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Abusive Supervision and Work–Family Conflict: The Path Through Emotional Labor and Burnout, Dawn S. Carlson, Meredith J. Thompson, Emily M. Hunter, and Dwayne Whitten; The Leadership Quarterly
Abusive Supervision Effects on Work-Family Conflict: Testing a Mediated Model, Dawn S. Carlson, Meredith J. Thompson, Emily M. Hunter, and Dwayne Whitten; Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting
Deconstructing structured interviews: Content analysis of recent research on structure, Christopher J. Hartwell; Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology Annual Conference
Effective communication in teams: In meetings, email, and with diverse members, C. L. Jackson and Christopher J. Hartwell; Purdue University Convocations Voice Network
Looking Forward as Editor, Vijay R. Kannan; Decision Line
A New Customer Typology for Adaptive Selling, Jeffrey S. Larson and Sterling A. Bone; Proceedings of the Summer Educators’ American Marketing Association Conference
Impression management in structured interviews: Review of research and meta-analysis, J. Levashina, Christopher J. Hartwell, F. P. Morgeson, and M. A. Campion; Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology Annual Conference
Reducing bias in interviews through structure, J. Levashina, Christopher J. Hartwell, F. P. Morgeson, and M. A. Campion; Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology Annual Conference
How Does a B2B Customer Support Community Influence Customer Loyalty, Kristal R. Ray, Sander F. M. Beckers, Sterling A. Bone, Paul W. Fombelle, Katherine N. Lemon, and Jenny van Doorn; Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Conference
Conquering Big Data to Enhance VoC Initiatives, Kristal R. Ray, Sterling A. Bone, and Kevin Burkhard; Allegiance VoC Fusion User Conference
Who participates in voluntary developmental activities . . . and why?, D. J. Schleicher, H. M. Baumann, and Christopher J. Hartwell; Personnel and Human Resources Research Group Annual Meeting
Calling all performance management researchers: You need to hear this!, D. J. Schleicher, P. E. Levy, H. M. Baumann, and Christopher J. Hartwell; Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology Annual Conference
Making Green More Macho, Edwin R. Stafford and Cathy Hartman; The Solutions Journal
A Two-Study Examination of Work-Family Conflict, Production Deviance and Gender, Meredith J. Thompson, Dawn S. Carlson, Emily M. Hunter, and Dwayne Whitten; Journal of Vocational Behavior
Support at Work and Home: The Path to Satisfaction Through Balance, Meredith J. Thompson, Dawn S. Carlson, Suzanne Zivnuska, and Dwayne Whitten; Journal of Vocational Behavior
The Psychology of Customer Voice: Closing the Gap between Customer Feedback and Future Customer Behavior, Sterling A. Bone; Keynote address for Mindshare User Conference
Rejected, Shackled, and Alone: The Experience of Restricted Consumer Choice among Minority Entrepreneur Consumers, Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Jerome D. Williams; U-Y Research Symposium
Rejected, Shackled, and Alone: The Experience of Restricted Consumer Choice among Minority Entrepreneur Consumers, Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Jerome D. Williams; Proceedings of the Asia-Pacific Conference of the Association for Consumer Research
Transformative Service: Improving Access and Equity in Financial Services, Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Jerome D. Williams; Arizona State University Center for Services Leadership Webinar
When Consumer Well-Being Meets Small Business Ownership: Transforming Financial Service Systems to Eradicate Disparate Treatment and Discrimination, Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Jerome D. Williams; Proceedings of the Winter Educators’ American Marketing Association Conference
Customer, will you marry me? Engaging Customers through Company and Peer Responses to Customer Ideas in a Social Media Environment, Sterling A. Bone, Paul W. Fombelle, Katherine N. Lemon, and W. Adam Powell; Proceedings of the Winter Educators’ American Marketing Association Conference
Cross-Channel Participation of B2B Customers in Online Communities and its Influence on Loyalty and Repurchase, Sterling A. Bone, Paul W. Fombelle, Katherine N. Lemon, and Kristal R. Ray; Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Conference
Under What Conditions Should You Ask For What Type of Feedback? The Effect of Soliciting Customer Feedback on Repurchase Intentions and Behavior, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, R. Bruce Money, and Kristen B. DeTienne; U-Y Research Symposium
Creating an Evidence-based Research Model for Growing Urban Enterprises, Sterling A. Bone, Jerome D. Williams, and Glenn L. Christensen; White House Urban Entrepreneurship Summit on Minority Business and Barriers to Capital
