diane Longhurst Johnson
Student Perceptions of High School Theatre Programs: An Investigation of Social Issues and Call for Replication, Matt Omasta and Andrea Thomas Brandley
Studies in Bee Activity During Apple Bloom, W. H. Brittain
Studies in Red Clover Seed Production. Part II, E. Braun, R. M. MacVicar, D. R. Gibson, P. Pankiw, and J. Guppy
Studies in the Pollination Ecology of Viola. 1. The Pollen-content of Stigmatc Cavities, A. J. Beattie
Studies of Irritant Reactions on Epidermis: The Application of Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis, Magnus Lindberg
Studies of Texan Bees Part I., Charles Thomas Brues
Studies of the Pacific Bees in the Collection of Bishop Museum, T. D. A. Cockerell
Studies on an Unusually Large Nest of Bombus terrestris (L.) (Hymenoptera, Apidae) Transferred to an Observation Box, R. A. Cumber
Studies on Floral Biology of Snake Gourd (Trichosanthes anguina L). and Ash Gourd (Benincasa hispida Thunb Cogn)., A. A. Deshpande, V. M. Bankapur, and K. A. Venkatasubbaiah
Studies on Mutualistic Symbiosis Between Syconia and Sycophilous Wasps in Monoecious Figs, J. Galil and D. Eisikowitch
Studies on Natural Odoriferous Compounds IX, Gunnar Bergström and Jan Tengö
Studies on Natural Odoriferous Compounds VII, Gunnar Bergström, Bertil Kullenberg, and Stina Ställberg-Stenhagen
Studies on Natural Odoriferous Compounds VIII, Gunnar Bergström and Bo G. Svensson
Studies on Natural Odoriferous Compounds XXII, Gunnar Bergström, Monica Appelgren, Anna-Karin Borg-Karlson, Inga Groth, Signhild Strömberg, and Sture Strömberg
Studies on Pollination of Diploid and Tetraploid Red Clover Varieties in Utah, George E. Bohart
Studies on Self- and Cross- Pollination of Olives Under Varying Temperature Conditions, Muriel V. Bradley, William H. Griggs, and Hudson T. Hartmann
Studies on Some Wild Bees from Family Apidae as True Pollinators, Their Behaviour, Influence of Weather Factors Upon Their Activity, With Special Reference to Subfamily Anthophorinae in U.A.R., Mohamed Isamil Mohamed
Studies on the Bionomics of Sphecoid Wasps. I. Moniaecera asperata, Mont A. Cazier and Martin A. Mortenson
Studies on the Bionomics of Sphecoid Wasps. IV. Nitelopterus Iaticeps and Nitelopterus texanus, Mont A. Cazier and Martin A. Mortenson
Studies on the Bionomics of Sphecoid Wasps. V. Bothynostethus distinctus and Entomognathus texana, Mont A. Cazier and Martin A. Mortenson
Studies on the Bionomics of Sphecoid Wasps. VI. Fernaldina lucae, Mont A. Cazier and Martin A. Mortenson
Studies on the Comparative Ethology of Digger Wasps of the Genus Bembix, Howard E. Evans
Studies on the Early Stages of Two California Moths which Feed in the Staminate Cones of Digger Pine (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Donald J. Burdick and Jerry A. Powell
Studies on the Efficiency of Pollination of Lucerne in South Australia, Keith M. Doull
Studies on the Larvae of Digger Wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) Part III: Philanthinae, Trypoxyloninae, and Crabroninae, Howard E. Evans
Studies on the Larvae of Digger Wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) Part II: Nyssoninae, Howard E. Evans and Cheng Shan Lin
Studies on the Larvae of Digger Wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) Part IV: Astatinae, Larrinae, and Pemphredoninae, Howard E. Evans
Studies on the Larvae of Digger Wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae) Part V: Conclusion, Howard E. Evans
Studies on the Nesting Behavior of Digger Wasps of the Tribe Sphecini Part I: Genus Priononyx Dahlbom, Howard E. Evans
Studio Recital, Charlotte Petersen, Isaac Johnson, Ivy Weston, Trevyn Davidson, Amber Maxfield, Brayden Wright, Catherine Daines, Cassidy Armstrong, Andrew Torrie, Mariah Daines, Millie Weston, Alisha Hawley, Kevin Callisaya, Angela Womack, Miles Petersen, Karli King, Sadie Olsen, Kaelee Wood, Hannah Daines, Keira Lentz, Courney Zollinger, Jack Smith, and Andrew Torrie
Study of Meleosis of Bees, S. G. Danielyan and K. M. Nalbandyan
Subfertility and the Evolution of Eusociality by Kin Selection, Robin Craig
Subgeneric Groups of Hemisia (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
Subsistence Strategy Tradeoffs in Long-Term Population Stability Over the Past 6,000 Years, Darcy A. Bird
Substance Use Disorder Stigma: What It Is and How You Can Prevent It, Kandice Atisme, Reshma Arrington, Ashley Yaugher, and Mateja Savoie-Roskos
Substitution Effect in Sport Event Attendance, Clay Moffitt
Substrate Temperature in Plastic and Alternative Nursery Containers, Susmitha Nambuthiri, Robert L. Geneve, Youping Sun, Zueni Wang, R. Thomas Fernandez, Genhua Niu, Guihong Bi, and Amy Fulcher
Suburban Coyote Management and Research Needs: A Northeast Perspective, Paul D. Curtis, Daniel A. Bogan, and Gordon Batcheller
Suburban Goose Management: Insights from New York State, Bryan L. Swift
Successful Capture and Relocation of Mourning Doves: A Multi-Agency Endeavor, David C. Borrowman, Tony W. Mong, Rosemary Heinen, Joshua J. Millspaugh, and Rick Bredesen
Successfully Inter-seeding Legumes into Existing Cool-Season Pastures, Jacob Briscoe, Earl Creech, Michael Peel, Blair Waldron, Grant Cardon, and Kevin Heaton
Successful Tutoring Sessions, Successful Student Conferences, Elsa C. Torgersen
Sudden Aspen Decline: A Review of Pattern and Process in a Changing Climate, Jack A. Singer, Rob Turnbull, Mark Foster, Charles Bettigole, Brent R. Frey, Michelle C. Downey, Kristofer R. Covey, and Mark S. Ashton
Suicide Prevention in Secondary Schools, Justin Vance
Suicide Rock, Emma Thornton
Suitable and Effective Coyote Control Tools for the Urban/Suburban Setting, Alan A. Huot and David L. Bergman
Sukkot, Lily Ward
Summaries of the Communications, Kjell Ander, K. Th. Andersen, L. Bahr, Carl Baumann, Ludwig Benick, Ctibor Blattný, P. A. Blijdorp, Maria Boczkowska, C. Bogoescu, and Jos. H. Bols
Summary of Discussions at Sherwood Hills Danforth Foundation Evaluation Workshop on the Spring Quarter 1975 Pilot of Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities at Utah State University, Utah State University
Summer Camp as a Force for 21st Century Learning: Exploring Divergent Thinking in a Residential Camp Setting, Myles L. Lynch, C. Boyd Hegarty, Nate E. Trauntvein, and Jonathan Plucker
Sunday Dinner, Terin Crane
Sunflower Insects in California and South Africa, T. D. A. Cockerell
Sunflower Studies, P. V. Cardon
Supplemental material for Cotterill et al. 2020: Parsing the effects of demography, climate, and management on recurrent brucellosis outbreaks in elk. Journal of Applied Ecology., Gavin G. Coterill, Johan T. du Toit, and Paul C. Cross
Supplementary Notes on Colorado Bees, With a List of All the Genera, Theodore D. A. Cockerell
Supplementary Notes on Philippine Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Supplementary Notes on the Social Bees of the Philippine Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
Supplementary Studies on the Systematics of the Genus Perdita (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae), Philip H. Timberlake
Supplementary Studis on the Systematics of the Genus Perdita (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae) Part II, Philip H. Timberlake
Supplementary Taxonomic Observations on African Allodapine Bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae, Ceratinini), Charles D. Michener
Supplement to Insects of North Carolina, C. S. Brimley
Supporting Families of a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Child: Key Findings from a National Needs Assessment, Alyson C. Ward, Vicki Hunting, and Diane D. Behl
Surface Fire to Crown Fire: Fire History in the Taos Valley Watersheds, New Mexico, USA, Lane B. Johnson and Ellis Q. Margolis
Surface Modification Influences on Electron Yield, Matthew Robertson and JR Dennison
Sur La Biologie de Trigona (Apotrigona) Nebulata Komiensis Cock. I, Roger Darchen
Sur la Chrysis shanghaeinsis Smith, R. Buysson
Sur le Comportement de Butinage de Bombus terrestris Y A-T-IL Interattraction, G. Benest
Sur Le Déterminisme des Castes Chez les Mélipones (Hyménoptères Apidés), Roger Darchen and Bernadette Delage-Darchen
Sur l'Éthologie de Trigona (Dactylurina) Staudingeri Gribodoi (Hymenoptera Apidae), Roger Darchen
Sur l'évolution du Nemognatha chrysomelina F. (Coléoptère), Auguste Cros
Sur Quelques Abeilles Maconnes, A. Bellevoye
Sur Quelques de Tunisie, R. Buysson
Sur Quelques Examples d'un Raisonnement Collectif Chez les Abeilles, Gaston Bonnier
Sur quelques Hymenopteres Melliferes des environs de Paris, R. Benoist
Sur Quelques Osmies de Tunisne, R. Buysson
Survey of Bird/Window Collisions at Utah State University-Brigham City, Spencer Smith
Survey of Factors Affecting the Success of Clemson Beaver Pond Levelers Installed in Mississippi by Wildlife Services, Dale L. Nolte, Seth R. Swafford, and Charles A. Sloan
Survey of Social Insects in the Fossil Record, Laurie Burnham
Susceptibility of Wild-Caught Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) Sand Flies to Insecticide After an Extended Period of Exposure in Western São Paulo, Brazil, Mikel A. González, Melissa J. Bell, Scott A. Bernhardt, Reginaldo P. Brazil, Erin Dilger, Orin Courtenay, and James G. C. Hamilton
Sustainability in Scandinavia: A closer look at sustainable food and beverage practices in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden., Shandrea Hickok
Sustainable Manure and Compost Application: Garden and Micro Farm Guidelines, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, and Rhonda Miller
Sustainable Manure and Compost Application: Manure Application Calculation Excel Workbook, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, and Rhonda Miller
Swarming of Leucorrhinia hudsonica (Selys) (Odonata: Libellulidae), Mary Alice Evans and Howard E. Evans
Sweat Bees, Edward M. Barrows
Swedish Midsummer, Josephine Rivera
Sweet As . . . Sucralose: The Pros and Cons of Artificial Sweeteners, John Pettit, Carrie Durward, and Heidi Wengreen
Sweet Pea Cut Flower Production in Utah, Maegen Lewis, Melanie Stock, Tiffany Maughan, Dan Drost, and Brent Black
Switching Beds, Alexa Bills
Sympathetic Species of Calisto in Cuba (Lepidoptera, Satyrinae), Charles D. Michener
Sympathetic Symbols, Social Movements, and School Desegregation, Marisela Martinez-Cola
Symposium on "Alfalfa Seed Setting" Forward, P. V. Cardon
Synergist Differences as an Alternate Interpretation of Carbaryl-Piperonyl Butoxide Toxicity Data, William A. Brindley
Synonymic Notes on Nearctic Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), Howard E. Evans
Synonymic Notes on Neotropical Halictidae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Andreas Werner Ebmer
Synonymie de quelques especes de Sphecidae (Hym.), Jacques de Beaumont
Synonymie de quelques especes de Sphecidae (Hym.) 3., Jacques de Beaumont
Synonymischer Katalog der europäischen Sammeibienen, K. W. von Dalla Torre and H. Friese
Synonymy in the Oriental Species of the Subgenus Microscolia Betrem (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae), James Chester Bradley
Synonymy of North American Odynerini Described by Peter Cameron (Hymenoptera: Eumenidae), Richard M. Bohart
Synonymy of the Genus Pseudoxenos Saunders (Strepsiptera, Xenidæ) and Records of Stylopized Hymenoptera From North Carolina, Richard M. Bohart
Synopsis of North American Bees of the Genus Stelis, T. D. A. Cockerell
Synoptic Table of North American Species of Diadasia (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Synthesis and Biological Studies of Amphiphilic Compounds Derived from Saccharides and Aminoglycosides, Madher N. Alfindee
Synthesis and Protection of Nitrogen Containing Heterocycles, Timothy I. Elwell
Synthesis Paper: Targeted Livestock Grazing: Prescription for Healthy Rangelands, Derek W. Bailey, Jeffrey C. Mosley, Richard E. Estell, Andres F. Cibils, Marc Horney, John R. Hendrickson, John W. Walker, Karen L. Launchbaugh, and Elizabeth A. Burritt
Synthesizing Multicultural, Global, and Civic Perspectives in the Elementary School Curriculum and Educational Research, Steven P. Camicia and Juanjuan Zhu
Systema Entomologiae: Sistens Insectorum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, Adiectis Synonymis, Locis, Descriptionibus, Observationibus, Johann Christian Fabricius
Systema Piezatorum Secundum Ordines, Genera, Species, Adiectis Synonymis, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus, Johann Christian Fabricius
Systema Piezatorum Secundum Ordines, Genera, Species, Adiectis Synonymis, Locis, Observationibus, Descriptionibus, Johann Christian Fabricius
Systematics and Bionomics of Anthophora: The Bomboides Group and Species Group of the New World (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Anthophoridae), Robert W. Brooks
Systematics and Phylogeny of the Anthophorine Bees (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae; Anthophorini), Robert W. Brooks
Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography of the Meliponinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae): a mini-review, Joao M. F. Camargo and Silvia R.M. Pedro
Systematisches Verzeichnis der Faltenwespen Mitteleuropas, Skandinaviens und Englands., Paul Blüthgen
System Design of the Miniaturized Distributed Occulter/Telescope (mDOT) Science Mission, Simone D'Amico, Adam Koenig, Bruce Macintosh, and David Mauro
Tables for the Determination of New Mexico Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Tables for the Separation of Some Bees of the Genera Coelioxys and Colletes, T. D. A. Cockerell
Tachytes of South America (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae, Larrinae), Richard M. Bohart
Tacting of Function in College Student Mental Health: An Online and App-Based Approach to Psychological Flexibility, Benjamin Pierce
Tailored Systems Engineering Processes for Low Cost High Risk Missions, Jared Clements, Tyler Murphy, Lee Jasper, and Charlene Jacka
Taking up the Baton: Reflections on Guest Conducting as the Instructor of Record for a Music History Course, Rachel Wishkoski
Talking in Math Class? Encouraging Engagement and Achievement Through the Use of Talk Moves, Monika Burnside and Jessica King
Tannin-Containing Legumes and Forage Diversity Influence Foraging Behavior, Diet Digestibility, and Nitrogen Excretion by Lambs, Sebastian Lagrange and Juan J. Villalba
Tannin-Containing Legumes in Pasturelands and Their Ecological Services, Juan J. Villalba
Tannin-Containing Legumes in Pasturelands and Their Ecological Services, Juan J. Villalba
Targeting Farmers' Markets in Utah: Understanding Fresh Produce Pricing, Kynda R. Curtis, Karli Salisbury, Ruby Ward, and Carrie Durward
Target Market Identification and Data Collection Methods, Kynda R. Curtis and Sierra Allen
Task Affect and Task Understanding in Engineering Problem Solving, Oenardi Lawanto, Angela L. Minichiello, Jacek Uziak, and Andreas Febrian
Taxonomic and Bionomic Notes on Some Panamanian Chiggers (Acarina, Trombiculinae), Charles D. Michener
Taxonomic Notes on the Bee Genus Hexepeolus (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), Sandra Shanks Gingras
Taxonomic Notes on the Genera Chelostoma and Ashmeadiella (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener
Taxonomic Notes on the Palaearctic Species of the Lasioglossum nitidiusculum Group, with Description of L. allodalum sp. nov. (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), Andreas Werner Ebmer and Shôichi F. Sakagami
Taxonomic Observations on Bees with Descriptions of New Genera and Species (Hymenoptera; Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
Taxonomic Review of Calliopsis Subgenus Hypomacrotera (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), With Special Emphasis on the Distributions and Host Plant Associations, Bryan N. Danforth
Taxonomic und Verbreitung der Gattung Hylaeus F. auf den Kanarischen Inseln (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae), Holger H. Dathe
Taxonomy and ecology of Ceratinini of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Howell V. Daly
Taxonomy Cockerell — Epeolus remigatus var. martini, T. D. A. Cockerell
Taxonomy of the Tufted Alpine and Subalpine Polemoniums (Polemoniaceae), Verne Grant
T.D.A Cockerell, T. D. A. Cockerell
TDIM ionospheric model TEC maps of the high-latitude northern hemisphere, used in the paper titled "Hemispherical Shifted Symmetry in Polar Cap F-Region Patch Occurrence: A Survey of GPS TEC data from 2015 to 2018", Michael David and Jan J. Sojka
Teachers' Conceptions of Mathematics and Intelligent Tutoring System Use, Andrew R. Glaze
Teachers’ Stories about Teaching: Collaborative Dialogues as Open Educational Resources, Ekaterina Arshavskaya
Teacher-Student Writing Conferences as an Intervention in the Revision Practices of College Freshmen, Lynn Riley Neil
Teacher Training in the Spanish and French Dual Immersion Programs, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante and Karin deJonge-Kannan
Teaching and Learning in the Spanish as a Foreign Language Classroom, Chemaris Gutiérrez Ethington
Teaching an Introduction to Archives Course to Undergraduates: A New Experience for the Archivist and the Students, Julia Stringfellow
Teaching Communicatively: Teachers’ Beliefs and Current Practices in the Second Language Classroom, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Teaching Counseling Skills in Audiology Graduate Programs: Clinical Supervisors’ Perceptions and Practices, Karen F. Muñoz, Trenton J. Landon, and Kim Corbin-Lews
Teaching History Through Children's Literature: An Integrated Approach for the Fifth Grade Classroom, Tamara Gayle Crook
Teaching Issues of Identity Through Multicultural Young Adult Literature, Emily M. Withers
Teaching Thinking and Reasoning Skills More Effectively, Marcus R. Mumford
Teaching Wildlife Damage Management Through Service-Learning, Greg K. Yarrow
Teaching Writing to Bilingual Students: Pedagogical and Academic Challenges, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Techniques for the Analysis of Cell Function and Differentiation, Using Eggs of the Honeybee, E. J. DuPraw
Technoference Strategies: Managing Family Screen Time, Brandon McDaniel and David G. Schramm
Technological Advances in Grass and Legume Seed Production and Testing, C. S. Garrison
Technology and the Theatre Teaching Artist, Matt Omasta
Technology for Equity and Social Justice in Education: Introduction to the Special Issue, Sherry Marx and Yanghee Kim
Technology in Parenting Programs: A Systematic Review and Pilot Study of an App-Based Intervention for Latinx Families, Samantha M. Corralejo
Technology & New Media: A supplement to the Landscape Survey of Theatre Education in United States High Schools, Matt Omasta
Temnosoma, A Genus of Bees New to the United States (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Philip H. Timberlake
Temperature and Manure Placement in a Snowpack Affect Nutrient Release from Dairy Manure During Snowmelt, Peter A. Vadas, Melanie N. Stock, Gary W. Feyereisen, Francisco J. Arriaga, Laura Ward Good, and Krishnapuram G. Karthikeyan
Temperature and the Pollinating Activity of Social Bees, Sarah A. Corbet, M. Fussell, R. Ake, A. Fraser, C. Gunson, A. Savage, and K. Smith
Temperature Dependence of Electron Yield in Low-Density Polyethylene, Jordan Lee
Temperature Dependence of Electrostatic Breakdown in Highly Disordered Polymers, Tyler Kippen
Temperature Dependence of Electrostatic Discharge in Highly Disordered Polymers, Tyler Kippen, Allen Andersen, and JR Dennison
Temperature Dependence of Electrostatic Discharge in Highly Disordered Polymers, Tyler Kippen, Allen Andersen, and JR Dennison
Temperature Dependency of Electrostatic Breakdown in LDPE and PEEK, Tyler Kippen, Allen Andersen, and JR Dennison
Temperature-Dependent Conductivity of Highly Insulating Polymers, Megan Loveland and Brian Wood
Temperature effects on the Postdiapause Development and Respiratory Rates of Trypoxylon politum (Say) (Hymenoptera: Sphecoidea), Thomas R. Bauman, J. M. Wilman, and E. A. Cross Jr.