Health and Turnover of Working Mothers After Childbirth via the Work–Family Interface: An Analysis Across Time, Dawn S. Carlson, Joseph G. Grzywacz, Meredith J. Thompson, Emily M. Hunter, Charles Randall Clinch, and Thomas A. Arcury; Journal of Applied Psychology
Work-Family Enrichment and Satisfaction: Mediating Processes and Relative Impact of Originating and Receiving Domains, Dawn S. Carlson, Emily M. Hunter, Meredith J. Thompson, and Dwayne Whitten; Journal of Management
Work-Family Enrichment and Job Performance: A Constructive Replication of Affective Events Theory, Dawn S. Carlson, K. Michele Kacmar, Suzanne Zivnuska, Meredith J. Thompson, and Dwayne Whitten; Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
The Fallout From Abusive Supervision: An Examination of Subordinates and Their Partners, Dawn S. Carlson, Meredith J. Thompson, Pamela L. Perrewé, and Dwayne Whitten; Personnel Psychology
Glass Cliffs and Organizational Savoirs: Barriers to Minority Leadership in Work Organizations, Alison Cook and C. Glass; Glass Cliffs and Organizational Saviors: Barriers to Minority Leadership in Work Organizations
Immigration, Culture, and Ethnicity in Transformative Consumer Research, David Crockett, Laurel Anderson, Sterling A. Bone, Abhijit Roy, Jeff Jianfeng Wang, and Garrett Coble; Journal of Public Policy & Marketing
Harvesting Utah's Urban Winds, Cathy Hartman, Edwin R. Stafford, and S. Reategui; The Solutions Journal
Identifying and resolving conflict., C. L. Jackson, Christopher J. Hartwell, and S. Lee; Purdue University Convocations Voice Network
Increasing Intrinsic Motivation to Learn in Organizational Behavior Classes, Glenn M. McEvoy; Journal of Management Education
Reducing the Cost of Expatriation in Austere Times: A Case Study of Two Organizations, Glenn M. McEvoy; Journal of International Management Studies
You Cannot Leave it at the Office: Spillover and Crossover of Coworker Incivility, Meredith J. Thompson; Journal of Organizational Behavior
I Know What You Did: The Effects of Interpersonal Deviance on Bystanders, Meredith J. Thompson and Bruce Barry; Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Coworker and Partner Support Across Domains on Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Work-Family Balance, Meredith J. Thompson, Dawn S. Carlson, Suzanne Zivnuska, and Dwayne Whitten; Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Mind your P’s and Q’s and Say ‘Thank You', Sterling A. Bone; Non-Ivory Tower Conversations, Department of Psychology Seminar Series
Voice of the Customer, Sterling A. Bone; BYU Management Society – Oklahoma City Chapter
When Consumer Well-Being Meets Small Business Ownership: Transforming Financial Service Systems to Eradicate Disparate Treatment and Discrimination, Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Jerome D. Williams; Proceedings of the 2010 Macromarketing Conference
When Consumer Well-Being Meets Small Business Ownership: Transforming Financial Service Systems to Eradicate Disparate Treatment and Discrimination, Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Jerome D. Williams; North American Association of Consumer Research Conference
Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down: How Do Responses to User-Generated Ideas in a Social Media Environment Influence Customer Advocacy and Repurchase Behaviors?, Sterling A. Bone, Paul W. Fombelle, Charles L. Colby, Gina Woodall, and Katherine N. Lemon; Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Conference
Fishing for Compliments and Complaints: The Influence of Solicited Customer Feedback and Company Acknowledgement on Customer Attitudes and Intentions, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, R. Bruce Money, and Kristen B. DeTienne; Proceedings of the Winter Educators’ American Marketing Association Conference
Fishing for Compliment: The Influence of Soliciting Feedback and Company Acknowledgement on Customer Attitudes and Repatronage Behavior, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, R. Bruce Money, and Kristen B. DeTienne; University of Arizona Marketing Research Seminar
Fishing for Compliment: The Influence of Soliciting Feedback and Company Acknowledgement on Customer Attitudes and Repatronage Behavior, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, R. Bruce Money, and Kristen B. DeTienne; 2nd Annual Center for Services Leadership (CSL) Academic Meeting
Managing Customer Feedback, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, R. Bruce Money, and Kristen B. DeTienne; Institute of Service Excellence Conference
New Dare to Care Attitude: Why Soliciting (and Acknowledging) Customers' Feedback Brings Them Back, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, R. Bruce Money, and Kristen B. DeTienne; Proceedings of the 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting
By-The-Book Decision-Making: How Service Employee Desire For Decision Latitude Influences Customer Selection Decisions, Sterling A. Bone and John C. Mowen; Journal of Service Research
Pay it Forward: The Positive Crossover Effects of Supervisor Work-Family Enrichment, Dawn S. Carlson, Meredith J. Thompson, K. Michele Kacmar, Joseph G. Grzywacz, and Dwayne Whitten; Journal of Management
Deceptive Impression Management: Does Deception Pay in Established Workplace Relationships?, John R. Carlson, Dawn S. Carlson, and Meredith J. Thompson; Journal of Business Ethics
Increasing Positive Perceptions of Diversity for Religious Conservative Students, Alison Cook and Ronda Roberts Callister; Creative Education
Thanks, But No Thanks: The Impact of Provider Responses to Customer Advice on Customer Advocacy, Paul W. Fombelle, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, and James Ward; Proceedings of the Winter Educators’ American Marketing Association Conference
Anger in Organizations: Review and Integration, Donald E. Gibson and Ronda Roberts Callister; Journal of Management
Sell the Wind, Cathy Hartman and Edwin R. Stafford
Fraud Isn’t Just For Big Business: Understanding the Drivers, Consequences, and Prevention of Fraud in Small Business, K. Jackson, D. Holland, C. Albrecht, and David R. Woolstenhulme; Journal of International Management Studies
Supply Chain Integration: The Exception Rather than the Rule, Vijay R. Kannan; CEVA 100
Supply Chain Integration: Cluster Analysis of the Impact of Span of Integration, Vijay R. Kannan and Keah Choon Tan; Supply Chain Management
The Impact of Market Focus on Operations Practices, Tritos Laosirihongthong, Keah Choon Tan, and Vijay R. Kannan; International Journal of Production Research
Occupation and Industry Sex Segregation, Gender, and Workplace Support: The Use of Flexible Scheduling Policies, K. L. Minnotte, Alison Cook, and M. Minnotte; Journal of Family Issues
An Analysis of State-Level Economic Impacts from the Development of Wind Power Plants in San Juan County, Utah, David J. Ratliff, Cathy Hartman, and Edwin R. Stafford
Service Process Analysis with Process Chain Diagrams, Scott E. Sampson and Sterling A. Bone; Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Conference
Service Innovation from a New Service Process Logic, Scott E. Sampson, Sterling A. Bone, and Larry J. Menor; Proceedings of the 11th La Londe Conference in Service Management
Service Innovation from a New Service Process Logic, Scott E. Sampson, Sterling A. Bone, and Larry J. Menor; Service and Solution Innovation Conference
Service Innovation through Process Mutation, Scott E. Sampson, Sterling A. Bone, and Larry J. Menor; Proceedings of the EurOMA Annual Meeting
Why We Need a Service Logic: A Comparative Review, Scott E. Sampson, Larry J. Menor, and Sterling A. Bone; Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship
Supply Chain Information and Relational Alignments: Mediators of EDI on Firm Performance, Keah Choon Tan, Vijay R. Kannan, Chin-Chun Hsu, and G. Keong Leong; International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management
Fighting Fire with Fire: Organizational Deviance as Resource Replenishment for Incivility Targets, Meredith J. Thompson; Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Is it Better to Receive than to Give? Empathy in the Conflict-Distress Relationship, Meredith J. Thompson, Dawn S. Carlson, Suzanne Zivnuska, and Dwayne Whitten; Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
Is it Better to Receive than to Give? Empathy in the Conflict-Distress Relationship, Meredith J. Thompson, Dawn S. Carlson, Suzanne Zivnuska, and Dwayne Whitten; Academy of Management Annual Meeting
Shareholder Returns for a Catalyst Award, M. M. Arthur and Alison Cook; Group & Organization Management
The Plight and Pilgrimage of Minority Small Business Entrepreneurs: Exploring the Experience of Vulnerable Populations with ZMET, Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Elise Briggs; Proceedings of the Marketing and Public Policy Conference
Fishing for Compliments and Complaints: The Influence of Solicited Customer Feedback and Company Acknowledgement on Customer Attitudes and Intentions, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, R. Bruce Money, and Kristen B. DeTienne; MSI Reports
Understanding Gender Differences in Job Dissatisfaction Among Science and Engineering Faculty, Ronda Roberts Callister, Krista Lynn Minnotte, and Kimberly A. Sullivan; Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
Connecting Work-Family Policies to Supportive Work Environments, Alison Cook; Group & Organization Management
Women's Mobility in Organizations: Hindrances and Facilitators, Alison Cook; Women's Mobility in Organizations: Hindrances and Facilitators
But Can S/He Lead? Market Assessments of Black Leadership in Corporate America, Alison Cook and C. Glass; Journal of Workplace Rights
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Managing Diversity in a Shareholder Society, Alison Cook and Christy M. Glass; Human Resource Management Journal
But Can S/He Lead? Market Assessments of Black Leadership in Corporate America, Alison Cook and Christy M. Glass; But Can S/He Lead? Market Assessments of Black Leadership in Corporate America
When Markets Blink: Stock Price Responses to the Appointment of Minority Leaders, Alison Cook and Christy M. Glass; Ethnic Racial Studies
Turning Customer Horror into Customer Delight: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, Stanley Fawcett and Sterling A. Bone; Proceedings of the Cross Cultural Research Conference
Thanks, But No Thanks: The Impact of Provider Responses to Customer Advice on Customer Advocacy, Paul W. Fombelle, Sterling A. Bone, James Ward, Haila Fine, and Katherine N. Lemon; Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Conference
The Influence of Anger Expressions on Outcomes in Organizations, Donald E. Gibson, Maurice E. Schweitzer, Ronda Roberts Callister, and Barbara Gray; Negotiation and Conflict Management Research
Thriving through organizational change., Christopher J. Hartwell; Bridgerland Chapter of the Society for Human Resoure Management Annual Meeting
Supply Chain Management Practices as a Mediator of the Relationship between Operations Capability and Firm Performance, Chinchun Hsu, Keah Choon Tan, Vijay R. Kannan, and G. Keong Leong; International Journal of Production Research
Comparing the Impact of Televised and Face- to- Face Dual Enrollment Programs on Student Satisfaction and Subsequent Enrollment Choices, D. Judd, David R. Woolstenhulme, Karen Woolstenhulme, and V. Lafferty; Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration
Performing Sustainable Development through Eco-Collaboration: The Ricelands Habitat Partnership, Sharon M. Livesey, Cathy Hartman, Edwin R. Stafford, and Molly Shearer
Generating Economic Development from a Wind Power Project in Spanish Fork Canyon, Utah: A Case Study and Analysis of State-Level Economic Impacts, Sandra Reategui, Edwin R. Stafford, and Cathy Hartman
Waking Up Service-Dominant Logic to the Voice of Production, Scott E. Sampson, Larry J. Menor, and Sterling A. Bone; Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Conference
Analyzing the Response of Minority Small Business Entrepreneurs to Marketplace Discrimination, Jerome D. Williams, Sterling A. Bone, and Glenn L. Christensen; Proceedings of the Cross Cultural Research Conference
Cultivating Systemic Thinking in the Next Generation of Business Leaders, J. B. Atwater, Vijay R. Kannan, and Alan A. Stephens; Academy of Management Journal of Learning and Education
Racial Profiling in Small Business Lending: The Vulnerability of Minority-Owned Businesses, Sterling A. Bone, Glenn L. Christensen, and Jerome D. Williams; The Minority Business Networking Night, Bronx Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
The Power of a ‘Thank You’: The Influence of Customer Compliments on Customer Loyalty, Sterling A. Bone and Katherine N. Lemon; Proceedings of the Winter Educators’ American Marketing Association Conference
Fishing for Compliments: The Influence of Solicited Customer Feedback and Company Acknowledgement on Loyalty, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, and R. Bruce Money; Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Conference
The Power of a ‘Thank You’: The Influence of Customer Compliments on Customer Loyalty, Sterling A. Bone, Katherine N. Lemon, Katie A. Liljenquist, and R. Bruce Money; Customer Management: Academia Meets Practice Conference
Summary Report of Strasbourg, France CIBER Program, Alison Cook; Summary Report of Strasbourg, France CIBER Program
Leadership Change and Shareholder Value: How Markets React to the Appointments of Women, Alison Cook and C. Glass; Leadership Change and Shareholder Value: How Markets React to the Appointments of Women
When Markets Blink: Stock Price Responses to the Appointments of Minority Leaders, Alison Cook and C. Glass; When Markets Blink: Stock Price Responses to th Appointment of Minority Leaders
The Impact of LGBT Policies on Ethnic/Racial and Gender Diversity Among Business School Faculty, Alison Cook and Christy M. Glass; Journal of Diversity in Higher Education
Occupational and Industry Sex Segregation and the Work-Family Interface, Alison Cook and K. L. Minnotte; Sex Roles: A Journal of Research
Information Sharing, Buyer-Supplier Relationships, and Firm Performance: A Multi-Region Analysis, Chin-Chun Hsu, Vijay R. Kannan, Keah-Choon Tan, and G. Keong Leong; International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management