Temperature Field Calculations of a Star Tracker Support in Remote Sensing Spacecraft, Ahmed Farag
Temperature Induced Shifts in Leaf Water Relations and Growth Efficiency Indicate Climate Change may Limit Aspen Growth in the Colorado Rockies, Charles J. W. Carroll, Patrick H. Martin, Alan K. Knapp, and Troy W. Ocheltree
Temperature Regulation and Energetics of the Solitary Bee Centris Pallida During Foraging and Intermale Mate Competition, Mark A. Chappell
Temperature Regulation of Carpenter Bees (Xylocopa Californica) Foraging in the Colorado Desert of Southern California, Mark A. Chappell
Temperature Regulation of Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera) Foraging in the Sonoran Desert, Paul D. Cooper, William M. Schaffer, and Stephen L. Buchmann
Temperature Triggers a Non-Linear Response in Resource–Consumer Interaction Strength, Gustavo S. Betini, Tal Avgar, Kevin S. McCann, and John M. Fryxell
Temporal Constraints for the Late Wisconsinan Deglaciation of Western Canada Using Eolian Dune Luminescence Chronologies From Alberta, Kennedy Munyikwa, Tammy M. Rittenour, and James K. Feathers
Temporal JSON, Aayush Goyal
Temporal Stability of Water Chemistry Spatial Patterns Across Temperate Ecoregions, Chelsea Abrahamian
Temporal Trends in Florida Panther Food Habits, Gretchen Caudill, David P. Onorato, Mark W. Cunningham, Danny Caudill, Erin H. Leone, Lisa M. Smith, and Deborah Jansen
Ten New Reared Species of Tetrastichus (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), B. D. Burks
Ten New Species of Stelis from California (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Termination of the Leafcutter Bee Project, Keith M. Doull
Ternary Through Time: Why Understanding Form Enhances Casual Listening, McKenna Brunson, Danielle Casós, and Nick Walker
Terrestrial Cosmic Ray Induced Soft Errors and Large-Scale FPGA Systems in the Cloud, Andrew M. Keller and Michael J. Wirthlin
Terrestrial Invertebrates: Insects, Fred W. Gess and Sarah K. Gess
Territorial Behavior among Males of Protoxaea glorisa (Fox) (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), Mont A. Cazier and E. G. Linsley
Territorial Defense Against Hummingbirds and Insects by Tropical Hummingbirds, Thomas C. Boyden
Tertiary Insects from Kudia River, Maritime Province, Siberia, T. D. A. Cockerell
Testing, Qualification and Preventive Maintenance of Shape Memory Alloy Mechanisms, Florian Schummer, Robin Roj, Roland Konlechner, Tejas Kalle, Jakob Bachler, and Sven Langbein
Tetrachrysis barrei Rad. (Hymen., Chrysid.), H. Bischoff
Thanksgiving Traditions - Michele, Shayna Hepner
Thanksgiving Traditions - Shelby, Shayna Hepner
Thanksgiving Traditions - Trudy, Shayna Hepner
That One, Dramatic Chick, Elizabeth Colton
The $99 Satellite, Luca Maresi
The 9th New World Luminescence Dating Workshop: Aim of the Community and Scope of the Conference Proceedings, Shannon A. Mahan, Michelle C. Summa-Nelson, Tammy M. Rittenour, Paul Hanson, and Edward Rhodes
The Accessory Burrows of Digger Wasps, Howard E. Evans
The Acoustic Transparency of Ad*Hear Wax Guards When Measuring DPOAEs, Tiffany Lloyd Shelton
The Aculeate Hymenoptera Produced at Aden by Col. Yerbury, R.A., and Capt. Nurse, I.S.C., C. T. Bingham
The adaptive significance of pinnate scales, enlarged wings, and eversible pleural sacs in female Empidinae (Diptera: Empididae), Jeffrey M. Cumming
The Aerial Yellowjacket, Dolichovespula arenaria (Fab.): Nesting Biology, Reproductive Production, and Behavior (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Albert Greene, Roger D. Akre, and Peter J. Landolt
The African (Brazilian) Bee Problem, George E. Cantwell
The African Scoliids and their Affinities, J. G. Betrem
The African Species of Pachymelus Smith (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), C. D. Eardley
The Afrotropical Species of Eucara Friese, Tetralonia Spinola and Tetraloniella Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), C. D. Eardley
The Afrotropical Species of Nomada Scopoli (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), C. D. Eardley and M. Schwarz
The AGeS2 (Awards for Geochronology Student research 2) Program: Supporting Community Geochronology Needs and Interdisciplinary Science, Rebecca M. Flowers, J. Ramón Arrowsmith, Vicki McConnell, James R. Metcalf, Tammy M. Rittenour, and Blair Schoene
The Alfalfa Insecticide Management (AIM) Toolkit: Linking insecticide fate modelling with alfalfa pest and beneficial insect toxicity endpoints, Kimberly J. Hageman
The Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee, Megachile Rodundata (Megachilidae), Does not Pollinate Kiwifruit, Actinidia Deliciosa Var. Deliciosa (Actinidiaceae), B. J. Donovan and P. E. C. Read
The Alfalfa Leaf-Cutting Bee, Megachile Rotundata (F.), for Pollination of Alfalfa in Cages, George E. Bohart and Marion W. Pedersen
The Alkali Bee, Nomia melanderi Ckll. A Native Pollinator of Alfalfa, George E. Bohart
The American Bees of the Genus Andrena Described by F. Smith, T. D. A. Cockerell
The American Bees of the Genus Anthocopa with Notes on Old World Subgenera (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener
The Anatomical Source of Trail Substances in Formicine Ants, Murray S. Blum and E. O. Wilson
The Antiquities Act, National Monuments, and the Regional Economy, Paul M. Jakus and Sherzod B. Akhundjanov
The Anxius Group of the Genus Rhabdepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae: Epyrinae), Howard E. Evans
The Apidae of Madagascar and Nests of Liotrigona (Hymenoptera), Robert W. Brooks and C. D. Michener
The Apoidea of the Pieniny National Park. Part I. Megachilidae and Apidae (partim), Mirosława Dylewska
The Application of Depletion Curves for Parameterization of Subgrid Variability of Snow, Charles H. Luce and David G. Tarboton
The Archival Challenges and Choices of a Small Non-profit Organization Attempting to Preserve Its Unique Past, Mattias Olshausen
The Art and Practice of Key-Making in Entomology, Richard M. Bohart
The Art of Seduction: Male Perceptions of Sexual Willingness, Lisa Starrett
The Association Between Carpophilus Beetles and Cactus Flowers, Verne Grant and Walter A. Connell
The ASTERIA Extended Mission: Results from the Past Year, Matthew Smith, Lorraine Fesq, Amanda Donner, Robert Bocchino, Martina Troesch, Kyle Hughes, Peter Di Pasquale, and David Sternberg
The Australian Genus Brachyhesma (Apoidea: Colletidae) Revised and Reviewed, Elizabeth M. Exley
The Australian Skydiver, Courtney Smith
The Aversive Health Effects of Hydraulic Fracturing on Air Quality, Meghan Zinn
The Bear, Brittany Fitzgerald
The Bee (Apis Mellifera) and its Value in the Detection of Pollution, R. Canteneur
The Bee Family Oxaeidae with a Revision of the North American Species (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Paul D. Hurd Jr. and E. Gorton Linsley
The Bee Fauna of Calgary, Alberta, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bee-Genus Apista, and Other Notes, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bee Genus Apista, etc., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bee-Genus Brachynomada, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bee-genus Crocisaspidia, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bee Genus Dialictus, J. C. Crawford Jr.
The Bee-genus Dioxys in America, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bee Genus Eulonchopria (Hymenoptera: Colletidae), Charles D. Michener
The Bee-genus Halictoides in North America (Hym.), T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bee Genus Holcopasites Ashmead, J. C. Crawford
The Bee Genus Macrogalea (Hymenoptera: Xylocopinae; Ceratinini), Charles D. Michener
The Bee Genus Proteriades in South Dakota (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Wallace E. LaBerge
The Bee-Genus Thrinchostoma in Asia, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bee Genus Thrinchostoma Saussure in the Southern Asian Region (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Charles D. Michener and Michael S. Engel
The Bees of Alberta I, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Alberta II, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Alberta III, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Alberta IV, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Alberta VI, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Alberta VII, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Australia, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Australia, T. D.A. Cockerell
The Bees of Australia, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Australia cont., T. D.A. Cockerell
The Bees of Barbados, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Boulder County, Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Curlew Valley (Utah and Idaho), George E. Bohart and George F. Knowlton
The Bees of Florissant, Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Gold Hill, Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Kansas, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of New Mexico, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Peaceful Valley, Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Southern California, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Southern California.— I., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Southern California.— II., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Southern California.— III., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Southern California.— IV., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Southern California.— V., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Southern California.— VI., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Southern California.— VII., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of Southern California.— VIII., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of the Genera Chelostomopsis Formicapis, Robertsonella and Prochelostoma. (Hymen.: Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener
The Bees of the Genus Andrena Found in New Mexico, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of the Genus Halictus Found in New Mexico I.—Species Without Any Green or Blue, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of the Genus Nomada Found in Colorado, With a Table to Separate All the Species of the Rocky Mountains, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of the Genus Perdita F. Smith, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of the Genus Proteriades (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Philip H. Timberlake
The Bees of the Group Dieunomia, Beulah Hix Blair
The Bees of the Rocky Mountain National Park (Hymenop.), T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of the Solomon Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bees of the Southern California Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Bee That Works in Stone; Perdita Opuntiae Cockerell, Clarence P. Custer
The Behavior of Insecticide-Exposed Honey Bees, Robert L. Cox and William T. Wilson
The Behavior Patterns of Solitary Wasps, Howard E. Evans
The Bembicine Wasps (Hym.), T. D. A. Cockerell
The Benefits of Anti-fracking Activism, Melissa Wells
The BigLEN-GPR171 Peptide Receptor System Within the Basolateral Amygdala Regulates Anxiety-Like Behavior and Contextual Fear Conditioning, Erin N. Bobeck, Ivone Gomes, Darlene Pena, Kirstie A. Cummings, Roger L. Clem, Mihaly Mezei, and Lakshmi A. Devi
The Biology and Behavior of Evylaeus galpinsiae Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), George E. Bohart and Nabil N. Youssef
The Biology and Description of a New Species of African Thyreus, with Life History Notes on Two Species of Anthophora (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), Jerome G. Rozen Jr.
The Biology of a Leafcutter Bee (Megachile brevis) and Its Associates, Charles D. Michener
The Biology of Anthophora (Micranthophora) Flexipes and Its Cleptoparasite, Zacosmia Maculata, Including a Description of the Immature Stages of the Parasite (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Anthophoridae), Philip F. Torchio and Nabil N. Youssef
The Biology of Anthophora (Micranthophora) Peritomae Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Anthophoridae), Philip F. Torchio
The Biology of Dianthidium heterulkei heterulkei Schwarz, with a description of the larva (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Stephen L. Clement
The Biology of Heterostylum Robustum (Diptera: Bombyliidae), A Parasite of the Alkali Bee, George E. Bohart, W. P. Stephen, and R. K. Eppley
The Biology of Hoplitis Robusta (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Stephen L. Clement and Richard W. Rust
The Biology of Humble-Bees, with Special Reference to the Production of the Worker Caste, R. A. Cumber
The Biology of Imparipes apicola (Acari: Scutacaridae) and its Relationships to the Alkali Bee, Nomia melanderi (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), and to Certain Fungi in the Bee Cell Ecosystem, Earle A. Cross and George E. Bohart
The Biology of Nomia (Epinomia) triangulifera with Comparative Notes on Other Species of Nomia, Earle A. Cross and George E. Bohart
The Bionomics of a Primitively Social Bee, Lasioglossum inconspicuum, Charles D. Michener and Alvaro Wille
The Bionomics of a Primitively Social Bee, Lasioglossum Versatum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Charles D. Michener
The Bionomics of Exoneurella, A Solitary Relative of Exoneura (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Ceratinini), Charles D. Michener
The Birch Creek Canids and Dogs as Transport Labor in the Intermountain West, Martin H. Welker and David A. Byers
The Black Figure, Mira Davis
The Black Halictine Bees of the Philippine Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Blind Pilot, Courtney Smith
The Blossom and the Bee, R. Ewert
The Bombidae of Indiana, Leland D. Chandler
The Brane Craft Phase II Program: Redefining Spacecraft Design and Applications, Siegfried Janson, Adam Bushmaker, Donald Walker, Dmitry Veksler, and Laurent Matala-tala
The Brazilian Bee Problem, Charles D. Michener
The Bricks before Brown v. Board of Education, Marisela Martinez-Cola
The Brigham City Co-Op: Case Study of an Efficient Economic and Social Institution, Stephen J. Valentine
The Brigham City Co-op: Case Study of an Efficient Economic and Social Institution, Stephen J. Valentine
The British Tradition of Yorkshire Pudding, Wesley Cook
The Bumble Bees of Arkansas (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Bombinae), Leland D. Chandler and C. Edward McCoy Jr.
The Bumblebees of Nebraska, Wallace E. LaBerge and Morgan C. Webb
The Cactus Bees; Genus Lithurgus, T. D. A. Cockerell
The California Species of Mite-Bearing Stenodynerus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), Richard M. Bohart
The Canadian Field-Naturalist, Harrison F. Lewis, R. A. McKenzie, Ian McTaggart-Cowan, J. F. Brimley, J. C. Chritchell-Bullock, Arthur Gibson, Lawrence E. Potter, C. M. Sternberg, R. Delamere Black Jr., and R. F. Cain
The CaNOP CubeSat Mission, Andrew Santangelo and Kevin Crosby
The Carbon 1917, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1918, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1923, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1924, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1925, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1927, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1928, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1931, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1935, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1936, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1937, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1938, Carbon County High School
The Carbon 1939, Carbon College
The Carbon 1940, Carbon College
The Carbon 1941, Carbon College
The Carbon 1942, Carbon College
The Carbon 1945, Carbon College
The Carbon 1946, Carbon College
The Carbon 1947, Carbon College
The Carbon 1948, Carbon College
The Carbon 1949, Carbon College
The Carbon 1950, Carbon College
The Carbon 1951, Carbon College
The Carbon 1952, Carbon College
The Carbon 1954, Carbon College
The Carbon 1956, Carbon College
The Carbon 1957, Carbon College
The Carbon 1958, Carbon College
The Carbon 1959, Carbon College
The Carpenter Bees of the Galapagos Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Carpenter Bees of the Philippine Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Ceratinid Bees of the Philippine Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The C-Fern (Ceratopteris richardii) Genome: Insights Into Plant Genome Evolution With the First Partial Homosporous Fern Genome Assembly, D. Blaine Marchant, Emily B. Sessa, Paul G. Wolf, Kweon Heo, W. Brad Barbazuk, Pamela S. Soltis, and Douglas E. Soltis
The Challenges of Incorporating Cultural Ecosystem Services into Environmental Assessment, Debra Satz, Rachelle K. Gould, Kai M. A. Chan, Anne Guerry, Bryan Norton, Terre Satterfield, Benjamin S. Halpern, Jordan Levine, Ulalia Woodside, Neil Hannahs, Xavier Basurto, and Sarah C. Klain
The Chamber Music Society of Logan: Morgenstern Trio, Chamber Music Society of Logan
The Changing Role of Rodenticides and Their Alternatives in the Management of Commensal Rodents, Gary W. Witmer
The Characteristics of Effective Social Media Influencers on the Instagram Platform: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature, Katelyn Sonderegger
The Chemical Basis of Insect Sociality, Murray S. Blum
The Childhood Maltreatment-Offending Association: An Analysis of Problems in Previous Research, Erin Anderson
The Children See Ghosts, Mira Davis
The Chippewa spider web, Sydney Brown
The Christian-Muslim-Jewish Nativity, Brittany Fitzgerald
The Classification and Evolution of Digger Wasps as Suggested by Larval Characters (Hymenoptera: Sphecoidea), Howard E. Evans
The Classification of Halictine Bees: Tribes and Old World Nonparasitic Genera with Strong Venation, Charles D. Michener
The Classification of Old World Anthidiini (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener and Terry L. Griswold
The Classification of the Diphaglossinae and North American Species of the Genus Caupolicana (Hymenoptera, Colletidae), Charles D. Michener
The Classification of the Lithurginae (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener
The Co-Existing with Coyotes Program in Vancouver, B.C., Robyn Worcester and Robert Boelens
The "Collaris" Complex of Australian Mimetic Pompilidae (Hymenoptera), Howard E. Evans
The Collecting Performance of Honey Bees Under Laboratory Conditions, Miriam F. Bennett and Max Renner
The Collection of Pollen by Bees, Robbin W. Thorp
The Colonization and Establishment of Imported Parasites of the Spotted Alfalfa Aphid in California, R. van den Bosch, E. I. Schlinger, E. J. Dietrick, K. S. Hagen, and J. K. Holloway
The Colorado Desert of California: Its Origin and Biota, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Color Forms of the Common Hornet, Vespa crabro Linnaeus., Joseph Bequaert
The Combinatorics of Splitting and Splittable Families, Bryce Frederickson
The Comet Thruster: On-Orbit Results and on Growing Production Ten-Fold, Vincent Tarantini, Nathan Orr, Scott Armitage, Niels Roth, Karan Sarda, and Dan CaJacob
The Condition and Trend of Aspen, Willows, and Associated Species on the Northern Yellowstone Range, Charles E. Kay
The Conflict between the Tribal and Family Names Mirini (Hymenoptera) and Miridae (Hemiptera), Philip H. Timberlake
The Conopid Flies of California (Diptera), Sidney Camras and Paul D. Hurd Jr.
The Conservation Social Sciences: What?, How? and Why?, Michael Barkusky, Nathan J. Bennett, Kai M. A. Chan, Douglas A. Clark, Georgina Cullman, Alia M. Dietsch, Graham Epstein, Sarah C. Klain, Michael J. Manfredo, Michael Paul Nelson, Robin Roth, Richard Stedman, Tara L. Teel, Rebecca E. W. Thomas, John A. Vucetich, and Carina Wyborn
The Contribution of the Descending Pain Modulatory Pathway in Opioid Tolerance, Lindsay M. Lueptow, Amanda K. Fakira, and Erin Bobeck
The Control of Blooming in Sauromatum guttatum (Araceae) by Darkness, Richard G. Buggeln, Bastiaan J. D. Meeuse, and John R. Klima
The Control of Nest Depth in a Digger Wasp (Sphex Ichneumoneus L.), H. Jane Brockmann
The Correct Names of the Megachilid Bee Introduced for Lucerne Pollination (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), B. J. Donovan
The Correlation Between Malnourishment and Cognitive Development in Ecuadorian Children, Noah Tidwell
The Cost of Care and the Impact on the Archives Profession, Alexis Braun Marks, Rachael Dreyer, Jennifer Johnson, and Michelle Sweetser
The Cresson Types of Hymenoptera, Ezra Townsend Cresson
The Cultural Perspective of Albert Wendt's Novel Pouliuli, Fa'alafua L. Auva'a
The Current Regulatory Environment of Urban Coyote Control - a Private WCO Perspective, Claude Oleyar
The date of publication of the Hymenoptera and Diptera described by Guerin in Duperrey's "Voyage de La Coquille"., Joseph Bequaert
The Dawn of a New Era: Thinking Bigger, Living Longer, Journeying Farther, Ben Reed
The definition of eusociality, Bernard J. Crespi and Douglas Yanega
The Democratization of Space, Riley Millennium
The Dentate Margin of the Abdomen in Chrysis, T. Algernon Chapman
The Description and Bionomics of a New Species of Apiocera, with Notes on Other Species (Diptera: Apioceridae), Mont A. Cazier
The Description of a New Species of the Genus Ceropales (Hymenoptera: Psammocharidæ) with a Key to the Species of North America, Robert R. Dreisbach
The Design of 2.4-meter Resolution Remote Sensing Instrument Compatible for 6U CubeSat, Jer Lin
The Design of an Augmentative Communications Device, Darren Blaser and Scott Sorenson
The Design Quality of Customer Comment Cards: A Content Analysis of Survey Questions and Writing Space, Kayden Martin
The Determinants of Municipal Minimum Wage Ordinances: An Analysis of 100 Large Cities from 2012-2017, Nicholas S. Hilton
The Development and Validation of a “Flux-Corrected Transport” Based Solution Methodology for the Plasmasphere Refilling Problem Following Geomagnetic Storms, K. Chatterjee and Robert W. Schunk
The Development, Implementation, and Assessment of a Home Component to the FIT Game Healthy Eating Program, Hali King Obray
The Development of a Program to Reduce Damage from European Starlings at Dairies Using DRC-1339, Anthony G. Duffiney and Peter H. Butchko
The Development of Male and Female Individuals in the Dioecious Species Laboulbenia Formicarum Thaxter, R. K. Benjamin and Leland Shanor
The Development Status of the First Demonstration Satellite of Our Commercial Small Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellite Constellation, Toshihiro Obata, Hirobumi Saito, Koji Tanaka, Shinichi Nakasuka, and Seiko Shirasaka
The Dieting Dilemma, Cindy Nelson and Kierstin Harris
The Differences Between Rewilding and Restoring an Ecologically Degraded Landscape, Johan du Toit and Nathalie Pettorelli
The Dilettante, Heather A. Riley
The Diplopterous Wasps of Fabricius, in the Banksian Collection at the British Museum, Joseph Bequaert
The Discursive Field of After Postmodernism in Educational Theory, Steven P. Camicia
The Distribution and Host Plants of Leaf-Cutter Bees in Arizona, George D. Butler Jr.
The Distribution of Foraging Honey Bees from Colonies Used for Honeydew Melon Pollination, Norman E. Gary, Peter C. Witherell, and Jerry M. Marston
The Distribution of the Osmiine Bees of the Deserts of North America, Charles D. Michener
The Doll`, Sierra Mackelprang
The Doorway from Heart to Heart: Diversity's Stubbornly Persistent Illusion, Terry Baxter
The Dowager Countess as a Poor Old Awnte: Lady Elizabeth Russell in "Retirement", Frankie Urrutia-Smith
The Dynamic Relationship Between Flavors, Nutrients and Plant Secondary Compounds on Foraging Decisions By Herbivores, Juan J. Villalba
The Eagle 1973, College of Eastern Utah
The Eagle 1975, College of Eastern Utah
The Eagle 1976, College of Eastern Utah
The Eagle 1977, College of Eastern Utah
The Eagle 1978, College of Eastern Utah
The Eagle 1979, College of Eastern Utah
The Eagle 1980, College of Eastern Utah
The Ecological Life History of Halictus (Seladonia) Confusus Smith (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Robert Earl Dolphin
The Ecological Role of Mesopredators and the Long-Term Effects of Mesopredator Control, L. Mike Conner, Lora L. Smith, Micah W. Perkins, Christopher K. Borg, M. Brent Howze, and Anna E. Liner
The Ecology of Mutualism, Douglas H. Boucher, Sam James, and Kathleen H. Keeler
The Ecology of New World Rodent Borne Hemorrhagic Fevers, Darin S. Carroll, Emily Jentes, and James N. Mills
The Ecology of Oil Flowers and Their Bees, Stephen L. Buchmann
The Ecology of the Pollinators and Predators of Frasera Speciosa, A. J. Beattie, D. E. Breedlove, and P. R. Ehrlich
The Economic Impacts of Bird and Rodent Damage to California Crops: Preliminary Results, Stephanie Shwiff and Karen Gebhardt
The Effect of a Surfactant Seed Coating on the Germination and Biomass of Three Native Bulrushes, Anders Hart
The Effect of Biting Fly Control on Beef Production, Tien-Hsi Cheng
The Effect of Captan on Strawberry Pollen Germination, G. W. Eaton and L. I. Chen
The Effect of Closing Date on Seed Production of Red Clover Cultivars, P. T. P. Clifford
The Effect of Competing Pollen Sources on the Number of Honey Bees Collecting Alfalfa Pollen, George E. Bohart
The Effect of Dental Therapists on Access to Dental Care, Jacob Caldwell
The Effect of Disease on the Bee's Foraging and Pollinating Activities, George E. Cantwell
The Effect of "Drought Tolerant" Plant Labeling on Consumers' Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Ornamental Plants, Susanne Tábara Cenador
The Effect of Joint Training on Knowledge and Attitudes of Career and Technical Education and Special Education Professionals, Crystal Emery
The Effect of Lactation and Energy Status on Gene Expression in the Main Reproductive Tissues of Lactating Dairy Cattle, Sameer M. Alhojaily
The Effect of Peer Counseling Training and Experience on Peer Counselors, Holly Day McFarland
The Effect of Phylogenetic Uncertainty and Imputation on EDGE Scores, K. Bodie Weedop, Arne Ø. Mooers, Caroline M. Tucker, and William D. Pearse
The Effect of Plant Density on Departure Decisions: Testing the Marginal Value Theorem Using Bumblebees and Delphinium nelsonii, Donald A. Cibula and Michael Zimmerman
The Effect of Religious Priming on Rape Victim Blame, Emma Heath
The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Melissa Wells
The Effects of a Novel Sport-Based Intervention on Lower Body Muscle Function in Older Adults, Camille H. Dennis
The Effects of a Yoga Intervention on Cognitive Function in Older Adults, Elizabeth Edwards
The Effects of a Yoga Intervention on Reactive Balance in Older Adults, Haley M. Hayes
The Effects of Beaver Dams on Stream Biogeochemistry, A. Towns, N. Quinney, B. Neilson, and Janice Brahney
The Effects of Beaver Dams on Stream Biogeochemistry, A. Towns, N. Quinney, B. Neilson, and Janice Brahney
The Effects of Behavior Skills Training and Self-Monitoring on Paraprofessionals’ Use of Incidental Teaching Procedures in a Preschool Classroom, Bayley Thompson
The Effects of Beta Transition on Dielectric Breakdown in LDPE, Tyler Kippen, Allen Andersen, and JR Dennison
The Effects of Cognitive Behavior Therapy on Students' Mathematics Anxiety, A. Bicer, C. Perihan, S. B. Nite, R. M. Capraro, K. A. Currens, Mario Itzel Suárez, and Y. Lee
The Effects of Demographic Changes on State Fiscal Balances in the U.S., Patrick Nartey
The Effects of Electric Power Lines on the Breeding Ecology of Greater Sage-Grouse, Michel T. Kohl, Terry A. Messmer, Benjamin A. Crabb, Michael R. Guttery, David K. Dahlgren, Randy T. Larsen, Shandra Nicole Frey, Sherry Liguori, and Rick J. Baxter
The Effects of Fluctuations in Federal Revenue Sharing Payments Made to Rural Counties on School District Budgets, Camille Harmer
The Effects of Ovarian Somatic Cells on Post-Menopausal Health, Tracy Habermehl, Kyleigh Tyler, McKenna Walters, and Steven Gawrys
The Effects of Photographic Activity Schedules on Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity in Children with ASD, Lorraine Becerra
The Effects of Radiation-Induced Defects on the Electrostatic Discharge of Polymers, Kip Quilter and Alexandra Hughlett
The Effects of Soil Temperature on Belowground Amphibian Hibernation in an Urban Versus Rural Environment, Melanie N. Stock and Nicholas J. Balster
The Effects of STEM Summer Camp on Student Interest in STEM Careers, A. Bicer, S. B. Nite, M. M. Capraro, L. R. Barroso, Mario Itzel Suárez, J. Kwon, and D. Rice
The Effects of Student Learning When Subtitles are Added to Videos, George T. Taylor
The Effects of Surface Roughness on Diffuse Optical Reflection and Photoyields on Spacecraft Materials, Amberly Evans Jensen
The Electronic Scale Honey Bee Colony as a Management and Research Tool, Stephen L. Buchmann and Steven C. Thoenes
The Emergence of Major Avian Diseases in North America: West Nile Virus and More, Robert G. McLean
The Emotional Attributes Questionnaire: Self- and Other-Reports of Guilt and Shame, Heidi L. Eyre
The Energetics of Wax Production in Apis mellifera and its Importance for the Evolution of Eusociality in Apis, Stephen L. Buchmann, Justin O. Schmidt, and Robert L. Schmalzel
The Entomologist, Edward Meyrick, T. D. A. Cockerell, E. A. Elliot, Selwyn Image, W. G. Sheldon, J. W. Metcalfe, and H. D. Smart
The Entomologist: An Illustrated Journal of General Entomology No. 574, Kenneth J. Morton, Rupert Stenton, T. Miyake, C. G. Nurse, W. J. Lucas, Richard South, L. W. Newman, T. D. A. Cockerell, W. J. Lucas, W. L. Distant, and A. E. Wileman
The Entomologist: An Illustrated Journal of General Entomology No. 576, Claude Morley, S. H. Leigh, C. J. Gahan, A. E. Gibbs, A. E. Wileman, T. D. A. Cockerell, A. A. Girault, and E. H. Strickland
The Entomology of the Gulf of California, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Epeoline Bees of the American Museum Rocky Mountain Expeditions, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Epic of Gilgamesh, Utah State University Wind Orchestra and Thomas P. Rohrer
The Establishment and First Six Months of the Civilian Conservation Corps and Joe Hill, Wobbly Martyr of Utah, Clifford G. O'Harrow
The Establishment and Spread of European Honeybees in Australian New Guinea, Charles D. Michener
The Ethics of Play and Participation in a Tween Virtual World: Cheating Practices and Perspectives in the Whyville Community, Yasmin B. Kafai, Deborah A. Fields, and Estee Ellis
The Ethiopian Scoliidae, James Chester Bradley
The Ethology of Andrena erythronii with Comparative Data on Other Species (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae), Charles D. Michener and Carl W. Rettenmeyer
The Evaniidæ of America North of Mexico, James Chester Bradley
The Evolutionary Implications of Qualitative Variation in the Grooming Behaviour of the Hymenoptera (Insecta), D. J. Farish
The Evolution of Antigeny in the Color-Pattern of Some Scoliidae, James Chester Bradley
The Evolution of Bee Language, Harald Esch
The Evolution of Hymenopteran Wings: The Importance of Size, Bryan N. Danforth
The Evolution of Parasitism Among Bees, George E. Bohart
The Evolution of Parasitism Among Bees, George E. Bohart
The Evolution of Prey-Carrying Mechanisms in Wasps, Howard E. Evans
The Evolution of Social Behavior in Bees, Charles D. Michener
The Evolution of Social Behavior in Primitively Social Bees: A Multivariate Analysis, Michael D. Breed
The Evolution of Social Behavior in the Augochlorine Sweat Bees (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) Based on a Phylogenetic Analysis of the Genera, Bryan N. Danforth and George C. Eickwort
The Evolution of Social Life in Wasps, Howard E. Evans
The Evolving Regulatory Context for SmallSats, Ian Christensen
The Excessive Abundance of Certain Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Existence of a Designer Al=Al Double Bond in the LiAl2H4 − Cluster Formed by Electronic Transmutation, Katie A. Lundell, Xinxing Zhang, Alexander I. Boldyrev, and Kit H. Bowen Jr.
The Explosive Release of Pollen in Flowers of Hyptis (Lamiaceae), N. B. M. Brantjes and O. C. De Vos
The External Morphology of Megachile rotundata (Fabricius) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Henry S. Gerber and Roger D. Akre
The External Morphology of the Dragonfly Onychogomphus Ardens Needham, Hsiu-Fu Chao
The Fabrication Types of Scoliidae (Hymenoptera), James Chester Bradley and J. G. Betrem
The Factors Affecting Wind Erosion in Southern Utah, Mehmet Ozturk
The Family Bembecidae (Hymenoptera: Sphecoidea) in Michigan, with Keys to the Genera and the Species of the State and Distribution Records, Robert R. Dreisbach
The Farm as Place in a Changing Climate: Capturing Women Farmers' Experiences in Idaho, United States and Victoria, Australia, Tagen Towsley Baker
The Fate of the Lacinia in the Halictidae and Oxaeidae (Hymenoptera— Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. Hymenoptera-Vol. 1. Wasps and Bees., C. T. Bingham
The Fauna of Krakatau, Karol Willem Dammerman
The Feasibility of a Computer-Based Library Reference Interview, Stephen C. Weiss
The Female of Andrena cerebrata Mitchell, Leland D. Chandler
The Fighting Poles, Rebecca Smith
The First Holcopasites from Western California, H. Ruthae N. Sp. And H. Linsleyi, a New Species from Southwestern Arizona (Hymenoptera, Nomadinae), Kenneth W. Cooper
The First Orbital Flight of the ELROI Optical Satellite License Plate, David M. Palmer, Rebecca M. Holmes, and Charles T. Weaver
The First Recent Species of Protomutilla (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae: Myrmosinae), Denis J. Brothers
The First South African Dioxyine Bee and a Generic Review of the Tribe Dioxyini (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener
The First Vega Ride-Share Mission Flight, Fabio Caramelli, Francois Battie, Aldo Scaccia, S. Corbo, A. Dalloneau, F. Fabiani, Angelo Fontana, M. Mariani, P. Guerrieri, Augusto Cramarossa, and Alessandro Gabrielli
The Flight and Foraging Behavior of the Alkali Bee [Nomia Melanderi (CKLL.)] and the Alfalfa Leaf Cutter Bee [Megachile Rotundata (F.)], James Scott Packer
The Flight of Honey Bee Drones, Apis Mellifera L. (Hymenoptera, Apidae), to the Queen in Relation to Various Ecological Factors, M. D. Bol'Shakova
The Flight Pattern of Honey Bees Crossing a Canyon, Franz Josef Bogdany and Stephen Taber III
The Flight Period of Wild Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) Pollinating Lucerne, and its Protection Aspects, Paul Benedek
The floral biology of Thelymitra epipactoides (Orchidaceae), and the implications of pollination by deceit on the survival of this rare orchid, S. C. Cropper and D. M. Calder
The Flower Biology of Cephalanthera longifolia (Orchidaceae)⏤ Pollen Imitation and Faculative Floral Mimicry, Amots Dafni and Yariv Ivri
The Folded-Winged Wasps of the Bermudas, with Some Preliminary Remarks on Insular Wasp Faunae, Joseph Bequaert
The Foraging Activity of Agapostemon Angelicus Cockerell Relative to Hybrid Cottonseed Production in Texas, Lori A. Berger, J. O. Moffett, and D. R. Rummel
The Foraging of Bumble Bees, Anne D. Brian
The Fossil Mymaridae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea), Richard L. Doutt
The Fourth Amendment: History and Development of the Reasonable Search, Bradley L. Tilt
The Function of Extra-Floral Nectaries in Aphelandra Deppeana Sch. & Cham. (Acanthaceae), Debra Deuth
The Future of Blue Carbon Science, Peter I. Macreadie, Andrea Anton, John A. Raven, Nicola Beaumont, Rod M. Connolly, Daniel A. Friess, Jeffrey J. Kelleway, Hilary Kennedy, Tomohiro Kuwae, Paul S. Lavery, Catherine E. Lovelock, Dan A. Smale, Eugenia T. Apostolaki, Trisha B. Atwood, Jeff Baldock, Thomas S. Bianchi, Gail L. Chmura, Bradley D. Eyre, James W. Fourqurean, Jason M. Hall-Spencer, Mark Huxham, Iris E. Hendriks, Dorte Krause-Jensen, Dan Laffoley, Tiziana Luisetti, Núria Marbà, Pere Masque, Karen J. McGlathery, J. Patrick Megonigal, Daniel Murdiyarso, Bayden D. Russell, Rui Santos, Oscar Serrano, Brian R. Silliman, Kenta Watanabe, and Carlos M. Duarte
The Future of Small Satellite Communications – Quantum Cryptography, Inter-Satellite Links, and High Data Rates, Roland Haber, Daniel Garbe, Julian Schmagl, Klaus Schilling, Andreas Freimann, Benjamin Rödiger, Harald Weinfurter, Chritoph Marquardt, and Matthias Grünefeld
The Future of URCO, JeDon Emenhiser
The Gear Up Experience: What Leads to College?, Erik Dickamore
The Genera Apenesia and Dissomphalus in Argentina and Chile (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans
The Genera Bees of the Tribe Eucerini in North and Central America (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Wallace E. LaBerge
The Genera of Mutillidae (Hymenoptera) Parasitic on Tsetse Flies (Glossina; Diptera), Denis J. Brothers
The Generic Classification of the Anthidiine Bees (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener
The Generic Names of the Beetle Family Staphylinidae with an Essay on Genotypy, Richard E. Blackwelder
The Generic Placement of "Allodape" Grisea Alfken (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
The Generic Positions of Certain South American Eucerine Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Charles D. Michener and Jesus S. Moure
The Genetical Evolution of Patterns of Sexulaity: Darwinian Fitness, Eric L. Charnov
The Genus Ancistrocerus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) in North America, with a partial key to the species, Joseph Bequaert
The Genus Anguloa, Calaway H. Dodson
The Genus Anisepyris in America North of Mexico (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans
The Genus Anisepyris in the Greater Antilles (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans
The Genus Anthophora Latreille in Southern Africa (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), C. D. Eardley and R. W. Brooks
The Genus Bethylus in North America (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans
The Genus Centris in California (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
The Genus Ceratina in Australia, with Notes on its Nests (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
The Genus Cerceris in Eastern Australia (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans
The Genus Coryanthes, Calaway H. Dodson
The Genus Dissomphalus in Northwestern South America (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans
The Genus Epeolus Latreille from Subsaharan Africa (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), C. D. Eardley
The Genus Eumenes, Latreille, in South Africa, with a Revision of the Ethiopian Species (Hymenoptera), Joseph Bequaert
The Genus Euparagia in North America (Hymenoptera, Vespidæ, Euparagiinæ), Richard M. Bohart
The Genus Euryglossella Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Elizabeth M. Exley
The Genus Heterohesma Michener (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
The Genus Homalictus in Fiji (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Charles D. Michener
The Genus Lithurge in the Antilles (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener
The Genus Lithurgopsis, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Genus Neochrysis in America North of Mexico (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), Richard M. Bohart
The Genus Nomia, T. D.A. Cockerell
The Genus Notylia, Calaway H. Dodson
The Genus Ochleroptera in New Guinea (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Richard M. Bohart
The Genus Pachodynerus in North America (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae), James M. Carpenter
The Genus Pseudisobrachium in Argentia and Chile (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans
The Genus Psorthaspis on the Mexican Central Plateau (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae), Howard Ensign Evans
The Genus Scleroderma in South America (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans
The Genus Stenodynerus in Southern Arizona (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), Richard M. Bohart
The Genus Stizoides (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Stizini) in North America, with Notes on the Old World Fauna, James E. Gillaspy
The Geometry of N=3 AdS4 in Massive IIA, G. Bruno De Luca; Gabriele Lo Monaco; Niall T, Macpherson; Alessandro Tomasiello; and Oscar Varela
The Ghosts of Herm's Inn, Mira Davis
The Girl in the Mirror, Alexa Bills
The Glory of Cambresis, Mark Anderson
The Graduate Schools: Circular of Information, unknown
The Grape Remote Sensing Atmospheric Profile and Evapotranspiration Experiment, William P. Kustas, Martha C. Anderson, Joseph G. Alfieri, Kyle Knipper, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, Christopher K. Parry, Hector Nieto, Nurit Agam, William A. White, Feng Gao, Lynn McKee, John H. Prueger, Lawrence E. Hipps, Sebastian A. Los, Maria Mar Alsina, Luis Sanchez, Brent Sams, Nick Dokoozlian, Mac McKee, Scott B. Jones, Yun Yang, Tiffany G. Wilson, Fangni Lei, Andrew McElrone, Josh L. Heitman, Adam M. Howard, Kirk Post, Forrest Melton, and Christopher Hain
The Green Halictine Bees of the Genera Agapostemon, Augochlora, Augochlorella, and Augochloropsis (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in Michigan, with Keys and Distribution, Robert R. Dreisbach
"'The Grittiness of Being Human' : Individualizing Sexual Expectations in Adichie's Novels", Madison Behrend Vaughn
"The Grittiness of Being Human": Individualizing Sexual Expectations in Adichie's Novels, Madison Vaughn
The Growing Business of Human-Wildlife Conflict Management, Terry Messmer
The Habits of Californian Bees and Wasps, Anstruther Davidson
The Habits of the Aculeate Hymenoptera - I., William H. Ashmead
The Habropoda and Didasia of California, Carroll Fowler
The Halictidae of Israel (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), H. Bytinski-Salz
The Halictidae of Israel (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) II. Genus Lasioglossum, H. Bytinski-Salz and Andreas Werner Ebmer
The Halictine Bees of the Australian Region, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Harmful Effects of Pesticides on Pollinators, Keith M. Doull
“The Haunted Nunnery”, Josephine Rivera
The Haunted Swings, Eliza Jorgensen
The HelioSwarm Mission: A swarm of Small Satellites Revealing the Physics of Space Plasma Turbulence, Harlan Spence, Kristopher Klein, Jay Bookbinder, and Helio Swarm
The Heriadine Bees of Morocco, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Heroin Spoon, Mira Davis
The Hind Tibiotarsal and Tibial Spur Articulations in Bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), James H. Cane
The History and Behavior of a Colony of Harvester Ants, Charles D. Michener
The History of Cokeville, Wyoming, Errol Jack Lloyd
The Home Trenches: The Program to Increase Food Production and Conservation in Utah During World War One, Alene Estelle Alder
The Honey Bee: A Manual of Instruction in Apiculture, Frank Benton
The Honeybee Embryo, E. J. DuPraw
The Honey Bee Pollination Component of Horticultural Crop Production Systems, Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman
The Hornfaced Bee for Efficient Pollination of Small Farm Orchards, Suzanne W. T. Batra
The Hymenoptera Aculeata of Bedfordshire, V. H. Chambers
The Identity of Bombus vandykei, Robbin W. Thorp
The Identity of Osmia Integrella Cockerell and its Relatives (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener
The Identity of Stictiella corniculata Mickel (Sphecidae: Bembicini), with a Note on Synonymy in Stictiella, James E. Gillaspy
The Identity of the Type Species of the Bee Genus Tetralonia (Hymenoptera: Apidae), Charles D. Michener
The Imaging X-Ray Polarimeter Explorer (IXPE) Mission System Using a Small Satellite, William Deininger, Jim Masciarelli, William Kalinowski, H. Kyle Bygott, Jefffery Bladt, Colin Peterson, Jennifer Erickson, and Jeffery Wedmore
The Impact of Collaborative Behavioral Health on Treatment Outcomes of Diabetes, Adam M. Johnson
The Impact of Demographic Transition (Elderly Dependency Ratio) on Fiscal Balance, Patrick Nartey
The Impact of Federal Lands on Per-Pupil Spending in the Western United States, Matthew K. Anderson
The Impact of High School Extracurriculars: Similarities and Differences in Sense of Community Among Competitive, Performance, and Participatory Activities, Erica M. Hawvermale
The Impact of Hymenoptera on Desert Ecology, George E. Bohart
The Impact of Immigration on Financial Markets, Jesse Baker
The impact of landscape visibility to mental health: comparison of central urban and suburban areas, Doo Hong Lee
The Impact of Light, Macazlyn Harris
The Impact of Master’s Level Education on the Assessment and Intervention of Pediatric Swallowing, Andrea Seagren
The Impact of Pest Management on Bees and Pollination, Eva Crane and Penelope Walker
The Impact of Professional Development on Library Faculty Attitudes, Practices, and Knowledge of Student Learning Assessment, Lyda Fontes McCartin, Andrea Falcone, and Shannon M. Smith
The Impact of Shadows on Partitioning of Radiometric Temperature to Canopy and Soil Temperature Based on the Contextual Two-Source Energy Balance Model (TSEB-2T), Mahyar Aboutalebi, Alfonso F. Torres-Rua, Mac McKee, Hector Nieto, William Kustas, and Calvin Coopmans
The Impact of Wood Biochar on the Plant Uptake of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products from Reclaimed Wastewater, Jeffrey Flashinski
The Implications of Group Norms for Adaptation in Collectively Managed Agricultural Systems: Evidence From Sri Lankan Paddy Farmers, Arielle Tozier de la Poterie, Emily K. Burchfield, and Amanda R. Carrico
The Importance of Certain Insects as Pollinators of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), A. P. du Toit
The Importance of Cognitive Diversity for Sustaining the Commons, Jacopo A. Baggio, Jacob Freeman, Thomas R. Coyle, Tam Nguyen, Dale Hancock, Karrie E. Elpers, Samantha Nabity, H.J. Francois Dengah II, and David Pillow
The Importance of Education in Managing Invasive Plant Species and Learning Opportunities That (DO!) Exist, Stephen L. Young
The Importance of Integrating Multiliteracies in Teacher Education, Lobat Asadi, E. Stackhouse, Mario Itzel Suárez, W. Zimmer, S. Shields, and Kim B. Wright
The importance of intraspecific genetic diversity for functional traits of threesquare bulrush (Schoenoplectus americanus) in the context of wetland ecosystem restoration, Rachel Chamberlain
The Importance of Native Bees to Rabbiteye Blueberry Pollination, Jim Cane
The Importance of Pollination in the Evolution of the Orchids of Tropical America, Calaway H. Dodson
The Influence of Adjacent Weed Populations on Thrips and IYSV in Onion, S. Andrew Swain
The Influence of Equitable Treatment on Latina/o High School Students’ College Aspirations, Amanda Taggart and Jaimi Paschal
The Influence of Fluorescent Light on the Development of in vitro Fertilized Bovine Oocytes, Jared Bunch
The influence of hive location on honeybee foraging activity and fruit set in melons grown in plastic greenhouses, A. Dag and D. Eisikowitch
The Influence of Honey Bee "Sideworking" Behavior on Cross-Pollination and Fruit Set in Apples, Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, Roger Hoopingarner, and Karen K. Baker
The Influence of Measurement Scale and Uncertainty on Interpretations of River Migration, Mitchell R. Donovan
The Influence of Neighborhood Cohesion on Homelessness in Cache Valley, Utah, Madison Elliott
The Influence of Nitrogen Limitation on d15N and Carbon : Nitrogen Ratios in Sediments from Sockeye Salmon Nursery Lakes in British Columbia, Canada, Janice Brahney, Darren G. Bos, Marlow G. Pellatt, Thomas W. D. Edwards, and Richard Routledge
The Influence of Non-Nociceptive Factors on Hot-Plate Latency in Rats, Amanda Gunn, Erin N. Bobeck, Ceri Weber, and Michael M. Morgan
The Influence of Ovarian Germ Cell Hormones on the Treatment for Parkinson's Like Tremors, Steven Gawrys
The Influence of Perceived Parenting on Substance Initiation Among Mexican Children, Alejandro L. Vázquez, Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez, Nancy G. Amador Buenabad, Marycarmen N. Bustos Gamiño, María de Lourdes Gutierrez López, and Jorge A. Villatoro Velázquez
The Influence of Postural Stability and Yoga Experience on Perceptions of Other's Postural Stability, Kristina Casos
The influence of postural stability and yoga experience on perceptions of other's postural stability, Melanie Athens
The Influence of Relative Humidity on the Swelling of Pollen Grains in vitro, L. J. W. Gilissen
The Influence of the American Entomological Society Upon the Study of Hymenoptera, James Chester Bradley
The Influence of Time Spent in Beginning and End-State Postures on Grasp Choice, Rachel Modersitzki
The Influence of Visitor Characteristics on State Park Physical Activity Levels, Andrew J. Mowen, Nate E. Trauntvein, Alan R. Graefe, and Julie S. Son
The Influences of Calculus I on Engineering Student Persistence, Amie Baisley
The Innovation Delta: A Model for Collaborative Decision Making, Mitchell Colver
The Insect Association of a Local Enviornmental Complex in the Dsitrict of Holmes Chapel, Cheshire., Alfred E. Cameron
The Insects of the Californian Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Insects of the Californian Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Insect Visitors of Flowers in New Mexico— I., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Insect Visitors of Flowers in New Mexico— II., T. D. A. Cockerell
The Interaction of Phylogeny and Community Structure: Linking the Community Composition and Trait Evolution of Clades, William D. Pearse, Pierre Legendre, Pedro R. Peres-Neto, and T. Jonathan Davies
The Inter- and Intra-Orchard Distribution of Honeybees During Almond Pollination, Norman E. Gary, Peter C. Witherell, and Jerry M. Marston
The Interfield Distribution of Honey Bees Foraging on Carrots, Onions, and Safflower, Norman E. Gary, Peter C. Witherell, Kenneth Lorenzen, and Jerry M. Marston
The International Community Coordinated Modeling Center Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment: Overview of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Activities, Ludger Scherliess, I. Tsagouri, E. Yizengaw, S. Bruinsma, J. S. Shim, A. Coster, and J. M. Retterer
The International Shipment of Adult Entomophagous Insects, Blair R. Bartlett
The Internet of Energy: Architectures, Cyber Security, and Applications, Kun Wang, Yan Zhang, Song Guo, Mianxiong Dong, Rose Qingyang Hu, and Lei He
The Interpretation of Pollen Spectra From Prehistoric Settlements (With Special Attention to Liguliflorae), S. Bottema
The Intrepid Urban Coyote: A Comparison of Bold and Exploratory Behavior in Coyotes from Urban and Rural Environments, Stewart W. Breck, Sharon A. Poessel, Peter Mahoney, and Julie Young
The Introduction of Bitcoin Futures: An Examination of Volatility and Potential Spillover Effects, Benjamin M. Blau and Ryan J. Whitby
The (In)Visible Health Risks of Climate Change, Luke Parry, Claudia Radel, Susana B. Adamo, Nigel Clark, Miriam Counterman, Nadia Flores-Yeffal, Diego Pons, Paty Romero-Lankao, and Jason Vargo
The Islip Deer Initiative: A Strategy for Stakeholder Involvement in Deer Management, William F. Siemer, Daniel J. Decker, Mark D. Lowery, and James E. Shanahan
The ITASAT – The Lessons Learned from the Mission Concept to the Operation, Lidia Hissae Shibuya Sato, Luis Eduardo Vergueiro Loures da Costa, Jonas Bianchini Fulindi, Helio André dos Santos, Linélcio dos Santos Paula, Emerson Henrique Silva de Oliveira, Jéssica Garcia de Azevedo, Breno Aparecido Crucioli, Denis Guilgim Vieira, Valdemir Carrara, Ana Carolina di Iorio Jeronymo, Rafael Barbosa Januzi, Daniel Hideaki Makita, Willer Gomes dos Santos, Pedro Kukulka de Albuquerque, and Maria de Fátima Mattiello-Francisco
The Jazz Kicks Band Playing The Great American Songbook, Larry Smith and The Jazz Kicks Band
The Jazz Kicks Band Playing the Music of Billy Strayhorn, Jazz Kicks Band and Larry Smith
The Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention: Volume 4 Issue 1
The Journal of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention: Volume 4 Issue 3 pages 1-118
The Juventas CubeSat in Support of ESA's Hera Mission to the Asteroid Didymos, Hannah R. Goldberg, Özgür Karatekin, Birgit Ritter, Alain Herique, Paolo Tortora, Claudiu Prioroc, Borja Garcia Gutierrez, Paolo Martino, and Ian Carnelli
The Kinsley Commercial Teachers' Bureau, Wm. J. Kinsley
The Known Bee Fauna of the Dominican Amber, Charles D. Michener and George Poinar Jr.
The Large Species of Homalictus and Related Halictinae from the New Guinea Area (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
The Larvae of the Ampulicidae (Hymenoptera), Howard E. Evans
The Larva of Ammatomus icarioides (Turner) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Nyssoninae), Howard E. Evans
The Larva of Heliocausus larroides (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans
The Larva of Microstigmus comes, with Comments on Its Relationship to Other Pemphredonine Genera (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans and Robert W. Matthews
The Larva of Tachysphex plicosus Costa (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans
The Last Super, Rebecca Smith
The Late Pleistocene (17ka) Soldier Bar Landslide and Big Creek Lake, Frank Church-River of No Return Wilderness, Central Idaho, Paul K. Link, Benjamin T. Crosby, Zachery M. Lifton, Elijah A. Eversole, and Tammy M. Rittenour
The Leafcutting Bee, Megachile rotundata (F.): a Potential Pollinator for Red Clover, D. T. Fairey, L. P. Lefkovitch, and J. A. C. Lieverse
The Legend of the Midwife's Blessing, Rosanna West Walker
The Life Cycle and Behavior of the Primitively Social Bee, Lasioglossum Zephyrum (Halictidae), Suzanne W. T. Batra
The Life Cycle and Social Organization of Bees of the Genus Exoneura and Their Parasite, Inquilina (Hymenoptera: Xylocopinae), Charles D. Michener
The Life-Cycle of Humble-Bees in New Zealand, R. A. Cumber
The Life History of Panorpa nuptalis (Mecoptera: Panorpidae), George W. Byers
The Life History of Perdita maculigera maculipennis (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), Charles D. Michener and Ellen Ordway
The Life History of the Sand Wasp, Bembix Occidentalis Beutenmuelleri Fox and Its Parasites, George E. Bohart and John W. MacSwain
The Likes and Dislikes of Agricultural Education as a Career as Perceived by the Spouse, Nicole Hopkins
The Limits to Change in East Europe, Elesha Kay Fetrow
The Little Dog That Could...Not, Jake Turner
The Logan River Observatory: A Lab In Our Own Backyard, Patrick Strong
The Long Horizon, Tiffany Smith
The Long‐Term Trends of Nocturnal Mesopause Temperature and Altitude Revealed by Na Lidar Observations Between 1990 and 2018 at Midlatitude, Titus (Tao) Yuan, Stanley C. Solomon, Chiao -Y. She, D. A. Krueger, and Han-Li Liu
The Long‐Term Trends of Nocturnal Mesopause Temperature and Altitude Revealed by Na Lidar Observations Between 1990 and 2018 at Midlatitude, Tao Yuan, S. C. Solomon, Chiao-Yao She, David A. Krueger, and H.-L. Liu
The Lower and Middle Sonoran Zones in Arizona and New Mexico, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Low-Latitude Ionosphere/Thermosphere Enhancements in Density (LLITED) Mission, Rebecca L. Bishop, Richard Walterscheid, James Clemmons, Aroh Barjatya, and Liam O. Gunter
The Lunar Polar Hydrogen Mapper (LunaH-Map) Mission, Craig Hardgrove, Joe DuBois, Lena Heffern, Ernest Cisneros, James Bell, Teri Crain, Richard Star, Thomas Prettyman, Igor Lazbin, Bob Roebuck, Nathaniel Struebel, Ethan Clark, Derek Nelson, Jeremy Bauman, Bobby Williams, Michael Tsay, Joshua Model, Pete Hruby, Alessandra Babuscia, Steve Stem, Devon Sanders, Elliot Hegel, Mitchell Wiens, Sean Parlapiano, Patrick Hailey, Tyler O'Brien, Katherine Mesick, and Dan Coupland
Thelytoky in a Strain of U.S. Honey Bees (Apis mellifera L.), Gloria DeGrandi-Hoffman, E. H. Erickson Jr., D. Lusby, and E. Lusby
The Man with the Hat, Gianna Patchett
The Marin County Livestock Protection Program: 15 Years in Review, Stephanie Larson, Devan A. McGranahan, and Robert M. Timm
The Mathematical Assessment of Taxonomic Similarity, Including the Use of Computers, Taxon
The Meaning of Sound Production in the Communication of Stingless Bees, Harald Esch
The Mechanism of Competition for Pollination Between Two Forest Herbs, Diane R. Campbell and Alexander F. Motten
The Mechanism of Pollination in Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa), R. A. Brink and D. C. Cooper
The Mediating Effects of Product Returns on the Relationship between Green Capabilities and Closed-Loop Supply Chain Adoption, Mohd R. Shaharudin, Keah Choon Tan, Vijay Kannan, and Suhaiza Zailani
The Medicalization of Sleeplessness: Results of U.S. Office Visit Outcomes, 2008–2015, Mairead Eastin Moloney, Gabriele Ciciurkaite, and Robyn Lewis Brown
The Megachilidae of Southern Maine, J. H. Lovell and T. D. A. Cockerell
The Melectini in Subsaharan Africa (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), C. D. Eardley
The Metallic-Colored Halictine Bees of the Philippine Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Mexican and Central American Species of Lophostigma Mickel, Including Records, and Taxonomic Notes for the Genus (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae), Roberto A. Cambra T. and Diomedes Quintero A.
The Middle American Species of Stenodynerus (Hymenoptera, Eumenidae), Richard M. Bohart
"The Milo Man", Susan Swan
The Missing Angle: Ecosystem Consequences of Phenological Mismatch, Karen H. Beard, Katharine C. Kelsey, A. Joshua Leffler, and Jeffrey M. Welker
The Moaning Dead, Breanna Nielson
The Mobile CubeSat Command and Control (MC3) Ground Station Network: An Overview and Look Ahead, Giovanni Minelli, Lara Magallanes, Noah Weitz, David Rigmaiden, James Horning, James Newman, MAJ Mark Scott, Sean Brady, Chiffon Watkins, Jacob Christensen, Chad Buttars, Ryan Beus, and Riley Oakden
The Morphology and Behavior of Dimorphic Males in Perdita portalis (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), Bryan N. Danforth
The Morphology of a Species of the Genus Tetrophthalmus (Mallophaga: Menoponidae), Oliver B. Cope
The Morphology of Psocus Confraternus Banks (Psocoptera: Psocidae), Oliver B. Cope
The Most Primitive Scoliidae, James Chester Bradley
The Moving Lockers, Mira Davis
The Multifunctional Role of the Mandibular Gland Secretion of an Australian Desert Ant, Calomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Elaine J. Brough
The Mutillidae or Velvet Ants of Georgia, P. W. Fattig
The Mutual Value of Crimson Clover and Honey Bees for Seed and Honey Production in South Georgia, J. H. Girardeau Jr.
The Mycoflora of Domesticated and Wild Bees (Apoidea), Lekh R. Batra, Suzanne W. T. Batra, and G. E. Bohart
The NABEO-1 CubeSat Dragsail Launched Onboard Rocket Lab's "It's Business Time": Design, Testing, Launch and De-Orbit Mission, Thomas Sinn, Hugo Garcia Hemme, Steve Gehly, and Samantha Le May
The National School Lunch Program, Katherine M. Hadley
The natural cross-pollination of crop plants with particular reference to the radish, M. B. Crane and K. Mather
The natural groups of Campsomeriella Betr., 1941 (Hymenoptera Scoliidae), J. G. Betrem
The Nature of Population Stability in Eurosta solidaginis, a Nonoutbreaking Herbivore of Goldenrod, Naomi Cappuccino
The Nature of Restaurant Slogans: An Analysis of Guideline Conformance, Derek Hamblin
The Nearctic Psammocharids of the Genus Aporinellus Banks, Joseph Bequaert
The Nearctic Social Wasps of the Subfamily Polybiinae (Hymenopetra; Vespidae), Joseph Bequaert
The Nearctic Species of Lophepyris, A New Subgenus of Rhabdepyris (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans
The Need for Organized Information on Crop Pollination and Pollinators, George E. Bohart
The Neotropical Stelis-Like Cleptoparasitic Bees (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener and Terry L. Griswold
The Nest and Description of a New Bee, Systropha Punjabensis from India (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Suzanne W.T. Batra and Charles D. Michener
The Nest and Larva of Diploplectron brunneipes (Cresson) (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans
The Nest and Parasites of Xylocopa Orpifex, Anstruther Davidson
The Nest and prey of Chlorion (Ammobia) caliginosum in Colombia, Joseph Bequaert
The Nest Biology of the Bee Andrena (Ptilandrena) erigeniae Robertson (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae), Lloyd R. F. Davis Jr. and Wallace E. LaBerge
The Nesting Biology and Population Dynamics of the Seychelles Potter Wasp Eumenes alluaudi Perez, M. de L. Brooke
The Nesting Biology of Melissodes (Eumelissodes) Rustica (Say), with a Description of the Larva (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), Stephen L. Clement
The Nesting Biology of Three Species of Hoplitis Klug (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Stephen L. Clement and Richard W. Rust
The Nesting Habits, Flower Relationships, and Parasites of Some North American Species of Diadasia (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae), E. Gorton Linsley and J. W. MacSwain
The Nesting Habits of Paranysson, an African Genus of Fossorial Wasps (Hymenoptera, Sphegoidea)., Joseph Bequaert
The Nesting of a Carpenter Bee, Wilmatte Porter Cockerell
The Nest of Lasioglossum (Chloralictus) zephyrus (Smith) in Wyoming (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), Wallace E. LaBerge and O. W. Isakson
The Nest of Odynerus Tempiferus var. Macio Bequaert, with Notes on the Habits of the Wasps, Austin H. Clark and Grace A. Sandhouse
The Nest of Tracheliodes foveolineatus (Viereck), and Normal Reversal of Cocoon Orientation Within it (Hymenoptera: Sohecidae: Crabroninae), Kenneth W. Cooper
The Nests and Larvae of Two Species of Agapostemon (Hymenoptera: Halictidae), Wallace E. LaBerge and D. W. Ribble
The Neuromodulatory and Hormonal Effects of Transcutaneous Vagus Nerve Stimulation as Evidenced by Salivary Alpha Amylase, Salivary Cortisol, Pupil Diameter, and the P3 Event-Related Potential, Christopher M. Warren, Klodiana D. Tona, L. Ouwerkerk, Jeroen van Paridon, Fenna Poletiek, Henk van Steenbergen, Jos A. Bosch, and Sander Nieuwenhuis
The Neuropeptide Receptor System, BigLEN-GPR171, Interacts with the Opioid System to Relieve Pain, L. Alfrose, D. Pena, Ivone Gomes, Lakshmi A. Devi, and Erin N. Bobeck
The Neuropeptide System, BigLEN-GPR171, Interacts With the Opioid System to Relieve Pain and Decrease Tolerance, L. Alfrose, Ivone Gomes, Lakshmi A. Devi, and Erin N. Bobeck
The New Mexico Bees of the Genus Cœlioxys, T. D. A. Cockerell
The New Mexico Bees of the Genus Megachile and a New Andrena, T. D. A. Cockerell
The New Mexico Species of Anthidium, T. D. A. Cockerell
The New Natural Distribution Area of Aspen (Populus tremula L.) Marginal Populations in Pasinler in the Erzurum Province, Turkey, and its Stand Characteristics, Halil Bariş Özel, Sezgin Ayan, Serdar Erpay, and Bojan Simovski
The NewSpace Logistics – Small Satellite Cluster Integration and Launches, Jeanne Medvedeva and Connor Jonas
The Next Frontier: Making Research More Reproducible, David E. Rosenberg, Yves Fillion, Rebecca L. Teasley, Samuel Sandoval-Solis, Jory S. Hecht, Jakobus E. van Zyl, George F. McMahon, Jeffery S. Horsburgh, Joseph R. Kasprzyk, and David G. Tarboton
The NifZ Accessory Protein Has an Equivalent Function in Maturation of Both Nitrogenase MoFe Protein P-Clusters, Emilio Jimenez-Vicente, Zhi-Yong Yang, Julia S. Martin del Campo, Valarie L. Cash, Lance C. Seefeldt, and Dennis R. Dean
The Nixon Presidential Library: Building a Legacy or Analyzing America?, Jennifer P. Kirk
The North American Bees of the Family Anthophoridæ, T. D. A. Cockerell
The North American Bees of the Genus Nomia, T. D. A. Cockerell
The North American Digger Wasps of the Subfamily Scoliinae, Oscar C. Bartlett
The North American Species of Aprostocetus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), B. D. Burks
The North American Species of Elasmus Wetswood (Hymenoptera, Eulophidae), B. D. Burks
The North and Central American Species of Propristocera (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), Howard E. Evans
The Northeastern IPM Center: 20 Years and Over 350 Projects Later, Stephen L. Young
The No-Space Makerspace: Geeking Out with Students in their Own STEM Learning Environments, Cassandra Kvenild and Shannon M. Smith
The Not-Air Force Plane, Courtney Smith
The Number of Colonies and the Density of Honeybees in Sunflower Fields in Relation to the Pollination of the Crop, Paul Benedek, S. Manninger, and B. Nagy
The Occurrence of Trypoxylon clavicerum in North America (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae), Rollin E. Coville
Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell, E. O. Essig
The Oldest Fossil Bee: Apoid History, Evolutionary Stasis, and Antiquity of Social Behavior, Charles D. Michener and David A. Grimaldi
The Open Source Microsatellite Platform, John Paffett, Anita Bernie, Anj Brown, and Vicky Anderson
The Oregon Bicycle Ride, Susan Swan
Theoretical Studies of IR and NMR Spectral Changes Induced by Sigma-Hole Hydrogen, Halogen, Chalcogen, Pnicogen, and Tetrel Bonds in a Model Protein Environment, Mariusz Michalczyk, Wiktor Zierkiewicz, Rafał Wysokiński, and Steve Scheiner
The Organic Wheat Market: Three Essays on Pricing, Consumer Segments, and the Importance of Labels, Tatiana Drugova
The Organization of Honey Bee Embryonic Cells I. Microtubules and Amoeboid Activity, E. J. DuPraw
The Origin and Composition of the Insect Fauna, Leland D. Chandler
The Origin, Distribution, and Classification of the Tiger Beetles of Lower California (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae), Mont A. Cazier
The Origin of the Higher Flowering Plants, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Oviposition of Conopid Flies Upon Smaller Andrenid Bees, George E. Bohart
The Pantry Door, Mira Davis
The Panurgine Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Panurgine Bees of the Genera Hesperapis, Zacesta and Panurgomia, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Paper-Nest Wasps (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) of South Texas: A Preliminary Report, James E. Gillaspy
The Parasites of Popillia Japonica in Japan and Chosen (Korea) and Their Introduction Into the United States, Curtis P. Clausen, J. L. King, and Cho Teranashi
The Parasitic Anthophorid Genus Xeromelecta in Cuba (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
The Parasitic Australian Allodapine Genus Inquilina (Hymenoptera, Anthophoridae), Charles D. Michener
The Parasitic Groups of Halictidae (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Charles D. Michener
The Pedestrian Index of the Environment (PIE): Representing the Walking Environment in Planning Applications, Patrick A. Singleton, Robert J. Schneider, Christopher D. Muhs, and Kelly J. Clifton
The Performance of Military Defense Contracted Companies After September 11th, 2001: The Case of Politically Connected Companies, Derek J. Larsen
The Philippine Bees of the Families Anthophoridæ and Melectidæ, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Philippine Bees of the Family Nomadidæ, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Philippine Journal of Science, T. D. A. Cockerell, Elizabeth Robinson, and A. E. Wileman
The Philosophy of Biological Nomenclature, James Chester Bradley
The Phoresy of Antherophagus, Horace Donisthorpe
The Phorid Flies of Guam, George E. Bohart
The Phylogeny of the Hymenoptera, James Chester Bradley
The Physiological Consequences of Ingesting a Toxic Plant (Diplotaxis Tenuifolia) and Medicinal Supplements Influence Subsequent Foraging Decisions by Sheep, Francisco Catanese, Juan J. Villalba, and Roberto A. Distel
The Physiological Consequences of Ingesting a Toxic Plant (Diplotaxis Tenuifolia) Influence Subsequent Foraging Decisions by Sheep (Ovis Aries), Francisco Catanese, P. Fernández, Juan J. Villalba, and Roberto A. Distel
The Picture of Smartphones at School is Not a Dire One and the Picture of Student Competence is a Bright One, Victor R. Lee
The Plant Diversity Sampling Design for The National Ecological Observatory Network, David T. Barnett, Peter B. Adler, Benjamin R. Chemel, Paul A. Duffy, Brian J. Enquist, James B. Grace, Susan Harrison, Robert K. Peet, David S. Schimel, Thomas J. Stohlgren, and Mark Velled
The Plant Species in Theory and Practice, Verne Grant
The Platycephalus Group of the Genus Rhabdepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae: Epyrinae), Howard E. Evans
The Plight of the Bumblebee, Howard E. Evans
The Poetics of Mughal History: Discerning Abu'l-Fazl's Emplotment of The Akbarnāma, Peter Dziedzic
The Political Business Cycle: Endogenous Election Timing & Hyperbolic Memory Discounting, Jake R. Cottle
The Pollen Collected By Bumble-Bees, Anne D. Brian
The Pollination Ecology of Astragalus Cibarius and Astragalus Utahensis (Leguminosae), Thomas W. Green and George E. Bohart
The Pollination Ecology of Orchis Galilaea (Bornm. Et Schulze) Schltr. (Orchidaceae), R. J. Bino, A. D. J. Meeuse, and A. Dafni
The Pollination Ecology of Orchis Galilaea (Bornm. Et Schulze) Schltr. (Orchidaceae), R. J. Bino, A. Dafni, and D. J. Meeuse
The Pollination Ecology of Solanum Rostratum (Solanaceae), Karen A. W. Bowers
The Pollination Ecology of Zenobia (Ericaceae), Laurence J. Dorr
The Polygraph: A Data Structure for Genome Alignment and Variation Detection, M. Stanley Fujimoto, Cole Lyman, and Mark Clement
The Poptropica Writing Project: A New Design, Kortney Sherbine
The Positive Effect of Role Models in Evolution Instruction, Emily A. Holt, T. Heath Ogden, and Susan L. Durham
The Positive Utility of Active Travel: Multitasking and Subjective Well-Being, Patrick A. Singleton
The Possible Use of Uninominal Nomenclature to Increase the Stability of Names in Biology, Charles D. Michener
The Potential Benefits of Flexibility for Dissemination and Implementation: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as an Example, Michael E. Levin, Brooke M. Smith, and Gregory S. Smith
The Potential of Texture as a Deer Deterrent: The Slime Effect, Heidi A. Keen, George R. Gallagher, Robert H. Prince, and Ted H. Touchstone
The Power of Belief in Becoming, Gabrielle Shumway
The Power of Environmental Observatories for Advancing Multidisciplinary Research, Outreach, and Decision Support: The Case of the Minnesota River Basin, K. B. Gran, C. Dolph, A. Baker, M. Bevis, S. J. Cho, J. A. Czuba, B. Dalzell, M. Danesh-Yazdi, A. T. Hansen, Sara Ann Kelly, Z. Lang, J. Schwenk, Patrick Belmont, J. C. Finlay, P. Kumar, S. Rabotyagov, G. Roehrig, Peter Wilcock, and E. Foufoula-Georgiou
The Pratt Teachers' Agency, William O. Pratt
The Processes of Collective Buy-In, Actuation, and Deep Social Learning in Seminary Classes, Donald B. Anderson
The Production of Males in Queenright Colonies of Trigona (Scaptotrigona) Postica, Darvin Beig
The Proper Role of Women (and Men): A Comparison of Beliefs from 1980 and 1997 for Utah State University Students, Tavia Elaine Simmons
The Prosopidæ, or Obtuse-Tongued Bees of the Philippine Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Provision of Assistance Does Not Substantially Impact the Accuracy of 24-Hour Dietary Recalls Completed Using the Automated Self-Administered 24-H Dietary Assessment Tool Among Women With Low Incomes, Sharon I. Kirkpatrick, Patricia M. Guenther, Deirdre Douglass, Thea Zimmerman, Lisa L. Kahle, Abiodun Atoloye, Michelle Marcinow, Mateja R. Savoie-Roskos, Kevin W. Dodd, and Carrie Durward
The Psammocharidae or Spider Wasps of North Carolina, C. S. Brimley
The Psychobiology of Diet Selection in Ruminants: From Pens to Landscapes, Juan J. Villalba
The Psychobiology of Feeding Behavior and its Cultural Inflection, Juan J. Villalba
The Purpose of Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities, John McClusky
The Quality of Principals' Feedback to Teachers: Do Teacher- and Principal-Level Variables Relate?, Shanena Allen
The 'Queen-Substance' of Honeybees and the Ovary-inhibiting Hormone of Crustaceans, David B. Carlisle and Colin G. Butler
The Quest for College Readiness in Two Languages: A University-High School Partnership, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante, Jill Landes-Lee, and Elizabeth Gallagher
The RadFxSat Mission to Study Radiation Effects on Advanced Nanoelectronics, Brian D. Sierawski, Rebekah A. Austin, James M. Trippe, Kevin M. Warren, Andrew L. Sternberg, Robert A. Reed, Robert A. Weller, Eric Skoog, Gerald W. Buxton III, W. Burns Fisher, Robert Davis, and Christopher E. Thompson
The Reader's Theatre Script for 'Lifelong Impact: Adult Perceptions of Their High School Speech and/or Theatre Participation, L. McCammon, J. Saldana, A. Hines, and Matt Omasta
The Real Trigona dorsalis Smith Rediscovered (Hym.), T. D. A. Cockerell
The Red Front Door, A Memoir, Camila B. Sanabria
The Red Stenodynerus of Florida (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), Richard M. Bohart
“There Is Never a Break”: The Hidden Curriculum of Professionalization for Engineering Faculty, Idalis Villanueva, Taya Carothers, Marialuisa Di Stefano, and Md. Tarique Hasan Kahan
“There Is Never a Break”: The Hidden Curriculum of Professionalization for Engineering Faculty, Idalis Villanueva, Taya Carothers, Marialuisa Di Stefano, and Md. Tarrique Hasan Khan
The Relationship Among the Contributing Factors to Anorexia Nervosa, Stephanie S. Plunkett and David Stein
The Relationship Between Teacher Autonomy and Culturally Responsive Instruction, Vivian (Shiquan) Shao
The Relationships of Scrapter, A Genus of African Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Relative Attractiveness to Pollen-Collecting Honeybees of some Different Pollens, Keith M. Doull
The Relictual Bee Genus Manuelia and Its Relation to Other Xylocopinae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Howell V. Daly, Charles D. Michener, J. S. Moure, and S. F. Sakagami
There’s Evil Sitting on the Porch, Alexa Bills
"There Should be no Tolerance for Intolerance": Internal Antagonism in Online Fan Communities, Michelle W. Jones
There's More to Diet Selection than Protein and Energy: The Role of Secondary Compounds in Animal Grazing Behavior, Tiffanny D. Lyman, Fredrick R. Provenza, Juan J. Villalba, and Randall D. Weidmeier
The Response of Utah Lake's Plant and Algal Community Structure to Cultural Eutrophication, Leighton R. King
The Response of Utah Lake's Plant Community Structure to Cultural Entrophication, L. King, Janice Brahney, and S. Brothers
The Response of Utah Lake's Plant Community Structure to Cultural Eutrophication, Leighton King
The Right Answer: Intuition in Tutoring Sessions, Hunter E. Henrichsen
The Right to Die: A Brief Look at Physician-Assisted Suicide, Brooke Meredith Sanders Purves
The Rise and Run of Women Corporate Leaders, Alicia R. Ingersoll
The Rise of Populist Rhetoric and the Mainstreaming of a Party? Testing the Rhetorical Shifts Between Front National’s Presidents Jean-Marie Le Pen and Marine Le Pen, Muriel C. McGregor
Thermal Bowing Testing of Precast Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels, Fray Pozo-Lora and Marc Maguire
Thermal Environments Within Aspen (Populus tremuloides) Tree Cavities During Summer: Implications for Breeding and Roosting Cavity Users, Jamie Jarolimek and Kerri Vierling
Thermal oxidation of silicon in a home-made furnace system, Joshua Koskan
Thermal Oxidation of Silicon in a Home-Made Furnace System, Joshua Koskan
Thermal Structure of the Mesopause Region During the WADIS-2 Rocket Campaign, Raimund Wörl, Boris Strelnikov, Timo P. Viehl, Josef Höffner, Pierre-Dominique Pautet, Michael J. Taylor, Yucheng Zhao, and Franz-Josef Lübken
Thermal Transport to Droplets Impinging on Heated, Superhydrophobic Surfaces, Jonathan C. Burnett and Dan Maynes
Thermal Validation Campaign of the Electric Propulsion System NPT30 Integrated Into the ISIS 8U Structure, Dmytro Rafalskyi, Javier Martínez, Antoine Poyet, Marcin Brodecki, and Hugo Brouwer
Thermodynamic Properties of Black Holes, Geoffrey Schulthess
Thermodynamic Properties of Schwarzschild and Kerr Black Holes, Geoffrey Schulthess
Thermodynamics Analysis of Refrigeration, Joe Lam
Thermotectonic History of the Kluane Ranges and Evolution of the Eastern Denali Fault Zone in Southwestern Yukon, Canada, Robert G. McDermott, Alexis K. Ault, Jonathan Saul Caine, and Stuart N. Thomson
Thermotectonic History of the Kluane Ranges and Evolution of the Eastern Denali Fault Zone in Southwestern Yukon, Canada, Robert G. McDermott, Alexis K. Ault, Jonathan Saul Caine, and Stuart N. Thomson
The Robber Fly Proctacanthus hinei Bromley (Diptera: Asilidae) in Illinois, with Records of Bumblebees as Prey (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), John K. Bouseman and Chris T. Maier
The Role of a Peer-Led Academic Intervention in College Students' Development of Self-Regulated Learning: A Person-Centered Approach, Soojeong Jeong
The Role of Classroom Design in Facilitating Student Engagement in Active Learning, Samantha Powers, Bob Barcelona, S. McLaughlin, and Nate E. Trauntvein
The Role of Cognitive Load on Postural Stability in the Elderly, Tucker Gamble, Sushma Alphonsa, and Eadric Bressel
The Role of Cultural Discontinuity in the Academic Outcomes of Latina/o High School Students, Amanda Taggart
The Role of Discriminatory Experiences on Hispanic Students’ College Choice Decisions, Amanda Taggart and Gloria Crisp
The Role of Flexural Stresses in Forecasting Seismicity Distributions, Jared Bryan
The Role of Flower Specificty in the Evolution of Solitary Bees, E. Gorton Linsley
The Role of Honeybees in the Pollination of Lucerne in Relation to the Activity of Wild Bess, Paul Benedek
The Role of Imported Parasites in the Biological Control of the Spotted Alfalfa Aphid in Southern California in 1957, R. van den Bosch, E. I. Schlinger, E. J. Dietrick, and I. M. Hall
The Role of Insects of the Apoidea Family on Alfalfa Seed Plantations, Mirosława Dylewska
The Role of Motivations, Satisfaction and Place Attachment on Appalachian Trail Conservancy Volunteer Involvement, A. Royce and Nate E. Trauntvein
The Role of Plant Biochemical Diversity on Animal Nutrition, Health and Welfare, Juan J. Villalba
The Role of Polar Pili in the Adherence of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa to Injured Canine Tracheal Cells: A Semiquantitative Morphologic Study, D. E. Zoutman, W. C. Hulbert, B. L. Pasloske, A. M. Joffe, K. Volpel, M. K. Trebilcock, and W. Paranchych
The Role of Psychological Inflexibility and Self-Compassion in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Clinical Perfectionism, Clarissa W. Ong, Jennifer L. Barney, Tyson Barrett, Eric B. Lee, Michael Levin, and Michael P. Twohig
The Role of Recoverable and Non-Recoverable Defects in DC Electrical Aging of Highly Disordered Insulating Materials, Allen Andersen
The Role of Recreational Experiences During Study Abroad in the Development of Intercultural Sensitivity, Samantha Powers and Nate E. Trauntvein
The Role of Research in Expanded Regional Management of Double-Crested Cormorants, Scott C. Barras and Mark E. Tobin
The Role of Small Ruminants on Global Climate Change, Alda Lúcia Gomes Monteiro, Amanda Moser Coelho da Fonseca Faro, Mylena Taborda Piquera Peres, Rafael Batista, Cesar Henrique Espirito Candal Poli, and Juan J. Villalba
The Role of Small Satellites in the Establishment of the Gulf Region's First Graduate Level Space Studies Program, Carlos G. Niederstrasser, Prashanth Reddy Marpu, Adham Alkhaja, Thu Trong Vu, Efthymios Kontogiannis, and Ahmed A. Alshaer
The Role of Social Support in Dementia Care Facilities: Staff Member Perspectives, Malinda K. Dokos
The Role of Software and Services as Catalysts of Market Growth for the Satellite Industry, Bora Beran
The Role of the Neuropeptide Receptor System, BigLEN-GPR171, in Opioid Reward and Withdrawal, L. Alfrose, M. McDermott, Akila Ram, L. Wilkes, Lakshmi A. Devi, and Erin N. Bobeck
The Role of Tourism Impacts on Cultural Ecosystem Services, B. Derrick Taff, Jacob Benfield, Zachary D. Miller, Ashley D'Antonio, and Forrest Schwartz
The role of trail pheromones in host selection by Psithyrus rupestris (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Björn Cederberg
The Role of Volunteerism in the Physical Activity of Adults in Mid to Late Life, Nate E. Trauntvein, J. Son, Andrew J. Mowen, and D. Kerstetter
The Role of Wildlife in Human and Animal Disease, John R. Fischer and Richard W. Gerhold
The Roles of Mechanical Stress and Ethylene in Clinostat-Induced Leaf Epinasty and Gravitropic Response of Dicot Shoots, Raymond M. Wheeler
The Samurai Wasp Brings New Hope in the Fight Against Brown Marmorated Stink But in Utah, Mark Cody Holthouse, Lori R. Spears, Zachery R. Schrumm, and Diane G. Alston
The Sand Wasps of Australia, Howard E. Evans and Robert W. Matthews
The Saturniidae (Lepidoptera) of the Western Hemisphere, Charles D. Michener
The Scoliidae described by Pallas (Hym.), H. Bischoff and J. C. Bradley
The Scoliidae (Hymenoptera) of Northern South America, with Especial Reference to Venezuela. - I. The Genus Campsomeris, James Chester Bradley
The Scoliidae of Africa, James Chester Bradley
The Scoliid Types of Guérin-Méneville (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Scoliidae), James Chester Bradley
The Seasonal Cycle and Habitat of a Tropical Bumble Bee, Charles D. Michener and Moh Amir
The Seventy-Second Perdita, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Siege, Chris Muffoletto
The Significance of Odor for Bees Orienting Across a Canyon, Franz Josef Bogdany and Stephen Taber III
The Significance of Protandry in Social Hymenoptera, M. G. Bulmer
The Slow Displacement of Smallholder Farming Families: Land, Hunger, and Labor Migration in Nicaragua and Guatemala, Lindsey Carte, Birgit Schmook, Claudia Radel, and Richard Johnson
The Smaller Bees of the Genus Andrena Found in New Mexico, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Snipe Hunt, Eliza Jorgensen
The Social Bees of the Philippine Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Social Biology of Polistine Wasps, Mary Jane West-Eberhard
The Social Dynamics of Protected Area Centered Ecosystems, Ryan Tarver
The Social Justice of Everyday Priority Queues, Megan Albrechtsen
The Social Organization of Wild Turkeys on the Welder Wildlife Refuge, Texas, Charles Robert Watts
The Social Wasps in Indiana (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Leland D. Chandler
The Social Wasps of California (Vespinae, Polistinae, Polybiinae), Richard M. Bohart and R. C. Bechtel
The Sociology of Plants, Julie L. Welch Stuehser
The Solitary Bee Melissodes Thelypodii Thelypodii Cockerell (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae) Collects Pollen from Wind-Pollinated Amaranthus Palmeri Watson, James H. Cane, Stephen L. Buchmann, and Wallace E. LaBerge
The Southern African Panurginae (Andrenidae: Hymenoptera), C. D. Eardley
The Soviet Union and the GATT: An Impossible Combination?, Gregory L. Waddoups
The Spacecraft Challenge: A Student Satellite Program Accelerator, Wesley Stirk, Jacob Willis, and Patrick Walton
The Spatial Ecology of Predator-Prey Interactions: A Case Study of Yellowstone Elk, Wolves, and Cougars, Michel T. Kohl
The Species of Campsomeris (Hymenoptera-Scoliidae) of the Plumipes Group, Inhabiting the United States, the Greater Antilles, and the Bahama Islands, James Chester Bradley
The Species of Dianthidium of Baja California (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), Philip H. Timberlake
The Species of the Bee-Genus Dieunomia, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Species of Vespoidea Described by Provancher, J. R. Barron and H. E. Bisdee
The Spectral Ocean Color Imager (SPOC) – An Adjustable Multispectral Imager, David L. Cotten, Nicholas Neel, Deepak Mishra, Marguerite Madden, Caleb Adams, Susanne Ullrich, Adrian Burd, Malcolm Adams, Kaitlyn Summey, Casper Versteeg, Jackson Parker, and Fred Beyette
The Sphecodine Bees of the Philippine Islands, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Spouse's Perspective of Agricultural Education as a Career, Nicole Hopkins
The Squash and Gourd Bees— Genera Peponapis Robertson and Xenoglossa Smith— Inhabiting America North of Mexico (Hymenoptera: Apoidea), Paul D. Hurd Jr. and E. Gorton Linsley
The Squash and Gourd Bees, Peponapis Azteca Hurd and Linsley and Xenoglossa Gabbii Crawfordi Cockerell in Chihuahua, Mexico (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), John K. Bouseman
The Status of Prosopalictus, a Halictine Bee from Taiwan (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), Charles D. Michener
The Status of the Genus Rhinopsis, with Description of a New Species from Texas (Hymen.: Ampulicidae), James Chester Bradley
The Sting of a Tarantula Wasp, Stanley W. Bromley
The Structural Differentiation of Mouthparts of Leaf-Cutting Bees and Their Biological Significance, Heming M. Chen and Yuzhen Z. Chang
The Stuffy Airplane, Courtney Smith
The Subgenus Creightonella of Megachile, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Subgenus Pompilinus in Mexico (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae), Howard E. Evans
The Successful Launch of the Fourth Epsilon Launch Vehicle and its Future Rideshare Plans, Makoto Horikawa, Hitomi Izumi, Yusuke Ohagi, Yuichi Noguchi, Kazuhiro Yagi, and Takayuki Imoto
The Synonymy and Types of Certain Genera of Hymenoptera, James Chester Bradley
The Syrphid Flies Associated with Arizona Crops, George D. Butler Jr. and Floyd G. Werner
The Tail Wagging the Dog: Positive Attitude Towards Livestock Guarding Dogs Do Not Mitigate Pastoralists’ Opinions of Wolves or Grizzly Bears, Daniel Kinka and Julie K. Young
The Tale of Captain Synagogue, Jake Turner
The Taxon Dielis (Hymenoptera: Scoliidae) and its Type, J. G. Betrem
The Taxonomic Value of Male Genitalia of Spilomena Shuckard, 1838, from the Palearctic Region (excl. Japan) (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Hermann Dollfuss
The Taxonomy of the Masarid Wasps, Including a Monograph on the North American Species, James Chester Bradley
The Taxon Trielis (Hym. Scoliidae) and its Type, J. G. Betrem
The Teacher's Chair: Vibrant Materialism in the Literacy Workshop, Kortney Sherbine
The Textbook Game, Cy Robinson
The Theory of Speciational Trends, Verne Grant
The Theory of Travel Decision-Making: A Conceptual Framework of Active Travel Behavior, Patrick A. Singleton and Kelly J. Clifton
The Theory of Travel Decision-Making: A Conceptual Framework of Active Travel Behavior, Patrick A. Singleton and Kelly J. Clifton
The Theory of Travel Decision-Making: A Conceptual Framework of Active Travel Behavior, Patrick A. Singleton and Kelly J. Clifton
The Thermal and Physical Properties of Beef from Three USDA-Quality Grades Cooked to Multiple Degrees of Doneness, Jessica McClellan Hadfield
The Thing in the Jungle, Gianna Patchett
The Three Squeezes, Emma Thornton
The Timing and Nature of the Last Glacial Cycle in New Zealand, James Shulmeister, Glenn D. Thackray, Tammy M. Rittenour, David Fink, and Nicholas R. Patton
The Total Syntheses of JBIR-94 and Two Synthetic Analogs and Their Cytotoxicities Against A549 (CCL-185) Human Small Lung Cancer Cells, Cathy L. Mangum, Mica B. Munford, Alyssa Sam, Sandra K. Young, Jeremy T. Beales, Yagya Prasad Subedi, Chad D. Mangum, Tanner J. Allen, Miranda S. Liddell, Andrew I. Merrell, Diana I. Saavedra, Becky L. Williams, Nicole Evans, Joseph L. Beales, and Mike A. Christiansen
The Total Western Diet and Vancomycin Treatment Increase Inflammation-Mediated Colorectal Cancer, Niklas David Joakim Aardema
The Toxicity to Apple Pollen of Several Fungicides, as Demonstrated by In Vivo and In Vitro Techniques, Ruth M. Church and R. R. Williams
The Triad Trial: Online Education for Coaches, Megan Jane Ostler, Heidi J. Wengreen, and Katie Nicole Brown
The Tri-State High School Band Symposium: An Honor Band Experience for the Region's Finest Wind and Percussion Players and Their Directors, USU Wind Orchestra, Thomas P. Rohrer, Jazz Orchestra, Jon Gudmundson, Caine Woodwind Quintet, Bonnie Schroeder, Aggie Marching Band, Lane Weaver, Caine Saxophone Quartet, Caine Brass Quintet, Max Matzen, Caine Percussion Quartet, Jason Nicholson, Robert Sheldon, and Mathew Inkster
The Types of Hymenoptera Described by Amédée Lepeletier, Comte de Saint - Fargeau, James Chester Bradley
The Types of Hymenoptera in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Other Than Those of Ezra T. Cresson, Ezra Townsend Cresson
The Types of the Scoliidae Described by Frederick Smith (Hymenoptera), James Chester Bradley and J. G. Betrem
The University-High School Partnership: Heritage Speaker and DLI pathways, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
The University of Louisville Insect Collection, Charles V. Covell Jr.
The Unspace Case: Developing a Maker Movement in a Multipurpose, Flexible Space, Library Setting, Craig E. Shepherd, Cassandra Kvenild, Shannon M. Smith, and Alan Buss
The Urban Coyote Control Program, Robert J. Erickson
The Usability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for Pedestrian Observation, Keunhyun Park and Reid Ewing
The Use of Animal Behavior As a Tool for Biological Control, Melissa Biscornet
The Use of a Values Affirming Intervention: Does It Impact Math Scores and Semester Grade Point Averages in a Student Support Services Population, Amy L. DeBruler
The Use of Border Collies in Avian and Wildlife Control Programs, Nicholas B. Carter
The Use of Hashtags in the Cosmetic Industry: Are Brands Conforming to Recommended Guidelines?, McKenna Koster, Megan Mills, and Kelsey Anderson
The Use of Object-Oriented Design Methodologies in Systems Design, Rick C. Larkin
The Use of Rodenticides for Conservation Efforts, Gary Witmer, John D. Eisemann, and Gregg Howald
The Use of Social Media in the Fashion Industry: An Investigation of the Nature and Scope of Instagram Bios, Anna Erickson
The Use of the Xylose Tolerance Test as an Indicator of Malabsorption in Cryptosporidiosis, James A. Evans
The Use of Toxicants in Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Management: An Overview, Gary W. Witmer and Kathleen A. Fagerstone
The Utah Statesman, April 10, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, April 1, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, April 15, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, April 17, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, April 22, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, April 24, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, April 25, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, April 27, 2017, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, April 3, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, April 8, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, August 27, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, August 27th, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, August 29, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, December 10, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, December 3, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, December 3, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, December 5, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, December 7, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 11, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 12, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 13, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 18, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 19, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 20, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 25, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 26, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 27, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 4, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 5, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, February 6, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 14, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 15, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 16, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 17, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 21, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 22, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 23, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 28, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 29, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 30, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 7, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 8, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, January 9, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, July 16, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, June 11, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, March 18, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, March 19, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, March 20, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, March 25, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, March 26, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, March 27, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, March 4, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, March 5, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, March 6, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, May 14, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 12, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 12, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 12th, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 14, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 16, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 19, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 19, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 19th, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 21, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 2, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 23, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 26, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 30, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 5, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 5, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 7, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, November 9, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 10, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 1, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 1, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 15, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 15th, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 17, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 1st, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 22, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 22, 2015, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 22nd, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 24, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 29, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 29th, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 31, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 3, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 8, 2013, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, October 8th, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, September 10th, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, September 2, 2014, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, September 24th, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Statesman, September 3rd, 2019, Utah State University
The Utah Water Reuse Study: Initial Findings, Implications, and the Landscape of Wastewater Reuse Application, Hillary Fishler and Courtney G. Flint
The Utility of Environmental DNA and Species Distribution Models in Assessing the Habitat Requirements of Twelve Fish Species in Alaskan North Slope Rivers, James B. Eddings
The Utilization of Carbohydrates as Food by Honeybee Larvae, Lloyd M. Bertholf
The Values of Place: Recreation and Cultural Ecosystem Services in Puget Sound, Kai M. A. Chan, Mollie Chapman, Cheryl Chen, Noah Enelow, Taylor Nesslegrave, and Sarah C. Klain
The Ventral Intersegmental Thoracic Muscles of Cockroaches, L. E. Chadwick
The Vespoidea of Israel (Hymenoptera), H. Bytinski-Salz
The Vulnerability of Littoral Structures Under Multiyear Drought Conditions, Jenna M. Keeton
The Wall of Silence: Disrupting Kairotic Spaces, Victoria Jaye
The Wasps and Bees of Barkuda Island, Cedric Dover
The Wasps of Penikese Island, Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts (Hymenoptera), Kenneth W. Cooper
The Wasp, Vespula sylvestris Scopoli: Feeding, Foraging and Colony Development, M. V. Brian and Anne D. Brian
The Water Entry of a Sphere in a Jet, Nathan B. Speirs, Jesse Belden, Zhao Pan, Sean Holekamp, George Badlissi, Matthew Jones, and Tadd T. Truscott
The WFI Relative Calibration System for WFIRST, Gregory D. Wirth, Sarah Lipscy, Phil Scott, and Alan Thurgood
The White Figure, Mira Davis
“The White Spatula”, Josephine Rivera
The Wild Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Wild Bees of Morocco, T. D. A. Cockerell
The Wildlife Society and Wildlife Damage Management Professionals, Robert J. Warren
The Wobble, Top Golf initiation, Stan Kouris
The Xylocopid or Carpenter Bees of the Phillipine Islands, T. D.A. Cockerell
The Yellow Bowl, Emma Thornton
The Zoogeography of Andrena Fabricus (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) of the Western Hemisphere, Wallace E. LaBerge
Third-Person Autonomous Control using Deep RC, Jaron Ellingson, Kameron Eves, Nick Walton, and Cameron Peterson
Third Sunday FHE, Eliza Jorgensen
This is Research, Boy!': Emerging and Be[com]ing with Objects in an Early Childhood Literacy Workshop, Kortney Sherbine
Three Essays on Land Property Rights, Water Trade, and Regional Development, Muyang Ge
Three New Aculeate Wasp Distribution Records from South Texas (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae; Sphecidae), James E. Gillaspy
Three New Anthophorid Bees From Texas, T. D. A. Cockerell
Three New Australian Species of Goniozus Foerster (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), and G. antipodum Westwood Redescribed, D. Farrugia
Three New Bees from the Oriental Zoological Region, Peter Cameron
Three New Bees from the Southwest, T. D. A. Cockerell
Three New Bees of the Genus Calliopsis from Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
Three New Bees of the Genus Nomada, T. D. A. Cockerell
Three New California Spider Wasps (Hymenoptera, Pompilidae), Howard E. Evans
Three New Cretaceous Aculeate Wasps (Hymenoptera), Howard E. Evans
Three New Dufoureine Bees from California (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Three New Species of Bees, J. C. Crawford
Three New Species of Brachyhesma (Apoidea: Colletidae), Elizabeth M. Exley
Three New Species of Haploneurion Kohl (Hymenoptera: Psammocharidae) from Chile, Robert R. Dreisbach
Three New Species of Lasioglossum (Lassioglossum From China (Hymenoptera: Apoidea, Halictidae), Jian-guo Fan and P. Andreas Werner Ebmer
Three New Species of Stenodynerus From Eastern United States (Hymenoptera, Vespidae), Richard M. Bohart
Three Practices in Technical Writing: A Portfolio, Alyssa Jean Hambelton
Thresholds Are in the Eye of the Beholder: Plants and Wildlife Respond Differently to Short‐Term Cattle Corrals, Kari E. Veblen and Lauren M. Porensky
Thrive: The Importance of a Co-working Environment, Cassidy Long
Thriving Hives, Beekeeping Monthly Calendar, Sheriden M. Hansen, Andree Walker-Bravo, and JayDee Gunnell
Thylacine Dreams: The Vernacular Resurrection of an Extinct Marsupial, Daisy M. Ahlstone
Tiki Challenge, Rebecca Smith
Tillage, Manure, and Winter Runoff, Melanie N. Stock, Francisco J. Arriaga, Peter A. Vadas, Laura Ward Good, and Krishnapuram G. Karthikeyan
Time-Evolved Constant Voltage Conductivity Measurements of Common Spaceborne Polymeric Materials, Brian Wood, David King, and JR Dennison
Time-Evolved Constant Voltage Conductivity Measurements of Common Spaceborne Polymeric Materials, Brian Wood, David King, and JR Dennison
Time-Evolved Constant Voltage Conductivity Polymeric Materials, Brian Wood, JR Dennison, and David King
Time Relationships in the Nest Construction and Life Cycle of the Alkali Bee, George E. Bohart and Earle A. Cross
Timescale Dependence in River Channel Migration Measurements, Mitchell Donovan and Patrick Belmont
Timing and Cause of Water Level Fluctuations in Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory, Over the Past 5000 Years, Janice Brahney, John J. Clague, Brian Menounos, and Thomas W. D. Edwards
Timing of Glyphosate Application to Increase Cattle Consumption of Medusahead, Alexis Cooper
Timing of Invasion by Africanized Bees Coincides with Local Extinction of a Specialized Pollinator of a Rare Poppy in Utah, USA, Amber D. Tripodi, Vincent J. Tepedino, and Zachary M. Portman
Tioga, Charles Ford
Tipos de Glândulas Salivares do Tórax Presentes em Abelhas. (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Carminda Da Cruz Landim
Tired of Talking to Ghosts, Mira Davis
To Bee or Not to Bee?: The Pollination Biology of Apios americana (Leguminosae), Anne Bruneau and Gregory J. Anderson
To Frack or Not to Frack: Hearing the Voice of the People, Megan Aagard and Mo Uasike
Together We Know A Lot: Consensus Decision Making in the Classroom, Avery C. Edenfield
Toka Puia Resort & Spa: A Luxurious & Green Approach to Upcylcing Shipping Containers, Madison Ditton
Tomato Hornworm, Tobacco Hornworm (Manduca quinquemaculata and Manduca sexta), Nick Volesky and Marion Murray
Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus of Tomato & Pepper, Claudia Nischwitz, Mariah Noorlander, and Mary Ann Hubbell
Tom Holland Secret Code, Taylor McDougal
Too Many Latkes, Shannon Meyer
Topographic Constraints on Magma Accumulations Below the Actively Uuplifting Uturuncu and Lazufre Volcanic Centers in the Central Andes, Jonathan P. Perkins, Noah J. Finnegan, Scott T. Henderson, and Tammy M. Rittenour
Tortoise Beetles in the Collection of the Lingnan Natural History Survey and Museum (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Cassidinae), J. Linsley Gressitt
Tortrix postvittana Walk. And its Parasites in Australia, L. J. Dumbleton
"Total Evidence" and the Evolution of Highly Social Bees, Gabriela Chavarría and James M. Carpenter
Totem Poles Today, Whitney Horrocks
Toward a Butlerian Education: Social Justice Education Through Vulnerability, Mario Itzel Suárez and Patrick Slattery
Toward Reliable, Secure, and Energy-Efficient Multi-Core System Design, Prabal Basu
Towards a Better Understanding of Foraging Behavior to Boost the Expression of Conditioned Preferences for Low-Quality Foods, Francisco Catanese, Juan J. Villalba, and Roberto A. Distel
Towards Conjunctive Management of Surface Water and groundwater in the Mediterranean, Matthew Lagod
Towards Integrated Antennas on Solar Sails, Nicolas Appel
Towards Measures of the Positive Utility of Travel: Affective and Eudaimonic Travel Subjective Well-Being, Patrick A. Singleton and Kelly J. Clifton
Towards measures of the Positive Utility of Travel and Related Concepts, Patrick A. Singleton and Kelly J. Clifton
Toward Tailorable, Ultra-light, and Ultra-compactable Solar Arrays for Small Satellites, Alexi Rakow
TPU from Atmospheric Correction of Landsat 8 OLI Imagery, Minsu Kim
Tracing Cultural Ecosystem Services from Data Collection to Decision Making, Sarah C. Klain
Tracking Canada Geese Near Airports: Using Spatial Data to Better Inform Management, Ryan J. Askren, Brett E. Dorak, Heath M. Hagy, Michael W. Eiccholz, Brian E. Washburn, and Michael P. Ward
Tracking the Sunflower Bees…, L. M. Brown and F. D. Parker
Track Star + Thing Power: Be[com]ing in the Literacy Workshop, Kortney Sherbine
Track Star + Thing Power: Be[com]ing in the Literacy Workshop, Kortney Sherbine
Training Bees to Pollinate Grape Vines, Y. S. Barskii
Training Cattle to Graze Medusahead and Avoid Velvet Lupine: A New Tool to Sustain the Economic Viability of Livestock Operations in the Western US, C. Spackman, Clinton A. Stonecipher, Kip E. Panter, and Juan J. Villalba
Training Deer to Avoid Sites Through Negative Reinforcement, Dale L. Nolte, Kurt C. Vercauteren, Kelly R. Perry, and Suzanne E. Adams
Training Dual Immersion Instructors to Teach Writing: The Utah Experience, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante
Training EFL Teachers in the Expanding Circles: A Course Proposal to Achieve Global Demands, Maria Luisa Spicer-Escalante and Karin deJonge-Kannan
Transcriptome Analysis Revealed the Dynamic Oil Accumulation in Symplocos paniculata Fruit, Qiang Liu, Youping Sun, Jingzhen Chen, Peiwang Li, Genhua Niu, Lijuan Jiang, and Changzhu Li
Transcriptomic and Viral Analysis in Honey Bees Exposed to Organosilicones, Matthew Thompson
Transfer and Establishment of the Alkali Bee (A Progress Report of Work at the Logan Station), George E. Bohart
Transfer of Calibration to CubeSat On-board Carbon Nanotube Sources, David Osterman, A. Amparan, A. Ghandour, T. Kampe, P. Kerrigan, J. Necas, R. Rohrschneider, G. Reavis, M. Veto, and R. Warden
Transferring the Pedestrian Index of the Environment, J. P. Orrego-Oñate, J. C. Totten, Patrick A. Singleton, Robert J. Schneider, and Kelly J. Clifton
Transformações Pós-Embrionárias em Melipona Quadrifasciata Anthidioides Lep. V: Hemócitos das Fases Imaturas (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Carminda Da Cruz Landim and Marina A. Staurengo-Cunha
Transitioning Trees from Traditional to Low-Water Landscapes, Kathryn Johnson and Larry Rupp
Transition Portfolio, Sarah Atkinson
Transition State Analysis of the Reaction Catalyzed by the Phosphotriesterase from Sphingiobium sp. TCM1, Andrew N. Bigley, Dao Feng Xiang, Tamari Narindoshvili, Charlie W. Burgert, Alvan C. Hengge, and Frank M. Raushel
Transition State Interactions in a Promiscuous Enzyme: Sulfate and Phosphate Monoester Hydrolysis by Pseudomonas aeruginosa Arylsulfatase, Bert van Loo, Ryan Berry, Usa Boonyuen, Mark F. Mohamed, Marko Golicnik, Alvan C. Hengge, and Florian Hollfelder
Transnational Civic Education and Emergent Bilinguals in a Dual Language Setting, Marialuisa Di Stefano and Steven P. Camicia
Transportation Planning in an Autonomous Vehicle Future, Patrick A. Singleton
Transportation, Travel behavior, and Air Quality, Patrick A. Singleton
Trap and Synthetic Lure for the Checkered Flower Beetle, a Serious Predator of Alfalfa Leafcutting Bees, H. G. Davis, J. D. Eves, and L. M. McDonough
Trapping Pollen from Honey Bee Colonies, B. F. Dethoy and E. R. Harp
Treatment of Clinical Perfectionism Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Clarissa W. Ong
Tree-Ring Isotopes Adjacent to Lake Superior Reveal Cold Winter Anomalies for the Great Lakes Region of North America, Steven Voelker, S.-Y. Simon Wang, Todd E. Dawson, John S. Roden, Christopher J. Still, Fred J. Longstaffe, and Avner Ayalon
Treetop Mating Aggregations of Pogonomyrmex, Charles D. Michener
Trembling Aspen Root Suckering and Stump Sprouting Response to Above Ground Disturbance on a Reclaimed Boreal Oil Sands Site in Alberta, Canada, Stephanie A. Jean, Bradley D. Pinno, and Scott E. Nielsen
Trends and Controls on Water-Use Efficiency of an Old-Growth Coniferous Forest in the Pacific Northwest, Yueyang Jiang, Christopher J. Still, Bharat Rastogi, Gerald F. M. Page, Sonia Wharton, Frederick C. Meinzer, Steve Voelker, and John B. Kim
Trends in Summer Coyote and Wolf Predation on Sheep in Idaho During a Period of Wolf Recovery, Alegra Galle, Mark Collinge, and Richard Engeman
Trends in Theatre Teacher Training & Student Assessment, Matt Omasta
Trichotrigona, Um Novo Genero De Meliponinae (Hymenoptera, Apidae), Do Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brasil, Joao M. F. Camargo and J. S. Moure
Triepeolus Mesillae (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) in Illinois: A Cleptoparasitic Bee New to the Eastern United States, John K. Bouseman
Trips With Dad, Susan Swan
Triumph Over Tragedy, The Fry Street Quartet
Tropilaelaps, a New Genus of Mite from the Philippines (Laelaptidae [s. lat.]: Acarina), Mercedes D. Delfinado and Edward W. Baker
Trout Habitat in an Altered Gravel-Bed River with an Augmented Flow Regime, Jacob B. Stout
Trout Response to Didymo, A Food Web Approach, N. Clancy, Janice Brahney, and P. Budy
Trunking Gone Wrong: An Ethan Dixon Story, Cy Robinson
Truth: Natural Methods, unknown
Trzmiele Dolnego Slaska, Mieczyslaw Biliński and Andrzej Ruszkowski
Trzmiele Ślaska Górnego I Opolskiego, Mieczyslaw Biliński, Andrzej Ruszkowski, and Andrzej Kosior
Trzmiele Zachodniego Pomorza, Mieczyslaw Biliński, Andrzej Ruszkowski, Krystyna Kaczmarska, and Stanislawa Sowa
Trzmiele Ziemi Lubuskiej, Mieczyslaw Biliński, Andrzej Ruszkowski, and Krystyna Kaczmarska
Tuna Sandwich Sunday, Kresten Erickson
Turkey Damage Survey: A Wildlife Success Story Becoming Another Wildlife Damage Problem, James E. Miller, Brian C. Tefft, Robert E. Eriksen, and Mike Gregonis
Turkey Feather Cordage: How to Gobble up an Entire Turkey, Bryn Burningham
Turning Off the Lights: Automating SkySat Mission Operations, Sean Henely, Bethany Baldwin-Pulcini, and Kyle Smith
Twas the Night Before Christmas, Madeline Thomas
Tweede bijdrage tot de kennis onzer Hymenopterenfauna, Joseph Bequaert
Twelve Kisses in One Night, Courtney Smith
Twentieth Century Geomorphic Changes of the Lower Green River in Canyonlands National Park, Utah: An Investigation of Timing, Magnitude and Process, Alexander E. Walker, John C. Schmidt, and Paul E. Grams
Twenty-First Century Skills: A Needs Assessment of School-Based Agricultural Education Teachers, Kisia J. Weeks
Twenty-Three Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH) – a Community Perspective, Günter Blöschl, Marc F.P. Bierkens, Antonio Chambel, Christophe Cudennec, Georgia Destouni, Aldo Fiori, James W. Kirchner, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Hubert H.G. Savenije, Murugesu Sivapalan, Christine Stumpp, Elena Toth, Elena Volpi, Gemma Carr, David G. Tarboton, and et. al
Twitter in the Classroom: A Comparative Case Study, M. Miller-Foster, Kortney Sherbine, and D. Miller
Two Additional New Species in the Genus Haploneurion (Hymenoptera: Psammocharidae) from Chile with a Key to the Known Species, Robert R. Dreisbach
Two Bees New to Canada, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two Central American Social Wasps, Accidentally Introduced into the United States, Joseph Bequaert
Two Fossil Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two Fossil Hymenoptera from Florissant (Vespidae, Megachilidae), T. D. A. Cockerell
Two Genera of Bees New to the Recorded Fauna of Nova Scotia, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two Names of Stability: Spherical Aromatic or Superatomic Intermetalloid Cluster [Pd3Sn8Bi6]4−, Nikita Fedik, Maksim Kulichenko, and Alexander I. Boldyrev
Two New and Highly Apomorphic Species of the Lasioglossum Subgenus Evylaeus (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) from Central America, Bryan N. Danforth and William T. Wcislo
Two New Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two New Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two New Bees from Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two New Bees from Hay River, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two New Bees from New Jersy, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two New Bees of the Genus Perdita, Visiting Baileya in New Mexico, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two New Bees of the Genus Triepeolus, T. D. A. Cockerell and Philip H. Timberlake
Two New Bees of the Genus Triepeolus, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two New Canadian Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two New Color Forms of Polistes major Palisot de Beauvois from California and Arizona (Hymenoptera: Vespidae), Joseph Bequaert
Two New Genera and a New Species of Bembicini (Sphecidae) from North America, with a Key to the Genera having Recessed Ocelli, James E. Gillaspy
Two New Halictus from New Jersey, J. C. Crawford Jr.
Two New Mutillidae From Colorado, T. D. A. Cockerell and S. A. Rohwer
Two New Species in the Genera Dipogon Fox and Minagenia Banks (Hymenoptera, Psammocharidae), Robert R. Dreisbach
Two New Species in the Genera Priocnemis and Priocnessus (Hymenoptera: Psammocharidae) from Mexico, Robert R. Dreisbach
Two New Species in the Genus Pompilinus (Hymenoptera: Psammocharidae) with Photomicrographs of the Genitalia and Subgenital Plate of the Male, Robert R. Dreisbach
Two New Species of Australian Bembix Sand Wasps, with Notes on Other Species of the Genus (Hymenoptera, Sphecidae), Howard E. Evans
Two New Species of Bees from Arizona (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Two New Species of Bees of the Genus Perdita in the Collection of the California Academy of Sciences, Philip H. Timberlake
Two New Species of Chelogynus (Hymenoptera: Dryinidae) From New York State, James Chester Bradley
Two New Species of Hedychridium From California (Hymenoptera: Chrysididae), Richard M. Bohart and R. L. Brumley
Two New Species of Mutillidae Associated with Halictus hesperus (Halictidae) in Panama (Hymenoptera), Denis J. Brothers
Two New Species of Nomada, Subgenus Gnathias, from California (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Two New Species of Perdita from Arizona and Utah (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae), Philip H. Timberlake
Two New Species of Perdita from North Carolina (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Two New Species of Ptiloglossa from Arizona (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), Philip H. Timberlake
Two New Subgenera of North American Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two New Types of Desert Bees, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two Nocturnal Bees and a Minute Perdita, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two Nocturnal Bees and a Minute Perdita, T. D. A. Cockerell
Two-Queen Colony Management for Production of Honey, C. L. Farrar
Two Tests of the Hypothesis of Nonspecificity in the Hoplitis Complex (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), Charles D. Michener and Robert R. Sokal
Types of Experiments and Causal Process Tracing: What Happened on the Kaibab Plateau in the 1920s, Roberta L. Millstein
Type Specimens of American Eucerine Bees Deposited in the British Museum (Hymenoptera - Apoidea), Wallace E. LaBerge and Padre J. S. Moure
Über Das Variieren Der Dafypoda argentata Pz., H. Bischoff
Über den Bau und die Funktion der Valvula Vaginalis der Bienenkönigin (Apis millifica L.), Werner Fyg
Über den Typus der Mutilla erythrocephala Fabr. (Hym.), H. Bischoff
Über die Bestäubungsökologie der Parnassia-Blüte, Erich Daumann
Uber die Entstehung der Eugsterachen Zwitterbienen Summary, T. Boveri
Über die Glykogenspeicherung im Epithel der Valvula Cardiaca der Honigbiene (Apis mellifica L.), Werner Fyg
Über Einen Gynander Der Mauerbiene (Chalcodoma Muraria Retz.), H. Bischoff and W. Ulrich
Über Faltenwespen aus dem Iran (Hym., Diploptera), Paul Blüthgen and Josef Gusenleitner
Über Halictus s. l. (Apidae) und Eumenidae der Kanarischen Inseln. (Hym.), P. Andreas Werner Ebmer and Josef Gusenleitner
Über Psithyrus norvegicus Sparre-Schneider (Hym. Apid.)., Paul Blüthgen
Ueber den Nestbau von Osmia spinulosa K. (Hym.), C. Gehrs
Ueber einige Trigonaloiden des British Museum (Natural History) (Hymenoptera), H. Bischoff
Ueber einige von Illiger beschriebene Apiden (Hym.), H. Bischoff and H. Hedicke
Ueber Halictus quadricinctus Fabr. und Sphecodes gibbus L., Wilhelm Breitenbach
Ultrastructual Aspects of Pollen Tube Growth Inhibition after Gamma Irradiation in Lycopersicum peruvianum, M. Cresti, F. Ciampolini, and E. Pacini
Ultrastructural Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Plant Cells, Á. Keresztes and E. Kovács
Ultrastructure of Dufour's Glands in Active and Inactive Horn-faced Bees, Osmia cornifrons (Hymenpotera: Megachilidae), Edward M. Barrows, George B. Chapman, James E. Zenel, and Andrea S. Blake
Una Explicacion Functional del Comportamiento Ingestive de Ruminates, Juan J. Villalba
Una Explicación Functional del Comportamiento Ingestivo de Herbívoros, Juan J. Villalba
Una Manera Novedosa de Incentivar el Consumo de Forrajes de Baja Palatabilidad en Rumiantes. Implicancias de la Manipulación de la Experiencia Temprana, Roberto A. Distel, Francisco Catanese, and Juan J. Villalba
Uncertainty and the [non]Beliebers: A Consideration of Nomadology in Qualitative Research, Kortney Sherbine
UnChristmas, Jake Turner
Unclogging the Pipeline: Advancement to Full Professor in Academic STEM, Helga Van Miegroet, Christy Glass, Ronda R. Callister, and Kimberly Sullivan
Uncovering the Hidden Factors that Could Compromise Equitable and Effective Engineering Education, Idalis Villanueva, Janice Mejia, and Renata A. Revelo
Uncovering the Soil Surveys, Sandra Weingart and Jennifer P. Kirk
Undergraduate Latina/o Students: A Systematic Review of Research Identifying Factors Contributing to Academic Success Outcomes, Gloria Crisp, Amanda Taggart, and Amaury Nora
Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities Directory Accounting through Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State University
Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities Directory Animal, Dairy, & Veterinary Sciences through Administration VP Business, Utah State University
Undergraduate Research and Creative Opportunities: Report of URCO Evaluation Workshop, Utah State University
Undergraduate Research Catalog Updates From College of Business, Utah State University, College of Business Research and Scholarly Productivity Committee and Mike Parent
Undergraduate Research Catalog Updates From Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences, Utah State University, Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences and Carol Windham
Undergraduate Research & Creative Opportunities Directory 1976-1977, Utah State University, Glen L. Taggart, and Dean Peterson
Undergraduate Research & Creative Opportunities Directory 1978-1979, Utah State University
Undergraduate Research Opportunities, Glen L. Taggart
Undergraduate Writing in the Sciences: A Case Study, Susan Browning and Jon Bruce Obray
Understanding and Manipulating Diet Choice in Grazing Animals, Juan J. Villalba, Fredrick D. Provenza, Francisco Catanese, and Roberto A. Distel
Understanding Diet Selection in Temperate Biodiverse Pasture Systems, Juan J. Villalba, Kathy J. Soder, and Emilio A. Laca
Understanding Ecological Contexts for Active Reforestation Following Wildfires, Angela M. White and Jonathan W. Long
Understanding Hunting Constraints and Negotiation Strategies: A Typology of Female Hunters, Elizabeth Covelli Metcalf, Alan R. Graefe, Nate E. Trauntvein, and Robert C. Burns
Understanding Industry’s Expectations of Engineering Communication Skills, Lilian Maria de Souza Almeida
Understanding Medusahead (Taeniatherum Caput-Medusae ssp. Asperum) Low Intake and Palatability Through in Vitro Digestibility and Fermentation Kinetics, Juan J. Montes-Sánchez and Juan J. Villalba
Understanding My Home: The Potential for Affective Impact and Cultural Competence in Primary Source Literacy, Jaycie Vos and Yadira Guzman
Understanding Neighborhood Preferences: The Roles of Lifecycle Stage, Mobility Style, and Lifestyle Aspirations, Steven R. Gehrke, Patrick A. Singleton, and Kelly J. Clifton
Understanding Plant Secondary Compounds in Grazing Systems; Above and Below Ground, Andrea K. Clemensen, Jennifer Reeve, and Juan J. Villalba
Understanding Security Threats of Emerging Computing Architectures and Mitigating Performance Bottlenecks of On-Chip Interconnects in Manycore NTC System, Chidhambaranathan Rajamanikkam
Understanding Stated Neighborhood Preferences: The Roles of Lifecycle Stage, Mobility Style, and Lifestyle Aspirations, Steven R. Gehrke, Patrick A. Singleton, and Kelly J. Clifton
Understanding Taiwan Presidential Election: A Review Paper, Shida Zhong
Understanding the Basics of Rabbit Care, Nicloe Reed and Amanda Christensen
Understanding the New Dairy Market Coverage Program, Brandon Willis, Ryan Larsen, and Allen Young
Understanding Users of Cloud Music Services: Selection Factors, Management, and Access Behavior, and Perceptions, Jin Ha Lee, Rachel Wishkoski, Lara Aase, Perry Meas, and Chris Hubbles
Understanding Walking Behavior: The Choice to Walk and the Choice of Destination, Patrick A. Singleton, Kelly J. Clifton, Christopher D. Muhs, and Robert J. Schneider
Understanding Wetlands and Irrigation in the Little Snake River Basin, Wyoming, Lindsey Washkoviak
Undress the Cupcake, Elizabeth Colton
Une Nouvelle Abeille du Mexique, T. D. A. Cockerell
Une Nouvelle Espece D'osmie D'algerie, R. Benoist
Une Nouvelle Trigone du Zaïre: Trigona (Axestotrigona) richardsi (Hym. Apidae), Roger Darchen
"Unfair" Interactive Multimedia CD-ROM, Adam Justin Creighton
Ungulate Abundance Across a Latitudinal Gradient: Primary Production, Summer Precipitation, and Habitat Fragmentation, David C. Stoner, Thomas C. Edwards Jr., Jyoteshwar Nagol, Joseph O. Sexton, Kirsten E. Ironside, and David J. Mattson
Ungulate Herbivory Is Correlated with High Aspen Suckering Density but Reductions in Aspen Growth Rates and Recruitment, Aaron C. Rhodes, Cecily Fitch, and Samuel B. St. Clair
Ungulate Reproductive Parameters Track Satellite Observations of Plant Phenology across Latitude and Climatological Regimes, David C. Stoner, Joseph O. Sexton, Jyoteshwar Nagol, Heather H. Bernales, and Thomas C. Edwards Jr.
Un Heriades Nouveau D'asie Mineure, R. Benoist
UNITE CubeSat: From Inception to Early Orbital Operations, Glen Kissel, Ryan Loehrlein, Nathan Kalsch, Wyatt Helms, Zack Snyder, and Sujan Kaphle
Universal Electric Bus for Exploration and Reconnaissance (UEBER) -Enabling Small Sat Interplanetary Missions, Ryan Woolley, Nathan Barba, and Tom Komarek
University CubeSat Project Management for Success, Lucinda Berthoud, Michael Swartwout, James Cutler, David Klumpar, Jesper A. Larsen, and Jens Dalsgaard Nielsen
University Nanosatellite Program – 20 Years of Education, Jesse Olson
University of Wisconsin School of Music: Library Hall and Kroncke Building Madison, Wisconsin, Edward Asahel Birge and F. A. Parker
University Teaching Practices that Create Safe Spaces for Transgender Individuals, Amanda Layne Lindner, Rebekah Piper, Mario Itzel Suárez, and Rachel Snow
Unlocking the Next Generation of Nano-Satellite Missions with 320 Mbps Ka-Band Downlink: On-Orbit Results, Kyle Leveque, Louis Carleton, Jan King, Zach Cuseo, and Russell Babb
Unraveling tectonic and Climatic Controls on Synorogenic Growth Strata (Northern Apennines, Italy), Kellen L. Gunderson, Frank J. Pazzaglia, Vincenzo Picotti, David A. Anastasio, Kenneth P. Kodama, Tammy M. Rittenour, Kurt F. Frankel, Alessio Ponza, Claudio Berti, Alessandra Negri, and Anna Sabbatini
Un Remarquable Terrain D'hivernation de Bombus et de Psithyrus près Louvain, à Lubbeek, en Belgique, Jos. H. Bols
Unsere Hummel-(Bombus) Arten, K. W. von Dalla Torre
Unsere Hummel-(Bombus) Arten, K. W. von Dalla Torre
Untersuchungen über palaearktische Eumenidae (Hym. Diploptera), Paul Blüthgen
Updated List of the Orchids of Israel, Amots Dafni, Y. Talmon, and Y. Gertmann
Upgrading Mission Assurance on a CubeSat Budget with Radiation Hardened Components, Ross Bannatyne
Up in Smoke – How Changes in Egyptian Farming Can Help Preserve the Pyramids, USU College of Engineering
Upper Bounds for the Isolation Number of a Matrix Over Semirings, LeRoy B. Beasley and Seok-Zun Song
Up To Something Fishy, Rayna Ledyard
Urban Alaskan Moose: An Analysis of Factors Associated with Moose-Vehicle Collisions, Lucian R. McDonald
Urban Coyotes: A States' Perspective, Scott Smith
Urban Coyotes: Some Summary Thoughts, Jeffrey S. Green
Urban Crow Roosts - A Nationwide Phenomenon?, W. Paul Gorenzel, Terrell P. Salmon, Gary D. Simmons, Bob Barkhouse, and Mark P. Quisenberry
Urban Deer Control - Applicable Technologies, Earl L. Hodnett
URCO and Similar Programs, Keith R. Kelson
Uruguay Roselli 1938 and Rosellichnus, n. Ichnogenus: Two Ichnogenera for Clusters of Fossil Bee Cells, Jorge Fernando Genise and Thomas M. Brown
USDA and State/Tribal Cooperator Summary for 2006/2007 National Early Detection System for HPAI in Wild Migratory Birds: Accomplishments, Findings, and Future Direction, Brandon Schmit, Kerri Pedersen, Robert Beach, Seth Swafford, and Thomas Deliberto
Use-Case-Driven Systems Engineering for a Global Wildfire Early-Detection & Monitoring Cubesat Constellation, Joerg-Michael Weber, GmbH Thomas Grübler, Florian Schummer, Clemens Kaiser, and Alexander Koch
Use of Alarm/Alert Call Playback and Human Harassment to End Canada Goose Problems at an Ohio Business Park, Philip C. Whitford
Use of Alpha-Chloralose by USDA Wildlife Services to Immobilize Birds, Jeanette R. O'Hare, John D. Eisemann, Kathleen A. Fagerstone, Lawanna L. Koch, and Thomas W. Seamans
Use of Gallagher® 2-Layer Deer-Exclusion Fencing to Temporarily Deter White-Tailed Deer Browsing in Food Plots, J. Parris, M. Mengak, and K. Miller
Use of Landsat Imagery and Geographical Information Systems in the Assessment of Rangeland Cover and Wildlife Habitat, Mary Hunnicutt
Use of Low-Cost Ambient Particulate Sensors in Nablus, Palestine with Application to the Assessment of Regional Dust Storms, Abdelhaleem Khader and Randal S. Martin
Use of Machine Learning for Non-Invasive Identification of Tumors, Mason Acree, Gunnar Jensen, Ryan Rainey, and Vern Hart
Use of Polyethylene Bags for Inactivating Sweep Samples, John A. Chemsak
Use of Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) Probes to Detect Fatty Acid Receptor Activity in a Microfluidic Device, Han Zhang, Wei Zhang, Lifu Xiao, Yan Liu, Timothy A. Gilbertson, and Anhong Zhou
Use of the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature in NCAA FBS Athletic Training Staffs, Garrison Chan
Use of Unpalatable Forages by Ruminants: The Influence of Experience with the Biophysical and Social Environment, Roberto A. Distel and Juan J. Villalba
User Guide for Luminescence Sampling in Archaeological and Geological Context, Michelle C. Summa-Nelson, Harrison J. Gray, Jack A. Johnson, Tammy M. Rittenour, James K. Feathers, and Shannon A. Mahan